
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"Ereais!" He squealed.

He's panting like he ran a marathon or he got a fist fight with someone else that requires him to use a lot of energy. He's gasping while ascending to the top of the hill. He's holding his knees while catching breath.

I watch him climbing as he wave his hands to caught my attention. I smirk as I continue my intention here. He call my name in a shrill manner while I direct my way under a big tree. I lie myself as I inhaled the fresh air.

Truly, it's so convenient to find a place where we are distant from anyone else. This forest is my ideal location to hide our existence, away from possible enemies.

Sighing, I ignored his call and keep my eyes close as I appreciate the beautiful day. The subtle movements of the dancing leaves creates a relaxing illusion that calms my mood.

"Ereais! Come 'on! Let's fight!" He said horsely, appearing close beside me. I shifted my body—facing the other side, ignoring him for the second time.

He sighed harshly when he notice that I am avoiding his invitation.

"Ereais!" He groaned as he call my name once again with much frustration in his voice.

I chuckled.

He's very persistent on calling me for a battle. He was always like this whenever he wanted to test his limits or to try a new spell that he learned. I always give him a try though.

I stood up immediately and without any words, I vanished swiftly on his front. Without giving any further signs of starting the battle, I open my hand and summon a wind spear and took it as a chance to hit his neck directly. In a fast phase, I reach him in time but he dodge it quickly.

He jumped hastily, evading my sudden attack. The ground cracked as for my spell hit it directly instead. I stand firmly from my current position—facing him confidently.

"Wait! You're so unfair! I am not yet ready!" He ranted while stomping his feet in annoyance. His sword and grimoire is very evident along with him.

The color green and red aura of his grimoire is fiercely evident while his crystal red sword is pointing towards me.

I see, he used his senses and his sword to dodge that attack. His senses is quite improving. I smiled and gave him an approve sign to appreciate his big efforts.

"Very good, Ysio! You've completely dodge that attack! You're improving!" He smiled shyly and raises his sword.

"My turn now!" He said enthusiastically.

"Go ahead, I am ready." I smiled arrogantly.

"Ankathia!" He chanted an unfamiliar magic spell. His grimoire and sword glows. I waited patiently for his surprise attack.

I tried to anticipate what will happens next, but going back on our previous battles, his new spells are very unpredictable which make him distinct to other casters.

Surprisingly, the ground shakes! I focused my senses to my surrounding and attempt to predict his attack.

In no time—I completely lost my sight!, a large thorns of tentacle appeared from the ground and shackled my body to resist me from moving.

He gave me a satisfying smile. A smile that gives shiver down to my spine. He looked at me like a prey waiting to be devoured by its predator.

He stance for an attack. Immediately, he rush towards as he's pointing his sword on my body and move for a slash.

Wow, that's fast! But I'm sorry, I wont let you.

"What?!" He yelled.

In a quick moment before his sword reaches my body, I turned myself into a mist.

Mist is one of my wind element specialty. I can vanish and turn myself into mist that surrounds my enemy. The enemy caught in the mist loses its stamina in every second and I used the stolen stamina to strengthen my magic. 

"A mist! Tsk!" He said furiously. He tried to get rid of the mist by swaying his sword but apparently, he's gradually losing his original speed. He's getting exhausted—it might be because of the effect is lingering on. I sneakily came out on his back without any sign.

"Ripi!" I casted a spell while pointing my hand onto his back. A strong pressure of wind made him flew so bad. I laugh so hard when I saw his disgusted face. His butt hits the ground so bad, enough to turned his face into unreadable expression.

"Grrr!" He cried. I burst out into laughters. I run towards his place to offer him a hand.

"You're so strong, Ereais. I truly believe that I am way, way far behind. And you only use wind element!" He said in a friendly tone. I smiled and pat his shoulder.

"Do I need to use all?" I smirked. He scowled while his furrowed eyes bore to mine. I tried to smile but he's not buying it. Definitely not.

"Of course no! What I am implying is, you're strong enough just by using an element alone. Imagine using all of them at once, I think the world will tremble!" He explained in awe.

In a moment, I feel an unusual flow of energy from somewhere. While Ysio is busy on praising my abilities, I shut him off by pointing my index finger onto his lips.

I hiss.

"Who are you!" I shouted. Ysio's face looked so confused.

"What are you saying Ereais?" He asked naively. I seriously glared at him.

"Shhh... someone is spying us." I whispered.

"What? How did they kn—" he asked in a low tone voice, but I cut him off before he can finished his sentence.

I raised my hand and cast a spell. A magic circle appeared in my hand and I pointed it directly in the forest. A continuous number of wind spear destroyed an enormous amount of trees.

Momentarily, I heard someone laughing from a distant. A baritone laugh filled the atmosphere.

I'm fully aware that Ysio heard the same thing and it made us to wonder.

That laugh irritates me!


I wasn't paying too much attention on this place! Did I overdo myself? Is this the caster from that kingdom?!

Someone is spying us from afar and it's not good. I think, I lowered my guard and did they already knew who am I? No, I think, I am over reacting. There's no way for them to figured me out. I'm confident that even though I've been fighting with Ysio, I am still aware on the amount of magic I consumed.

Damn! I promised my father to protect Ysio! No way!

"Ysio! Let's go. I think someone reached us here!" Hurriedly, we ran as far as we can, fleeing from unknown visitor.

Too bad, I can't use the space element. If only we can travel through dimensions, this would be a very easy escape!

"Where are you going?" A sturdy man with a big smile plastered on his face appeared on our side. Running, he catch us up while floating in the air! His arms are crossed while facing the opposite direction. His eyes are shifting continuously as he watch us.

Unbelievable! In such time? Damn! and he's a wind caster too! No doubt!

Ysio casted a fire spell to burn him out, but unluckily, he dodged it very fast! He's now floating in front of us, facing like there's nothing for us to worried about.

He smiled.

That infuriating smile!

I stopped midway as I prepare on casting a magic spell. I wanted to bombard him with a lot of wind attack to remove that smile on his face. It's too annoying and creepy at the same time. However, before I can finally cast a spell, he cease my actions by laughing.

"Wait! I bring no harm. I just wanted to tell you something!" We discontinued. He raised both of his hands as a sign of giving up. He chuckle and look directly on us.

I scowled.

"What do you want?" I said incredulously. I tried to sound calm even though I taste distraught with terror.

"I saw both of you fighting on each other, though I find it amusing. You two have great potentials!" He clapped. I winced as I'm trying to figure it out.

What the heck is happening!?

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He just saw us fighting? But I haven't even feel him! even before we started! Who is he? He can also hide his magic?

Well, I am amazed.

Wait no way! I supposed to hate him!

"Who are you? What is your intention?" I asked while attempting to maintain a good eye contact.

Swiftly, he took something out from his pocket and hand it over us. I took it forcefully without giving any intention of reading it.

"What is this?" I asked. He shrugged.

"You can read right?" His question is full of sarcasm. He chuckled when he find pissing the shit out of me amusing.

"Are you mocking us?" I harshly wave the letter in discomfort.

"Sorry, it's an invitation from our academy."

"An invitation?" Ysio butted in.

"Uh. yeah!."

Reluctantly, I read the invitation. Two giant text were written inside. I didn't bother reading the rest because I'm amuse on the name of the academy.

Ethereal Academy.

"Why are you inviti—" he cut me off. He tore his eyes off of me as he shut his eyes for a couple of seconds.

"I wanted you both to check it out. I know you, Ereais and Ysio." My eyes widened when he whispered our names. With that, he fully caught my attention. His voice is full of certainty—without a doubt, he said those words like he really did know us!

There's no way in this world! I haven't remember—for there's nothing for me to recall, that we'd ever introduced ourselves to him!

My eyes drifted to his face. With no evident of humor, I feel a different aura from him right now.

Ysio seem so perplexed. He looks so confused and pissed at the same time.

"Ereais, the son of Erema and Aisten who died because the Seventh Knight appeared to annihilate the Elementalist." He paused. He's so calm and his eyes were too serious while spilling these informations.

The last word was almost whispered. I looked at him in a horrible expression. I felt an uneasy trepidation arose deep inside of me. I never remember being panicked my whole life, not until the day that those bandits attacked our kingdom.

"And Ysio. The son of Mordred and Casteen who was known as a prodigy on casting two types of elements. You inherited the power of nature and fire from your parents and lined as one of the elites in that kingdom, along with Ereais."

"H-how did you k-know about us?" I asked confusedly. I'm stuttering like a shit!

"I know everything. You're the Elementalist righ—"

"Stop!" I shouted. I feel like I'm about to lose my control. I hold my head as I'm trying to calm myself up. I felt a sudden explosion of memory, crashed like landslide, covering my entire being with impervious darkness.

All the memories that I've been trying to forget, flashed like a whirlwind, reminding me about the past I'd already forgotten!