
Elder Scrolls True Daughter of Skyrim

Riley has been plagued by recurring dreams of a snowy land stained with blood and fallen armored soldiers. In these dreams, she is Ellehish, a princess of the snow elves who escaped from the Nord army with her guards, only to be targeted while at sea. As their boat is about to be attacked by magic, a necklace splits her soul, sending one to Earth while the other remains in her original world. After dying in a truck accident, she returns to her world as a 16-year-old snow elf named Ellehish with white hair and pale skin. Her ultimate goal is to survive and one day reunite with her people, but her strong hatred towards the Nords may lead her down a dark path. Ellehish possesses the potential to become a great force for good or evil, with her small build and perverted tendencies hiding her true power. She has the ability to steal traits and powers from other races, as well as elder blood powers from the Witcher series and alpha powers from Teen Wolf. As Ellehish navigates the dangers of Skyrim and other realms, she uncovers mysteries that test her strength and resolve. With the help of her friends, she fights against her enemies and becomes stronger and more capable than ever before. I don't own Skyrim.

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Home Is Calling (Chapter 2)

I sighed as I looked around the starry night sky I found myself in. The celestial bodies swirled around me, casting eerie shadows that danced across my skin. Comets streaked by, leaving trails of shimmering stardust in their wake, while planets spun lazily around their suns. It was a beautiful sight, and a strange one. Was I in heaven, or was there really nothing else after death?

"Dear small child, it's not kind to ignore others," a gentle feminine voice chided in an amused tone.

I furrowed my brow, turning around slowly, trying to locate the source of the voice. I scanned the dark expanse before me, but there was no one in sight. The mysterious voice laughed softly, a sound that sent shivers down Riley's spine.

"Look up," it said, still chuckling.

As I did what the voice instructed, I suddenly found myself face-to-face with a Titan of a woman, her colossal features looming over me. The sight of the giantess filled me with awe and terror, a mixture of emotions that left me breathless. I watched as a strange light began to spin around me before a blinding flash stole my sight for a bit.

"Who... who are you?" I stammered, shielding my eyes from the Flash.

"Ah, my dear, you're so curious. Fear not, for I am Rhea, Mother of Gods."

my heart pounded in my chest as I stared up at the goddess before Me. Rhea's greenish dress shimmered like an aurora, barely covering her full breasts, which seemed to defy gravity. The necklace that adorned her neck was made of tiny comets, each one casting a soft glow upon her bronze skin, while the moon served as an ethereal pendant.

"Where am I?" I managed to ask, struggling to maintain my composure.

"Between life and death, my child. A place where your fate is yet to be decided."

My mind raced, trying to make sense of my situation. I couldn't help but worry about the life I had led, filled with dark desires and twisted fantasies. Had I been brought here to be judged for my sins, or was this a chance for redemption? The uncertainty gnawed at her like a festering wound.

"Please," I whispered, desperation creeping into my voice. "I don't want to die. Not yet. There's still so much I want to do., Things I want to do"

"Ah, humans an ever interesting race, but don't worry you won't be dieing in a way.," Rhea mused, her voice taking on a seductive quality that sent shivers down my spine. "Very well, I shall grant you four wishes. But be warned my dear child, you should be careful what you wish for" Rhea's sunlight hair flowed like a river around her shoulders.

My eyes widened in disbelief, but I knew better than to question the goddess before me. Instead, I gathered my courage and prepared to make these wishes.

"But why would you help me?' I asked worried.

Rhea answered, her eyes glinting with mischief. "a bit of entertainment."

"Are there any... limitations?" she asked tentatively, already thinking of what would be the best wishes to ask for considering I didn't know where I'm going just yet.

"Such caution, my dear," Rhea purred, clearly amused by my hesitation. "The things you ask for must not defy the very fabric of existence itself as well as immortality, Changing your looks, Or body as well as race and the world you will be heading to. The last Four are because you are a twin soul. So those are set in stone, as for the race you will be a snow elf. There are some more limits, but you'll find them quite generous."

"wait what do you mean by a twin soul," Riley asked but the goddess refused to answer.

I sighed, my breath fogging in the frigid air of space as I pressed for more answers. "Rhea, if you won't tell me about this twin soul business, at least explain why I'm already a snow elf."

"Ah, you see," Rhea began, her voice a haunting murmur that seemed to echo in the cold void of space around us. "Your race is predetermined because of your connection to another being in the world you're destined for. You share a bond deeper than any mortal can fathom, and it is through this bond that you will heading to that world."

"Who is this other being?" I questioned, my heart pounding with curiosity and a tinge of fear.

"I cannot reveal her identity," Rhea replied, her eyes glowing with an ethereal light. " But you will meet her sooner than you think.

"Fine," I sighed, reluctantly accepting the goddess's words. "But what can you tell me about being a snow elf? What abilities do I possess?"

"Snow elves are beings of ice and frost," Rhea explained, her voice taking on a Bored tone. "They command the power of winter, For a simple explanation your frost spells will be empowered. They are also resistant to the harsh cold of their environment, which increases their resistance to Cold base attacks and overall you won't be affected by the cold as much."

"Interesting," I mused, my mind racing with the possibilities my new form would have. "I suppose there are worse fates than being a snow elf."

"Indeed," Rhea agreed, her lips curling into a mysterious smile. "And rest assured, you will need all the power at your disposal to survive the challenges ahead."

"Fine, could I add more to my race that similar races have in different worlds?" I questioned, my eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Indeed, you may," Rhea agreed. "Bloodline powers are acceptable to wish for." She watched the cosmos swirling within her palm as she observed the mortal worlds spread across her domain.

I sat on a fragment of a shattered moon, contemplating my options. The thought of going to Skyrim excited me, but I wanted to ensure I had ample power to survive and thrive. My thoughts drifted towards combining the bloodline powers from various races, forming a unique blend that would enhance my abilities but I just couldn't think of anything at that moment.

Even if the goddess refused to tell me where I was going but given what race I was, I had my hunch.

"Okay, I've thought about it and have decided on what I want," I announced, my voice resolute. Rhea nodded, waiting for me to continue.

My heart raced as I clenched my fists, excitement coursing through my veins. I savored the sensation before speaking my first wish aloud. "Okay for my first wish, I want to have pure Elder blood that Ciri had, and it is untraceable by the wild hunt unless I want to be found."

"Interesting choice," Rhea mused, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Very well." She waved a hand, and I felt a sudden surge of strange Energy within me as if my very essence was being rewritten.

"Your blood now holds the power you seek," Rhea confirmed, a hint of warning in her voice. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

I nodded, my mind abuzz with possibilities. I then spoke my second wish. "For my next wish, I want to have the power to have a connection to all those that have and had snow elf blood and be able to cleanse them."

A curious smile formed on Rhea's face as she considered the request. "That was a cute try," she chuckled, "but that counts as two wishes."

"Damn," I muttered under my breath, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I knew I had been pushing my luck, but it was worth a shot.

"Before you continue," Rhea interjected, "I must remind you that some things remain beyond my control. The things you might ask for, I need to converse with cosmic entities from those realms as I only hold domain in my realm."

Mt heart pounded iny chest as I gathered the courage to voice my final wish. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin, sending shivers downy spine. I felt a perverse excitement bubbling within me, fueling my desire for power.

"For my last wish..." my eyes flashed with determination, and my voice took on a darker tone. "I want the alpha werewolf power from the teen wolf series, with progressive forms I can transform into. I want the ability to make my own pack, free from the influence of the Daedric Prince Hircine. Make the power my own."

Rhea's eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a wicked smile. "You're quite the deviant, aren't you?" she purred, clearly intrigued by my request. "Very well, your wish is granted."

A wave of raw, primal energy surged through my body, causing my muscles to tense and my senses to sharpen. I could feel an intoxicating connection to the wildness of nature, the untamed essence of the wolf lurking just beneath my skin.

With that another flash of light blinded me again As a mirror appeared before me.

"Damn this body," I muttered, staring at my reflection in the full-length mirror that had appeared before me.

The chilling blue light faded away, leaving me shivering uncontrollably as I took in the drastic changes to my appearance.

"Aw, don't be so hard on yourself," Rhea teased, her voice sultry and seductive. "You'll grow to love it, I promise."

I clenched my teeth and tried to focus on the positive aspects of my new or well true old form. I was an alpha werewolf now, capable of creating my own pack and commanding them as I saw fit. Yet, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable, exposed even, standing there naked and trembling.

My cheeks burned with a deep shade of red, the blush extending all the way to the tips of my newly elongated ears. which extended pass my Long white hair that reached beyond my back. My height had gone down from 5'8 to 4'6. And my face turned toward the youthful look of the girl in my dreams. if I had to guess I was around 16 years old now. And to top it off my breast seemed to have gotten smaller from a c to a b making me depressed. My body has lost its muscle defining features.

The goddess chuckled at my embarrassment, clearly amused by my expression.

"Ah, my dear child, it's not like I wanted you to be naked," Rhea said, her voice teasing. "Unfortunately, due to your original body being preserved in magic energy, your clothes didn't have the same protection and thus were destroyed over time."

"Great," I muttered, my eyes darting around nervously. "So, I'm going to be sent to this strange world completely exposed? As much as I enjoy showing off my body, I don't think I'd appreciate freezing to death."

" You won't given your race's ability..... Hopefully." The goddess said while looking away before returning her attention to me.

With a pitted look, the goddess watched. 'I'll send your system a small gift of clothes that will help you"

Suddenly like a pop I disappears from my spot. Rhea layers back and used a mirror to watch this interesting soul.


As my eyes fluttered open, my body trembling as I lay on the freezing ocean floor. An eerie light seeped through the murky water above me, casting strange shadows on the cracked bones and rusted metal surrounding me. I shivered, not from the cold but from the sheer horror of the scene before me. Memories flooded back, memories that belonged to Ellehish Sinzras, the last of her line. This is who i was now.

"Father," I whispered, choking back a sob as I was hit with a strong emotion as image of a proud man riding a white steed flashed through my mind. I could still hear the clash of steel and the screams of my people as they fell one by one to the ruthless Nord invaders. The memory was unbearable, and i squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push it away.

"Get a grip, Riley, no Ellehish," I muttered to myself, clenching my fists. "You can't let this break you." My voice was strangely muffled underwater, and I wondered how long I could survive in this alien environment.

A skull had been rest against my feet, and I hesitated for a moment before picking it up. The sensation of kinship that washed over me was both comforting and terrifying.

A twisted reminder of what I had lost, and what i might become.

"Who are you?" I asked the skull, my voice trembling but I couldn't tell if it was from rage or sadness.

"Were you one of my people? Did you die fighting, or did you suffer at the hands of our enemies?"

As I placed the skull back down, the protective layer of energy around me began to dissipate. Panic surged through my veins, and I kicked off the ocean floor, propelling myself toward the surface.

"Come on, come on!" I urged myself, my heart pounding in my chest as I swam upwards. These fish with razor-sharp teeth seemed to ignore me completely, only adding to the sense of unease that permeated my every thought.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Am I invisible to them, or are they just waiting for the right moment to strike?" My mind raced with terrifying possibilities as I tried to hold my breathing as I movements swift.

As soon as I reached the surface I gasped for air, breathing rapidly.

"By the Gods, it's so cold!" I said while still gasping, My teeth chattering uncontrollably as floated in the freezing water. The wind howled around me like a pack of wolves, hungry for my very essence.

"Home… I've finally returned," I whispered to myself, As my eyes fell upon the desolate island of Soul Stin. Filled with determination and fear, I forced my aching body to swim towards the shore, heart pounding at the thought of encountering those demon fish that lurked beneath the waves.

"Damn, these cursed waters!" My thoughts were a jumbled mix of anger, desperation, and pain as I dragged myself onto the shore, shivering violently against the icy winds that seemed desperate to strip every last ounce of warmth from me.

"Can't waste time… Must find shelter." Wrapping my arms around my chest in a futile attempt to shield myself from the biting cold, Looking around I decided to make my way up the path that led to the ruined keep stubbing all the way.

The sight of what was once my home brought tears to my eyes, the memories of laughter and warmth now replaced by an eerie silence and the merciless chill of the wind. I could almost hear the distant echoes of children playing, cheerful banter exchanged among the guards.

As I reached the old gates, I paused for a moment, running my fingers along the rough stone, feeling the ghosts of the past brush against my skin. With a deep breath, I stepped through the gate.

"Must...find something..." my mind raced, seeking solace in any semblance of safety. As I stumbled upon a door blocked by a stone pillar – the only part of the keep that appeared intact. Grunting with effort, I pushed, my fingers gripping the cold stone with a desperation born of pure survival instinct.

"Come on...move!" I voice was hoarse, strained from the exertion. After several attempts, the pillar shifted to the side, crumbling into dust as it hit the floor. "Finally"

Now with that out of they way I moved to open the door, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room. Dust cascaded down from the ceiling, tickling my nose and causing me to sneeze violently. Wiping away the dust from my face with a trembling hand, I surveyed the room. It was an old storage space filled with remnants of a past long gone.

"Better than nothing," I muttered, stepping further into the room.

I gingerly reached out towards a shelf, my fingers finding purchase on some old blankets covered in dust. Clutching them tightly as I began to shake off the dust. before using the fabric to dry my freezing body. With each cough and sneeze, I cursed my current predicament and the fate that led me here.

As I sat in a corner, creating a makeshift bed out of the old blankets, a small light flashed in the corner of my eye. Intrigued, I attempted to touch the source of the light but failed as my fingers passed through it like air.

"Of course," I chuckled bitterly. "Just like those protagonists in the webnovels I used to read."

Deciding to use my mind instead, I focused my thoughts on interacting with the mysterious light. To my surprise, a small status screen appeared before her. The information on the screen seemed to be directly related to her abilities.

Name: Ellehish Sinzras

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (19)


Race: Snow Elf

Blood powers:

True werewolf mother-First of your kind through you your pack will rise.

Beast form Werewolf. (Teen Wolf)

Red, blue, Golden eyes.

Elder Blood- Information unknown.

cleanse Touch: The power to convert and remove unwanted evolution traits from a willing being One-month cooldown

Kin Blood bond- Able to feel those with your race's blood in them around you within two miles.


"Interesting..." I mused, my eyes scanning over the details.

In that moment, a cold determination settled within me. a resolve born from the realization that I would not simply fade away into the annals of history. No, I would fight, claw, and seduce my way back to power if I had to. and exact my revenge upon those who had wronged me and my people.

"Watch your backs, Nords," I whispered into the darkness. "For I will rise again, and when I do, you will know the true meaning of terror."

As I tried to rest on my makeshift bed, my head landed on a neatly folded set of clothes. A letter to the side. as I reached out and opened it, it read as.

"I decided to send you a set of clothing from that body pillow I found in your room. I have enchanted the mask to help you along your way. Remember now I'll be watching." And as I turned my attention back to the clothing, it turned out to be a set of fire keeper clothing (Dark souls 3) A long with their headgear. Dressing myself I couldn't help but curse myself for buy the one without underwear. With one finally movement I placed the crown on my head and covered my eyes. Interesting I could see through it. This would come in handy I couldn't help but think.

so I thinking of using elder Blood to go to different worlds. Kinda want this story to go on for a long time. if you have any ideas for for world's or powers Ellehish could pick up or go to please feel free to let me know.

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