
Element System

"Well, if God didn't give me what I desire, I will snatch it alone." Arth, the world of Magic and Technology, elements became substantial for humanity to be on par with other races. Some said only a few chosen ones would wield the element until now. To learn the element, Varis Hakonen broke sacred rules and ended up with the rarest elements with a strange system. Extraordinary power came with tremendous responsibility. He must assemble every element master and seal the rift, the crack on a dimension that allows Wildering to wreak havoc on the world. Little did he know, a mysterious group watched his every action with a hidden agenda.  ***

Yuisuka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Qari Al Ahlam

[Alice Lovegood]

Almost a week after the exiting happened at Hakonen Mansion. Three Elves hurried back to their domain at Misha, the land of green that no one dared to enter. But, before that, they would have many miles of journey.

The human world was new for Alice but not for the other two. For almost one hundred seventy years, Alice always studied at the Monastarin of Hass with another [Qari Al Ahlam]; they were the purest priestess, servant of three gods in the elf world. 

If not for the ancient tradition of Elf and Humans that occurs once every fifty years revolves for almost five hundred years already, she probably would have no chance to see the outer world.

She admitted the human world was dangerous, but it was fascinating. Somehow, Alice was intrigued to explore more, but, as [Qari Al Ahlam], it was possible? They had a strict rule for 'meaningless exploration'.

Flying ship roared in the sky, trusting a fluffy cloud as it passed by. It is a human galleon ship made of timber, with strange gigantic dragonfly wings that flapped on both sides. 

Killis Zodik, the brown elf, whistled in admiration of the flying ship. "Want to try to pop on that ship?" she asked.

"Hold on, that abomination?" Airi Akishi, the white elf, questioned. "Are you losing your mind? That stupid beast being built used a tree! They killed our tree, and you want to use that thing?"

"Easy, girl, I'm just asking." The brown elf babbled, seeing her friend keep the red face on and on. "I'm kidding. For Merlin's sake. Why so serious about my joke?"

"Hmm? No, no, I'm not thinking about that. I just thought jumping there was not so bad."

"Girl, you fickle."

"No, no, I'm just being nice." Airi turned her head to Alice. "Alice, what do you say, should we enter that Flying Ship?"

"For studying, yes, I guess? No harm came from it, yes?" Alice answered. 

"Yes, if the elderly didn't find out, of course," Kil guffawed.

"You should keep your attitude low." Airi protested. "We are elves, not humans, don't laugh like that."

And both continued their conversation. Kil and Airi were already three hundred years old but acted like one hundred fifty. Alice never knew why they acted childish, but as best friends, she respected both wholeheartedly and always counted on them. 

Airi was a highborn elf and studied Bioginion, a field that teaches anything about biology and religion. She was always lovely and kind to everyone except to other races. Kil, on the other side, was a warrior that excelled in archery. She was curious about other races and rude, but she had no evil meaning. She was just a Kil. 

"Shh." Kil hissed. "Do you girls feel it?"

Airi nodded. "Act normally, don't surprise them by the change in our demeanour."

"Huh? What happened?" Alice gazed at the surroundings. A forest grew thick, sandwiched them, and the natural dirt path was deserted. 

"Just five humans," Kil answered. "Perhaps they were what the villagers said early. Stay calm."

The last night, villagers told them to be careful. A gang of bandits were living here. Human King was too busy to handle a petty bandit, and they never tried robe merchant, only a traveller and villager—such a cowardly act. 

They raped, stole, and sold many unlucky ones to slave traders. Such horrible. Many humans could do that to their race, let alone to other races  

Alice tried to be calm, but she couldn't. She was dead-worried about what was going to happen next. "The sky, the sky was egg yolk already," she said while sitting on her white horse. "Should, uhm, we stop here?"

"You're tired, sweetie?" The white elf asked nicely. "Kil, stop. We rest here."

"No, no, it, uhm, dangerous." What Alice meant early was to stop and teach a lesson to those humans not to rest here! "We must hurry to the next village."

"Don't worry, sweetie, Kil with us. She is more dangerous than a pack of Waff. The one who should worry was the human."

Three horses stop in a nearby rainforest.  

"N-no, if, if, uhm, if you want to keep moving, I am fine. Uhm, please don't stop."

"Hei, what's up, Alice? You act strange after Hakonen Mansion." The brown elf gazed with a naughty smile. 

"Now you mentioned it." Ai joined the carnage. "We came to the other five mansions before, but she acted normally there. It must be Hakonen who made her shutter."

"Did something happen there, hmm?" Kil asked. "Come on, tell us."

Alice was blushing. Her face was hot, like boiling water. "N-no, of course, no. I mean, nothing." Yes, something happened at Hakonen's mansion, and yes, it grasps her emotionally, but she can't tell them. 

As [Qari Al Ahlam], she must act cold in front of other races so that no one could read her mind, yet these two elves easily read her face. She failed. 

"I wonder who they're going to send." Kil jumped from the black horse and pulled on her hood, putting down her quiver and bow. "I hope they sent Varion."

"The first son?" Kil was holding Airi down from her black horse. "Why, because he is handsome?"

"Handsome? Yeah, I can't argue with that. But it's more like he had tremendous power, you know. It is fascinating seeing his room full of swords and armour and smelling full of vigour. He would become a great warrior for sure." After helping Ai and Alice down, Kil threw the Nut Ham seed. "So what do you think, Alice? Can you read what kind of man Varion is?"

Ai and Kil stared and waited for her answer, burdening the youngest elf in the group. It never was a pleasure for Alice to hack into her dream. But her job was as [Qari Al Ahlam], the Dream Hakicng and read people's minds. Based on that, she must guess the traits of those invited to the realm. It is part of security measures.

Alice hugged her book and gazed at her pointy root shoes. "Uhmm, he was the good warrior that hardly bow down. Pyro was strong in him. Well, uhm, he was a bit arrogant and, and, Uhm, little coward."

"Coward?" Kil raised her voice.

"No, I don't think, coward like, uhm, a mouse. But, he loved his life far more than death."



Airi smiled warmly. "So it's not Varion, that means ...."

"Ah, the young one." Kil continued with guffawed. "Well, Airi and I could not see the third son closely. But he seems well groomed, and I am sure you touch him, right?"

"Y-yes," Alice's face reddened like a flower in autumn. "Um, well, just his forehead. I—"

"Be careful with humans," Airi said. "They seem nice and harmless, but they have a hidden dagger between their thighs. You to Kil, be careful."

"Yes, Mom, but you enjoyed Varion, heh?" Kil smirked. "Alice, chill it down. If you kept thinking about it, you would hardly sleep at night, right? I don't want to babysit you the whole night."

"O-okay. I will." Alice answered. 

Kil was right. Whenever Alice thought about the Third Son of Hakonen, she lost her composure. Only the third son of Hakonen's trait, she failed to read. Some magic protected him. But she can't tell Airi or Kil about it. This matter was [Qari Al Ahlam] matter and should not be openly discussed with everyone. 

Airi craned both her palms and closed her eyes, doing Elf magic. The forest heard her whisper and came to life. Three trees move their branches to form a dome, and green leaves create a roof and wall. It was sturdy enough to protect them from the wind and rain. Then slowly young tree pulled it up, and a ladder of ripe came out, greeting three elves.

The nut Ham Kil threw early pushed clean water from the ground at the front of their new hood.

"I call the dip next to the entrance!" Kil loved sleeping there, blocking the outside view with her slim body, monopolising the summer night breeze for herself.  

"Wait, Kill, where do you put your bow and quiver?" Airi asked with stress as she found that kil weapons were gone. 

'It must be those humans! They do sneaky! Oh Guenevere, what should we do now?'

"You girls pop off. Let me handle them alone," Kil said as she clenched her hand and smirked.