
Elder Rose ( One Piece SI )

Brock died in unfortunate Nuclear explosion, and was reborn in One Piece World, with a wish he was granted. But as Selfish, and Egoistic he is by Nature he knows these are far from enough to satisfy himself. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

06 | Observation Kill & Goro Goro no Mi

"Aisa and Lisa were already maids; they have been taking care of my needs since birth. They are both capable of copying me and making sense of what I am doing, so they are already good seeds of marksmanship, observation haki, and will soon learn the life-return technique."



It was spring in Birka in May 1496, and it was also the season when the citizens of Birka were most active. I walked towards Birka's Fruit Street, a special area in the Food District guarded by four Elite Angles proficient in Mantra, because Birka only has enough food to serve people but not enough to stockpile.

We don't want any troublemakers or even people accidentally destroying food supplies and warehouses here. To Birka, the importance of this district is only second to the National Treasury.

I simply skipped the line of the district's checkup system, bypassing Elite Angles, paid the entry price near reception, and went on a shopping spree. The strange thing is that nobody bothered me while I was cutting lines.

This is another advanced application of Observation Haki. I was proficient in this application when I was two and a half, but it was not enough to deceive legendary users of "Voice of All Things."

I wanted something more; I wanted my observation haki to evolve to the point where I can simply sense souls, time-space curvature, and influence the will or aura of animate and inanimate objects. As for predicting the future, I simply have no need at the moment.

I knew I may never awaken Haoshoku/Conqueror Haki because of trauma that is still fresh in my memory, and even if I did, I would never be as strong as Yonko in terms of Conqueror Haki.

I don't think I have enough vitality to focus on Armament/Busoshoku haki training, and even if I did, I'd have to wait until I'm 25 or 30 to compete with Kaido, and I don't think the resources I get from Sky Island are enough to support that level of training; besides, I'm not a masochist.

Since I died, I've chosen to be honest with myself.

I don't believe I am a protagonist with strong talent who can make progress in battles, and even in severe condition, I am saved by protagonist Halo, so I just have Observation Haki to rely on.


I arrived in an isolated location in Birka Forest, where Aisa and Lisa were both waiting for me. I walked into a den-shaped hideout and soon arrived in a dimly lit, large underground room, where I kept a collection of insects, small birds, and small animals with incredible senses and spirituality.

"Hey Lisa, here catch, I got your favorite apples, and Aisa here yours." I patted Aisa's head, enjoying her silky silver hair, and tossed Lisa an apple pack.

'Thank you, Brock-kun.' I inadvertently peeked into Lisa's thoughts; now I don't even have to concentrate to read surface-level thoughts.

'It feels so good, i want to keep all of Brock-kun to myself' Another Yandere in progress, I thought to myself after hearing Aisa thoughts, "Another benefit of choosing Orphans as Friends, degree of friendship is very high" I mused to myself but continued petting her.

"Master Brock, its time for your Experiment No #S23" my petting was interrupted by Lisa's reminder, 'Is she jealous?' I thought to myself as I approached a large glass display containing an enormous human-sized mutated spider with the intelligence of a 10-year-old child.


I've been training this spider for a year and a half to sharpen its Sixth Sense and make it as familiar with me as possible, so much so that it knows the taste of my aura, smell, and heat. I can feel it being alert, and hostility emanating simply me near it.

'Why wouldn't it?' I chuckled, I made it kill its own brethren, forced it to feast on them, and kept it hungry until it was close to dying from hunger.

I threw roasted takoyaki I bought from food street, I knew spider or #S23 was tempted to eat it despite knowing if it ate it would be its last meal, it was familiar with rules when food was given someone would die and since it was the last remaining spider it was his turn, after few minutes of hesitation spider decided to have its last meal because it still couldn't resist hunger, I could feel spider being fully alert.

I threw a food knife that pierced right in the middle of the spider's forehead, blue blood began to flow from its forehead, and soon spider was completely covered in its own blood, but the strange thing here is Spider is still fully alert and was slowly eating Takoyaki, as if there was no knife on its forehead, no blood flowing from its forehead. Strange, right?, Lida and Aisa also had their mouths open.

'How?' They both had the same question in mind.

I don't bother responding to them since it's always been like this. Some things are better left unexplained and unsolved because this is my trump card.

"I call it Observation Kill" I voiced my thoughts, and went to take a bath after feeling the spider aura entirely vanish. The spider was still enjoying his last meal and remaining alert till his last breath.

My Observation Haki has reached a brand new Level that even I am unaware of. My Perception range is still humane around 5km and 13-14 Km when fully concentrated.

I can already see through objects with the density of iron, have a 3 Km emotional awareness, and mind-read 9 people at the same time.

Because of my distaste for and desire to crush the "Voice of All Things," my Haki evolved for the third time, and I can now remove the aura signature of both live and inanimate objects within my Haki range.


"Dad, I want to learn about shipbuilding." That is what I wanted from Fuza; he couldn't refuse because it was my fourth birthday, and despite his best efforts to change my mind, he ultimately failed.

"Sigh, I see, boy, I'll ask Jake about it and see if he wants to teach you about shipbuilding, and you know what, no more gifts until your tenth birthday." Fuza face became blue when he said this. 'Of course! You won't' i added mentally, 'I know shipbuilding takes a lot of resources, and I nearly emptied 60% of the family treasury'.

I've been learning about shipbuilding for three months. One Piece World has strange Physics, such as the speed of sound in air being 450 m/s, gravity being 12.06 m/s² and object density being the same as Earth.

Of course, I advanced at an inhumane rate due to mind peeping on those expert Shipbuilders, and I could have done so even if I hadn't joined the Shipyard district, but I wouldn't have had access to rare shipbuilding resources, wreckage of ships collection of Pirate ships, or ships from wandering Sky Islands.

I had already completed one task when I decided to join shipyards and gain access to "Pyrobloin" Smelting Equipment, to make items made of Seastones.

All I have to do now is look for Strange fruits and focus on Haki to see if I can tell them apart from conventional fruits based just on aura.


After nearly two and a half days, I finally spotted an apple with spiral forms on it. I came near its location in three hours; it was located in the west part of Birka, in an area where thunder clouds emerge. Most of us avoid that area because of strong fauna and cruel mutated creature nearby.

After seeing One of Strongest logia Devil fruit, Goro Goro no Mi a blue apple with Spiral shapes hanging on tree, I stare it hard, very hard, My Observation Haki was trying to make sense of this strange Fruit, and after 2 hours that I didn't feel any will from it, Just a strange frequency with would match with emotional frequency of stubborn and quirky individuals like Enel.

I took it from the tree. I had a peculiar yearning to consume it, but I asked myself, "Will this fruit really help me go beyond Yonko Strength?" The answer was "No," I couldn't spike Yonko in my lifetime if I ate this fruit.

The second question i came up with "Should I give this fruit to Enel, or my other subordinates?", the answer was, once again, "No, they would never be able to use this fruit to its full potential."

I was lost in thought, seconds passed, minutes passed, hours passed, I stood impassive, my brain was working, it was night time, moonlight streamed over me, and suddenly I got a flash of inspiration and gazed at the moon.

"Ha ha aha" I laughed hard, so hard at my foolishness, of course there is One area where Goro Goro no Mi could be fully utilized, even this Fruit would be insufficient.

"I have decided to use you as the core of my nuclear weapon." I said, staring at the fruit, pulling a box from my rucksack that I had specifically created for Goro Goro no Mi out of seastone, which would destroy the contents if opened incorrectly.

After putting fruit in a box with no keyhole to unlock it, any normal being would have to destroy the box before gaining access to the contents, however there are always exceptions.

I went home after wrapping up here and eliminating all traces of me and Goro Goro no Mi.
