
Elder Rose ( One Piece SI )

Brock died in unfortunate Nuclear explosion, and was reborn in One Piece World, with a wish he was granted. But as Selfish, and Egoistic he is by Nature he knows these are far from enough to satisfy himself. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

05 | Timeskip, Life Return & Future Crewmates

According to the Blue Sea timeline, I am born in 1491, almost 9 years before the execution of One Piece. According to anime information, Roger should come looking for Shandora in about 4-5 years.



Brock was moving in a certain direction in Birka's forest area when he walked near an old tree, jumped over its branches so stealthily that even the tree's leaves didn't move, and saw another cutie pie, around 6-7 years old, looking in the opposite direction of Brock.


"Booo!!" I yelled, startling Riku as I approached her from behind, and she fell from a tree after losing her balance. She flapped her wings and stared viciously at me in midair.

"Brock, How did you find me again? Hmmph, ignore it; I know you'll simply say, 'I feel you here.'" When Riku is furious, she has a pouty look, which I think is cute.

"Riku, you were the last one; come on, I already found others; next time, remember to hold your breath; I can easily feel you breathing miles away." After I pinch Riku's cheeks while she was distracted, as I jump down from a height of 20 m unscratched and rush out of the jungle.

I hear Riku's angry yells and see stones thrown at me by Riku, who was chasing me.

A pack of domesticated wolves, a.k.a. my family pets, were guarding a campfire built by a group of children aged 3 to 9.

"Enel, Shura, Hatori, Katori, Calgara, Aisa, Lisa", "Why didn't you guys wait for me? I clearly told you that I would come back in 30 minutes with Riku. You.. you guys are cheaters!", I scream loudly in my chubby voice, clearly expressing my dissatisfaction towards them, but immediately afterwards I snatched a cooked boar leg from Hatori's hands.

"You guys have already started eating lunch; at the very least, wait for me, and don't give Brock too much food; his stomach is a bottomless hole." Riku cursed me and came over to join us.

"Well, Brock is strange; he is only three years old, and he can already keep up with my speed." "No doubt he needs to eat a lot to keep up with us." Calgara smirked as he tossed the boar's remains to the pets.

'Of course I can keep up with my infant body,' I thought to myself. 'I already have rudimentary self-control over my body, a.k.a. the Life Return technique, thanks to my Overpowered Observation Haki.' Before consuming the rest of the steak.


A lot happened during my baby's first three years.

My observation haki was already at the level of Queen Otohime from Fishman Island before my first expedition, though I was afraid of being noticed by Elite Angles, experts in Birka Mantra, also known as Moon-version Observation Haki.

So I decided to influence my immediate surroundings during the expedition, when the majority of the elites would be searching for Shandora.

I also successfully manipulated the Trio sisters' thoughts and emotions, changing them from "How dare a foreigner take Fuza-kun away from them?" to "She is the only one Fuza-kun loves, so we should protect her even if we hate her," and eventually anti-Melinda alliance members became Melinda maids.

Most of us knew that the Shandora expedition would fail and that resources would be wasted, but Birka continues to do it, not out of ancient tradition but because of healthy competition amongst the Sky Islands, which is very similar to an Army Parade on Earth, a show of force.


My Observation Haki for Year 2 has grown more monstrous; I can see through white-white sea water, can run over 3 kilometres without breaking a sweat, 7 Km in when fully focused, and mind-read more than three individuals at the same time.

Perhaps I'm progressing so quickly because my baby brain neural network is still developing, but as time passed, I began to focus on self-control and balance, and finally, after three months of hard work, I gained initial control over my body.

Despite my youth, I began my experiments by trying to harden my nails in order to perform assassin techniques similar to Killua from the HxH anime, enhancing my digestive system, lungs, and heart, increasing blood density, and boosting cell density.

Some were successful, some progressed slowly, and some failed, such as the cell density experiment, which had no feeling and may have been due to my lack of control over my body.


Year 3, because I was still a youngster and not overly emotional, I began to consider the future from a broad viewpoint.

I had already affected over 430 people, 5 of whom were faithful enough to commit suicide for me; more would draw unwanted attention, so I decided to train my subordinates, pals in whom I could put my trust.

Although I knew that the children I chose to play with were emotionally hyperactive and had plenty of energy, those who still hadn't decided what to do after growing up were rare. I was astonished to see more than 30 children in my Haki range who were as emotionally active as newlyweds on their honeymoon.

To be safe, I decided to play in a group of 9, which was not too large, and I was already starting to dislike Roger before he even arrived in Skypiea.

I mean, what if he chose to kidnap some of my friends and say, "Wow! Kiddo, you have amazing potential; come join us; I see you yearn for the outside world; see, this is Haki; this is swordsmanship. Bla bla bla."

I can easily see a moment when even 1-2 of my 9 loyal friends would follow him, captivated by his charm, and all my hard work would puff away.

If this happens, I swear I'll make each of Roger's pirate lives worse than death.

I want all users of Rare Observation Haki's 'Voice of All Things' to die!

After calming myself, choosing 9 out of 34 was difficult for me. Those chosen nine would be captains of my pirate group if I decided to become one of the Four Emperors, and I knew I would never be able to 100% trust the crew I would recruit from Blue Sea in the future, even if they were stronger or had more potential than my first nine mates.

After a few months of destiny meetings with my pals, I decided to train them by playing hide and seek across the entire south-west Birka Jungle.

"Riku, her emotional activity is nearly the same as mine; she is a rough diamond and has wings on her back; she is smart, quirky, and tries her best not to make the same mistake twice; she has already learned to eliminate sounds while walking; she seems to be able to sense me when I am around her; and she has a knack of throwing stones at me. I think she can use the Life-Return Technique initially in a few months."

"Calgara, He is 7 years old and was born off of an Upper Yard captive. He has wings and a strength roughly three to four times mine. He has a fearless heart, and he recently slaughtered a boar single-handedly without a scratch. I believe he may awaken Haoshoku or Conqueror Haki in the future."

"Enel future Skypiea God in cannon, is 9 years old almost 10, wingless, and born off of Red Street in Birka, Although his father is also an Elite Angel, he doesn't accept Enel an accident, Enel is humiliated, made fun of, and discriminated against even after having civilian status, Because of this, he is already keen on Malice, a rare kenbunshoku or Observation Haki seed user. After making friends with him, he attracted his father's attention, thereby reducing a lot of his mental stress."

"Hatori and Katori are both 4-year-old twins with wings on their backs; both are already foodies and are abnormally excited about anything related to food, and I believe both will soon learn to control the life-return technique they have had since birth."

"Aisa and Lisa were already maids; they have been taking care of my needs since birth. They are both capable of copying me and making sense of what I am doing, so they are already good seeds of marksmanship, observation Haki, and will soon learn the life-return technique."
