
Eldritch Reckoning

In a world where Arcanelords reign supreme, Roy, a once-ancient being, finds himself reborn as a humble peasant. But his destiny takes a thrilling turn when his dormant memories awaken during the elemental magic awakening ritual, revealing his true identity and a monumental quest. Roy discovers he was once tasked with crafting the legendary Celestial Nova Core, an Eternal relic crucial for defending against eldritch threats. Now, with his rebirth as a mere mortal hindering his access to the relic's full power, Roy must embark on an epic journey. With the aid of the relic and his newfound mastery over magic and the natural laws of the world, he must ascend to the pinnacle of power, facing formidable adversaries along the way. Join Roy on a gripping adventure as he harnesses the Eternal relic to confront ancient enemies and shape the fate of his world.

StaidLynx · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Celestial Overture: The Birth of Roy Stardust

In the cosmic expanse, a thunderous BOOM echoed, rippling shockwaves across the astral tapestry, painting the void in a mesmerizing palette of otherworldly brilliance.

Picture the intrigue seizing your soul, confronted by a spectacle spanning the cosmic leagues. What eldritch power could unfurl such a celestial display, visible beyond the very reaches of starlight?

Now, let us turn back the sands of time, a mere heartbeat before the impending cataclysm...

Visualize this: amidst the star-studded vault of the heavens, an ancient being, standing tall at two cubits, exhaled a sigh that resonated through the very fabric of existence.

Draped in robes as ethereal as untouched snow, a beard cascading like the fluid glow of moonlit streams, and eyes aflame with the brilliance of a myriad of stars – this celestial figure, a cosmic sage, graced the cosmic stage.

The cosmic sage, his hair cascading like silk down to his calves, fixated his gaze upon a distant star.

In that moment, the very essence of the universe seemed to suspend its breath. What enigmatic secrets occupied his contemplation, hidden mysteries waiting to be unfurled?

Suddenly, the air crackled with anticipation as an imminent explosion erupted in a radiant display.

A supernova, the grand finale of a star, burst forth, casting the cosmic tapestry with the vivid hues of its final act. The celestial stage witnessed the dramatic culmination of stellar brilliance, as the cosmic sage's profound gaze unraveled the mysteries veiled in the celestial dance.

The shockwaves from the explosion rippled through the celestial tapestry, creating celestial ripples that echoed through the interstellar sea.

Yet, in the wake of the supernova's dazzling explosion, the enigmatic sage remained unfazed.

His luminous eyes reflected the splendor and chaos of the unfolding cosmic drama, yet he stood prepared, having foreseen this event. With a deliberate and majestic raise of his hand, he harnessed the intense energy unleashed by the dying star, diverting its destructive force towards a purpose known only to him...

In the grand cosmic dance, the wise one traversed realms, emerging in a field bathed in the profound essence of primal mana—a liquid manifestation of raw and untamed force of ethereal power entwined with the essence of creation, wielded by those who seek to shape reality itself.

With resolute purpose, he ventured forth toward a colossal orb pulsating with the radiance of entire galaxies, the very wellspring of cosmic existence—The galaxy itself.

His quest: to craft an Eternal-grade relic destined to play a crucial part in thwarting an imminent galactic apocalypse.

In the heart of an ancient forge, hidden within the depths of a mystical mountain within the ethereal realm, a lone sage stood before an otherworldly anvil, bathed in the ethereal glow of swirling stardust. The cavern resonated with the distant echoes of celestial energies, and the air was thick with anticipation.

The sage wore an intricate suit adorned with shimmering runes, offering protection against the volatile energies they were about to command.

Arrayed around the forge were celestial materials, fragments of comet cores, and shards of crystallized starlight. A peculiar crystal, resonating with the power of supernovas, hung above the anvil.

The energy drawn from a sublime supernova, along with its 10000 cosmic brethren amassed throughout the ages, converged into a mesmerizing spectacle within the peculiar crystal as the sage harnessed his arcane prowess.

Invoking ancient incantations. The crystal pulsed, resonating with the distant echoes of supernovas.

As the energy coalesced, it formed a swirling vortex above the anvil, a manifestation of raw cosmic power.

The crafting of the relic unfurled as a celestial ballet, an enchanting dance of energy and purpose destined to reverberate through the very tapestry of the universe.

The sage carefully placed the celestial materials on the anvil, arranging them with precision. A rhythmic dance ensued, as the he chanted a melody that harmonized with the celestial energies. The anvil glowed, responding to the his commands as the cosmic forces wove together.

With each strike of the enchanted hammer, the celestial materials began to meld, transforming into a radiant liquid that flowed like liquid starfire. The sage's movements were precise, guiding the molten essence into a swirling pattern, capturing the essence of a supernova's dance.

As the relic took shape, the sage summoned a guardian spirit, a cosmic entity with the wisdom to stabilize the energies within. The spirit wove protective barriers, ensuring the core's stability and preventing it from unleashing uncontrollable bursts of energy.

With the core forged, the sage infused it with magical catalysts, enhancing its properties. The celestial runes on the sage's suit glowed brighter as they channeled their mastery over the cosmic arts into the relic, empowering it with the essence of the stars.

In a climactic moment, the relic hovered above the anvil, radiating a brilliance that surpassed the combined light of a thousand constellations. The forge's echoes subsided, leaving only the faint hum of the relic resonating with the cosmic forces now contained within.

Majestic, isn't it? Yet, oh, boy the toll it exacted on him, The once cosmically sleek operator, now wears the battle-hardened countenance of a seasoned warrior – a pate devoid of its once lush mane. The radiant eyes of the Old Man? Now dimmed, bereft of their former brilliance, and his once vibrant form echoes that of a revered sage, with wrinkles etched like the unsettling tales of a child's haunting nightmare upon his weathered skin.

This transformation, a testament etched in cosmic ink, underscores the toll of forging the relicg—an extraordinary feat that whispers volumes about the sacrifices woven into the very fabric of existence.

Triumphant, the sage smiles—no regrets for the toll—having triumphed in a mission woven through the eons, a quest ordained by Galaxia itself. The Eternal-grade relic—The Celestial Nova Core, a radiant intricately faceted crystal sphere, bathed in deep blue and shimmering gold, pulsating with ethereal energies. Across its surface, star-like patterns perform a cosmic dance, unveiling the very essence of celestial forces.

Suspended within an elegant celestial framework, reminiscent of interwoven constellations, a closer gaze reveals filigree patterns akin to supernova bursts—capturing the mighty resonance of stellar power.

within this otherworldly artifact, cradles the hope to rescue Galaxian realms from the impending doom—destined to shape the fate of worlds.

As he beheld the fruit of his labor, a dazzling, stellar brilliance erupted from the galactic ball, streaking towards the relic.

The relic trembled, its luminosity amplifying, thereafter in the vast cosmic emptiness, Galaxia's voice emanated, devoid of emotion, a stoic manifestation of celestial authority.

[Mission complete, Destined One...]

It stated with cosmic indifference, the words devoid of sentiment, echoing through the cosmic void.

[...The galaxy now possesses a slim chance against the outer species...]

The emotionless entity continued, as if narrating an inevitable cosmic occurrence.

[...Utilizing the one-time authority granted by the universe, I shall commence your reincarnation...]

It declared, the tone cold and unyielding, betraying no inclination towards benevolence or malevolence.

[...Your soul shall merge with the Celestial Nova Core, a deterministic fusion.]

It affirmed, the proclamation devoid of any hint of warmth or concern.

In the wake of this cosmic decree, the relic, now ablaze with the authority drawn from Galaxia's essence, embarked on a journey toward the old man's bony chest, seamlessly merging with his being.

The ethereal resonance of Galaxian realms echoed through the melding, a harmonious convergence between cosmic power and mortal form.

〚Harmonizing with cosmic energies, your soul seamlessly melds, setting in motion a profound transformation.〛

〚As the cosmic metamorphosis unfolds, echoes of a celestial symphony resonate deep within the recesses of your being.〛

〚Unveiling dormant potential, your wounded soul enters a harmonious hibernation—a prelude to rebirth and the intricate dance of reincarnation.〛

〚The essence of your existence undergoes a celestial metamorphosis, transcending mortal boundaries and embracing the vast expanse of cosmic possibilities.〛

Mystical echoes of wisdom and revelation flooded his consciousness, a relentless cascade, yet time slipped away, denying him the chance to savor his triumphs.

Alas, his eyes dimmed, and his very form began to crumble into ash.

Yet, in the brink of complete incineration, his mind brimmed with wonder and anticipation for the enigmatic cycle of the next life—a spellbinding yearning echoing through the ashes of his transient existence.


As the sands of time raced through a hundred millennia, a new age emerged, cloaked in the shimmering tapestry of magic and mystery.

The world, known as Elyria, thrived on the delicate balance between elemental forces and ancient enchantments. Mythical creatures roamed the vast landscapes, and soaring citadels were crafted from enchanted crystals that resonated with the pulse of the planet.

In this age, the pursuit of arcane knowledge was revered, and powerful sorcerers and sorceresses harnessed the primal energies to shape reality itself.

However as prophecies began whispering of an impending cataclysm, heroes and heroines from all corners of the realm rose to face the looming threat.

The once harmonious realm of Elyria now stood on the precipice of chaos. As the prophecies foretold of an ancient evil on the brink of awakening, seeking to unravel the delicate threads that held the world together.

The quest for arcane supremacy turned into bitter rivalries among mages, leading to the formation of magical factions vying for dominance.

Crystal citadels that once resonated with unity now echoed with the clash of power-hungry ambitions.

Mythical creatures, once revered as guardians, became pawns and terrors in the unfolding conflict.

Wars raged across the landscapes between various races, as heroes and heroines, guided by their destinies, prepared to face the darkness that threatened to consume Elyria.

The elemental forces that once maintained balance now surged uncontrollably, wreaking havoc on the very foundations of the world. The delicate tapestry of magic and mystery began to unravel, revealing the harsh reality of a society torn apart by the pursuit of power and the looming cataclysm that awaited.

It was an era where realms intertwined with the mystical, alliances were etched by blood with otherworldly beings, ancient artifacts whispered secrets of unimaginable power, and every step into the unknown brought both peril and wonder.

The Era of Eldritch Reckoning had dawned upon Elyria, where the fate of the world hung in the balance, awaiting the courage of those who dared to wield magic in its most potent form...


Lo and behold! Our journey led us to the enchanting village of Mosswood, cradled delicately within the bosom of the mystical kingdom of Syndria.

A storm rages outside, its howling winds and crashing thunder harmonizing with the anguished cries of a woman in her prime within the softly, candle-lit room. The arrival of new life unfolds amidst the tempest's symphony.

Yet, hark! Envision her, draped in a gown as pristine as winter's purest snow, her hair, a cascade of obsidian, gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. The azure depths of her eyes, beckoning you forth, as her countenance, adorned with the glisten of sweat, speaks volumes.

And the bed itself, a silent witness to the profound struggle as the imminent arrival of new life unfurls in a symphony of moments echoing through the ages.

In the crucible of endurance, Yvonne Stardust, her mortal frame weary but unyielding, pressed forward. With each fleeting second, her strength waned like the embers of an age, yet her countenance, a testament to unwavering determination, radiated a serene beauty transcending the relentless trial.

Her fingers clenched the bedrails during the contraction, and the room resonated with a rhythmic "Mmmm," a haunting melody that mirrored the intensity of her journey. Interjected by the calming "Hoo!" as she drew deep breaths, a rhythmic pulse underscoring the profound intensity of the moment in the symphony of childbirth.

Each sound, a primal note, echoed through the room as she grappled with the raw and elemental dance of bringing new life into the world.

Besides her, a stalwart figure, the dedicated loyal maid Isabella, her presence an unyielding anchor in the face of the birthing tempest. The soft rustle of her apron accentuates her seasoned grace. Isabella, with her warm hazel eyes and auburn hair pulled back into a neat bun, moved with a gentle yet determined stride, her weathered hands capable and comforting amidst the chaos.

Isabella's skilled hands, weathered by experience, choreograph Yvonne through the dance of labor, offering solace and assurance with every rhythmic contraction. The pulsating cadence of Yvonne's deep breaths intertwines harmoniously with Isabella's resolute tone.

"You're doing splendidly, dear. Now, inhale 'Hooo!', exhale 'Haaa!'," she urges, her voice a calming incantation against the tumultuous symphony of childbirth.

As the room envelops itself in the primal sounds of Yvonne, it also bears witness to the quiet efficiency of Isabella.

"Madam, summon your strength, forge ahead annnnd...Push!... Madam, the baby 's crown has surfaced," implored Isabella, an unwavering anchor amidst the labor tempest.

Yvonne's efforts, a melodic harmony of determined grunts and resonant moans—echoing, "Aaah! Mmmh!"—wove into the symphony of anguish, crescendoing towards the zenith of life's remarkable overture.

"Mmph! Eyaaa!" Yvonne's cries intensified, harmonizing with the impending arrival of new life. The air crackled with anticipation as the maid, a witness to the unfolding drama, guided Yvonne through the birthing storm.

"Feel the crescendo, madam, as your baby prepares to grace our world!" she urged, a steadfast companion in this intimate theater of birth.

Yvonne, fueled by a surge of determination, emitted a resolute "Huff" followed by an almighty push, the room resonating with the sounds of her unwavering effort.

In the hushed aftermath, the air was stirred by a sweet, melodious cry—a triumphant herald of a new life stepping onto the stage of existence.

"Wah! Wah! Wah!" The baby's cries intertwined with the echoes of labor's exhaustion, a potent proclamation of life's relentless force. The maid deftly cradled the newborn, a delicate embodiment of potential and promise.

"Rejoice, esteemed madam, within the crucible of life, you've birthed a radiant progeny—a baby boy, a luminous ember in the grand forge of existence. Allow me to present the majesty of his innocence," she proclaimed, her words carrying the weight of reverence. The room was awash with the ethereal glow of the newborn's inaugural breaths.

Nestled in the cozy cocoon of a soft blanket, the little one sought solace in the loving arms of his mother, creating a heartwarming tableau of familial bliss.

As Yvonne cradled her newborn son, a radiant, tender smile graced her lips, a symphony of joy and love echoing in the room. Her gaze, an eloquent testament to the unspoken bond of motherhood, painted a vivid portrait of the profound connection between them.

"Madam, bestow upon him a name," Isabella implored, her words akin to the gentle guidance of a master artist nearing completion on a masterpiece.

With a sparkle in her eyes, Yvonne's lips curved into a broader smile, unveiling a radiant moment.

"Roy—Roy Stardust," she whispered as if conjuring the very essence of the heavens.

"Roy, a sovereign in the making, poised for a regal journey, and Stardust, the celestial whisper of magic woven into every breath he takes."

As Yvonne bestowed this celestial moniker, the newborn Roy responded with a shimmer in his eyes, akin to the quiet twinkle of distant stars aligning.

As Yvonne breathed life into the name 'Roy Stardust,' its resonance surpassed the room, weaving through the fabric of mystical essence like an enchanting symphony.

It wasn't merely a name; it was a transcendent melody, heralding the dawn of Roy's extraordinary journey—a dance of strength and enchantment in the vast, otherworldly realms that stretched beyond the mundane.

The very essence of Elyria seemed to applaud, welcoming the arrival of a protagonist in this remarkable saga.

In the luminous radiance, Yvonne and Isabella's faces lit up even more brilliantly, as if touched by the magic of an enchanting realm.

Yvonne, locking eyes with her baby, discovered more than just the present. Within those innocent gazes, she uncovered a profound sense of hope—a promise for a future adorned with boundless possibilities and the enchantment of yet-to-be-written wonders.