
Eldritch Reckoning

In a world where Arcanelords reign supreme, Roy, a once-ancient being, finds himself reborn as a humble peasant. But his destiny takes a thrilling turn when his dormant memories awaken during the elemental magic awakening ritual, revealing his true identity and a monumental quest. Roy discovers he was once tasked with crafting the legendary Celestial Nova Core, an Eternal relic crucial for defending against eldritch threats. Now, with his rebirth as a mere mortal hindering his access to the relic's full power, Roy must embark on an epic journey. With the aid of the relic and his newfound mastery over magic and the natural laws of the world, he must ascend to the pinnacle of power, facing formidable adversaries along the way. Join Roy on a gripping adventure as he harnesses the Eternal relic to confront ancient enemies and shape the fate of his world.

StaidLynx · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Weaving Destiny's Tapestry

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of warmth, Roy stirred from his slumber, a newfound vitality coursing through him. He beckoned for a bucket of hot water, indulging in a revitalizing wash before embarking on his day.

Descending to the heart of the inn, he exchanged pleasantries with Madam Rowland, the innkeeper, her stories weaving through the air like a melody.

Savoring the ambiance, Roy relished a hearty breakfast.

A cinematic hour later, the enchanting duo of girls descended the stairs, each step a graceful dance. Approaching Roy's table, Aurora, her lips adorned with a subtle curve, greeted him with a "Good morning Roy."

Roy, reciprocating the charm, inquired about their night. Selene and Aurora, in harmonious unison, shared tales of restful slumbers, completing the morning tableau with their radiant smiles.

"Great! We've been on the road for two weeks straight without proper rest, which isn't really ideal for our health. We'll need energy to explore the capital today."

After a delightful breakfast, the group embarked on a city exploration, wandering through captivating tourist attractions until they found themselves immersed in the lively marketplace. Merchants orchestrated a symphony of trade, peddling a myriad of goods.

As they meandered from stall to stall, broadening their horizons, the journey led them to the final marketplace outpost.

There, amidst the eclectic wares, Roy's senses heightened. His soul danced with delight as his eyes locked onto a particular stone, whispering a tale of hidden treasures.

Approaching the stall with anticipation, Roy addressed the old man, whose disheveled gray hair and greasy beard painted a portrait of neglect. Clad in tattered attire, resembling a beggar, he stood as an overlooked figure in the bustling marketplace.

"Old man, what's the price for that intriguing stone?" Roy inquired, his curiosity undeterred by the vendor's worn appearance.

The old man's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope as Roy questioned the pricing. The desperation for customers had lingered in the air for a month, his only goal being to gather enough to aid his granddaughter's medical bills.

"Five gold coins, young lad," he proposed, his eyes carrying a silent plea.

Roy, sensing the sincerity in the old man's situation, gently questioned, "Old man, isn't this a bit steep? What truly is the value of this item?"

Caught off guard, the old man hesitated before confessing, "I don't know its value, but keeping this stone close has refreshed me, filled me with energy."

His face reflected a mix of pride and vulnerability.

Roy, understanding the unspoken struggle, proposed, "How about three gold coins? A fair compromise, wouldn't you say?"

The old man, contemplating the offer, finally nodded with a hint of relief.

"Alright, young lad, it's a deal," he agreed, a sense of gratitude evident in his eyes.

With a handshake sealing the agreement, Roy exchanged three gold coins for the mysterious stone, feeling a sense of fulfillment in helping the struggling vendor.

As the transaction concluded, the old man's face transformed, a mix of gratitude and relief washing over him.

"May this stone bring you the same vigor it brought me," the old man whispered, his eyes reflecting a deep appreciation for Roy's compassion.

As Roy pocketed the stone, he couldn't help but feel a subtle energy emanating from it. The market, once filled with bustling noise, seemed to hush as the two shared a moment of connection.

With a parting nod, Roy continued his exploration of the city, the newfound treasure now a symbol of unexpected bonds and the compassion that threads through the tapestry of life.

And somewhere in the marketplace, the old man, with a lighter heart, resumed his hopeful watch over the stall, grateful for the chance encounter that brought a ray of warmth to his challenging days.

Intrigued by Roy's unusual purchase, Aurora voiced her confusion as they strolled back to the inn. The day had unfolded with stalls displaying opulent items, yet Roy had shown interest only in the ordinary stone.

"Roy, is that stone really valuable?" Aurora questioned, a perplexed expression on her face.

"We saw so many luxurious goods today, and you didn't even buy any of them."

Roy chuckled, understanding their confusion, "Haha, I was quite surprised, too. However It's not about whether I think it's valuable or not. I just happened to feel a connection to the stone, like it was calling me, so I just bought it on a whim."

Aurora and Selene exchanged puzzled glances, unfamiliar with the concept of buying based on a personal connection.

Sensing their curiosity, Roy clarified, "Sometimes, it's not about the value in gold or gems, It's about the connection you feel."

As they reached the inn, the trio parted ways, and Roy retreated to his room. Seated in a lotus position on the bed, he examined the mysterious stone, feeling a compulsion to understand its allure.

His experiments, from smashing to biting, yielded no change. Determined, he fashioned a necklace from the stone, wearing it around his neck.

In a subtle moment, the refreshing energy described by the old man enveloped him, validating the inexplicable connection.

As Roy pondered the stone's mystical properties, the girls, unaware of his private experiment, awaited the next chapter of their journey.


In the days leading up to the entrance exam, the trio immersed themselves in the city's vibrant mosaic, absorbing the rhythms of its culture and the hues of its norms.

As the eve of the exam approached, Roy gathered the group under the canopy of the inn's garden to discuss the looming challenge.

"Tomorrow, the entrance exam at the Academy awaits. Are you girls excited?" Roy inquired, his voice carrying the echo of excitement and the promise of unknown adventures.

Aurora, with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, confessed, "To be honest, I'm a little nervous, I just hope that I have enough talent to pass the exam."

Turning to Selene, Roy's gaze met her curious eyes. "And you, Selene? Everything good on your side?"

Selene, her spirit dancing like dappled sunlight, replied, "I'm okay, I guess, but I'm looking forward to the challenge."

Roy, embracing the whimsy of the moment, laughed, "Haha, I'm excited too. Tomorrow might script a new chapter in your destiny, so let's rest early tonight and meet at dawn to journey towards the academy's recruitment halls together."


The following morning, the trio weaved through the awakening city, the anticipation of the day fluttering in the air like ethereal butterflies.

As they approached the grand academy building, the flags overhead seemed to ripple with the dreams of aspiring souls.

"It's so crowded, I wonder how the exam will unfold," Roy pondered aloud.

Suddenly, a spectacle unfolded – two middle-aged men in cerulean blue robes, accompanied by four others adorned in mystic green, descended from the academy. Floating in the air, they approached a platform, their presence evoking a tranquil enchantment.

The crowd, like a symphony, hushed in collective awe, heralding the beginning of a day brimming with possibilities and the magic of destiny.

As Sebastian, lord of mystical charms, one of the man draped in resplendent blue robes, steps forward, His charismatic countenance and a whimsical tone entwine, creating an enchanting presence. Framed by black hair, his confident demeanor, accentuated by piercing black eyes with a hint of mischief, adds a playful touch to the authority he effortlessly exudes.

"Greetings to the diverse tapestry of humanity gathered here at Hexcraft Institute! Today marks the initiation into the enigmatic realm of arcane, and our entrance exam will be your compass through these mystical waters. Now let's dive into the four stages that shall unfurl the pages of your magical potential.

Firstly, we begin with the 'Age Test' – a whimsical stroll through the chronological garden. The academy doors swing wide for those aged 10 to 18, ensuring we're not teaching spells to toddlers or grizzled wizards with beards longer than their spell lists.

Now, the grand spectacle—the 'Magic Potential Test,' the crucible where your cosmic resonance will be weighed and measured. Not everyone gets an invitation to the magical tea party, so cherish this moment, for it determines whether you'll be sipping enchanting brews with us.

The third stage, a true spectacle—the 'Magic Talents Test.' Here, we peer into the kaleidoscope of your abilities, discerning whether you're a potential maestro of the arcane or just someone who's good at pulling rabbits out of hats.

And finally, the pièce de résistance—the 'Affinity with Elements Test.' Picture it as a cosmic sorting hat that whispers secrets of your elemental match. Fire, water, air, or earth—let the elements reveal their bonds with you.

So, dear aspirants, may your age be right, your potential potent, your talents magical, and your elemental affinity match your aura. Let the mystical symphony of Hexcraft Institute of arcane arts begin!"

As the inquisitive echoes settled, the examiner, draped in cerulean robes that seemed to whisper forgotten incantations, welcomed the silence that followed.

The courtyard, bathed in the ethereal glow of magical potential, awaited the next verse in this mystical symphony.

"Oh my, what a silly mischeck. Aspirants is there any lingering curiosities before we unfurl the secrets of the arcane?" inquired the Sebastian, his eyes twinkling like constellations in the night sky.

A brave soul stepped forward, their question hanging in the air like a shimmering spell waiting to be cast. "Esteemed one, can those without affinity for the elements find sanctuary within the academy?"

Sebastian, the keeper of ancient knowledge, responded with a knowing grin, "Ah, a question as captivating as a phoenix in flight! Fear not, for the academy's gates swing wide for all bearing the gift of magic potential. Every spark of magic, my dear seeker, is tethered to an elemental dance, an unspoken agreement with the forces that weave through the very fabric of reality."

A collective exhale of wonder and understanding washed over the assembly, like a gentle breeze through an enchanted forest.

Sebastian, with a theatrical sweep of his robe, beckoned for any final queries before the magical tapestry of examination began its intricate weave.

In the ensuing silence, the courtyard felt like a canvas awaiting the brushstrokes of the unknown.

With a nod, he signaled the commencement of a journey into the arcane unknown—a journey where questions would be answered by the dance of magic and the unraveling mysteries of Hexcraft Institute.

Sebastian, now donning an animated expression reminiscent of a conjurer about to unveil a grand spectacle, laid out the logistical choreography of the impending examination.

"Alright, dear apprentices of the arcane! Picture this as a magical procession. Line up, for today, we dance through the examination in batches, each batch a cascade of a hundred eager souls. The first 100 shall be the trailblazers, traversing the mystical gauntlet before the next batch steps into the limelight. It's like a waltz, but with a touch more magic and a dash of mystery," he announced, his words sprinkled with the enchantment that hung in the air.

"Now, onto our stages—Venues A to D. Each venue is a chapter in your magical story, unfolding in ascending order. Venue A, the gentle overture, sets the tone. Skipping straight to Venue D without paying a visit to A is like trying to skip a verse in an ancient spell—you'll miss the cadence, and trust me, we'd notice!"

With a theatrical flourish, the Sebastian continued, "So, my eager enchanters, let the line form like a serpentine river, and may luck dance with each step you take. Let the examination begin, and may your journey through Venues A to D be as magical as the tales spun by celestial scribes!"

Thus the examination unfolded like a grand tapestry, a vast tapestry woven from the anticipation of thousands of examinees.

In the midst of this intricate scene, Roy and his companions stood eagerly watching as the queue inched forward...

"Next batch!" proclaimed the examiner, draped in verdant robes, at the illustrious Venue A.

The examinees in this batch embraced the challenge, each moment a brushstroke in the canvas of their destiny. As the testing unfolded, a dramatic climax emerged, leaving only three contenders in the spotlight.

"May luck be your companion on this journey to the academy," Roy whispered with a charming smile to the girls.

"You too, Roy," echoed both girls in harmonious unison.

And so, amidst the hushed excitement, Aurora stepped forth as the first of the trio to dance with destiny in the intricate choreography of the examination.

"Position yourself before the 'Mirror of Truth,' the examiner instructed. As Aurora complied, the mirror illuminated, unveiling her fundamental details through the emergence of words and letters."

[Title : Eldest mistress of the Flamescion Family

Name : Aurora Flamescion

Age : 18 years

Race : Human

Constellation : Sol

Valuation: Pass]

"Next stop, Venue B!" The examiner's directive echoed, prompting a nod from Aurora. Leaving Selene by the captivating mirror, she ventured toward the next chapter.

[Title : Youngest miss of the Frost Family

Name : Selene De Frost

Age : 16 years

Race : Human

Constellation : Lunate

Valuation: Pass]

Meanwhile, the mystical process unfolded, showcasing Selene's story in radiant letters. The stage set, it was now Roy's turn to step into the unfolding narrative."

[Title : Peasant

Name : Roy Stardust

Age : 15 years

Constellation :???

Valuation: Pass]