
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 37

With Naruto's plan finalized, his real body took residence near the core of the planet and continued training in both worlds (Real and soul land).

While his real body trained, Naruto's clones kept appearing to continue doing their job. He controlled random individual's everyday to do the interviews.

He trained with his team every day and he continued to liberate different cities each day. However, none of his enemies were able to locate him. Naruto appeared from beneath the earth without a single trace and only left behind his work.

He ignored targets that were protected by his enemies. Unlike Klarion and the Suicide Squad, Naruto could easily sense them and avoided them as he didn't want to risk giving them any information. He wanted to appear at his full power and take them out like a sudden lighting strike.

Other than that, the story about the Sage of Six Paths started along with the story about the Emperor of Mankind. The story was being published weekly with great art and both captured the interest easily as people were hungry for more information.

In his story, Naruto showed them what he did and his deeds. It was a slap to his enemies, showing that he didn't think anything of them. He even showed in his stories, how he would dominate them in battle. To the citizens it was an exciting piece of storytelling and it even played the part of news since it was happening. Though, many of the things were still fiction as Naruto had yet to fight most of the people. However, the people didn't know that and none of the other parties were willing to come out and reject it.

That wasn't all, Naruto also started animated projects and live action series to cover all the demographics. He used other stories beside his own from the history of the Ninja World with some modification.

Other than that, Naruto revived the planet. He erased all the barren lands and covered every piece of open land with useful greenery, beautifying the lands. In places where there was a need for food, Naruto covered the land with vegetables and fruits. He cleaned the oceans and the lands from waste, having the world absorb them or erasing them completely. He gave new life to all the existing plants and animals by cleaning away all the diseases and chemicals within.

He didn't stop at the animals and Naruto covered humanity as well, he covered everyone on the planet. He released energy signals from different parts of the world, to cover all of it. The energy cleaned up the body and the strengthened it. It solved the mental diseases and gave people the power to fight against other diseases, since Naruto was still not capable of doing such a thing from afar. He needed to get close and target the source of the life threatening diseases to cure them.

Other than that, Naruto teleported army personnel back to their home countries. The army of another country had no right to stay in another country, as it would most likely be used to control it or cause chaos. Most of the army personnel were from USA because they were the defacto Evil Empire of the modern world and they needed hundred of military bases outside of their country to control their territories. That was the true purpose of their existence and not the nonsense they propagated, police the world and save it from evil. The USA had no right to do such things and none should ever believe such nonsense from them because the country was responsible for the destruction around the world and the collapse of several countries. It never got tired from trying to have other countries fall or become enslaved to their whims.

It wasn't the fault of the lower end soldiers, but the people at the top. Sadly, soldiers always died for pointless reasons and personal profit. The world Naruto was creating had no place for internal wars, so he brought the people back home safely and put them outside cities so that they weren't killed by the police or someone because of their sudden appearance.

Naruto didn't just work all the time as his clone spent time with his team and separately with different individuals. After training, Naruto would have team outings and they would engage in different activities.

They would go watch movies together. They would go eat from different restaurants. They would go out for shopping. They would go to amusement parks and water parks. They would engage in extreme sports. Many of these things were also new to Naruto and he enjoyed spending the time. He also showed the team, extreme sports from his world.

Skydiving into a forest or a water body without any safety equipment, they would have to stop their body at the last moment in some manner. The one who stopped the closest to the ground won.

There was the Jungle Tag, where they jumped across trees and used their abilities while playing the game.

There was also the Fish Adventures, where the ninja transformed into fish and explored the water body and fought against a bigger fish.

There was the beast war where the players transformed into their favorite animal and fought against each other.

There were other games about weapon specialties and elemental abilities.

These activities helped the team to get to know each other and showed that Naruto was really willing to befriend them, not treat them like maggots.

He also entertained the girls and went on individual dates with them. Naruto had experience with such activities and made the girls really happy as they saw another side of him. He cooked for them and they cooked for him.

He designed things for them. He shared stories with them and made them laugh. He took them on walks and he took them to dance. He sang with them and he played with them, conquering everything.

Naruto didn't forget to spend time with Konan and Laura. He gave them his time and closed the distance between them. He was a person with strong charisma, so it was hard to ignore him and leave him. He could read people like an open book and could easily penetrate their hearts, befriend them.

Konan lightened up over the course of things and kept on reminding him that she won't give the eyes until she saw how he handled resistance. Naruto had no issue with that and kept repeating that every day.

While Laura had been visited by his earth clones, they formed from the ground near the girl. She had been transferred to Young Justice and Naruto visited her secretly as promised. Without a doubt, Naruto became her strongest bond in the current world and made her happy with his presence.

And, it wasn't just these people as Naruto's clones that had taken different identities also formed new bonds. His team had become known as the Ultimates and they went around fighting petite crime. During that time, the clones got closer to Birds of Prey, The Justice League, Titans and many other heroes.

Even Supergirl got to know him and had talks with Gilgamesh. It seems she was curious about him and might have felt the similarity between him and the Emperor. The only difference was the fact that the Emperor persona was dominating and treated others as subordinates.

In just a week, the world saw massive change across the globe and finally the average citizen had hope for the future. A hero had come that would save them from the darkness and despair, a hero that didn't just fight the villains but also fought against the societal issues.

It was a hero that literally changed the world unlike those before him, who could show nothing literal for their achievements and it was all done within a week.

By the end of a month since Naruto's appearance, the world was completely focused on him and singing his praises. The result of his actions was clear cut and every city that he had liberated showed a little taste of what was to come. Everyone wanted Naruto to come to their regions except the criminals.

Many small time criminals had started to leave the field and look for other jobs before Naruto came to their area. It was evident that Naruto's powers were real and he was going to liberate mankind, and none had the ability to stop him.

He was invincible. He was the Will of Humanity. He was the Emperor of Mankind.

With his interference even the darkest places like Gotham had been transformed into a wonderful metropolis that was extremely safe and clean. There was no darkness or despair or uncleanliness in the region. The citizens seemed to have collectively snapped out of their nightmares and woken up to a beautiful reality.

The affect was massive as smiles could be seen on the people and people were being chatty towards strangers, when talking to strangers in the streets of Gotham was considered highly risky.

The world seemed to have become a beautiful place within a month. Naruto's effectiveness was apparent for everyone which caused different reactions in the various forces.

The villains were terrified of what would happen to them as they saw many of their people change and saw some of them die. And, they were frustrated and angry at being unable to capture him.

Not everyone lived with the second chance and many people had died. Not everyone was smart enough to understand and adapt to the coming of the new era, and Naruto also didn't forgive people that committed murder and other crimes after his authority had been established in a region.

The criminals feared him while the heroes saw what they could have done, if they had been active. All the things that Naruto did, they could have accomplished as a team. However, they also disliked him because of his murder and torture.

They had come across the changed criminals and saw the fear in their minds. They saw what Naruto had done to them and it was abhorrent. It was inhumane and sent chills down their spines.

None of them had expected that Naruto could be so cruel when he was so kind to them, and they finally realized his values.

Good people were given respect and rewards, Naruto gifted people that did good deeds and the reward was better according to the value of the deed. While, he treated criminals as worthless meat bags that could be used and erased if they failed to change after his commands.

They had located everyone that Naruto had tortured, and removed the explosives seals from them. Naruto had allowed it and didn't resist against Zatanna's magic.

However, that didn't solve anything since Naruto had saved their life force signal into his mind and a clone was always watching the people that were marked. It also didn't remove the fear from their minds, so majority of those criminals didn't dare to go back to the dark path.

And, the unfortunate ones were made example. Everyone saw how they died a terrible death, it was sent directly to their minds and they watched the criminal scum get erased piece by piece.

It showed the heroes that they couldn't stop the killings unless Naruto was captured. But, they were exasperated just like the villains as they couldn't capture him.

It was simple, he was supported by Gaea and none of them could do anything against his backer. Talking about Gaea, Naruto finally met his mysterious back in the second week when he started to die because of his increase in power.

Just like the Sage, Naruto activated the virus within his genetics after he reached a level of power that was beyond his species. His cells started to reject the chakra causing the energy to be expelled and the cells started to die off at an alarming rate.

The process was extreme unlike the Sage because Naruto was more on the human side and what he had done was more severe than the Sage. Naruto had gone from city eraser to large planet level with Kurama. The power was increase was massive and the consequences of that step came knocking. Naruto was unable to save himself and not even Kurama could do anything as he also felt the virus affect him, it was much more severe. Kurama was purely energy, so he was literally losing his life.

Just as Naruto was thinking of death since he was stuck in the middle of the planet without any ability to leave, Gaea came to his rescue.

Naruto was summoned to her realm and was relieved of his suffering. One minute too late, and he would have gone to meet his parent's.

It was an emergency situation, but he still kept his composure and never cried about it. Greeting his savior with a smile, Naruto approached the beautiful woman with respect and gratitude on his heart.

"Thank you for saving me, Miss Gaea. I will make sure to repay this favor soon." Naruto didn't like owing favors, and he had confidence that he could repay them.

The woman known as Gaea was extremely beautiful with brown hair and green eyes. She wore a white dress and gave off a gentle feeling.

But, that was what she felt for Naruto. Gaea despised humanity and had almost destroyed it countless times in the past. Even now, she had no good feeling for the pests. She wasn't some nice woman and had blood of innocents on her hand.

Naruto knew about the Myths but he didn't know the facts and Gaea hadn't acted in thousands of years. So, in his eyes she was good enough and didn't need to be tortured.

She was an extremely powerful being and was known as a Primordial. She was being that represented the planets across the Universe, making her a universal being of power.

The Olympians were below her in the hierarchy and all of them existed in the Realm of Immortals, which consisted of all the pantheons and each immortal had their own personal domain within that Pantheon.

"No worries child, think not of this as a favor. To me, you are my dear child and a mother never asks anything of their children…And, It was I that brought you here without permission." Gaea replied with a smile as she appeared beside Naruto. He wasn't able to react to her movement, and luckily he didn't need to.

She touched his face lovingly and gave him a hug before kissing his hair and forehead. It really felt like Kushina was embracing him and he didn't know why she was being so motherly.

"You are so gentle and beautiful." Gaea said as she held his face between her hands. Naruto didn't avoid her touch or make a fuss. He was trying to get a read on her character and it was confusing him.

She genuinely cared for him, but he saw no reason.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have some enquiries. I appreciate the concern shown by a charming woman, but I need a reason. Why do you care about my wellbeing? Why am I here?" Naruto asked as he placed his hands over hers and put them down while looking into her eyes.

Not many people would have the guts to stare at her so impudently and most of those who did, didn't survive.

However, she didn't mind and just smiled as she knew how he would react. Gaea led him to a table and offered him a seat. The domain that she inhabited was filled with greenery and the duo was sitting in the middle of flower field filled with small spirits and butterflies.

"I don't mind answering your curiosity. Naruto, you are vital to the survival of this world. Without you, it will disappear in the future. I searched everywhere for the savior, but none of them were worthy. They were all powerful, even more than you, but they all lacked the leadership qualities that you possess.

You are the leader that the Universe needs for survival. So, my care for you is obvious especially because you are loved by nature and were born on earth. You are like my son, so I am always ready to support you." Gaea replied in a tone filled with adoration, showing that she might have been watching him for many years.

She also just casually dropped a bomb. Naruto didn't scream but he felt like flipping the table. He was already occupied with many responsibilities and now he was told that the Universe needed him.

His brain operated at maximum capacity and Naruto chuckled.

"I already planned to conquer the universe, so there is no issue with that task. I am grateful for the advance warning. Though, why can't you do it? Aren't you extremely powerful? Or, is it a problem beyond your existence?" Naruto didn't avoid the issue and tried to get the proper details to make the plans for the future. He needed to know where the enemy stood. It was clear that it was most likely stronger than Gaea.

"I wish I could do such a thing. But, even I lack the capability for it. It involves an existence beyond my power, which is why there is a need for a leader that can unite others. You will need support of others like me and you will need to step up to my realm of power. I will help you in this task and allow you to operate on your own mostly since I am not allowed to interfere directly in the mortal world."

"I see, and what is the deadline for this crisis?"

"You have twenty to thirty years before it starts. I don't have the exact date and it was extremely hard to even get this information." Gaea replied as her expression fell a little bit because she had lost her daughter Rhea because of it. Rhea had tried divination for a future threat and ended up dying after uttering a few warnings.

It had brought great pain to her heart as Rhea was her beloved daughter and she couldn't bring her back. Whatever was coming, it could erase all of them.

Naruto put his hand on Gaea's as he saw the small sign of sadness. He thought about twenty years and believed that it was more than enough time for him to complete the task. It would have been impossible in the Ninja World but in the current world, it was just a matter of time.

"I will be victorious, so please keep a smile on your face as sadness doesn't suit you."

Gaea smiled at his words as she had expected that level of confidence from him. He truly believed with all his being that he was the Emperor and the will of humanity.

It was that confidence, persistence, charisma and wisdom that was needed for the task.

"I believe in you."

Naruto felt healed by those words and gaze, "If you are lonely, I don't mind keeping you company or is that also against your rules."

Naruto offered his companionship since he felt that Gaea needed it and it will also make their relationship real.

"Hahaha, you are such a precious child." Gaea laughed joyfully at his proposal and agreed wholeheartedly while also inviting Kurama.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment