
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Explosive Alchemy: Unleashing the Inferno Within

As the days passed and Jack and Megumin seemed to be keeping to themselves, the rest of the group grew increasingly curious and suspicious. Darkness, Aqua, and Kazuma couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't witnessed Megumin's explosive magic in action yet. They approached Jack with their concerns, seeking answers.

Jack, with a calm and reassuring demeanor, assured them that there was nothing to worry about. He explained that he had been training with Megumin privately, focusing on honing her skills and helping her control her powerful magic. Jack emphasized that it was a gradual process, and they needed time to build Megumin's confidence and ensure her safety during the explosive spellcasting.

Jack took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "You see, Megumin has a unique magic ability, the power of explosion. But it's a power that requires careful control and discipline. We've been focusing on honing her skills, finding ways for her to channel her magic more effectively."

Darkness leaned forward, her curiosity evident in her eyes. "So, you've been training her?"

Jack nodded. "In a way, yes. Megumin has incredible potential, but her explosive magic is mana-consuming and requires careful control. We've been working on techniques to help her conserve mana and maximize the impact of her explosions. It's been a process, but we're making progress."

Aqua's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! Why didn't you include us in this training?"

Jack chuckled. "It's not that we didn't want to include you, Aqua. We simply needed some focused time to work on Megumin's abilities without any distractions. But don't worry, we'll test her skills soon enough, and you'll see the results."

Kazuma crossed his arms, still a bit skeptical. "Well, as long as you know what you're doing. Just don't blow us all up in the process."

Aqua's observant eyes caught sight of something peculiar. She pointed at Jack's hair, which seemed to be gradually turning more prominently red. "Hey, Jack, has your hair always been that red? It's becoming more noticeable."

Jack glanced at his reflection in a nearby stream and chuckled. "Ah, yes. It seems my training with Megumin has had some unexpected side effects. As she taps into her explosive magic, I've been working on developing my own abilities to keep her powers in check."

Kazuma leaned in, intrigued. "So, you're using Himeko's powers to balance out Megumin's magic? That's quite a unique approach."

Jack nodded. "Indeed, it is. Himeko's abilities have proven to be a valuable asset in this regard. By merging with her memories and powers, I've gained a deeper understanding of control and discipline, which helps me keep Megumin's explosive tendencies in check. It's a delicate balance, but it's necessary for both our safety and the safety of those around us."

Aqua crossed her arms, still unsure. "But is it safe for you? What if you lose control?"

Jack reassured her with a confident smile. "I've been careful in my training, Aqua. The merging of powers has allowed me to adapt and learn to control the surge of energy. Besides, I wouldn't put myself in danger if I didn't believe I could handle it." Jack lied easily.


As Jack donned the vibrant Vermilion Knight Armor, adapted to his male physique, he felt the surge of power coursing through his veins. The armor crackled with energy, resonating with the fusion of memories and his own abilities. Megumin watched with awe, her eyes wide with wonder.

As they stood together, Jack extended his magic to cover Megumin, creating a field of energy around her. This allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of her explosive magic, to feel the very essence of its immense power. He could sense the intricate dance of mana within her, the concentrated energy waiting to be unleashed.

Megumin marveled at Jack's unique approach to magic. She had never encountered someone who could provide a supportive magic to enhance her capabilities. The way Jack harnessed his own powers to complement hers fascinated her.

Together, they delved into the intricacies of Megumin's magic, analyzing its potential and exploring ways to refine and control it further. Jack's guidance and shared experiences provided valuable insights, allowing him to offer Megumin a fresh perspective on her own powers. He taught her how to channel her explosive magic with greater precision, minimizing collateral damage while maximizing its destructive potential.

In the midst of their training, Jack's hair, now a vibrant shade of red, shimmered with the intensity of his magic. The amalgamation of his own power and that of others pulsed within him, interweaving with Megumin's explosive energy. Together, they represented a formidable force, ready to face any challenges that lay before them.

As Jack and Megumin took a moment to catch their breath, Jack turned to her, his face wearing a serious yet caring expression. He wanted to make sure she was truly certain about her chosen path of explosive magic.

"Megumin," Jack began, his voice gentle yet firm. "Are you absolutely sure about your decision to focus solely on explosion magic?"

Megumin looked up at him, her eyes filled with determination. "Yes, Jack," she replied, her voice unwavering. "I've made up my mind. Explosion magic is my calling, my passion. I want to become the greatest archwizard in history, specializing in explosions that will shake the world!"

Jack nodded, his respect for her unwavering dedication evident in his eyes. "I understand, Megumin. Your unwavering commitment to your chosen path is commendable. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility. As long as you embrace the consequences of your explosive magic, I will support you wholeheartedly."

A small smile graced Megumin's lips. "Thank you, Jack. I appreciate your understanding and support. Together, we will conquer any obstacles that come our way."

Then Jack said, "One last thing, since this is your chosen path, let me tell you this." He looked at Megumin with a serious expression as he continued, "You lack anything else but firepower, and while others might tell you that balance is important, our objective doesn't allow for anything less than extraordinary. Aqua might be useless in a fight, but I myself have tested her capabilities as an archpriest, and no one can deny that. Darkness is the strongest shield, Kazuma has the cunning of a hustler, and you..." He placed a hand on Megumin's shoulder. "I will turn you into a real nuke. Whether it's big or small, it doesn't matter the range of your explosion; it will reduce anything to ashes."

"You're right, Jack," Megumin responded, her voice filled with conviction. "I may lack versatility, but I will become the epitome of explosive power. I'll channel all my energy into perfecting my explosions, no matter the size. With your guidance and training, I will become a force to be reckoned with!"

Jack smiled, his eyes gleaming with confidence and pride. "That's the spirit, Megumin. Embrace your strengths and let your explosions shake the very foundations of this world. Together, we will become an unstoppable force."


Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness ventured out into the wild, determined to take on the giant Toads that plagued the area. Though Megumin and Jack were absent, the trio knew they had to carry on and fulfill their duties as adventurers.

Armed with their respective skills, Kazuma's cunning, Aqua's divine magic, and Darkness's formidable defense, they made their way through the dense forest. The croaking of the Toads echoed in the distance, a constant reminder of the task at hand.

As Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness traversed the vast grasslands in search of the elusive giant Toads, they soon realized a significant flaw in their current situation. None of them possessed the firepower necessary to deal a substantial amount of damage to the formidable creatures.

Kazuma's cunning tactics and Aqua's divine magic were helpful in certain aspects, but they lacked the raw offensive power required to overcome the Toads' robust defenses. Darkness, with her unwavering bravery and formidable defense, could hold her ground against their attacks but struggled to deliver impactful blows.

Frustration began to seep into their minds as they faced the unyielding resilience of the giant Toads. Kazuma, ever the strategist, contemplated possible solutions to their predicament. Aqua, growing increasingly restless, sought to unleash her divine wrath, only to discover that her attacks barely left a scratch on the Toads' tough hides. Darkness, determined to contribute more, swung her sword with all her might but found her strikes lacking the necessary impact.

It became apparent to the group that they needed a significant boost in offensive capabilities. They longed for the return of Megumin and Jack, whose absence was sorely felt. Their unique powers, Megumin's possibly powerful explosive magic and Jack's swordmanship, were sorely missed in the battle against the Toads.

Kazuma and Aqua watched with surprise as Darkness, covered in the saliva of the giant Toad, displayed an unexpected perverted expression on her face. The sight left them momentarily taken aback, unsure of how to react to her unusual reaction to the slimy situation.

Kazuma, with a mix of disbelief and exasperation, blinked a few times, trying to process what he was witnessing. "Darkness, of all people... really?" he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief.

Aqua, on the other hand, couldn't contain her laughter as she pointed at Darkness, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh my, Darkness! Is this your secret fetish? Getting drenched in Toad saliva?" she teased, barely able to contain her giggles.

Darkness, her face still adorned with a peculiar expression, attempted to wipe away the Toad saliva from her armor, unaware of the strange and slightly perverse look she wore. "N-no, it's not like that!" she stammered, blushing deeply. "I-I must have been caught off guard, that's all."

Kazuma rolled his eyes, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing on his face. "Sure, Darkness, we believe you," he said sarcastically, unable to resist a small smirk. "Just make sure to clean up properly. We don't want you catching any strange Toad-related diseases."

As Darkness finished cleaning herself off, she mustered a determined expression and turned to Kazuma and Aqua. "Listen, you two," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "Please promise me that you won't mention a word of this... incident... to Jack. I don't want him to see this side of me and be scared off."

Kazuma and Aqua exchanged a glance, understanding the seriousness in Darkness's request. Kazuma nodded, his expression showing a rare moment of sincerity. "Don't worry, Darkness," he reassured her. "Your secret is safe with us. We won't breathe a word of this to Jack."

Aqua chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But don't think we won't use this as leverage for some good-natured teasing later on," she added, unable to resist a playful jab.

Darkness huffed indignantly but managed a small smile. "Fine, just promise not to take it too far," she replied, her tone betraying a mixture of gratitude and warning.


Megumin couldn't help but voice her curiosity. "Jack, considering your immense power and capabilities, why haven't you just gone on your own and joined a group of high-ranking adventurers? You could easily find a party ready to face the demon king."

Jack turned to Megumin, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It's true that I possess significant strength," he began, "but power alone is not enough to face the Demon King. It takes more than just individual strength to overcome such a formidable foe."

He continued, his gaze drifting into the distance. "In my experience, teamwork, trust, and shared goals are vital in defeating powerful enemies. While I could undoubtedly find a group of strong adventurers, it's not just about strength; it's about finding individuals who can work together, complement each other's abilities, and share a common purpose."

Megumin nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I see. So, you believe that our group, despite our quirks and shortcomings, has the potential to become a formidable force?"

Jack smiled warmly. "Exactly. I believe that each of us brings something unique to the table. Aqua's divine abilities, Kazuma's cunning, Darkness's unwavering defense, and your explosive magic. Together, we have the potential to become a force that can rival even the mightiest adversaries."

Megumin couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Jack," she began, "I've been observing your training, and it seems like you're able to tap into some otherworldly source of power. It's different from anything I've ever experienced with my own magic. Can you explain how you're able to do that?"

Jack looked at Megumin, contemplating how to explain his unique situation. "Megumin, what I'm about to tell you is something I haven't shared with anyone else. It's a bit unconventional, but I trust you won't reveal this to others without my permission, The others already know but i trust them."

Megumin nodded, her eyes filled with intrigue. "Of course, Jack. You have my word."

Taking a deep breath, Jack began to explain. "The source of my power comes from a fusion of different experiences and memories. It's not just my own strength, but a combination of my... previous life and the powers I've inherited from others."

He continued, "You see, I possess the ability to merge with certain memories and tap into the skills and powers of those who have come before me. In essence, it's like borrowing their abilities temporarily to enhance my own." Jack thought to himself, 'This is the closest answer to the truth I can give to someone inhabiting the medieval age.'

After saying that, Jack mentioned something else to Megumin, something she didn't understand the necessity of. Megumin tilted her head, looking at Jack with a puzzled expression. "Jack, I understand the importance of mastering my explosion magic, but I can't help but wonder why I should bother learning this... alchemy thing. How would it enhance my ability to dominate explosions?"

Jack considered her question for a moment before responding. "Megumin, while your explosion magic is already incredibly powerful, learning alchemy can provide you with a deeper understanding of the underlying principles behind your spells. It's not about replacing your explosion magic, but rather enhancing it."

He continued, "Alchemy can teach you how to manipulate the very essence of explosions, allowing you to control their size, intensity, and even their aftermath. It grants you the knowledge to fine-tune your explosions and adapt them to different situations."

Megumin furrowed her brow, still unsure. "But why would I need to control my explosions? Isn't the whole point to unleash their full destructive force?"

Jack smiled and replied, "Ah, Megumin, I see your point. The raw power of your explosions is undoubtedly impressive, but let me ask you this: Do you want to unleash those powerful explosions multiple times a day?"

Megumin paused, contemplating his question. "Well, yes, of course! The more explosions, the better!"

Jack nodded. "Indeed, and that's where controlling your explosions becomes crucial. By learning alchemy, you can refine your casting technique, manipulate the mana flow, and conserve your energy. It allows you to cast your explosive spells more efficiently, enabling you to unleash them multiple times without exhausting yourself."

He continued, "Imagine being able to dominate the battlefield with a series of well-timed and controlled explosions. Instead of exhausting all your energy in a single blast, you can pace yourself, ensuring you have the stamina to continue fighting and supporting the team."

Jack sat down with Megumin, ready to explain the intricacies of using alchemy to enhance her explosive magic. "Megumin, listen closely. Alchemy is the key to using your magic as fuel for powerful explosions, rather than relying solely on your spell to create the entire explosion."

Megumin leaned in, her eyes focused and curious. "How does it work, Jack? I've always channeled my mana into casting the explosion spell directly."

Jack nodded, understanding her approach. "Yes, casting your explosion spell directly is effective, but it's also draining, as you've experienced. With alchemy, we can manipulate the mana flow and enhance the explosive potential of your magic."

He continued, "First, we'll need to understand the fundamental principles of alchemy. It involves the transmutation of energy and matter. By combining specific reagents and mana, we can create a volatile mixture that amplifies your explosive magic."

Megumin listened intently, absorbing the information. "So, instead of using all of my mana to create the explosion, I can use alchemical mixtures to enhance the explosive power while conserving some of my mana for sustained casting."

Jack smiled, impressed by her comprehension. "Exactly, Megumin! Alchemy allows us to create mixtures that react with your mana, acting as a catalyst for explosive reactions. By utilizing these mixtures strategically, you can enhance the magnitude and impact of your explosions."

He reached into his bag and pulled out vials containing various reagents. "These are some of the ingredients we'll be working with. Each one possesses unique properties that, when combined with your mana, will produce different effects. We'll experiment and find the perfect mixture for your explosive magic."

Megumin's eyes sparkled with excitement. "This sounds incredible, Jack! I've always admired explosions, and now I have the opportunity to take them to new heights."

Jack nodded approvingly. "Indeed, Megumin. With alchemy, you'll have greater control over your explosions. You can adjust the intensity, range, and even create specialized effects tailored to different situations. It will make you an even more formidable force on the battlefield."

He handed her a vial. "Let's start with a simple experiment. Infuse your mana into this mixture, following the instructions I've written. Observe the changes in the explosion, the way the mixture amplifies your power. This will be the first step towards mastering the art of alchemical explosions."

Megumin eagerly took the vial and nodded. "I'm ready, Jack. Let's unlock the true potential of my explosive magic!"

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The night sky gradually unfolded, revealing its dark canvas adorned with twinkling stars. It was a peaceful evening, seemingly undisturbed by the chaos that often accompanied the adventurers' journey.

In the distance, a figure stood, bathed in an ethereal glow. It was Megumin, her crimson robe billowing in the gentle breeze. Her eyes shimmered with determination and excitement as she held her staff aloft, channeling her mana with newfound expertise.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as if nature itself held its breath. And then, in an instant, a surge of power erupted from Megumin's staff. A brilliant burst of light illuminated the surroundings, as if a small star had descended from the heavens to grace the earth with its radiance.

The night sky, once serene and tranquil, transformed into a breathtaking spectacle. The explosion unfolded with mesmerizing beauty, colors swirling and intertwining like a celestial ballet. Sparks and embers danced across the night, leaving trails of brilliance in their wake.

The shockwave reverberated through the grasslands, shaking the earth beneath their feet. The sheer force of the explosion was awe-inspiring, as if the very fabric of reality had been temporarily reshaped by Megumin's unleashed power.

As the echoes of the explosion faded, the night sky gradually regained its composure, returning to its peaceful splendor. Megumin, her breath slightly labored, stood amidst the aftermath of her detonation. Her eyes glimmered with satisfaction, knowing that she had tapped into a new realm of power.

The group, gathered nearby, watched in awe and wonder. Darkness, Aqua, and Kazuma stood speechless, their eyes fixed on the radiant aftermath of Megumin's explosive display. Even Jack, who had witnessed countless battles and displays of magic, couldn't help but be amazed by the raw power and beauty before him.

Jack turned to face Aqua, Darkness, and Kazuma, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. With a playful grin, he asked, "So, my esteemed companions, are you satisfied with our newest member? Quite the explosive addition, wouldn't you agree?"

Aqua, still in awe of Megumin's display, could only nod in amazement. Darkness, her face still tinged with remnants of the toad's saliva, managed to muster a faint smile and a nod of approval. Kazuma, unable to hide his surprise, let out a chuckle and admitted, "Well, I guess I can't deny the effectiveness of her explosions."

Jack laughed heartily, his confidence bolstered by Megumin's growing power. "Good. With Megumin's explosive prowess, we are stronger than ever before. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead and triumph over the forces that stand in our way."

The group shared a moment of camaraderie and excitement, their bond strengthened by the realization of their collective potential. They knew that as a team, they possessed the skills, determination, and now explosive might to take on any obstacle that awaited them on their path to defeating the demon king.

Megumin's gaze lingered on Jack, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and awe. She couldn't deny the undeniable growth she had experienced under his guidance. Her explosions had become more potent, her control more refined. But there was something else stirring within her, something she couldn't quite put into words.

As she watched Jack, his confident demeanor and unwavering determination, a sense of admiration welled up inside her. It wasn't just his own power that impressed her, but the way he helped others realize their own potential. His guidance had unlocked a new level of strength within her, but it was more than that. There was a connection, a bond that had formed between them through their shared pursuit of mastery over their respective abilities.

Megumin couldn't quite decipher her own feelings. Was it respect? Gratitude? Or was there something more? She found herself drawn to his presence, seeking his guidance and approval. His words of encouragement ignited a fire within her, driving her to push her limits further than ever before.

In a fiery display, with a thunderous blast,

An explosion erupted, breaking through the vast.

Sparks danced and scattered, colors filled the air,

A spectacle of power, a moment rare.

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