
Element System

"Well, if God didn't give me what I desire, I will snatch it alone." Arth, the world of Magic and Technology, elements became substantial for humanity to be on par with other races. Some said only a few chosen ones would wield the element until now. To learn the element, Varis Hakonen broke sacred rules and ended up with the rarest elements with a strange system. Extraordinary power came with tremendous responsibility. He must assemble every element master and seal the rift, the crack on a dimension that allows Wildering to wreak havoc on the world. Little did he know, a mysterious group watched his every action with a hidden agenda.  ***

Yuisuka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Bandit of the Forest

(Alice Lovegood)

"Airi, bring Alice inside," Kil toasted her robe on the stump, showing much of her brown skin. "Let me dance with those rascals alone."

"Oki Doki. Come, Sweetie, let adults handle things from here. Hurry, before dusk comes."

"But, uhm, should we help her?" Alice asked as Airi pushed her up. 

Alice worried about Kil as she heard from the elderly how savage, brutal, and lustful humans could be. What if a sly human tricked her?

"Don't worry about me," Kil shouted as she winked one eye at them. She poured a strange seed that Alice had never seen before. Confidently she proclaimed, "I'm [Fatat Muharaba]. It's my job protecting you girls from animals, so chill, will you?"

"Right, just don't be too rough with them, ok?!"

"Hell yeah!"

"What would happen to Kil?" Alice peeped back before she climbed the ladder to their hut on the branch. "Is she going to be okay? Should she come with us instead?"

"Sweetie, What we should worry about are those humans." Airi pushed the tiny buttock up. "If you keep bugging her, you hurt her pride as [Fatat Muharaba]."

"But, four against one?" As soon as Alice came on the deck, she gave a hand and pulled Airi up while watching Kil below. 

Kil seemed relaxed, humming while preparing something with water skin on her horseback. 

Airi sighed. "As I said." -She cast a glasses shield around the hut- "She's more capable than you. She beat two grizzly bears barehanded. That counts for something, right?" 

After everything was done, Airi looked confident and prepared a dinner like nothing had happened. "Sweetie, you better not watch what will happen down there. You're not yet one hundred eighty, are you?"

"I'm legal enough to see what will happen down there." Alice protested and knocked on the invisible shield. It was thick like a Buloke. No one could enter or leave without the password, and only Airi knew the password. Her friend knew Alice would jump and tried to lend her hand to Kil. 

"Well, I warned you," -Airi put on an apron and started cooking the leaves, fruit, and flower- "Serve yourself then."

Perhaps Kil was a skilful warrior. Airii didn't care what happened down there. To be honest, Alice never saw Kil in action. She was not sure about her skill. 

'Oh Arthur, Guenevere, and Merlin, please protect us.'

Alice's heartbeats rise while she keeps an eye on her friend.

Meanwhile, Kil sang the song and invited many fireflies to illuminate the surrounding hut. 

"Come out, now. Let us talk." She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and gazed at the twilight. "I knew you guys hid there, oh, and return my bow and quiver, Please. Let's enjoy the night together."

Two men came from the shadows as they removed their invisible coats, while another two came from other directions. 

"Well, lady, how could you know we're here?" said the one with missing front teeth. Fly buzzed around him, and he made Kil close her nose. "Ah, I knew. You must be horny and smell a man's scent."

They laugh with a booming voice. These animals were complete with lust. Their eyes were stripping Kil as they came closer. 

Alice hugged her book tightly as she read their mind from their face and aura. She wished she couldn't, but it was too late! 

They're gross, Alice could smell a stretch of disgusting things coming, and they all had a dirty mind! 

'Is she going to be alright?'

"Boys," Kil said. "Give me back my bow and quiver."

"After we have fun with you," The bandit said, "We'll return what belongs to you, honey. And, we gave you more."

"What do you want?" Kil pulled the waterskin from her horse as one of those animals gazed at the hut. "Hey, eyes on me, string man."

"You have a friend. How about we play together? Perhaps you and your friends would bore our child." They guffawed. 

"Humans are disgusting!" Alice murmured. 

"I told you," Airi said from the kitchen as Alice continued watching the show below. 

"You want coitus, heh?" Kil wiggled her water skin and pulled her satin Pelosi, showing more of her skin. "You can have them later, but first, satisfy my lust here and now." Her finger slid on one of the men's chests, and she stared at the other man as she passed the water skin. "You all, come. Drink that stamina water first. I need all of you in the best condition to satisfy my lust."

"Elf lust, heh. Damn, we hit the jackpot!"

"Kil?" Alice, startled, tumbled backwards as she covered her wide-open mouth. How could she! "A—Airi, Airi! Kil, Kil sold us out!"

"Oh? How much?" Airi giggled and continued with her spoon. 

"She sold us, and you keep cooking?" 

Alice crawled and returned to the railing. She dreaded with chill sweetness as she peeped from the rail. She can't believe her friend sold them so quickly and easily! 

Kil was supposed to protect them! Luckily, the shield was on. Was she saved here?

After four men drank the water that Kill gave them, they started to come closer to Kill. Before it became intimated, the vines entangled their legs and pulled them backwards. Other vines entangled them as they were dangling and screaming for help.

"Let us go, Wrech!"

Hearing him, Kil guffawed and pulled her shirt up, covering her dangling breast. "Let you go? Sure, why not. Where is my bow and quiver?"

"Behind those three! Now, let us go, Slut!"

"Whoah, watch your mouth. Do you realise what is beneath you?"

They pull their heads down and start screaming in panic. "Help! Help!"

Many monstrous snapping herbivores await them with open mouths, sharp fangs, and long sticky tongues licking one of them on the bum. Many tentacles winged uncontrollably. 

"If you keep struggling, they'll eat you, so chill," Kil said. 

She ignored them and snatched her belongings. Alice chuckled as those men started begging for their life. 

Alice should never doubt her friend! 

"Slut! Let me go!" One of the barbaric humans seriously asked to be slapped.

"Yo, do you want to be a slut? Okay, I granted your wish!" Kil climbed up the hanging ladder while explaining. "I put Trans Elixir on your drink. You should become a perfect woman in three hours. Enjoy your new life." She guffawed as she grabbed Alice's arm, which pulled her up to the deck. 

"Help! My chest! My chest is growing!"

"Oh no, my rod is gone!"

"I don't want to be a woman, Mommy. Help me!"

Kil stood and enjoyed when slowly three men transformed to be a woman. "Well, stop struggling and shut your pie off, or those herbivores will eat you."

Alice whispered, "Is that okay? Do you seriously want to transform them into a woman?"

"Why not. Those bandits love to spray their seed on women. Now, let them feel how to be a woman." Kil smirked. "Hey, ladyboy, be careful. Herbivores had a tentacle. If you can't keep your mouth shut, they'll enjoy your body."

"Uhm, Kil, what happened to them?"

"Forever they would become a girl and bore a child."

"No, I mean, what happens with them and snapping herbivores?"

Kil pitched Alice on the check. "Don't worry. Those plants will be gone in twenty-four hours. Now, let us eat. I'm starving."

Then they quiet almost in unison. Alice was shocked as it was her first time seeing how dangerous Kil could be. 

They enjoyed dinner together and almost forgot about 'four men turn women' until someone called them.

"Excuse me. May I sit beneath your hut?" A male voice came from beneath their hut. 

Three girls exchanged curious looks. It can't be one of those four stupid men, right?

They came to the deck. Below, a man in an old blue rugged robe stood alone, carrying a stick and a big sack. It clearly 'he' and had a strange aura that somehow warmed Alice's soul. 

"Are you with those ladyboys?" Kil asks as she prepares her bow. "I'm too lazy to get on with you. Said it!"

"No! I am just a passerby seeking the bastion. Could I spend the night under your hut? I promise I won't make any noise."

Ki pulled her bow, prepared to release her arrow.

"Wait," Alice tugged her arm. "We shouldn't attack people randomly, right?"

"How is it, Sweetie?" 

"What should I do? I-I confused." 

Airi bent slightly, her lips beside Alice's ears. "Can you read his dream and guess if he is good or bad?"

Alice tried to read the mysterious man.