
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 30

Getting back to the heroes, the sudden attack had been too fast for all of them except MM. MM could have phased through the laser but instead blocked it with his hand without getting damaged.

Moon Maiden and Hawkgirl were slightly hurt by the attack because of their equipments special abilities while Naruto's clones were durable enough to walk through the attack. Naruto had sensed the attack and his body could have teleported instantly because of his connection with nature through sage mode, but he had turned off that function for these clones.

Because of that, the clones were unable to react and were hit squarely in the back. Regardless, the clones were durable enough to handle the power of a city destroyer or a mountain eraser and were only pushed aside by the sudden impact.

Naruto's other clone had watched the battle from afar and took note of DeathStroke so that he wouldn't have to experience the same failure again. It wasn't his first failure but repetition was not allowed. He had made the blunder of looking down on a low level power signal, forgetting that highly advanced weaponry allowed them to harm him.

Nonetheless, it didn't damage his pride as it had already been shaken by the knowledge from the people and he had adjusted. The fact that he wasn't even top ten on the planet was a big blow to his pride and it was fortunate that he knew how to manage his ego, and wasn't driven by it.

Naruto was once again impressed by the new world and the technology. He was looking forward to his team's progress in the field.

With everyone done catching their breath, all of them came to an understanding that the enemy had disappeared and they focused on each other.

Naruto's team had helped them, but all of them were unknown. MM took the lead and let the girls heal from their injuries.

He looked at the four individuals and recorded the data with the lenses in his eyes. It was done by Batman to make it easy for them to collect data on every enemy they fought, as verbal accounts and memory were not very reliable especially when one wasn't good at description.

"Thank you for your assistance…" MM approached them and talked in a calm manner as usual. His tone was mostly neutral but the inside was extremely warm.

"Gilgamesh, my name is Gilgamesh. No need for thanks, it is our duty to help each other out." Gilgamesh was the clone with original appearance and golden armor. His tone also matched Naruto's original tone without the additional affects in the sound.

"As he my friend said, we were happy to be finally of use." Thor added in a jovial tone that was like Lee and current Naruto's fusion.

While Magneto was silent and cautious like Satsuki, Hulk was just a battle driven junkie showing disinterest in talking and Human Torch was acting like a chill modern guy.

From their appearance all of them looked friendly, but MM knew to never go on such a thing.

"What do you mean by that?" MM asked and he very much wanted to read the people freely. He controlled himself because people felt violated, but the continuous problems over the years had been pushing his buttons.

And, he had started reading people's surface thoughts. He didn't go deep unless needed. With his preliminary search, he didn't find negative indication.

"We have been training with our powers for awhile and wanted to help out soon." Gilgamesh replied honestly and clearly. It was the truth according to the script Naruto had written. The clones only had fake memories and they were connected to real people working in one of the places Naruto had visited.

He had taken control of five individuals and shaped their memories to match the clones to cover everything properly or it would allow others to find out the game.

Naruto controlled all five clones remotely with his parallel mind skill to avoid the problem of detection.

"Yeah, we have been training in remote places like Z warriors. It was horrendous, please save us from this lunatic." Human Torch put his arms around Thor and acted dramatically.

MM finally got the picture, the team was made of meta-humans that had awakened some ability.

"Thank you for answering my query and I hope to see you all become the guardians of this beautiful world. I wish we could have a longer conversation, but for now we have some prior arrangements." MM reminded them to keep on the right path as he couldn't just take them and read them like a book or register them with the JL. There was no proper system to take care of superhumans and letting the government know about them was asking for trouble, since it wouldn't be beneath them to capture and experiment.

The government's suspicious nature had made sure that all superhumans would avoid it like the plague and wouldn't work for it unless there were special circumstances.

"No problem, we will definitely be seeing each other." Gilgamesh shook hands with MM.

"Can I have your number?" Human Torch on the other hand approached Hawkgirl for her number. Hawkgirl looked him up and shook her head.

"Not my type, you look too soft. I don't like playboys." Hawkgirl responded to his flirting and brushed him off. It was a new experience in the field, but that didn't change her opinion.

With that, the JL team vanished from the field through the usage of the Watchtowers spatial functions. Naruto's team also departed from the area, but in a normal manner as he believed that the tower might have zoomed on to them.


While the heroes dispersed, Centurion appeared in a place far from the battlefield. He appeared on an uninhabited island and was greeted by DeathStroke.

The Island was barren and looked haunted with a dark atmosphere. It was covered in fog and there were blood stains in places.

Both warriors didn't care about the aesthetics and focused on each other.

Centurion glared at the man that had saved him. He wasn't grateful and only held suspicion.

"Stop glaring or I will pop those eyeballs. Valkus, you have failed to show us your importance. We gave you information to help you grow in power, but you were defeated so easily without a single accomplishment. Those powers are wasted on you." DeathStroke talked down on him and went for the harshest tone. They had saved Centurion to test his capabilities to the maximum before taking them out.

The Light had managed to find a way to transfer powers from one individual to another and even further enhance those innate powers with genetic modification. They intended to create the ultimate form of humanity and enhance the chosen ones because the current humanity could never compare to the top species in the universe. It was their weak physiology that limited their future and The Light was intent on erasing that defect.

"How dare you! You filthy mongrel, I will lost because of your incomplete information." Centurion was lit with rage and jumped towards DeathStroke, but only found a barrier stopping his approach.

"Incomplete information, did I just heart that. Valkus, you are truly incompetent beyond belief. How did you ever manage to delude yourself in believing that you were capable of ruling over people? Your level of incompetence is truly astonishing.

Did you not even think for a moment and test the unknown entity instead of barging in like a buffoon? You failed the test at the moment, but we have decided to give you another chance." DeathStroke stroked his rage to the point of insanity, touching his pride. He pushed Centurion into the ground with the gravity device and placed his sword to his face.

"One last chance, Valkus. We will not save you again…. You see this island; it is filled with millions of souls blinded with rage. Take them and dispose of at least one member of the Justice League." DeathStroke gave Centurion a cut on his face and left him alone.

Centurion roared in rage at the humiliation and smashed the ground with his fist, causing the small island to shake and almost collapse.

"All of you will pay for this degradation." Centurion stood up as he muttered those words in a guttural tone before focusing on the souls.

He was going to make the best use of the resources.

"Found you" An ominous voice entered his ears while a large hand captured his head.