
Elder Scrolls Erne Ygis

Erne Ygis was a 20 year old who just loved camping and was a professional at it... if you can call camping that, on an particularly snowy day he camped out not far from the marked trail in a national park on a hilltop but when he awoke the state of the national park changed, it was sunny and vibrant. Chapters Per Week: 2! Sometimes 3 if I I have the time. Pronunciation of Erne Ygis: ER-NAY YI-GIS [THIS IS AN AMATEUR STORY AND THE FIRST I'LL TAKE SERIOUSLY SO I WILL USE THIS AS A PROJECT TO GROW MY WRITING ABILITIES THANK YOU FOR CRITICISM IF YOU GIVE ANY!] This story is a fan fiction of Elder Scrolls Oblivion I DO NOT Intend on a acting like I made the Elder Scrolls world it is simply the bases for creating a story in a series i absolutely love. I am intending on creating atleast 25 to 35 chapters of his adventure and grow my storytelling abilities! (Maybe more if i fall even more in love with the story.) Relax and Take Care Of Yourself.

akinsirr · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2: First Seed Tirdas 3E 433: Sanguine and The Vampire

Alerose quickly pulled up his bow and aimed it directly at me.

Then just as quick as Alerose drew his bow Delecar just as pounces onto Alerose grabbing onto his bow and fighting to pull it away from him.

"ALEROSE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU'RE DOING?!" Delecar shouts as I see Alerose drop his bow onto the floor and spilling all of his arrows from his quiver.

I watch as Alerose and Delecar just argue shouting at one another about what to do with me because of Frandar's stupid action.


I turn my head and see the idiot Frandar looming over the cage with a grin.

"Well I think we might come to an agreement and just kill you." He says his club swaying back and forth.

Alerose immediately turns his attention to Frandar and let's out a frustrated groan.

"I WASN'T PLANNING ON KILLING HIM!" Alerose exclaims pushing Delecar off of him and picking up his bow and pointing it at me again.

"WE NEED TO INCAPACITATE HIM! WE CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW HIM TO BE ABLE TO RUN AWAY!" He shouts loudly before Delecar pushes him once again making Alerose drop his damn bow again.

"You aren't thinking rationally right now Alerose, You know if we hurt him beyond well... You know simple beatings, The Ygis family will hunt us down like rabid dogs if we do." Delecar says slapping the top of Alerose's head.

Alerose grunts and exhales loudly and stomps into that dimly lit cave hallway again.

Delecar and Frandar stare at each other shaking their heads and following after Alerose leaving me alone once again.

I watch as they leave though something feels... Off the room is turning chilly and it feels like fog is seeping into the cave...

"Sleep and come to me." I hear in whispers from a slurred voice....

'Well it's good to know he's just as brutish as those other two idiots' I think as I slowly slump over hearing the bandits murmurs and those whispers as I slowly fade into darkness.

I slowly stir and my vision slowly comes back but somethings off I'm not in the cage with those bandits anymore, Now I sit in the middle of a foggy forest with a path infront of me and a midnight sky though, There's blue orbs flowing throughout the sky giving the blue illumination of this.... Place.

I slowly stand up and look ahead of me strangely I can hear music coming from a guitar? I walk forward and cross a little bridge that has a tiny river flowing under it and eventually as the path comes to an end all I can hear is laught and clanking of what I think is glass cups sounds coming from around the corner.

I peer my head around and see a large feasting table.

'What the hell is going on?' I think while watching them, Though this beats being stuck in a cage and in a cave with arguing bandits...

At the large feasting table I notice what looks like elves alongside humans, some are yellow and others are purplish or maybe gray, But all indulging in drinking and a feast of meat, and... Alot of cheese?

'Okay... This is uh... Strange but well not the first I guess... Still what should I do' I look behind me from the path I just followed and notice there really isn't anywhere else I could go and well this forest is foggy so with a sigh I walk out into the feast.

Once I step out the cheering and feasting halted immediately all of these well... Partyers were just eerily staring at me now, Though there's still that faint riff of an instrument playing from somewhere.

That's when all of them just vanish into thin air the food with them dropping onto the floor as a portly muscular red man with horns steps out of a door that materialized out of nowhere.

The portly man sits on a chair at the end of the feasting table staring at me directly as a beer materializes into his hands.

"Erne Ygis! Pleasure to meet you or well the pet project of Clavicus." The man says to me his voice sounds like he's in a drunken stupor but well he clearly has sensibility still. "I am Sanguine, so tell me Erne how's it going dealing with those bandits." He says with a low snicker then taking a drink of that materialized beer.

'Sanguine? This guy looks like the devil why would I want to speak to him' I think as I watch Sanguine drinking his beer the pint sized cup is not getting any lower in volume...

Sanguine grins at me as he sets his feet onto the table.

"Well no need to be apprehensive! Ask me questions I'll answer them. Within in my own reasoning of course." He says with a loud obnoxious laugh before taking another drink.

I sigh before sitting at the other end of the table, 'I need information... Any kind even if it's from a guy that looks like satan...' I think as I ask my first question.

"So uh where am I." I ask

"My plane of Oblivion." He responds simply before grinning, "That's of course not what you're asking i assume? You're in Tamriel! It's quite different from where you came from of course..." He says as he drinks his beer again.

"Okay... Um you said I was a pet project... What exactly does that mean...?" I ask reaching for a piece of meat on the table.

Sanguine laughs as he materializes a piece of meat into my hand, "Clavicus Vile! That man brought you from your old world on a bet I made against him and you're just the unlucky person that was in a perfect transmigration spot!" Sanguine says as with a grin. "You're like a pet project of our bet!"

'Seriously what is this devil looking man even talking about? Transmigration... Clavicus and bets??' I think before letting out an annoyed groan this day has been way too much for me to understand... Though i still take a bite of the meat.

After my bite I look up at him my annoyance is at an all time high for some reason, maybe it's the realization that I have to deal with those brutes of bandits because of him.

"Okay so let's get this straight I'm here in a different world because you made a bet with a random guy?!" I say in frustated tone and punching the large table.

Sanguine then laughs sounding like one of those alcoholics who find anything entertaining.

"YEAH!" He shouts loudly with a laugh "I guess you could say that!" He says loudly before looking directly at me still grinning ear to ear.

"You're in an entire different world! Mundus! I am Sanguine the Deadric Prince of Debauchery!" He says before standing up his portly stomach bumping the table as he does.

"To put it plainly for a mortal from somewhere else I am what you would call a deity!" He says as he materializes more beer and drinking them rapily.

'Debauchery? That's a very sinful name.' I think before standing up the air is now somewhat chilly like what it would feel like in the middle of October.

"So you're one of the reasons I woke up on a hilltop and was hit in the head with a club and then PUT IN A CAGE?! I WANDERED SENSELESSLY IN A FOREST FOR 2 HOURS!" I snap before slamming my hand onto the table.

"Well. I guess so." Sanguine mumbles before taking another damn drink.

"Is there a way you could send me back to my world." I ask I don't even hide the frustration in my voice anymore.

I see Sanguine raise his eyebrow before laughing obnoxiously once again.

"GO BACK?! YOUR WORLD BARELY HAD ENOUGH MAGICKA TO BRING YOU HERE!" He shouts in a laugh before setting down his drink.

"You're stuck here so make the most of it. And either way it's not like anyone was waiting for you back in that world anyways." He says before sitting back down.

I feel my eyes widen and I slump into my chair staring down at the kempt forest grass below me,'I can't go back...'

"Let's talk about your situation, 'Mr Noble'" I hear Sanguine taunt so I look back up at him.

'He knows damn well that I'm not that noble those bandits think I am... ' I think bitterly before he speaks.

"I could give you an artifact of mine to get you out of that cage and kill those bandits then we'll be even!" He says as something starts forming onto the table Infront of me... A rose.

"What am i going to do with a rose?" I ask as I grab it checking it's petals and thorns.

Sanguine scoffs as if he was offended.

"That's not just any rose! That is my rose! 'Sanguine Rose'" He says as he walks over to me pointing at the rose.

"It can summon people to aid you in fights! Specifically deadra! Or well you'd call them demons as a mortal from your world. " He says before picking up the Sanguine Rose and the petals slowly turning a brighter red.

"Though this one for you will be quite different from the previous rose's, It will be something like a... Wand for you." He says while placing it back into my hand, "Use it against those idiotic bandits! Or use your last name to your advantage, Ygis." He says lowly.

Sanguine then materializes a door once again.

"Use it harness magicka! Also it will not wilt away because of how I decided to... Tamper it, Well I wish you luck!" He says before setting his foot inside of the door.

"Have fun." He says before disappearing inside of the door with a fading obnoxious laugh.

I stand up twirling the rose in-between my fingers, 'Harness magicka? He really couldn't have taught me a thing about how to use this?' I think before my vision becomes wobbly.


"NOBLE GUY YOU ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? YOU DIE FROM FEAR OF US!?" I hear a gruff voice shout out as I stir my eyes open seeing Frandar standing over my cage once again.

"No how could I." I mumble as sit up feeling something pricking my left leg.

"Well we would have preferred if you did!" Frandar says.

"Shut up Frandar you're the reason we have to prefer he would die in the first place." Delecar says leaning against a jagged wall of the cave.

"You're not completely free from trouble either, Delecar. " Alerose responds sitting at the crude table his hands on his bow.

I can feel some different level of tension as if they're just waiting for something to happen their arguing is clearly over but it's very awkward with them not being obnoxious anymore... They're anxious now.

I watch as Alerose clutched tightly onto his bow as then stood up.

"We have two fucking days! I'm telling you both right now we need to leave this damn cave and this stupid noble behind RIGHT NOW!" Alerose shouts frantically.

Delecar and Frandar shrug.

"We're not leaving this cave this is the closest thing to a home that any of us ever had." Delecar says as I notice him clutching onto his dagger.

"YEAH I'M NOT LEAVING EITHER!" Frandar shouts loudly standing next to Delecar facing the wobbly Alerose.

"FINE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU TWO DUMBASSES WANT I'M OUT, GOOD LUCK WITH THE IMPERIALS." Alerose shouts quickly grabbing his quiver full of arrows and some red bottles before rushing down the dimly lit cave hallway.

After watching him leave and dig into my left pocket feeling something still stabbing me from it, after pulling it out I found the Sanguine Rose.

'Okay with that other one gone I think it'll be easier dealing with these two dumb ones' I think as he feel the rose.

'How do I even use this thing anyways?' I think before plucking a petal.

Once the petal was plucked a loud purple portal appeared and a loud roar was heard.

"WHO DARES TO BRING SUMMON A DAUGHTER OF COLD HARBOUR?!" I hear a loud authority ridden feminine voice shout loudly, Once the portal faded away a woman clad in purple and black stood above me.

Delecar and Frandar quickly grabbed their weapons shaking heavily.

"WHAT- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Delecar shouted fearfully backing away.

"I BELIEVE THAT'S A VAMPIRE YES?" Frandar shouted while shaking but putting on a clearly fake laugh.

The vampire looks away from me and effortlessly shatters through the metal cage.

Frandar immediately charges at the vampire swinging his club with heavy blows that I know I wouldn't even be able to dodge.

The summoned vampire effortlessly dodges past Frandars attacks, She then cuts off Frandads hand with just her fingernails leaving his arm gushing out blood.

"AGHHHHHHH" Frandar screams out in a bloodcurdling cry as he fell backwards, Delecar after witnessing Frandar be taken down quickly rushes away trying to go down the dim hallway.

"Now now prey, No need to run." Says the summoned vampire in an entrancing whisper and not even a split second passes and Delecars head rolls across the floor.

"WHAT DID YOU SUMMON YOU DAMN NOBLE?!" Frandar screams out to me as his hands kept gushing blood out.

I slowly stand up taking the chance to stretch and actually be able to move my legs.

'Thank god I don't know how much longer I would have been able to stay in that damn cage' I think as I walk over to Frandar.

"IM NOT A FUCKING NOBLE!" I shout back grabbing his club and using all of strength hitting the back of his head.

Frandar head jerks forward and looks up at me with a grin.

"How can someone be so weak?" He says weakly.

The vampire walks over and snatches the club out of my hand before I can react,When I blink Frandar was already dead the back of his head bleeding and his neck clearly broken.

I turn and look at the vampire the club she took from me stained with blood, She stares at me like she's studying me.

"How did you actually summon me being this weak." She asks in an authoritative tone, as i stare at her I can't help but take in her appearance, she's tall with long purple hair with white strips and dark red hungry eyes wearing clothes befitting of a monarch in a purple and white color scheme.

I take a step back from her just in case she tries anything and then she points the club at me.

"Answer, prey." She says lowly.

I pull out the rose and hold it up for he to see keeping a bit of distance from her still.

"Uh some weirdo named Sanguine gave it to me in a dream. When i woke up it was just... In my pocket and I plucked a petal and you appeared..." I explain before setting it back it back into my pocket.

I can see her eyes widen and she stares at me even more skeptically.

"The Sanguine Rose? You're teling me that Sanguine gave you that. A weakling like you?" She says before just laughing loudly.


"N- no I'm not lying he gave me it because of something between him and a guy named Clavicus..." I say while giving an awkward laugh.

Though as soon as I say that she lowers the club and puts it next to the now dead Frandar.

"Referring to Clavicus as a guy is quite... Dangerous, but I believe you since that is something I could envision happening." She says as she looks around the room.

"Well then summoner of mine. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lirif Neransi daughter of cold harbor. " She says before bowing slightly.

"I'm Erne Ygis nice to meet you. " I say before holding out my hand to her.

She takes my hand and shakes it firmly, I don't know why but this vampire feels like she's shining... Glistening even...

Chapter Name Format.

1: First Seed Tirdas 3E 433: Erne and Bandits.

2: First Seeds Tirdas 3E 433: Sanguine and The Vampire.

It'll be, Month, Day, Era, Year: Name of Chapter.

I liked this format since it feels more like a journal entry instead of using it like this.

1: Erne and Bandits.

2:Sanguine and The Vampire

it feels dead and i will not be changing the format since i feel like it feels more like reading adventurers journal in elder scrolls games.

- Eli/akinsirr

Relax and Take Care Of Yourself.

akinsirrcreators' thoughts