
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 16

While talking to Victor and Jason, Naruto also talked to Volcana. For her sake, Naruto had built a room filled with lava as he intended to strengthen her abilities to a higher level.

All these criminals and heroes weren't just there for fighting, as Naruto also intended to get their genetic codes when needed.

His goal was to become an Ultimate being even before the need for power to defeat Madara. For that he would add everything that was useful.

Volcana's biological makeup and others like her interested him as they didn't utilize chakra. He intended to use them as pawns and observe them after enhancing their abilities to hopefully produce stronger mutations.

Once that happens, Naruto intended to combine their DNA with his own to further transform himself. It was something he needed to complete his goal of becoming the real Emperor.

This goal was something that others wanted at first, but it had become his personal desire and passion. Naruto was a kind and friendly person.

But, he was controlling and manipulative. It was his nature. He didn't fully trust anyone and he didn't really have strong emotions.

He was just and fair in everything.

Family, friend or an enemy, he would treat them according to his belief. Justice to all in equal measures, it didn't matter if it was his own blood or not.

He was a playful person and slightly sadistic person but he never made compromises or sacrifices.

He was the ideal male. His looks were enchanting. His voice was soothing and powerful.

Everything about him was shaped to make him the ideal leader of the world and many powerful beings had worked on this human project.

His goal of becoming the Ultimate being aligned with Orochimaru, an enemy that had submitted to him just few months before the Pain fight.

The thought that Orochimaru and some of his traits matched was truly not a fun thought. But, he would have loved to have the snake around for these projects.

The man was a genius and master of genetic manipulation. With him around, Naruto wouldn't have to worry about things going wrong.

Nonetheless, reality wasn't always ideal and he had to make do with what he had on hand.

Leaving those thoughts behind, Naruto looked at the lost woman. She was easy on the eyes like Temari and Anko.

But, she was missing a lot in the mental department.

Regardless, she would learn. With a thought, her seals deactivated and Volcana woke up with fiery rage. Volcana had a trauma about waking up at random places after what the government had done to her, so her reaction was predictable.

Her flames reached 5000 degrees Celsius but Naruto didn't even feel them as they were too weak for him, especially to his armor.

"Are you done, Claire?" Naruto stood their without any movement as she showered him with flames.

Seeing the futility of her actions angered her and she was reminded of the Super duo, Superman and Supergirl.

"Who the hell are you?" Claire demanded as she stopped attacking him but remained vary.

"I am your ruler from now on. You can call me, Emperor and I represent the will of humanity. Do you understand why you are here now, Claire?" Naruto replied calmly as he walked closer to the woman.

"Heh, are you going to punish me?" Claire wanted to take him as a joke, his title of Emperor felt too empty without an Empire. But, his voice and presence was undeniable.

She licked her lips and stared defiantly at him.

"Yes, I will punish you and then we will work together to make this world a better place. Claire, I know you are lost. You feel abandoned and frustrated, aimless. I give you an oath that you will have a place on my side. I will help you live a happy life and I will give you a purpose. How does that sound?" Naruto replied as he placed his hand on her cheek and looked in to her eyes. His voice felt too sweet and enchanting.

She saw what Naruto wanted. She skimmed through many things in life and found her desire to become part of fashion, a model.

She always liked dressing up and showing off her good looks, but had forgotten such things because of the criminal life she had fallen into.

"I would like that, but…" Claire didn't have a chance to continue as Naruto took her into his arms and kissed her on the lips.

Women were emotional, more than men. Naruto liked beautiful women and he wanted complete control, so it worked out for him to act in such a way.

For most of his female followers, he made them fall for him. He made them desire him. It was one of the strongest motivations and cause of loyalty.

It was a scum like move, but it was the best way to handle it and he didn't mind entertaining their interests.

Claire was completely lost to the world and stuck to him like her life depended on it. The kiss melted away every negative thing. She felt happy and fulfilled in his arms.

She was overwhelmed by the pleasure and couldn't even think.

The kiss went on for five minutes and Naruto stopped. It wasn't just the pleasure, as Naruto had poured lava chakra into her body and given her a boost in power.

It took Claire few minutes to catch herself, and she didn't move away from him.

It was the first time she felt so comfortable around someone.

"Is this another reason for me to follow?" Claire asked as she looked at the mask face, wondering what he looked like.

The kiss and his voice had given her very high expectations.

"It is, if you want to be so. This was not all of it as you are unable to handle the whole thing."

"Do you really trust me with this power?" Claire could feel the power, she felt invincible. She felt like the world could be lit up with a thought.

"I trust my judgment. I know you will not dare act out of line. There is happiness and pleasure with my approval, only death and suffering with my disapproval. Understood?" Naruto replied as his hand moved through her Orange hair, it was his favorite color.

Claire felt his affection and killer intent. She definitely wanted the first and not the second.

"I understand. What do you need of me?" Claire asked as she still didn't know any details.

"We will talk about it once you wake up." Naruto smiled as Claire fell into her punishment. Fortunate for her, she wasn't too bad or her suffering would have been great.

With that the clone disappeared and Naruto recovered one of his parallel mind slots.


At the same time another Naruto woke up Firefly. The man was still in his suit and woke up acting normal. He was used to taking orders from people, so he didn't react violently towards someone that could kidnap in such a manner.

"How can I be of service?" Firefly asked his armored client, suppressing the dread inside his heart. He was quite terrified being in this position.

Naruto looked at the human scum that enjoyed watching people burn, especially children.

"Nothing much, I want your life. I want you to repay the debt, debt born from your crimes against humanity.

From this day forth, you will serve without any hesitations. This is your second chance at life, one mistake and you won't live through it." Naruto replied as he slammed Firefly against the floor by his neck.

It was an impact that could have easily killed him but Naruto controlled his actions to only break some of his bones.

Hearing those words and feeling the pain, Firefly felt his fear levels increase dramatically. He felt like death was staring at him.

"Yes, I will do anything. Please, don't kill me." Unlike the others, Firefly was cowardly and didn't have the guts to fight against strong foes or stare death in the eyes.

"Your consent was never required. You will serve and you will change. This is your second chance, so relax and let us make the best of it.

You want a comfortable life with your singer girlfriend, no problem. I can arrange that. I can make you famous and powerful, you will be remembered as a hero.

That is where I will lead you, a happy and successful life." Naruto finished up the talk with the temptations with his powerful voice and powers.

Just like all the other victims of his whispers, Firefly fell to his words and seeds of loyalty were planted. With that taken care of, Naruto gave him the fire chakra and the punishment.

Firefly just like Victor and Man Bat was a science guy. He had the capability to make such gear and utilize it. With the resources and help from other intelligent beings, he would go even beyond.

It was the reason why Naruto took him in.

Before disappearing, Naruto also cured his pyromania. It was the reason for his fall. He just loved seeing things burn.