
Elemental warriors

Rahmat_Badmus · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

"In case you didn't know, the realm of confusion is the portal leading to the academy for the first rank Elemental warriors....

"Whaaaatttt!" Sunny and Blade said at the same time, obviously shocked.

Kai looked at them with shock, Should they not have known that? It was the most common knowledge of all time.

He wasn't too shocked, because there were some people who didn't even know what an Elemental color stone was.

"I'm terribly sorry to ask, but please could you explain everything there is to know about Elements, pretty please?" Sunny said, his silver eyes seemingly trying to Pierce into Kai's Soul....

"Unfortunately, the story shall remain untold" Kai said, with a hint of coldness in his speech.

"WHAT, why not!!" Sunny said, obviously disappointed.

" You see, among the human race, there are some special group of people who actually have the power to unlock their soul's potential and they have a special energy flowing like blood through their veins. The energy, otherwise known as chi, is the energy that works with the element a person has."

" The color stone is when the soul is is of pure light, there by changing it's purpose and maintaining the flow of chi in the body, and you Sunny, are not potentially awakened yet , and rule has it that only an awakened can be told the true origin of Elements, so for now, I can't help you." Kai finished with a shrug

"Oh, okay" Sunny said.

'Does this mean that what that guy was saying in my vision was wrong?' Sunny wondered inwardly.

"Where are you guys headed to now?" Kai asked out of curiosity

"Well, since I am not potentially awakened and I can't get into the academy of elemental warriors, I guess I will just continue my Adventures and my search for my parents" Sunny said.

A few months after Sunny had an encounter with the guy in the white Cloak, he was in the dark forest when he had an encounter with the same young man in real life, and the young man told him that his parents were still alive.

Kai opened up a Portal to another place with his scepter.

"Come on Blade, let's go!" Sunny said to his sleeping Cat.

"You go! I'm relaxing" Blade said, throwing a spiteful look at Sunny

Sunny just rolled his eyes, went over to Blade and carried him.

"Curses!" Blade told Sunny through their telepathic link.

The truth was that Blade couldn't actually talk so Sunny, being a natural born Genius, created a link for him, Mike, Amanda and Blade.

"Bye Sunny, I hope to see you soon" Kai said smirking

" Same here Kai" Sunny said, taking Kai's hand like a noble Gentleman that he was.

"Hey! Where are my Goodbyes?" Blade said.

"Hahahaha, goodbye Blade" Kai said.

"Wait, how can you read our minds?" Sunny said, obviously Flabbergasted.

"Don't worry about it, I'm an Angel" Kai said as Sunny and Blade Walked through the portal.

"Nice people" Kai commented as he closed the portal and headed back to the mountain, but he was stopped by an Imposing figure about Eight feet tall.

"We Need to talk" The figure said coldly.

"Nice to see you again too Brother" Kai said.

Hi guys, I'm sorry for not posting regularly but don't worry I'm back. If you have any ideas, pls share it with me. ok byee

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