
Elemental warriors

Rahmat_Badmus · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

"We need to talk" The figure said coldly.

"Nice to see you again too Brother" Kai said, smiling at the figure in the Shadows.

"Is the human gone?" The figure asked as he came out of the shadows.

"Of course" Kai said, still smiling.

The figure was a handsome young man with a Black overcoat just like Kai's, but his buttons were silver, and he wore black boots to compliment the Overcoat.

"Kai, I have really terrible news" The Man said.

"What is it Jack? It Can't be worse than what's going on, is it" Kai said.

"Oh, trust me, it is. The evil are using The energy of dark force to create an inter dimensional portal to other realms. If opened, these realms can bring chaos to the entire world. They contain creatures way more powerful than our Elementists and Elemental warriors. One of the creatures is capable of destroying up to a thousand Elementalists."Jack said, almost running out of breath

"Oh, I see" Kai said, nodding his head continuously as if to Mock his Older brother

"Aren't you supposed to be worried?" Jack asked, screaming at His brother.

"Actually, there is no reason to be worried. I'm an Angel, and so are you." Kai said shrugging.

"All the Academies and organizations on our side are planning to Seek the help of the aquatic Warriors and Wind Ryder's army to hold off the portal, so I guess we have no choice." Jack said.

"Let me guess, Dad is in favor of this?" Kai asked.

"Of course, I mean he IS the overall guardian, what did you expect from him?" Jack asked

"Ok fine no problem, just keep me informed?" Kai told Jack, heading back to the mountain.

"Goodbye, little Bro" Jack said as he opened up a time portal.



Sunny and Blade Walked through the other side of the portal, and found themselves in a toilet.

"Where are we?" Sunny asked sub- conciously.

"In a toilet, you dummy!" Blade said rolling his eyes.

"I know that. I mean WHERE are we?" Sunny interpreted slowly to Blade.

"Oooooooooooh" Blade said in realization.

"Yeah, now use your blast attack and get us out of here" Sunny said to Blade.

"Okay, Okay I'm coming, don't rush me" Blade told Sunny as he concentrated part of his Chi toward the door, aiming to blast it.

Slowly, but surely, a black concentrated mist started to appear in front of the toilet door. But the funny thing was that Blade still stayed in the same place.

"Be fast already!" Sunny said, almost shouting.

Blade didn't reply, but a few minutes later, a full blast attack appeared in front of the door, and it blasted it to smitheerines.

"Nice one, I must..... OWWW!, What was that for?" Sunny inquired. Blade had threw an energy ball at his face a few seconds before.

"Never rush a cat!" Blade said as he wagged his tail at Sunny.

"I'll get you back for that!" Sunny said as he caught up with Blade.

FIVE Minutes Later...

Sunny and Blade were tied up to a chair each, hundreds of people with weapons in front of them, seemingly finding pleasure in what they were doing.......

Hi guys, so what do you think of this chapter? Inspiration is hard, pls I need votes

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