

Greek mythology - The life of the Greek Gods and Goddesses

SilverScorpion · Fantasy
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6 Chs

It All Started When...

Napoleon declared war on Greece.

"COME ON GREECE. I DECLARE WAR ON YOU!" Napoleon screamed, waving his gun in front of the borders of Greece. His army of soldiers standing in a row behind him.

The Greek citizens just gave him the bombastic side eye. Dumb guy standing right there, they thought to themselves.

JUST JOKING. Napoleon didn't ever have the guts to declare war on Greece. It actually all started when…

Chaos decided he was bored.

"AGGHH, THIS IS SO BORING!" Chaos screamed.

Wait a second, now you over there, yes, I'm pointing at you, might be asking: "Who is Chaos." So for the sake of you, (you should be ashamed) I'll explain who or what Chaos is. Chaos was just a void of NOTHING, but even though he was a void with nothing, It still had a human sense, or whatever you would call it.

"Hmmm. I need more people!!! Wait. People haven't been invented yet. WELL, I NEED MORE PRIMORDIAL GODS. Hey, no one has invented that yet, maybe I should invent them." Chaos chuckled to himself, and with that, out of himself, he created the first primordial gods. Gaia, Ouranos, Nyx, Eros, Pontus, Tartarus and all those peo-I mean primordial gods. Nyx was the goddess of darkness, or night, same thing anyways, while Eros…EVERYONE HAS HEARD OF CUPID RIGHT? Yep, that little thing with wings that you see flying around with diapers and a bow and arrow during valentines day. That is Eros' Roman form. I bet that gives you an idea on who he is. Some people think he is Aphrodite's child but…back on her later. Now we dive deep under the sea to find Pontus, the primordial god of the sea. He's quite a lazy primordial god compared to the rest. Then, we have Tartarus. He is actually a pit that is deep under the ground, but it eventually developed senses and became a primordial god too. He's one scary guy. And then, here comes Gaia (Pronounced as GA-EE-AH) and Ouranos (Some people say he's called Uranus). Gaia is the earth, the whole entire earth itself, while Ouranus, was the sky.

Gaia, when she wasn't being the earh we walk on, she often appears as a mature woman, with curly brown hair with strands of green. She has green eye shadow, made from the Earth's finest plants and dark lipstick made from the best fruits on Earth. She usually wore green garment, completed with designs of plants and flowers. She was the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine.

Ouranos, on the other hand, looked like a grumpy dude who didn't have a good night's sleep, she was the opposite of Gaia. He was grumpy all the time, and had a reputation of being scary.

Now, the Earth and the Sky. Just hearing those words, you KNOW something is going to happen, and you guessed right. They fell in love with each other, and became the first couple in the world. Everything was good at first, they were sweet to each other and all that, they even had their first bunch of children. They were called the Titans. The titans had a much stronger build than the Primordial Gods and they were much bigger, they also radiated more power. I wish I could say the family lived happily ever after, but noooo, there's always a sad ending. It started off with Ouranos, he had to keep traveling down to the earth, and for a couple of millennials, he did the same, just to meet up with Gaia, but hey, even a Primordial God can be fed up of coming back and forth from his domain to Earth right? So he started acting like a jerky dad and came down to see Gaia and his children less often. It wasn't that bad though, but everything really went KA-BOOM when Gaia decided to tell Ouranos that maybe they should have other children. Wrong move. When their second bunch and third bunch of children were born, It proved that Gaia and Ouranos' mariage were dead. They were all set's of triplets. First it was the Hundred handed ones. They had multiple eyes and a hundred hands as you know from their name. After the hundred handed ones, the Elder Cyclops were born. They had one eye and their lower body was the one of a horse's. Basically, all six of them looked ugly, even Ouranos, their father looked at his children in disgust.

"GAIA! ARE YOU TELLING ME THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN. DISGRACEFUL TO MY NAME. TARTARUS YOU GO!"He shouted while chaining up his six children and threw them down to the pits of Tartarus. 

Luckily, the Titan's were spared of his wrath. Now up to this point, I should start introducing the Titans.