
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

The legend unfolds!

The morning sun peeked through the windows of the room where Kazuma and his companions stayed. Kazuma, still groggy from sleep, found himself being dragged out of bed by Jack, who seemed unusually energetic for that hour.

"Come on, Kazuma! Rise and shine! It's time for our morning training session!" Jack cheerfully exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Kazuma groaned, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up. "Can't we train at a more reasonable hour?" he muttered, his voice laced with fatigue.

Aqua stumbled behind them, her eyes half-closed as she yawned. "I-I don't know why we have to do this so early. Can't we just sleep a little longer?" she complained, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Jack turned around, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Early bird catches the worm, Aqua! Plus, training in the morning helps us start the day with a burst of energy!" he explained, trying to rally their spirits.

Kazuma grumbled under his breath, reluctantly following Jack and Aqua to the designated training area. The early morning chill did little to improve his mood, and he longed for the comfort of his warm bed.

As the training session began, Kazuma found himself stumbling through the exercises, his movements sluggish and lacking the usual precision. Aqua, too, struggled to keep up, her steps faltering as she fought against her tiredness.

Despite their protests and groans, Jack encouraged them with his unwavering enthusiasm, pushing them to give their best. He led by example, showcasing his own agility and stamina, which only served to further annoy Kazuma and Aqua.

But as the training session progressed, Kazuma felt his fatigue gradually melting away. The physical activity and the camaraderie of his companions infused him with a sense of energy and purpose. He found himself pushing harder, determined to keep up with Jack's relentless pace.

Aqua, too, started to shake off her drowsiness, her movements becoming more fluid and precise. Her determination to prove herself matched Kazuma's, and together they pushed through the grueling session.

By the end of the training session, despite their initial resistance, Kazuma and Aqua felt a sense of accomplishment. The exhaustion was replaced by a feeling of satisfaction and newfound energy. They realized that Jack's insistence on early morning training had its merits, even if they grumbled about it at first.

After a rigorous training session that left Kazuma sweaty and exhausted, he retreated to the kitchen area to grab a much-needed cup of coffee. To his surprise, he found a steaming cup of his favorite brew waiting for him, courtesy of Jack.

"Ah, just what I needed," Kazuma muttered gratefully as he took a sip, savoring the rich and comforting flavor. Jack smiled and patted him on the back, pleased to have made Kazuma's morning a little better.

With his energy replenished, Kazuma found himself engaging in a friendly gambling match with Chris. They played a game of cards, each trying to outwit the other. The stakes were low, just a friendly competition to test their skills and have some fun.

As the day progressed, Kazuma's luck fluctuated, sometimes winning and other times losing. Nevertheless, the competitive spirit fueled his determination, and he found himself thoroughly engrossed in the game.

Finally, as evening approached, Kazuma took a moment to relax and unwind. He found a quiet spot under the open sky and settled down, gazing up at the twinkling stars. The calm and peaceful atmosphere washed over him, bringing a sense of tranquility.

As he stared at the vast expanse of the night sky, Kazuma couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the adventures they shared and the friendships they had forged. In that moment, he realized that, despite the challenges they faced, they were a family, bound by their shared experiences and their unwavering support for one another.

With a contented smile on his face, Kazuma leaned back and continued to admire the stars, knowing that whatever the future held, he was surrounded by a group of friends who had his back.

As Kazuma lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, a sudden realization washed over him like a cold wave. He jolted up, his expression changing from grogginess to a mix of frustration and discontent.

"I'm not happy," he muttered to himself, his voice laced with a tinge of bitterness. He looked around the room, taking in the sight of his companions, Jack and Aqua, peacefully resting in their own beds. While they seemed content, a pang of jealousy surged within him.

His thoughts drifted to Jack, who seemed to effortlessly attract the affections of others, including Megumin. Kazuma couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as he witnessed their blossoming relationship. He longed for a love of his own, someone to share his life with, to laugh and fight alongside him.

In that moment, Kazuma realized that despite his quirky and comical adventures, there was a void in his heart. He craved a deeper connection, something more meaningful than the shallow interactions and constant bickering that characterized his current relationships.

He wondered what it would be like to experience the warmth and affection that Jack and Megumin shared, to have someone who understood him on a profound level. A pang of loneliness washed over him, as he realized that his life lacked the depth and emotional fulfillment he secretly yearned for.

He had always been content with his life as an adventurer, embracing the freedom and lack of responsibility. But now, seeing the bonds forming around him, he couldn't help but long for something more.

With a mix of frustration and determination, Kazuma made a silent promise to himself. He would no longer settle for a life of mere contentment. He wanted to find love, to experience the warmth and affection that he saw in his friends' eyes.

As he lay back down on the bed, his mind filled with thoughts of what the future might hold, Kazuma couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could find someone who would fill the void in his heart and bring him the happiness he craved.


As Kazuma strolled through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of annoyance bubbling within him. He had always been the one to poke fun at Megumin and Jack's closeness, but now that it seemed to be flourishing, he found himself feeling left out and even more irritated than before.

His footsteps echoed with a slight heaviness as he observed his friends, their laughter and love evident in their every interaction. It seemed like they were in their own world, blissfully unaware of Kazuma's increasing frustration.

"Am I just the odd one out?" Kazuma muttered under his breath, his brows furrowing in a mix of irritation and self-pity. He couldn't deny the bond between Megumin and Jack, a connection that seemed to deepen with each passing day. It only served to amplify his feelings of isolation and resentment.

As he continued walking, Kazuma's mind raced with thoughts of his own shortcomings. He couldn't help but compare himself to Jack, who seemed to effortlessly captivate the attention and affection of those around him. The contrast between their experiences with friendship and love only fueled his growing discontent.

"Wasn't this supposed to be my adventure?" Kazuma whispered to himself, a mix of frustration and longing evident in his voice. He had envisioned himself as the protagonist, the one who would rise above the challenges and emerge victorious, gaining fame and glory along the way.

But reality had proven to be far more complex and unpredictable than his initial expectations. His quest for heroism was often marred by comedic misadventures, dysfunctional dynamics within his group, and the constant reminder of his own flawed nature. It seemed that the universe had a way of subverting his aspirations at every turn.

Kazuma held the red futuristic katana in his hand, examining its sleek design and sharp edge. It was undeniably a powerful weapon, one that could aid him in his battles against monsters and foes. However, as he looked at the sword, a mix of conflicting emotions welled up within him.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Jack, the one who had gifted him the weapon. It was not because he was ungrateful for the gift itself, but rather the circumstances in which it was given. Kazuma couldn't shake the image of Jack casually carrying Megumin on his shoulder while presenting him with the sword, as if it were an afterthought.

The scene had struck a nerve within Kazuma, igniting a sense of frustration and jealousy. It seemed that even in the act of gift-giving, Jack had managed to overshadow Kazuma and steal the limelight.

Kazuma found himself pondering his role within the group. As he observed the dynamics and abilities of his companions, he couldn't help but question where he fit in. Jack excelled in combat, capable of delivering powerful blows alongside Megumin and Yunyun. Aqua provided essential support as a healer, ensuring the group's survival. Darkness fearlessly embraced the role of a tank, drawing the attention of enemies.

He couldn't deny that he lacked the magical prowess and combat abilities of his companions. While he possessed some skill in combat and had his own unique abilities, he couldn't compete with the sheer destructive power of the others. It left him questioning his purpose and contribution to the group's overall success.

As he walked through the streets, lost in thought, he considered the strengths and weaknesses of his companions. Jack, with his versatile skills and charismatic leadership, had naturally taken on the role of the group's frontliner and damage dealer. Megumin and Yunyun were the magic specialists, unleashing devastating spells upon their enemies. Aqua's healing abilities were crucial for keeping the team alive, while Darkness's resilience made her an excellent frontline defender.

Kazuma was so lost in thought he hadn't notice he walked to a forest, only when he casually sliced a catlike beast that was about to eat him did he wake up from his stupor. Startled by the sudden attack, Kazuma quickly snapped out of his thoughts and assessed the situation. The slain catlike beast lay at his feet.

Kazuma blinked in surprise as he realized the dangerous situation he had unknowingly stumbled into. The catlike beast he had instinctively sliced was lying motionless on the ground, confirming that it posed a genuine threat. As he turned his attention to the trembling group of adventurers, he noticed their fearful expressions and their grateful gazes directed at him.

Feeling a mix of confusion and guilt, Kazuma quickly sheathed his sword and approached the adventurers cautiously. "Um, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," he admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

One of the adventurers, a seasoned-looking warrior, stepped forward. His voice trembled slightly as he spoke, "No, no need to apologize. You... you just saved our lives. That beast, it's been terrorizing the area for weeks. We were about to be its next victims."

The other adventurers nodded in agreement, their fear slowly turning into relief. Kazuma's accidental intervention had inadvertently saved them from a potentially fatal encounter. He couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and satisfaction at his sudden heroics.

With a humble smile, Kazuma reassured them, "I'm glad I could help. Just be careful in the future. This forest seems to be more dangerous than it looks."

As the adventurers began to regain their composure, Kazuma noticed a newfound sense of respect and gratitude in their eyes. It was a small victory, but it still had an impact. He didn't need to be the strongest or the most skilled fighter to make a difference.

Kazuma sat on the edge of the fountain in Axel's plaza, lost in thought as he observed the bustling crowd around him. His mind wandered back to the recent encounter with the group of adventurers in the forest. The realization that his perception of weakness might have been skewed by his eccentric companions started to sink in.

He had always compared himself to his party members: Jack with his impressive combat skills, Megumin with her explosive magic, Aqua with her divine powers, Darkness with her unrivaled durability. In comparison to them, he often felt inadequate and lacking in strength. But when faced with the other adventurers, he began to see a different perspective.

The adventurers he encountered earlier, despite their training and experience, were no match for the Rookie slayer that threatened their lives. Kazuma realized that his own abilities, while unconventional and often overlooked, had their own value and usefulness.

As he observed the adventurers passing by, he noticed the battle scars on their armor, the weariness in their eyes, and the weight of their burdens. He understood that being an adventurer was a difficult and perilous occupation, and that his party's quirks and unconventional methods set them apart.

Kazuma's thoughts drifted to his friends, the ones who had shaped his perception of strength and normalcy. They were the ones who stood by his side through thick and thin, always offering support.

With a newfound appreciation for his companions, Kazuma's face relaxed into a small smile.

Chris emerged from the shadows, her presence catching Kazuma's attention. He turned to face her, curiosity and caution in his eyes.

"Kazuma, mind if I join you for a moment?" Chris asked, her voice calm and composed.

Kazuma gestured for her to take a seat beside him. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

Chris took a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking. "I've been observing you and your group for some time now. You have an interesting dynamic, to say the least."

Kazuma raised an eyebrow. "Interesting? That's one way to put it. We certainly have our fair share of chaos and eccentricities."

A small smile tugged at the corner of Chris' lips. "Indeed, chaos seems to follow your group wherever you go. But in that chaos, there is also a sense of friendship and strength that binds you all together."

Kazuma leaned back, his gaze fixed on the passersby. "I suppose you could say that. We may have our differences, but we've learned to rely on each other. We've become a family of sorts."

Chris nodded, her eyes scanning the plaza. "Family is a precious thing, especially in a world like this. It's not often you find people who are willing to fight by your side, no matter how strange or flawed they may be."

Kazuma's expression softened. "Yeah, I guess I've come to appreciate that. They may drive me crazy sometimes, but they've got my back, and I've got theirs. We're in this together."

Chris glanced at Kazuma, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "You're a perceptive one, Kazuma. You understand the value of those bonds. Cherish them, for they will be your greatest strength in the battles to come."

Kazuma nodded, a newfound sense of determination settling within him. "I will. And what about you, Chris? What role do you see yourself playing in all of this?"

A flicker of melancholy passed through Chris' eyes. "I am but a traveler passing through, an observer of the extraordinary. My role is to witness and record the tales that unfold, to ensure they are not forgotten."

Kazuma tilted his head in curiosity. "That sounds... lonely."

Chris smiled, a mix of wistfulness and acceptance. "Perhaps it is. But it is a choice I made willingly."

Kazuma sighed. "Well, as long as you're not planning to betray us or anything, you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. Just don't cause too much trouble."

Chris chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Kazuma."

Chris turned to Kazuma with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Since it seems Megumin and Jack are preoccupied with their own... activities, how about we find a way to entertain ourselves? We can explore the town, pull some pranks, or maybe even indulge in some friendly competition. What do you say?"

Kazuma's lips curled into a smirk as he considered Chris' proposition. "Well, I can't deny that the idea of causing a little mischief sounds appealing. Count me in, Chris. Let's find something fun to do and make the most of this downtime."

With a shared understanding and a newfound sense of adventure, Kazuma and Chris set off to explore the town, ready to create their own moments of excitement and laughter amidst the chaos of their unconventional group.

After swapping a few drinks in the guild with hot sauce and running away laughing, the adventurers stumbled upon a commotion in a narrow alleyway. A middle-aged man with a worried expression was pleading with a group of thugs, while a young girl clung to his side, tears streaming down her face.

Curiosity piqued, Kazuma and Chris approached the scene cautiously, observing the situation from a distance. The man had fallen into debt and was unable to repay it, and now the thugs were demanding immediate payment or they would take drastic measures.

Chris exchanged a concerned glance with Kazuma before stepping forward, her confident demeanor on full display. "Hey, what's going on here? Is there a problem?"

The thugs turned their attention to Chris, sizing her up with a mix of curiosity and caution. One of them sneered, "Mind your own business, lady. This doesn't concern you."

Chris smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, but it does. You see, I can't resist getting involved in a little... negotiation."

With a flick of her wrist, Chris produced a small bag of coins, jingling it enticingly. "How about we settle this debt right here, right now? I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

The thugs exchanged glances, their greed evident in their eyes. After a brief discussion, they reluctantly agreed, eager to collect their payment. Chris handed over the bag of coins, her smile widening as she did so.

"Now, listen carefully," Chris said, her voice firm and commanding. "You leave this man and his daughter alone. Consider this debt settled, and any further harassment will have consequences."

The thugs, realizing they had gotten more than they had bargained for, quickly retreated, grumbling under their breaths. The man and his daughter looked at Chris in awe and gratitude.

Kazuma stepped forward, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Consider yourself lucky. You've just witnessed the remarkable negotiation skills of Chris, the infamous thief."

The man's eyes widened, but he found himself unable to contain a grateful smile. "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I would have done without your help."

Chris waved it off with a nonchalant shrug. "Just doing our part to make the world a more interesting place. Besides, it's always fun to outwit some shady characters."

Kazuma turned towards Chris after the man left with her daughter. "By the way, what do you mean outwit?" He got his answer in the form of the thugs rushing at them, anger clearly writen in their faces.

Kazuma's eyes widened as he realized the situation had taken an unexpected turn. The thugs, now fueled by their anger at being deceived, charged towards Kazuma and Chris with reckless abandon.

Reacting quickly, Kazuma glanced around for any potential advantages. Spotting a nearby barrel, he smirked and shouted to Chris, "Follow my lead!"

Without missing a beat, Kazuma grabbed the barrel and effortlessly rolled it toward the oncoming thugs. The barrel careened into their path, causing them to stumble and collide with each other, their momentum disrupted.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Kazuma and Chris swiftly moved into action. Kazuma expertly dodged the flailing fists of one thug, using his agility to outmaneuver his attacker. With a quick strike, he incapacitated the thug, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Meanwhile, Chris elegantly weaved through the chaos, her movements swift and calculated. She expertly utilized her acrobatic skills, evading the swings and lunges of her opponents. With a series of precise strikes and well-timed maneuvers, she neutralized another thug, leaving him stunned and dazed.

As the dust settled, the remaining thugs took a moment to assess the situation. Seeing their comrades defeated, they realized the odds were not in their favor. Fear crept into their expressions, and one by one, they turned and fled, leaving Kazuma and Chris victorious.

Breathing heavily, Kazuma looked at Chris, a mixture of admiration and surprise on his face. "I have to admit, Chris, you're not just a thief with fancy tricks. You can handle yourself in a fight."

Chris smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, Kazuma, you've only scratched the surface. There's more to me than meets the eye."

Kazuma chuckled, a sense of camaraderie forming between them. "Well, I'm glad to have you as a companion, Chris. It looks like we make quite the team."

As Kazuma bid farewell to Chris, he couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility lingering within him. He knew he couldn't leave the man and his daughter vulnerable to the debts and troubles that had plagued their lives. Determined to help them in his own way, he devised a plan.

Under the cover of darkness, Kazuma discreetly made his way back to the man's house. With a silent step, he approached the front door and carefully left a large pouch of coins, more than enough to settle the debts and provide a fresh start for the man and his daughter.

Alongside the pouch, Kazuma left a note, using his alias as a reminder of the power that stood behind the act of kindness. The note bore a stern warning, stating that no harm should come to the man and his family unless they wanted to face the wrath of Radiant Erebus, the name that had become known throughout Axel.

Satisfied with his gesture, Kazuma quietly slipped away, knowing that he had given them a chance at a better life. He hoped that the man and his daughter would seize the opportunity and use it wisely.