
Elite Mages' Academy

Author: The Final Fool
Completed · 5.6M Views
  • 714 Chs
  • 3.9
    474 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Elite Mages' Academy

Read ‘Elite Mages' Academy’ Online for Free, written by the author The Final Fool, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: What would you do if you were transported to an academy where becoming immortal was possible? Where magic spells and swo...


What would you do if you were transported to an academy where becoming immortal was possible? Where magic spells and swordsmanship were your courses and fighting zombies and wars were your exams? Dawn Academy was no ordinary learning institution and Xiao Lin was about to find out how mysterious and exciting this magical academy really was. Join this self-professed gaming nerd as he embarks on a journey that takes learning to a whole other level. With flying dragons, high-tech systems, and alien livestock that makes your bowels explode, Xiao Lin’s freshmen adventure is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Misi Penyelamat Xue Shilin

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Under The Gods' Gaze

Yggdrasil, the world tree. A being of omnipotence that controls and guides the universe with its infinite influence and wisdom, seeking an outcome that no man or creature could possibly comprehend. Many believe the world tree to simply contain the universe and keep it stable, but the truth is hardly ever so simple. Yggdrasil is the manifestation of the universe's will, and always searches for a net positive outcome. These outcomes often come at great prices however, with many of the Tree's actions resulting in the loss of millions of sentient lives. However the Tree is Omnipotent, and thus sees life at an infinite scale. This infinite veiw allows the tree to see the long term effects of the decisions it makes, thus resulting in 100% net positive outcomes. However, in the past 60 years there has been a disturbance, one from another universe entirely. A universe where pure chaos reigned supreme, and there was no overseer. This chaotic universe has begun to bleed through the universal folds of time and space, allowing interaction between the two. And as a result of this bleeding, the planet most important to Yggdrasil's desired universal outcome is being overrun by the Void Seekers. In order to save it's universe and destroy the Void, Yggdrasil has made a Drastic decision... a decision involving one man... Magni Gunvaldsen. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Welcome to my story fellow humans. I have had to rewrite this story 15 times because I was never truly satisfied with it, but here I am with the final product. I have solidified the plot, I have given my main character a real personality, and I have corrected my writing style to fit the theme of the book more closely. The amount of time and effort I have placed into this book is honestly frightening, but nonetheless worth every second, penny, and sleepless night. Welcome to a journey of a lifetime, and I hope you enjoy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] If you want real time updates on my progress or just want to support me you can go ahead and follow my insta, @Cathulhu01_OFF. I'm mainly doing this as a hobby, but if it takes off(which I doubt it will, but one can only hope and work harder) I will put a link to my patreon. The sub cost will be $5, but I will put a ton of content on there so don't worry. Don't have a good day, Have a fucking awesome day. CTHULHU

Cathulu01 · Fantasy
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3 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2


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petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................


This book is about a guy in a mages' academy who is much weaker than everyone else, with the exception of having a high talent that doubles exp. Exp only comes into play with skills, there are no levels, but there are stats, which can be improved, but our protagonist has such a low starting point.


First thought purely based on the title... Harry Potter?


Reveal spoiler


It’s very frustrating to read this novel. I never knew academies were supposed to hide and bury talents. You’d think they’ll hold on tightly to a rare SS grade talent, instead of hiding and neglecting it. No wonder they’re on the decline. The everyone-is-underestimating-me trope is so forced in this novel.


Warning! Don't waste your time with this story. I've already read the complete Chinese version on webnovels. The author abandons the story and rushes it to a dismal end at chapter 714. It started out good but the author runs out of steam around chapter 500 and after that it becomes an inter-academy competition for about 170 chapters. The author then wraps it up by creating a cheat that makes all the other sub plots irrelevant and nullifies the whole story. It ends in the most unsatisfactory way possible. The author gave up completely. The same author tried to restart the story using the same idea but quickly abandon it after 16 chapters.


I’ll say its trash sure it has good potential however that’s all it has, the mc is actually dumb he can’t figure out shit any normal Child could, and the academie is Even dumer, never knew they always hid ss-class talent for no reason in fact even if they did have one they could have given him a bodyguard and special meteral, cus it seams like the school is filled with crasy ass murders, and i hate the fact that the mc treats it like a game. Also the translation sucks ass, he uses words that don’t fit, or words that he obviously doesn’t know the meaning of, also c’mon on dude you can’t even get the stats right?


Reveal spoiler


Seriously where is the story? Started very good then 35 chapters where nothing happens except for deception. Don't expect the story to start in the first 40 chapters. Had a huge potential, nice with the improving potentiel with skills update, but what's the point for him to have such a huge golden fighter if it's useless...


This is good up to chapter 300 then it goes down hill from there. The author Just said F it and ended it At 620 its not worth your time or eventually your mOney.


The school setting is just boring. Everyone thinks mc is weak even when he gets a good evaluation. I dont know why they always pick the bad novels


It’s a very trashy novel, everyone including mc is a fucking toddler that failed to get beyond grade 2 if you don’t get what i mean read the novel or if you have read it or are reading it please reread the first few chapters and i want you to remember that those guys are 20 and above, then suddenly the novel turns into shit, and the one of many stupid things that happen is that in the 11-12 chapters where the mc is a class monitor and that dumb bitch doesn’t even know what the benefits are for being one even when people change there attitude when he tells them that he is a class monitor, or you know when he can see their fucking age and stats


not my taste......personally felt very boring and frustrating experience reading the book.......anyway, best of luck to the author..........


Everyone is stupid is this novel. I mean basic logic is considered like stroke of genius, the MC is only a tiny bit smarter than the average of that world, which mind you still put him below the average reader. Nothing happens organically, conflit, etc manifest because the author said so. The characters act like 5 years old to generate event. It's readable but you will have to dig deep and let your brain at the door to find some nuggets of fun.


A rotten apple can spoil the barrel. This novel is a mixture of good and bad. I like the ideas, the setting, the possibilities. Unfortunately, none of that matters because the bad parts are remminded to readers on every page. What are the bad parts? Well, the most glaring of all, the age of the characters. The freshmen are supposed to be around 23, and everyone else is older, some even over a hundred years. As someone who is in their mid-20s, has college under their belt, and job, if I met one of these "20-something" characters, I would ask for their IDs, because they act and think like teenagers who are not old enough to drink yet. The ***** world is a balance of polite patience and respect for society. From the way the characters behave, none of them seem to have ever worked or studied. Like little children, they jump at the idea that they are superior to others if they have a talent or a high points... they brag about it and shun those who are lower from the start (first day when they know nothing and second day when they know 5% more). They cat called a lecturer... wtf? That is like catcalling your boss, the person in whose hands is a button: make your life hell. Piss off a professor, you might as well leave the university for passing their subject would be close to zero. They can feel and think all these things, but only an imbecile would show it outwardly. Some of them are "smart" yet act like children. If they were kids 14 years old it would fine to read, but knowing they are my age and... act like having never left their mother's side - embarrassing. This novel would be easier to read for those who are teenagers themselves because they wouldn't notice the discrepancy in character mental age. Overall, I'll purely keep reading because I like fantasy schools, but neither the characters nor the "cleverness" of the story captivates me, so I'll drop it once I get my magic school fix.




Many frustrated people just rated 1-2 stars without taking in account everything... it's sad, anyway it's not like their review changes anything, the number of people that use coins to unlock chapters affects the selection. Slow progression with a MC that's not overpowered from the start.


I can't take it seriously in the slightest. Characters portrayed as 'smart' are simply at the peak of the stupidity spectrum. By that, I mean as adults the smartest of characters might be able to pass the fifth grade. Characters, including the main character, are extremely dumb. First 15 chapters is the admissions test. Spoiler, MC gets an S rating along with the so called world record genius girl. (She is able to calculate elementary school math and has common sense). Everyone knows about his S rating. Yet, instead of finding it weird that he was able to get the S rating, meaning he CONTRIBUTED, the instructor still looks at him win disdain. Not an ounce of curiosity how he got the rating. Chalked it up to the girl who can do elementary math being a genius. Basically, whole trial read so far to me feels like a few toddlers interacting and a few infants acting arrogant.


This one is honestly much more interesting than the other ones of this batch. It has unique characters with actual personality, unlike these other ones that just use the same exact character design for every single novel


Loving this book a lot. It has a very interesting MC in a well thought out world. I am able to completely immerse myself in this book and can already tell that this will be one of the addictive ones. Good luck author!


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