
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Transformation Revelations

As Jack jolted awake, he found himself engulfed in a swirling maelstrom of emotions and memories. The dream had felt so vivid, as if he had been an onlooker witnessing Himeko's life unfold before his eyes. The intensity of the experience left him breathless, his heart pounding in his chest.

In the haze of the dream's remnants, Jack's transformation triggered involuntarily. In an instant, his form shifted, and he became Himeko, clad in her valkyrie armor, her trusted sword held tightly in his grasp. His voice echoed with a mix of confusion and desperation as he called out the name "Kiana" a name that seemed to carry deep significance within the memories he had tapped into.

As Jack sat on the edge of his bed, he found himself immersed in a whirlwind of memories that felt all too real. The dream had transported him into the final moments of Himeko's life, a vivid and haunting experience that lingered in his mind.

He could feel the weight of Himeko's sword in his hands, the echoes of her battle cries still resonating within him. The air was thick with tension and despair as Himeko faced a formidable enemy, her valiant efforts to protect her comrades apparent in every swing of her blade.

The memories played out before Jack's eyes like a tragic movie, each scene etched into his consciousness. He could hear the clash of steel, the desperate gasps for breath, and the cries of pain and anguish. Himeko fought with unwavering determination, refusing to yield even in the face of overwhelming odds.

But as the battle reached its climax, Jack experienced a surge of emotions that he knew did not belong to him. He felt Himeko's weariness, her fading strength, and the overwhelming sorrow of her imminent demise. It was a raw and poignant moment, one that left him shaken to his core.

With a mixture of awe and melancholy, Jack relived Himeko's final act of self-sacrifice. The memories were vivid, as if he himself had stood on that battlefield, witnessing the valkyrie's ultimate sacrifice to protect those she held dear. The weight of her decision, the heaviness of her loss, seeped into his being, leaving a bittersweet aftertaste.

As Jack glanced at his reflection, he froze in disbelief. The image staring back at him was that of Himeko, still clad in her valkyrie armor, her sword resting at her side. The realization washed over him like a sudden wave, leaving him momentarily stunned.

He couldn't recall the exact moment when he had fallen asleep, but it seemed that he had never transformed back from Himeko before drifting off. It was a peculiar and unsettling experience to wake up and find oneself in a different form.

A mix of emotions welled up within Jack. On one hand, he marveled at the seamless integration of Himeko's appearance, feeling a strange familiarity with the valkyrie's features.

As Jack shifted back to his original form, he glanced around the room and noticed that Himeko's sword and other personal items were still present. It was a peculiar sight, as he hadn't expected these objects to remain with him after transforming back.

Curiosity piqued, Jack picked up the sword and examined it closely. The craftsmanship was exceptional, and he could feel a faint surge of energy emanating from it. It was a tangible connection to the character he had briefly become, a memento of the experiences he had absorbed.

Jack, still donning Himeko's armor and wielding Shuhadaku of Uriel, rushed through the corridors of the guild, his footsteps echoing with determination. His mind was set on finding Aqua and seeking answers about the nature of his transformations and the memories he experienced.

As he reached the main hall, Jack spotted Aqua engaged in a conversation with a group of adventurers. Ignoring any social norms or pleasantries, he strode up to her, his eyes focused and his voice firm.

"Aqua, we need to talk," Jack asserted, his tone leaving no room for arguments or delays. The surrounding adventurers turned their attention to the imposing figure before them, their curiosity piqued by Jack's apparels.

Aqua, caught off guard by Jack's intensity, blinked in surprise. "Jack? What's with the new getup? And why the serious face?" she asked, her tone laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Jack demanded answers about his sudden changes and memories. Aqua blinked in surprise at his sudden intensity.

Aqua glanced at him, her eyes filled with a mischievous glint. "Oh, so you've finally started to notice, huh? Looks like you're catching on," she replied casually.

Jack's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Stop being vague and tell me what's going on," he pressed, his frustration mounting.

Aqua sighed, realizing she couldn't brush off Jack's inquiries any longer. She gestured for him to follow her to a quieter corner of the hall, away from prying ears.

"Alright, alright, no need to get all serious," Aqua said, trying to lighten the mood. "Here's the deal. When I reincarnated you, I gave you the ability to tap into the memories and powers of different characters from various worlds. It's like playing dress-up, but on a whole new level," she explained with a shrug.

"Aqua," Jack began, his voice tinged with curiosity. "I have a question for you. What happens when I finish seeing a character's entire life and have access to their personal objects, like what happened with Himeko?"

"Wait a minute," Aqua interjected, her eyes narrowing. "You... you tricked me, didn't you? last night, you transformed into Himeko and acted like a new adventurer!"

Jack's eyes widened, caught off guard by Aqua's accusation. He stammered, trying to find the right words to respond. "Aqua, I... I didn't mean to deceive you. It was just a playful prank, nothing more."

Aqua crossed her arms, her gaze unrelenting. "A prank? I thought I was helping out a genuine new adventurer, and all along, it was just you playing a joke!"

Jack's face flushed with a mix of guilt and sheepishness. "I'm really sorry, Aqua. I didn't anticipate it would upset you that much. It was meant to be harmless fun. I apologize for any embarrassment I caused."

Aqua huffed, her annoyance still evident. "Well, you should think twice before pulling pranks like that, especially when it involves someone like me. I'm a goddess, you know!"

Aqua cleared her throat, her tone shifting to a more serious one. "By the way, Jack, I should let you know that the residual feelings and memories you experience during your transformations will eventually dissipate. They are intense at first because they're still fresh, but over time, they'll become less prominent."

Jack listened intently, relief washing over him. "That's good to know, Aqua. I was concerned about the lingering effects. I'm glad to hear they won't be a permanent burden."

Jack let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Thank you, Aqua. Your reassurance means a lot to me. I appreciate you sharing this information."

A mischievous glint appeared in Aqua's eyes as she leaned in closer. "Speaking of sharing, I think it's only fair that you compensate me for this valuable insight. How about a bottle of expensive wine? As payment, of course."

Jack chuckled, recognizing Aqua's playful demand. "You drive a hard bargain, Aqua. But I suppose it's a small price to pay for your wisdom. Consider it a deal."

With a triumphant smile, Aqua leaned back, satisfied with the agreement. "Excellent! I'll be looking forward to that bottle. Just remember, I'm always here if you need more advice or information. And don't forget, I'm still keeping an eye on you!"


Jack stood before a mirror, carefully examining his transformed appearance. He couldn't help but chuckle as his friends gathered around, each offering their own lighthearted commentary.

"Wow, Jack, those orange eyes are really something!" Aqua exclaimed, her tone filled with amusement. "You're definitely turning heads with that unique look."

Darkness smirked, crossing her arms. "I must say, Jack, your new hair color is quite... vibrant. It suits you, in its own way."

Kazuma, on the other hand, couldn't hide his envy. He grumbled, "And here I am, stuck with my average height while you transform into this towering figure. It's not fair, Jack!"

Jack chuckled, taking the teasing in stride. "Well, at least I won't have trouble spotting any of you in a crowded room," he replied, trying to diffuse the tension caused by Kazuma's jealousy.

Aqua noticed Kazuma's dejected expression and decided to step in, sensing an opportunity to lighten the mood. She couldn't resist a playful jab at his height.

"Hey, Kazuma, don't feel down about it," Aqua said with a mischievous grin. "Sure, you may not have Jack's towering presence, but at least you can fit through doorways without ducking!"

Kazuma's annoyance turned into a mix of irritation and amusement. "Oh, very funny, Aqua," he retorted, rolling his eyes. "But remember, I may not have the height advantage, but I've got brains, and that's what counts!"

Aqua laughed, unable to contain herself. "Well, I can't argue with that. You do have a knack for using your brain... most of the time."

Kazuma huffed, crossing his arms. "Oh, you're one to talk, Ms. Divine Aqua, with your impressive intelligence and all."

Jack chimed in, trying to ease the tension. "Come on, guys, let's not turn this into a competition. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses. That's what makes us a great team."

Darkness nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Jack is right. We complement each other in our own unique ways. It's what makes our group strong."

Aqua, unable to resist a final teasing remark, added, "Besides, Kazuma, it's not always about the height. Just ask any Toad you've faced. They know better than anyone that size doesn't determine strength!"

Kazuma couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, alright, I get it. Size isn't everything. Thanks for reminding me, Aqua."

Aqua couldn't resist delivering one final playful jab at Kazuma's expense. "Oh, Kazuma, you're absolutely right. Size isn't everything..."

Kazuma groaned, shaking his head. "Okay, okay, Aqua. You've made your point. Can we move on now?"

Aqua grinned triumphantly, satisfied with her teasing. "Of course, Kazuma. Just remember, I'm always here to remind you of life's little... size discrepancies."

As the laughter subsided, Jack turned to face Darkness, Aqua, and Kazuma, a serious expression on his face. "Listen, guys, I've been thinking. We need another member to strengthen our group. Taking down the demon king won't be easy, and the more skilled allies we have, the better our chances."

Darkness nodded in agreement. "I've been trying to recruit more members, but it hasn't been going well. People seem hesitant to join us."

Aqua raised her hand excitedly. "Oh, oh! I've been planning to defeat the demon king too! I mean, I'm a goddess, after all. It's my duty to protect this world!"

Kazuma chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, you know, I've always planned on taking down the demon king. It's been my goal since the beginning. I'm just glad Aqua finally caught up."

Aqua shot him a playful glare. "Hey, don't act so high and mighty! I'm a goddess, you know."

azuma glanced at Aqua with a sly grin. "Well, you know Darkness, Aqua here likes to believe she's a goddess. But in reality, she's just a bit...delusional. There's no divine duty or responsibility. She's just tagging along for the adventure."

Aqua's face flushed with indignation. "Hey! I am a goddess! I have divine powers and everything!"

Kazuma shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that, Aqua. We all know the truth."

Darkness chuckled, amused by their banter. "Well, regardless of whether Aqua is a goddess or not, I think we can all agree that defeating the demon king is a noble goal. It's a chance for us to prove our strength and protect the world we live in."

Jack chuckled at their banter. "Well, it looks like we're all on the same page then. Let's find another member and work together to defeat the demon king. We've got a long road ahead of us, but with our combined skills, we can make it happen."

As Jack turned towards Darkness, he noticed that she quickly averted her gaze, seemingly trying to hide something. He couldn't help but notice her slight panting, which caught his attention.

"Darkness, is something the matter?" Jack asked, concerned.

Darkness blushed and turned her face away further, trying to regain her composure. "N-No, nothing at all, Jack. I'm perfectly fine," she stammered, her voice slightly shaky.

Jack raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Are you sure? It seems like something might be bothering you."

Darkness turned away further, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Oh, I'm fine, Jack. Just a little warm, that's all."

Jack couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, noticing the faint sound of her panting. "Are you sure? It sounds like you're breathing a bit heavily."

Darkness quickly waved a hand dismissively. "It's nothing, really. I'm just...excited for our upcoming adventure, that's all!"

As Darkness tried to compose herself, Aqua and Kazuma resumed their argument, this time about the most effective method to attract adventurers to their group. Their voices grew louder, filled with contrasting opinions.

Aqua crossed her arms, looking adamant. "We should use my divine status to our advantage! I'll make a grand announcement in the town square, proclaiming that the mighty Aqua is seeking brave and skilled adventurers to join our noble cause. Trust me, people will flock to us!"

Kazuma rolled his eyes, clearly skeptical. "Oh, please. Your divine status hasn't exactly worked wonders so far. Maybe we should focus on more practical methods, like posting flyers or spreading the word through the guild. We need to appeal to people based on the actual benefits of joining our group."

Aqua huffed, offended by Kazuma's dismissal of her idea. "Well, at least my idea has some flair and excitement! Who would want to join a boring group that just relies on flyers?"

Kazuma smirked, enjoying the banter. "Flair and excitement might attract adventurers, but what's going to keep them with us? We need to show them that we're capable and serious about our mission. That's how we'll gain their trust and loyalty."

As their argument continued, Jack listened attentively, understanding both perspectives. He decided to interject, attempting to find a middle ground. "Why don't we combine both approaches? We can make a grand announcement to catch people's attention and then provide practical details about our group and our objectives. It's important to strike a balance between attracting and retaining adventurers."


The group sat dejectedly at the table, their attempts to recruit new members for their adventure group ending in disappointment. Darkness let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping. Aqua stared at the empty chairs around them with a mix of frustration and confusion. Kazuma simply muttered under his breath, "I knew this would happen."

Jack leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "I thought our approach was solid. I guess we underestimated how difficult it would be to find willing adventurers."

Darkness nodded, her expression reflecting their collective frustration. "It seems that Axel is not as bustling with eager adventurers as we thought. Perhaps we need to reconsider our strategy or explore other options."

Aqua pouted, crossing her arms. "I don't understand. I'm a goddess, and we have a capable team. Why wouldn't anyone want to join us?"

Kazuma sat at a table, staring at the flyer that Aqua had made to attract adventurers to their group. His eyebrows furrowed as he read through the contents, his annoyance growing with each line.

"Are you kidding me, Aqua?" Kazuma exclaimed, unable to contain his frustration any longer. "You asked for advanced classes and high-level adventurers in this flyer? No wonder we failed!"

Aqua blinked innocently, oblivious to Kazuma's irritation. "But Kazuma, we want the best of the best! We need powerful allies to defeat the demon king!"

Kazuma sighed and rubbed his temples. "Yes, Aqua, I understand that. But by specifically targeting advanced classes and high-level adventurers, we've limited our pool of potential recruits. Not to mention, it sends the message that we're desperate and inexperienced."

Darkness, who had been quietly observing the exchange, nodded in agreement. "Kazuma has a point, Aqua. We should be open to accepting adventurers of various levels and classes. Experience and compatibility are more important than raw power alone."

Aqua pouted, crossing her arms. "But I want the strongest warriors by our side! They'll make the quest easier!"

Kazuma sighed again, frustration evident in his voice. "Aqua, the strongest warriors are already committed to their own quests and groups. We need to be realistic and find capable adventurers who are willing to join us on our journey. It's better to have reliable teammates who are compatible with our playstyles than to chase after an unrealistic dream."

Jack, who had been listening quietly, interjected. "Kazuma has a point, Aqua. We can't expect to recruit only the best of the best right away. Let's focus on building a reliable team and gradually strengthen our group as we progress. It's about quality over quantity."

Aqua huffed but eventually relented, realizing the validity of their arguments. "Fine, fine. I get it. We'll be more open-minded in our recruitment efforts."

Jack nodded, relieved that his point had been understood. "Thank you, Aqua. Let's revise the flyer and make it more inclusive. We need to show that we value teamwork and compatibility above all else."

As the group worked on revising the flyer, a sudden interruption caught their attention. A girl dressed in mage attire approached their table with a determined expression on her face.

"Behold, mortals!" Megumin proclaimed, her voice dripping with dramatic flair. "I, Megumin, the dark sorceress of explosions, have come to lend my formidable powers to your cause."

The group exchanged surprised glances, captivated by Megumin's mysterious aura. Jack couldn't contain his excitement. "Another mage? We'd be honored to have someone of your caliber join us on our quest to vanquish the demon king!"

Megumin smirked, casting a shadow over her face. "Do not be fooled by appearances. My magic is not for the faint-hearted. With a single incantation, I can unleash devastation that will shake the very foundations of this world!"

Kazuma raised an eyebrow, unable to resist a teasing remark. "So, you're a fan of explosions, huh? I hope you know how to clean up the mess afterward."

Megumin's eyes narrowed, her voice laced with mock indignation. "Cleaning up is beneath a sorceress of my caliber! The aftermath of my explosions is but a trivial detail in the grand scheme of things."

Jack, recognizing the potential power Megumin could bring to the team, stepped forward with a determined expression. "Megumin, if you're truly committed to our cause and can control your explosions, we welcome you with open arms. Together, we will face the challenges ahead and defeat the demon king."

Megumin's stoic demeanor softened, a hint of excitement gleaming in her eyes. "Very well. I shall grace you with my explosive talents. Together, we shall forge a path of destruction and glory!"

Just as Megumin finished her dramatic introduction, she suddenly collapsed onto the ground, her face contorted in pain. Before anyone could react, a loud grumble emanated from her stomach, causing Jack to put two and two together.

He chuckled softly and approached Megumin, offering a hand to help her up. "It seems your explosive magic has depleted your energy reserves, Megumin. Perhaps it's time for a well-deserved meal?"

Megumin's face turned slightly red, a mix of embarrassment and hunger evident in her expression. "I may have neglected nourishment in my pursuit of powerful spells. A meal does sound appealing right now."

Aqua giggled, realizing the source of Megumin's sudden collapse. "I can't blame you, Megumin. Even mighty sorceresses need to eat."

Kazuma rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, I suppose we can't have our explosive expert collapsing on us. Let's find a place to satisfy Megumin's insatiable hunger."

With renewed energy, Megumin stood up, her face still slightly flushed. "Lead the way, adventurers! I shall honor your group with my presence and an appetite that matches the grandeur of my explosions!"

I wrote another chapter. I don't know how well this one turned out, but hey, there's more dialogue.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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