
Eldritch Reckoning

In a world where Arcanelords reign supreme, Roy, a once-ancient being, finds himself reborn as a humble peasant. But his destiny takes a thrilling turn when his dormant memories awaken during the elemental magic awakening ritual, revealing his true identity and a monumental quest. Roy discovers he was once tasked with crafting the legendary Celestial Nova Core, an Eternal relic crucial for defending against eldritch threats. Now, with his rebirth as a mere mortal hindering his access to the relic's full power, Roy must embark on an epic journey. With the aid of the relic and his newfound mastery over magic and the natural laws of the world, he must ascend to the pinnacle of power, facing formidable adversaries along the way. Join Roy on a gripping adventure as he harnesses the Eternal relic to confront ancient enemies and shape the fate of his world.

StaidLynx · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Elemental Revelations

Beneath destiny's gaze, Cromwell's voice resonated, capturing the room's attention as he announced with authority, "Let us venture forth to Venue D, where the secrets of your elemental affinity shall be unveiled."

His countenance, lit by a knowing grin, mirrored satisfaction following the 3rd trial.

Eager to uncover untapped potential, Cromwell, accompanied by equally curious instructors, led Roy and the assembly toward the mysterious Venue D. 

Cromwell ushered them through a regal expanse, encircled by resplendent structures.

As they stepped into the courtyard, a subtle shift in the air hinted at a magic transformation taking place. They were met with pure wonder, sunlight danced playfully through the branches of ancient, towering trees, casting intricate patterns on the cobblestone pathways below.

Lush ivy climbed the walls of elegant, time-worn buildings, adding a verdant charm to the surroundings. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers, mingling with the faint sound of trickling water from a hidden fountain.

Every corner revealed a new marvel, from intricately carved statues to vibrant mosaic murals, creating an atmosphere of unparalleled beauty and serenity.

Within this mesmerizing realm, a woman of formidable allure materialized – towering, with tresses of silver cascading like a lustrous waterfall. Adorned in robes of profound purples and majestic blues, she embodied elegance, her flawless visage a testament to otherworldly grace. A beauty mark beneath her captivating violet gaze bestowed an alluring mystique.

Her regal attire hinted at a social status surpassing even that of Head Instructor Cromwell's.

Standing beside what appeared to be a portal to another realm, she commanded attention.

Surprisingly, the courtyard was void of examinees, and not a living creature could be glimpsed – no insects buzzing, no birds chirping, as if the very air held its breath in her presence.

Observing Cromwell who's guiding the entourage, the woman by the portal couldn't conceal her intrigue.

Internally, she pondered, "Mmh... and what do we have here?" Her countenance, adorned with arched brows and a bewitching smile, mirrored a genuine sense of fascination.

Having known Cromwell since his academy days, she found his unusual investment in these aspirants notably intriguing.

Cromwell, typically nonchalant towards newcomers during entrance exams, sparked her curiosity regarding the individuals accompanying him.

Before the enchanting woman, the trio stood transfixed by her ethereal allure, as for the others that accompanied Cromwell they didn't dare enter the courtyard immediately after they saw the woman, thus they had retreated humbly. 

They are acutely aware that this location isn't the publicly recognized venue D, but rather a secret spot within the academy reserved for exceptional students.

Here, away from prying eyes, lay the stage for the exam that promised more than just unveiling your elemental affinity – they offered a gateway to a world of exclusive benefits, enticing the brightest minds to remain tethered to the academy's embrace.

Observing their entrancement, Cromwell chuckled knowingly, a reaction perfected through countless iterations of this captivating spectacle.

Amusement painted the woman's expression as she addressed Cromwell with a soothing voice, "Cromwell, I didn't anticipate your presence here. Weren't you overseeing the aspirants at the other venues?"

Cromwell offered a wry smile at her words, replying, "Don't misunderstand, Lady Silvia. I wasn't expecting to find myself here today either. However, the presence of some intriguing individuals compelled me to be present." The air seemed charged with the promise of unfolding mysteries.

Her response carried a playful tone, "Ooh... So, these are the intriguing individuals you've brought with you?"

"Yes, Lady Silvia. Allow me to introduce these aspirants, a cohort I believe will etch a new saga in the annals of the academy's history."

Silvia raised her brows, a glimmer of curiosity gleaming in her eyes, "Is that so?"

"Without a doubt, my lady!" Cromwell's response exuded confidence, as if foretelling the transformative impact this group could unleash.

The courtyard hummed with anticipation, introductions hinting at the impending dawn of something extraordinary.

"Very well! You've indeed piqued my curiosity," she declared, giving Cromwell the green light.

Beside Cromwell, Roy was the first to break free from the enchantment, jolting the girls back to reality.

"Oh!" Silvia exclaimed in surprise as the trio swiftly regained their composure, having momentarily succumbed to her beauty.

Cromwell, on the sidelines, nodded with a knowing smile.

"Lady Silvia, let me unveil these remarkable figures – Miss Aurora Flamescion, a bearer of rare gifts, Selene De Frost, graced with exceptional abilities." Cromwell paused, a moment of pregnant silence before continuing, "And amidst them stands Roy Stardust." Cromwell's countenance glowed with profound reverence as he spoke Roy's name. "This youth's potential is boundless, accompanied by talents of the highest grade, S."

Silvia, positioned by the portal, visibly wrestled with the revelation.

Swift breaths and glistening beads of sweat bore witness to the profound impact of the disclosed truths.

"Cromwell, do your words hold true for the examination fate of this trio?" Silvia inquired, her breath suspended, yearning for confirmation.

"Yes, Lady Silvia! The potential and talents residing within these young souls align precisely with my proclamation. I've verified these truths through the enchanted relics employed in the examination."

"This... this is truly unbelievable. Could our academy be on the brink of a revival after languishing for decades?"

"I hold that belief, Lady Silvia."

Silvia's visage mirrored astonishment, her heart racing with exhilaration as she gazed at Roy's cohort in a state of stupefaction.

The staggering revelation rendered her momentarily speechless; their academy rarely welcomed such exceptionally gifted students and now three of them stood before her.

Ahem! Roy coughed discreetly, tactically rupturing the silence.

Silvia's cheeks tinged with a subtle pink, recognizing the potential embarrassment of losing her composure before the newly recruited talents.

The courtyard reverberated with anticipation, the weight of this extraordinary moment settling in.

She swiftly regained her regal composure, reclaiming her posture. With unbridled joy, her angelic voice resonated, "Welcome to the academy! May your journey here mirror the extraordinary potential you bring," she conveyed, a graceful curve gracing her lips, revealing snow-white teeth.

"As for my identity and role within the academy, consider me one of the three members of the Magistras Council, you can address me as Lady Silvia." She openly introduced herself, radiating a warmth that contradicted her earlier shock.

"If ever you require aid, just know my door stands ajar."

"Now, as you find yourselves here, I assume it's for the 4th stage of the exam right? So Without further ado, allow me to outline the test for you."

"The 4th stage unfurls within the 'Elemental Realm,' a haven naturally woven with elemental abundance. It stands as the academy's heart, assessing the affinity of a few special newcomers such as yourselves and refining the prowess of exceptional students." She paused, a moment of tranquil inhalation.

"The portal beside me serves as the gateway to the Elemental Realm. Follow my lead, and let the examination commence." Silvia elegantly traversed the threshold, her form dissolving into nothingness.

The courtyard held its collective breath, an undeniable anticipation saturating the air as the next chapter of their odyssey unfurled.

Roy and the girls lingered, momentarily entranced, as Lady Silvia dissolved into the portal. Despite the glimpses offered by their studies, stepping into another realm proved a mesmerizing experience.

Fueled by curiosity, they embraced the unknown.

Entering the portal felt like a surreal journey, a fleeting loss of awareness succeeded by a burst of blinding light.

Upon opening their eyes, a fantastical world unfolded – beneath them, grass painted in hues of the eden; above, a sky adorned with mystical sunset shades; and the air, thick with life energy, seemed to transmute their very essence with each breath.

"Breathtaking," Roy murmured, encapsulating the shared sense of awe felt by Aurora and Selene.

On the opposite side, Silvia and Cromwell observed the newcomers, unruffled by the spectacle. Silvia elucidated the test, "To unveil your inherent affinity with the elements, you just need to simply meditate within this realm. Absorb the elemental particles permeating the surroundings, and your affinity will manifest as elemental wisps converge upon you. The hues of these wisps will unveil your elemental affinity."

With nods of comprehension, Roy and the girls gracefully assumed lotus positions, poised to immerse themselves in the vibrant, elemental tapestry of this breathtaking realm.

The air buzzed with anticipation, foretelling an extraordinary journey of self-discovery in this enchanting landscape.

"How do you reckon they'll fare?" Silvia inquired, her curiosity practically crackling in the air.

"Well, let me put it this way – expect the extraordinary," replied Cromwell, his words carrying a subtle undercurrent of anticipation.

Silvia nodded, and as they conversed, the atmosphere around Aurora began to heat up.

Streams of red wisps converged upon her, and moments later, her form emanated a scorching aura.

The air surrounding her transformed into a shimmering mirage, the intensity so profound it felt like an embodiment of magical forces.

When she unveiled her zealous verdant eyes, they gleamed with ferocity and intensity. Aurora couldn't help but radiate a wide smile, sensing a profound transformation within her.

Silvia and Cromwell stood in awe of the vibrant magical energies radiating from her. The path to mastering arcane arts unfolds across nine stages, each subdivided into nine ranks.

Only high-ranked novice mages can manifest such an aura. So Aurora's initial display suggested she had achieved this significant milestone.

With a composed grace, she tempered her aura, ascending and casting a sidelong glance toward Roy and Selene.

"You've attained the stage of Rank 7 novice mage?" Silvia asked, excitement infusing her voice.

"Yes, Lady Silvia, it seems so," she replied proudly, her head held high.

"Unbelievable!" Cromwell muttered, blinking in disbelief. It had taken him five years to become an upper-ranked novice mage as he only awakened as a 3rd rank novice mage after discerning his elemental affinity, and now someone achieves it seemingly effortlessly. However, he quickly realized that this individual possessed A-grade talents and a high magical potential which somehow comforted his agitated heart.

"Alright, let's await the completion of others' Awakening," Silvia declared.

Aurora eagerly nodded, her eyes fixed on Roy and Selene.

The anticipation lingered thick in the air.

They didn't have to wait long before streams of cerulean wisps enveloped Selene, creating a vibrant spectacle. A miniature snowstorm danced to life around her, and the wind whooshed with ethereal energy.

Silvia and Cromwell were swept over by waves of enthusiasm.

As Aurora witnessed Selene's breathtaking display, her heart pounded violently.

"So, this is my rival," she thought, clenching her fists.

"The gap may be wide, but I'll press on steadfastly. It won't stay wide for too long." The determination in her eyes spoke volumes, adding an extra layer of intensity to the unfolding magical showcase in this mystical realm.

When Selene's sapphire eyes snapped open, a cold gleam sliced through the air. Her slender form emanated a chilling aura, momentarily transforming her into an unapproachable goddess.

As the snowstorm yielded to her command, she gracefully rose and approached Aurora.

"Spill it. What rank are you now?" Aurora's voice crackled with curiosity.

A sly smile played on Selene's lips. "Rank 9 novice mage."

"What in the cosmos!" Cromwell's shout echoed uncertainty on the sidelines. Celebrate the academy's star or drown in the realization of his shortcomings? The dilemma weighed heavily upon him.

Silvia, standing beside him, was left stunned. Selene exceeding expectations as a novice mage was anticipated, but soaring to Rank 9 exceeded all imagination.

"You've outshone even yourself," Aurora remarked. "But don't bask too long, I'll catch up soon enough."

Selene smirked, "Then, catch me if you can, Miss Flamescion."

Meanwhile, on Roy's side, something incredible unfurled, promising a twist in the unfolding saga.