
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Dark encounter

Kazuma took a good look at Jack's appearance. He wasn't only looking full of despair, but his body was full of cuts, dust, and he seemed very tired.

"Hey... that guy really roughed you up, huh?" Kazuma casually pointed out trying to lighten the mood as he gestured toward the remnants of the broken robot. The situation felt surreal, and he was worried about their friends who were still unconscious.

Jack kept caressing Yunyun and Megumin's hair while looking at the horizon. "I'm weak... really weak..." he started glaring and refused to elaborate on what he meant.

Before Kazuma could say anything else, Jack got up. "Watch over Yunyun and Megumin." he muttered tiredly before flying to the crater that used to be Axel.

"Ah, hey!" Aqua called after Jack, but he had already left.

Kazuma and Aqua exchanged worried glances as they watched Jack fly off towards the destroyed Axel. They quickly returned their attention to Yunyun and Megumin, ensuring they were safe and relatively unharmed. Kazuma tried to assess their injuries and, although they seemed exhausted, they didn't appear to have any serious wounds.

"We need to find a place to rest." Kazuma considered the situation for a moment before elaborating. "Hey, why don't we head back to the Manor? It's quite far from Axel, so it should still be intact. We can rest there and figure out what to do next."

Aqua nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea. It's best to get them to a safe place." With that decided, they carefully carried Yunyun and Megumin back to the Manor.

As they sat together, Aqua couldn't help but voice her worry. "I hope Jack is alright," she said softly. "He looked so tired and beaten up."

Kazuma sighed. "I know, but we can't do anything for him right now. He's always been the type to handle things on his own. We just have to trust that he'll be okay."

"You're right," Aqua conceded. "But still, it's frustrating not being able to help him."

Kazuma placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know, Aqua, but sometimes we have to let him handle things in his own way. He's a strong guy, and he'll find a way to come back to us."

Their dialogue was interrupted by the sound of numerous footsteps and hushed voices. Soon, they found themselves under a big number of eyes.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of familiar faces, Kazuma and Aqua were momentarily at a loss for words. The people of Axel, who had sought refuge in their Manor, looked at them with a mixture of relief and worry.

One of the villagers stepped forward, a mix of emotions evident on his face. "Kazuma, Aqua, we didn't know where else to go. Axel... it's gone, completely destroyed by that monstrous machine. We barely managed to escape in time."

Aqua's eyes widened in shock, and Kazuma's expression turned grim. "I see." Kazuma replied, his voice somber. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you need. We'll do our best to protect you."

The villagers expressed their gratitude, and soon the Manor was filled with the sounds of people finding comfort in one another's company. Kazuma and Aqua did their best to provide food and shelter for everyone and offered words of encouragement to those who had lost their homes.


Jack melted the ice where Wiz was trapped and cleared the rubble covering her. He was amazed she could withstand the explosion, but at the same time, he was feeling extremely tired. He, along with Megumin and Yunyun, almost ended her unlife.

Carefully cradling her in his arms, Jack made his way to a more secure area away from the destruction. He gently laid her down and knelt next to Wiz, carefully examining her. She was unconscious but seemed to be breathing steadily. Her body bore some scratches and bruises from the battle, but it seemed like she would recover. Jack gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, a look of genuine concern in his eyes.

He was grateful that her undead nature had allowed her to withstand the explosion to some extent, but he knew she still needed proper care and rest.

"I'm glad you're okay, Wiz," he murmured softly, though he knew she couldn't hear him at the moment. "You've always been kind to the more unfortunate, you don't deserve any of this. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else I care about."

He took a moment to look around at the devastation that surrounded them. The once-bustling town of Axel now lay in ruins, and the sight filled him with a mix of anger and sorrow.

As he sat by Wiz's side, memories of his encounter with Vanir at the Crimson Demon Village flashed through his mind. The memories seemed almost tangible, Vanir's voice echoed in his mind once again. The devil's presence felt like a dark shadow lurking at the edges of his thoughts.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Hero Jack," Vanir's voice slithered into Jack's consciousness. "It seems we can't stay away from each other for long, can we?"

"Vanir." Jack said through gritted teeth, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword. He knew better than to let his guard down around the devil.

Vanir raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by Jack's defensive stance. "No need to be so tense, my dear hero. I'm simply here to offer you a little proposition." he said, his smile widening.

"What could you possibly offer me?" Jack retorted, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"I'm here to offer you a deal, Jack," Vanir's voice continued, insidiously sweet. "I can sense the burden you carry, the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. What if I told you that you could be free of it all? No more worries, no more struggles. I can grant you the power to make your dreams come true."

Jack's jaw clenched, resisting the allure of Vanir's promises. He knew better than to trust the devil's words, for there was always a catch, a price to pay that would bring only suffering and despair.

"You have a destiny, Hero Jack," Vanir cooed. "But it's not the one you think. Embrace the darkness within you, and you'll find a power beyond your wildest imagination. Together, we can reshape the world as we see fit."

"No," Jack said firmly, his resolve hardening. "I won't be swayed by your empty promises, Vanir. My path is clear, and I won't stray from it."

"I have the power to grant your heart's deepest desire. I can send you back home, to the world you long to return to."

Jack's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat. The offer was too tempting to ignore. The thought of going back home, reuniting with his family and friends, returning to the life he once knew, it all tugged at his heartstrings.

"I can see it in your eyes," Vanir continued, his voice dripping with malicious charm. "The nostalgia, the homesickness, the longing for the life you left behind. All you have to do is accept my offer, and I'll send you back, right where you belong."

Jack's grip on reality wavered as conflicting emotions surged within him. He wanted to go back, to see his family again, to return to the world he once called home. But he knew that accepting Vanir's deal meant abandoning his friends and the quest they had embarked upon together.

Struggling to find his resolve, Jack took a deep breath. "As much as I miss my home, I can't abandon my friends," he said, his voice resolute. "We're in this together, and I won't turn my back on them."

Vanir's laughter echoed in his mind, mocking and sinister. "Oh, how noble of you, Jack," he sneered. "But remember, the opportunity won't come knocking again. Think carefully about what truly matters to you."

He nodded to a tree, and from it walked three individuals. As the three figures emerged from the shadows, Jack's suspicions were confirmed. They were no ordinary individuals; they were the Generals of the Demon King himself, the very beings he and his companions sought to confront.

"So it has come to this." Jack raised his sword.

The first figure stepped forward, clad in dark armor and wielding a menacing-looking greatsword. He exuded an aura of raw power and aggression, the very essence of a fearsome warrior. This was Aron, the General of War, known for his relentless pursuit of victory and his ruthless tactics in battle.

Beside Aron stood a woman draped in elegant robes, her eyes gleaming with intelligence and cunning. This was Seresdina, the General of disruption, whose manipulative nature and misterious dark magic made her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Finally, a towering figure emerged, her imposing presence sending shivers down Jack's spine. This was Zestantha, the General of Destruction, capable of unleashing devastating and uncontrollable chaos upon her enemies.

Zestantha, with her fiery red hair and piercing gaze, spoke with a voice that sent chills down his spine. "So, you dare to challenge my father's rule, little hero? You are nothing but an insignificant speck in the grand design of the Demon King's plans."

Aron, his muscular form towering over Jack, grinned menacingly. "Indeed, you are no match for us, mortal. You should have stayed away from our affairs."

Seresdina, her eyes calculating and sharp, chimed in, "Your foolishness has led you to this futile confrontation. Prepare to face the wrath of the Demon King's chosen Generals."

Jack took a deep breath, steadying his resolve. Without hesitation, he raised his sword, the blade gleaming with determination. "I will not let you or your father's tyranny stand in our way. We will put an end to the darkness that plagues this world."

Zestantha's eyes narrowed, a hint of curiosity mingling with her arrogance. "You truly believe you can defeat us? You are a mere human, and we are the Demon King's chosen. You are no match for our power."

Jack's grip on his sword tightened, and a fiery determination burned within him. "I may be a mere human, but I have something you and your father will never understand – the strength that comes from the bonds of friendship and love." he declared.

Vanir looked with delight at Zesthanta squirming a little at Jack's declaration. "You! How can you spout such nonsense with a straight face?!" she said, feeling disgust for the human in front of her.

Vanir's laughter echoed through the battlefield, his sinister grin widening. "Oh, my dear Zestantha, do you not see it? This human's words are not mere nonsense; they are the embodiment of who he fundamentally is. He fights not for power or glory, but for something far more powerful – his own belief"

Zestantha's eyes narrowed, her disdain for Jack evident. "And what good will his belief do against the might of the Demon King?"

Vanir's chuckle grew darker. "Ah, my dear General, you underestimate the power of belief. It is the fuel that drives heroes to defy the odds and face insurmountable challenges. A powerful conviction can shake the very foundation of the world."

Zestantha's lip curled in contempt, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. She had never encountered a human like Jack before, they always yielded in the face of overwhelming power or were easy to corrupt with sweet whispers.

Zestantha, with her fiery red hair and intense gaze, stepped forward, conjuring dark energy around her. "You are a bold one, i'll give you that. To challenge the might of the Demon King's Generals." With a sudden burst of speed, Zestantha launched herself at Jack, wielding her dark magic with deadly precision. Jack deftly parried her attacks, his movements fluid and precise.

Tendrils made of black magic tried to pierce Jack, while Zethanta herself tried to punch him. He barely had the time to react, and when he did, all he could do was either dodge or block the unrelenting onslaught.

Just when he was wondering what the others were doing, Aron jumped high into the sky and tried to crush Jack's skull with his sword. While the attack missed, it managed to make Jack's footing unsteady, which was enough for Zesthanta to land her attacks.

It felt like his skin was burning from the cuts made by the tendrils, but he had no time to linger on the pain. Zesthanta landed a punch on him, taking the wind out of him and making him crash through a tree, skidding to a halt.

Jack gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain and fatigue. He couldn't afford to give in now. As Zestantha closed in for another attack, Jack mustered his strength and focused his mind. He channeled his inner magic, summoning the power of the elements around him. A gust of wind swirled around him, creating a protective barrier against Zestantha's dark magic.

With renewed determination, Jack sprung into action. He weaved between the tendrils of black magic, narrowly avoiding their deadly grasp. Aron's sword swung down again, but this time Jack parried the blow with precision, countering with a swift strike that sent Aron stumbling back.

Zestantha's eyes blazed with fury as she conjured a powerful dark spell, aiming to engulf Jack in its destructive energy. But Jack was ready. Drawing upon his own magic, he summoned a shield of light to counter the dark spell, creating a dazzling clash of elements.

Seeing as they were barely fazed by his shield, he could only conclude they knew from the start he could use offensive holy magic. He shook his head; if he kept lingering on that, he would feel more disheartened, which he can't afford right now.

As the battle raged on, Jack's mind raced. He needed a plan, a way to turn the tide in his favor. With a quick glance, he spotted a nearby water source. Drawing on the power of water, he conjured a torrential wave, sending it crashing toward Zestantha and Aron.

The sudden surge of water caught them off guard, momentarily disorienting them. Jack seized the opportunity and lunged forward, his sword glowing with a radiant light. He aimed a powerful strike at Zestantha, catching her off guard and sending her flying backward when she barely raised her guard to defend herself.

Aron, recovering from the water assault, attempted to counter Jack's attack, but Jack was too quick. He spun around, his movements fluid and agile, and delivered a swift kick that sent Aron tumbling to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Jack stood tall amidst the chaos. Zestantha and Aron slowly got up, their expressions a mix of surprise and frustration.

"You're stronger than you look, human," Zestantha admitted begrudgingly, her fiery gaze fixed on Jack.

Zestantha's lips curled into a sly smile. "Very well. It seems you have a spark of potential. I'll let you live for now. But mark my words, human, the Demon King's power far surpasses your comprehension. Your beliefs won't save you when he comes."

With those ominous words, Zestantha, Seresdina and Aron vanished into the darkness, leaving Jack standing alone with Vanir in the aftermath of the battle.

Jack was initially puzzled. If they all jumped on him, they would have been able to win. Not only that, but Seresdina didn't so much as gaze at him or anything else.

He turned his gaze to Vanir and spoke with caution. "Was that it? Did you come all the way here to rough me up a little?"

Vanir smiled darkly. "Well, we aren't the main actors of this act. We were merely warming that seat for something else, to keep the audience entertained, you see."

Vanir's words greatly unsettled Jack. He had suspected that this encounter might be a diversion, but hearing it confirmed sent a wave of unease through him. "Distraction for what?" Jack demanded, his grip on his sword tightening.

"You see," Vanir's voice took on a sinister tone, "while you were occupied with my dear friend, the true attack was underway. Your little friends in Axel are facing a much more pressing threat as we speak."

Jack's heart sank. He knew he had to hurry back to Axel to protect everyone, but he couldn't let Vanir see his worry. "You're lying," he said, trying to maintain a composed facade. "I won't fall for your tricks."

Vanir's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with joy. "Oh, my dear Hero, you'll find out whether it's the truth or not soon enough," he replied cryptically. "Let's just say that your little adventure here is just the beginning of something much bigger."

Before Jack could press further, Vanir's form started to dissipate, his laughter echoing in the air. "Until we meet again, Hero!" he called out, his voice fading away.

With a grim expression, Jack turned and flew back to where he had left Yunyun and Megumin. He hoped that they were okay, and that he could find a way to reunite with the rest of the party.

Jack rested a hand on Wiz's forehead, and dark miasma started to pour into her. "What hero? I'm just an idiot with too much responsibility for my own good." Wiz's complexion started to look a lot better, so Jack closed his eyes. 'I should... sleep a little too.' His vision clouded, and he passed out.

I probably made it harder to understand, but bear with me. 'Tis but a small mess-up. (I'm talking about the events' order.)

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