
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 19

While Naruto was doing his thing, Justice League members had come in contact with Laura. She had gone directly to the Watchtower once Naruto left as she trusted them and their abilities.

It wasn't new for the JL that someone came for their HQ for an attack or request, so Hal Jordan went outside to greet the guest.

Hal was the first Green Lantern from earth and a founding member of JL. There were two other lanterns but they wouldn't be found together on earth most of the time.

Among the JL members, he was one of the strongest and had the heaviest backing. The Green Lanterns were a giant force and fighting against them was not a logical choice unless there was an army that could rival them.

Regardless, Hal was a selfless person like his colleagues. He wasn't too serious and a chill guy.

Looking at Laura, he didn't recognize the Moon Maiden. There was no data or memories to look through as all had been deleted because of the Centurion's device.

"Hello my fair lady, what brings you to these dark lands?" Hal spoke in a friendly tone as he saw Laura and found her charming. Hal was a ladies' man and had many flings.

Laura smiled at those words before feeling a little bit sad. She had known Hal for two years and now the man didn't even know her.

"I am the Moon Maiden, and I have come to you for help. It is a serious situation that the Justice League needs to be aware off." Laura pushed down her discomfort and appealed to Hal in an honest and sincere tone.

'Moon Maiden? The name doesn't ring a bell.' Hal thought about it, but nothing. Regardless, it was his duty to listen.

"Okay, I will take you to the meeting room." Hal said after a moment with a friendly smile and Laura was guided to the Public Hall of Justice instead of the Watchtower since they didn't want it getting destroyed or hacked.

Laura didn't know show any sign of surprise or annoyance from being brought to the Hall Of Justice. She knew how the team operated and walked into the room without Hal's guidance.

Inside the room, Aquaman was present along with Martian Manhunter and Batman was listening while working on something else.

Majority of the members were busy elsewhere and would be informed when needed. Batman was the core member of the JL with Superman and was the mind of the group, so most meetings needed his presence to feel complete.

Though, even without him the present members could handle it.

Laura took in the sight of the members and smiled with nostalgia. They really hadn't changed at all in these years.

"It looks like you know us a lot, young lady." Aquaman also known as Arthur spoke as he saw her expression. He was the King of Atlantis and was rarely available for League business. He was present to get away from his possessive wife and the stressful work for a moment.

He had lived most of his life on the surface, so he went out of the water to chill when stress reached high levels.

Regardless, Arthur was good at reading people because of his experience and was a strategic mind on the team.

MM also known as John Jones also picked on that clue because of his telepathic abilities. The rest of the team also agreed to the point and Batman's attention shifted to Laura.

"That is true, I know all of you and you know me as well. I have worked with the Justice League for Two years and learned under most of you. I was the Moon Maiden that helped guide humanity to a better future. But, all of that changed when my nemesis started erasing people with his device.

The man is called Centurion and he has existed since the Roman Empire. He has always tried to take over humanity but he couldn't because of many factors.

Somehow, he managed to create a device that erased people from reality. He started using it on heroes and we came in to conflict. I took him up in the sky and caused the device to explode. This deleted us from reality.

It was supposed to, but I returned and I think he is also back. I wish I could handle him alone, but I am not strong or competent enough for such a task." Laura was happy that they could pick up on the body language and tone. She told them everything that they needed to know about what happened and the threat.

The moment erasing from reality was mentioned, all attention was on Laura. That was not something to jest about.

"You are back, but we don't have memories about you. Is it just us or everyone else?" Batman asked as his mind had fully shifted to her now.

Laura was happy to see that, as Batman could definitely handle the problem.

"It is everyone. I visited my family and looked for any remains, but there was nothing. My existence from the world is gone and the same for the Centurion. There is nothing about him, even though he used to be part of the history books.

His name is Valkus and he was in the JL database before the incident." Laura replied as she looked at him with hope filled gaze.

Batman did a check and just as she said, nothing. It was a good story, but there was nothing to prove it. It could easily be a trap.

It could be the truth. But with the lack of any evidence, it was a gamble with 50:50 ratios.

"Your request has been heard, but it lacks evidence. Moon Maiden, can you prove any of your claims?"

Just like she had expected, Batman was never going to be easy. She knew him and trusted his judgment.

Laura looked around the room and thought back on anything that only the group would know.

"Green Lantern was in a relationship with Star Sapphire. Batman has romantic interests for Catwoman and Superman has Lois Lane.

Wonderwoman had a fancy for Batman and Superman. The JL is afraid of Raven from the Teen Titans. Flash has changed the timeline multiple times. Is that enough?" Laura replied as she only knew so much about them. Most of the other details were common knowledge.

"Do you have an ability relating to love or something?" Hal asked as he chuckled at her words. He hadn't known about the Wonderwoman thing at all.

"I can tell when someone has strong emotions for another. I can tell if a person is good natured or not. I can't be a good guide if I can't tell such basic things."

"That is not enough. All this could be gathered very easily by observing us for a time." Batman put a stop to any warm reception with his cold words.

Laura looked at him and she could only think of mind reading.

Should she allow them to read her mind? Her existence was gone and by reading her memories, they could at least form a deep bond of trust.

"Read my memories, Mister John." Laura called out to the Martian, who had been sitting silently as usual.

Her words surprised everyone as her actions would open up everything, especially since John's was a specialist.

"Are you sure about this?" John's asked in a calm tone. He was the last of his kind but even then, he was a gentle soul that wished to help others.

John's was a green skinned man wearing blue spandex and his chest was mostly bare. His kind had been exterminated by his brother who had created a virus that reacted to the powers of the Martians and caused them to burst into flames.

He was someone who had watched his wife and daughter burn in front of his eyes. John had gone through tragedies and wished to help others avoid them.

He looked cold, but he was one of the kindest among the bunch.

"I am sure. I have nothing to hide and I trust all of you with my life." Laura replied in a determined tone as she stood tall.

"Do we really need to do this? Moon Maiden, you can just give us the information on Valkus and we will keep a lookout for him. You don't need to have your memories read." Hal spoke up as he felt uncomfortable for Laura.

Arthur tapped the table and nodded, "He isn't wrong. Reading your memories and your verbal response will have the same result. Your willingness showed that you don't have anything to hide, and even reading your mind wouldn't have cleared you completely.

It isn't impossible to have fake memories. What do you think, Batman?"

Batman closed his eyes and analyzed Laura. He agreed with their words and wouldn't trust the memory reading completely. All of them were experienced in the field, so it would be an amateurish mistake to just trust things.

"It is your choice, Moon Maiden. The facts put forth by my colleagues are the truth, and you should be aware of them."

"I am aware, but I want all of you to know me. I apologize, but my choice wasn't about logic but an emotional desire." Laura laughed awkwardly as she looked down.

Her words brought them back to the human side of things. Laura was just 18 and her whole life was erased. She had no one in the world.

The mental and emotional drain from such a thing was horrendous.

"Please take a seat, I will do my best and we will surely fix this problem." John's walked to her side and gently sat her down.

Laura didn't resist and she felt happy about the warm approach. It was the same as the past. She had been closest to Hal, Superman, John and Diana, so it was nice to see that they hadn't fallen.

Laura closed her eyes and John dived into her mind, taking everything with utter ease. His abilities made Naruto look like a child and he could easily cover the whole planet with his powers, and kill every living being.

John connected with the rest and showed them the memories like they were watching a movie. They watched from the point of her birth to the current date.

Laura had been a special child and her memories showed it thoroughly. She had not lied and the threat was something that couldn't be ignored.

Valkus had the power to control spirits. He could make a ghost army. It would be bad enough that he could have human ghosts, but if he got his hands on stronger beings then shit would hit the fan.

There was also the problem that Valkus could affect Moon Maiden negatively. They would need to find him before he built an army.

The memories could be false but the JL didn't mind keeping an eye out for trouble. They now just had another threat to watch out for.

They didn't need to watch all the memories, but even they understood the importance of support. Laura needed emotional support.

By seeing her life, they could see her personality and her connection to them. She had spent days with each of them and gotten advice from them.

All of it was natural and they could see it happening.

Batman stopped things where she met Naruto.

"Who is that?" The question was put forth but there was no answer. None of them knew him.

From Laura's perspective, they could see that Naruto was extremely powerful and his presence was huge. He made her feel small.

His mannerism and tone showed that he was a noble and came from a rich background. His attitude towards them showed that he considered them beneath him.

They needed to watch out for another threat as it wasn't hard to guess what Naruto was intending. He was going to kill people.

He hadn't done anything yet and he was civil, so they might be able to talk it out.

More than the Centurion, Batman felt more danger from Naruto. It was a gut feeling and he had never been wrong.

"Moon Maiden, I wish to visit the Lunar Villa. That Emperor figure is dangerous, so we need to locate him before he starts a killing spree." Batman spoke up as the process finished and he contacted Zatanna on the other hand as he needed her magical expertise.

Laura didn't feel any change in her mind. It was a smooth procedure. Though, hearing Batman's words she felt bad about Emperor.

Emperor had given her the push to stand up and helped her out of the slump. His words had not been wrong but she also understood that he might be dangerous.

"He isn't a bad person according to my abilities and our meeting. Please avoid a serious confrontation with him."

"I can't guarantee such a thing, but I will avoid conflict if possible. He hasn't taken any step yet, so there isn't any need for such action plans. Though, how sure are you about your judgment?"

"I have never been wrong."

"Don't worry Laura, we will handle him appropriately. He is your friend, so that's the least we can do for him." Hal cheered her up with his words as he patted her small back.

She had taken off her armor in front of them and just wore a black dress.

Laura knew she couldn't avoid them getting in conflict with Emperor so she just hoped that it didn't get too serious. All of them were on the same side in the end, as it would be tragic if any of them fell.

She took them to the Villa and Batman searched the area for clues. Zatanna appeared in the Villa from her connection to Batman and used her magic to track down Naruto.

"There is no trace of a living being. It feels like the planet was visiting, the energy is all natural. Digging deeper, we can see that it was Batman." Zatanna joked as she used her magic to recreate everything.

She showed them the energy vision and just as she said, it was same as the planet.

Stripping the armor away, it was Batman under it.

"The guy has a sense of humor." Hal and Arthur laughed at the scene. Even Zatanna and Laura gave a chuckle.

Batman had a dull reaction like always as he only saw someone who was extremely cautious. There was no clue to track him down.

He had no presence. Like a ghost he could move around and they wouldn't notice.

"Is there no way to track him? Is he a conceptual being or something physical?"

"I can't tell. I will need to meet him in person to make that conclusion. Tracking him is impossible since he only left your presence and the planet's energy behind. Why not ask Wonderwoman? She could get in contact with Gaia." Zatanna tapped her top hat with the wand and suggested a solution to the problem.

When people talked about the planet, Gaia was usually involved in some way.