


I laid on my bed reminiscing my past. I can never forget the first time I knew Daniel. My family and I just moved into Texas. I was fourteen back then. Daniel was eighteen years.

I was strolling for a walk on a Saturday evening when he mistakenly bumped into me while he was running which led to my phone falling hard on the pavement.

"I am so sorry" he said as he picked my phone. I don't know but to me,when we locked eyes he was surprised.

I felt depressed all again .When I was in Florida, I was bullied due to my thin body and my enormous head. I collected my phone and ran fast. I cried myself to sleep through out that day. The next morning, my mum gave me a package when I was about going to school.

"I think this is for you Sam,a guy with blonde hair delivered this here,saying I should give it to you",she said giving me a half smile,which means she is curious to know what was in the package.

I saw a letter first on the package which I can recite wherever and when ever.

Dear Samantha,

I know you would be wondering how I located you, don't worry I am not a creep. I asked around. It was hard locating you tho.

Well, remember the guy who fell your phone. Of course you would because the incident happened yesterday. I bought a new phone to repay your old phone. I am pretty sure it was damaged seriously.


There was a torn white paper inside the package with a phone number which I am sure was he phone number.

Throughout that day, I contemplated whether I should call him. I made up my mind not to call him. After all, he was the one who damaged my phone,but I have an obnoxious elder sister who called him telling him I want to speak to him. I was angry at myself for telling my elder sister my encounter with Daniel.

I had no option than to speak to him,thanking him. From there we got to know each other. He attended the same secondary school with mine before he graduated and now studies at Harvard university.

Our first kiss was on my seventeenth birthday. Up still now, I still wonder what he saw in me. I mean look at him,he is six feet three inches,he is blonde, handsome and popular. While I am thin, flat chested....I have to wear foam bra for clothes to fit me,for damn sake I am already seventeen. My younger sister do sometimes crack a joke like there was one she said"hey guys, I wonder what Daniel will touch when he wants to have sex with Sammie",she said in a manly voice, using her hand as a micro phone. It was funny to my family. I pretended I was not hurt. I have a monstrous head also. I am pretty sure ugly Betty movie was produced for me.

Every time I keep thinking,you know,he should have gone for my elder sister, Nancy who is nineteen years. Or he should have gone for my younger sister,Lily who is fourteen. Although, she has a boyfriend.

Daniel and I have never said we were dating. I wanted to feel among with my siblings so I never questioned him. I always felt so jealous of my siblings. Mostly my younger sister.

I always question God "how is it possible my younger sister have breast but mine is flat? Why do people see her and assumes she is older than me?Why don't I like food,even when I try to eat to grow body I find it hard to eat?

But the more I question God, the more I feel depressed.

My thoughts was disrupted by my phone pinging. It was a text message from Daniel.

" Goodnight"it read. A smile broke in on my face. "Goodnight" I typed back with a smiley emoji.

Immediately I slept off.

* * *

I am in the classroom listening to my boring Biology teacher. I hate Biology. The only subject I hate. It has been two weeks since Daniel left to Harvard . Do I miss him?Yes,I miss him so much. He calls and texts me every night.

"So Samantha, what is the answer?" Immediately, the whole class turned to stare at me. Now, I hate this bald head man. Don't blame me,but I don't even know his goddamn name.

"Can you repeat the question please?" I tried acting cool like I am not praying for the ground to swallow me right now.

"No queen Elizabeth" the silly man smirked which made every souls in the class to laugh. "You are getting a detention right this moment,leave my class"

I was about to leave when a blonde guy said"make sure you greet prince Harry for me"which made everyone burst into laughter.

I felt like replying to his stupid dry joke,after all I was getting detained. I decided not.

Hi loves,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be updating two chapters every Fridays , Saturdays and Sundays.

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Chikamso_Anitacreators' thoughts