

Disclaimer: Besides OC's, nothing else belongs to me..... This is a "prequel" of sorts..... Prototype for my current fanfic. Honestly, I think I wrote it better in this one.... Warning: Kind MC? Sorta? Fix-It Fanfic. Also Sadist MC. Sypnosis: Kazuto Kage. A normal, slightly deranged middle-aged Japanese weeb/man has been reincarnated in Kimetsu No Yaiba. And he also happened to receive overpowered cheats of sorts..... Watch as he explores Japan in the 1900s, along with the multiverse, trying to find the meaning of life! Yay....... I also post on Scribble Hub, but otherwise, its plagiarised.

HatefulAutumnBreez · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Shaking his head, Kage sighed loudly.

He himself was also really kind, in his own opinion at least. Kage was still not over blowing open the Demon's head. Besides the whole, "Gosh I just killed a former human." thing, seeing its head being blown off was extremely gruesome. And the fact he may have experienced some…. Pleasure from killing it….

Gore in video games, books, and movies, Kage could handle. Reality was a different thing altogether.

It did not show on his face, but Kage was still worried about that. He himself didn't know why.

They sat down, listening to the sound of nature as Kage removed the lid of the basket, a trail of steam wafting into the air.

Inside, lay ten rice balls, molded together and stuffed with sesame seeds and some other ingredients.

Tanjiro sniffed a bit, pondering over something. Maybe the filling? Kage wondered if he knew everything that was in there just by the smell.

*Munch, Munch, Munch*

"Pretty good!"


"The filling is really flavorful! And that sweet tinge…. Nice!"


"You're good at this Kage!"


The two chowed down, enjoying the good hearty food as slowly, the clouds above them began to part, and the cold morning breeze lessened. Noon was almost here….

It would be a long few months ahead of them....

One Year Later…..

"Huh?!" Tanjiro gasped in shock at what Urokodaki had just told them.

Kage sighed, knowing that this part was coming. It was quite surprising actually. It had been a year since he had arrived in this world, and somehow, along with the main character, Kamado Tanjiro, became the disciples of the former Water Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, Sakonji Urokodaki.

He felt that Tanjiro and himself had improved vastly. Though, Kage still always won in their spars. Throughout the months, Urokodaki had taught them many things, fighting styles, breathing, and most necessities of a Demon Slayer.

The former Hashira had told Kage that he would in the future, lest he perishes, become probably one of the greatest swordsmen in the history of the Demon Slayer Corps.

For now, until the Natagumo Mountain Arc was over, Kage would mostly be following canon, as he wanted to really feel the "Demon Slayer Vibe" and such….

Later, before the final battle, and the other Upper Moon battles, Kage wanted to experience adventure, fighting demons and traveling. Especially traveling. He wondered what the Sapporo area was like at this time. That was Kage's hometown after all….

It was still a hassle though. Kage did not know over how long the storyline took place. He might miss some awe-inspiring moments otherwise. And, he was going to save many that didn't deserve to die.

In his previous life, he would probably be scorned upon were he to be in fanfic. Fix-it fanfics were generally looked down upon, but Kage didn't care. There were so many cool characters in Demon Slayer that died tragically….

Now one might ask. What was Kage's motive, or goal in this life? For him, it wasn't so much ambition and such. He just wanted to live life the way he wanted. Free of others' opinions and scorn. In this world, Kage just wanted to do what he wanted to do, who cared if what he did wasn't interesting to others? As long as it was interesting to himself, why worry?

Though it was truly out of the blue. Kage had known it would come someday around now, but it was really abrupt, actually. But one question Kage really asked himself was, would there still be only a single boulder? Or two?

Most likely two….. But it would make the vibe less dramatic….

"I have taught you all you need to know... The last step? Follow me….." Uroodaki beckoned for the two to follow him into the bamboo forest. It was windy today, their skin stinging in the bitter cold wind.

Above, the sky was turning orange as the Sun was beginning to set. The bamboo trees swayed in the wind, creating a harmony of rustling leaves. The sound of leaves rustling was quite common on Mt. Sagiri. Actually, all over Japan…. It was Winter, and the ground was mostly covered in dirty powdered snow, with rain being a constant.

They walked down the worn dirt path, which was partially covered in snow, Kage's old wooden sandals crunching across the dirt and snow.

Walking for a while more, they found themselves in another clearing. This area was mostly surrounded by large billowing trees. All of them were quite old, with their bark peeling off and a sickly grey color. None of them possessed leaves, and in the middle of the area, was a giant rough circular boulder.

Worn and scarred, the boulder was covered in sword marks, and it was bound together by a giant thick rope. Kage breathed in, and out. It was truly an amazing sight, seeing this iconic scene…..

"Slice this boulder in half, and I will allow you to go on to the Final Selection. My part of the training is done…." Urokodaki patted the long-haired Tanjiro on the head, walking over to Kage.

"Huh?" Tanjiro looked on at Urokodaki in confusion, as Kage also looked at him and shrugged.

"Kage….. You're final task? Fight me. Right here." Urodaki spoke with confidence and certainty, unsheathing the extremely real katana at his side. "Show me how you have improved…." He got into a battle stance, Tanjiro looking at them in surprise.

Kage was caught off guard. This... Didn't really seem right. Well, more like it was extremely surprising.

"Eh...?" Even though it was sort of abrupt, Kage swung his very much real blade about, one that Urokodaki had given him for practice.

Looking down at its reflective surface, Kage looked back up at Urokodaki, who stood there solemnly, not yet making his move.

"I guess…. I'll make the first move?" Kage spoke uncertainly, as he took his first step forwards.

Urokodaki remained silent, raising his katana slowly as Kage leaped towards him.

Then, they clashed, blades colliding together in a show of sparks.

Gritting his teeth, a wide smile adorned Kage's face. This power….. It made him feel…. Excited? He hadn't thought of himself to be a battle maniac. But, with new worlds come new changes? No? Well, probably only he could say that….

They parted, with Kage stepping back a little. Urokodaki tilted his head, before beckoning for him to continue.

"Huh. Well, let's get this party started?" Kage once again lept forwards, slashing his sword directly at Urokodaki's neck. It was promptly blocked by the side of the former Hashira's blade, who retaliated, jabbing at Kage's waist.

Kage easily dodged too, grinning as he swung his sword, faster this time, which was then again, blocked. Seeing this, Kage decided to screw it, and go on all-out offensive.

He swung his sword consecutively, swinging at every interval as the two of them danced about the clearing, sparks flashing all over.

"Lame Sound Effect Time"

*Clang! Shing! Clang! Rrrt! Tchhh! Clang!*

Kage swung and deflected, moving in with a furious barrage of blows, aimed to disarm and take out Urokodaki.

The old man had returned the favor, blocking all the blows while still looking and jabbing at every possible interval.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash!" Kage swung out viciously through the barrage, water seemingly splashing behind him, as his blade collided with Urokodaki's katana violently as the former Hashira jumped back a bit.

"Hmph!" Snorting, Urokodaki nodded, acknowledging that it was indeed a good swing.

As this was happening, Kage had already arrived before Urokodaki, who, while nodding, had also reacted, swinging his sword down in a flowing motion.

Kage was below, and Urokodaki above, which was a bit of a miscalculation on Kage's part. Right now, Urokodaki had a good opportunity to strike out, and he did. "Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!"

Above Kage, the blade came down like a crashing thunderous waterfall, Kage twisting to the side barely, as the blow cut his cheek slightly, blood dripping to the floor.

Then, Urokodaki had once again arrived in front of him, his red tengu mask staring fearsomely into his face.

"Fourth Form: Striking Tides!"

Swinging his blade, trails of water seemed to branch out, frothing and raging as Urokodaki slashed out, twisting and turning unpredictable towards Kage, who smiled in response, clenching his katana.

Deflecting the blows, Kage felt the brunt force behind each swing, as cloud upon cloud of sparks and metal roared on before his very eyes.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash…" Kage shot into the heart of the storm, swinging, as the two forms of water collided in a fierce display of might.

Their fierce blows became so strong and powerful that even Tanjiro had to recoil and back away in shock, despite being a spectator.

"Hikuken: Flying Sword!!!!" Swinging forwards vertically, Kage sent a speeding air slash at Urokodaki, who jumped to the side, surprised.

It was after all, quite hard to pull that off with the limits of a human body, and it was quite questionable as to how the boy before him had even learned that….

"Let us end this…." Kage leaped towards Urokodaki, his katana in hand, as he turned, flashing forwards before appearing once again, as if teleporting, directly above Urokodaki. "Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Flash!" He slashed down mercilessly.

Urokodaki blocked it with his sword but Kage wasn't done yet. Flipping forwards, Kage kicked off the side of a tree, spinning through the air. "Second Form: Water Wheel!" In a circular flow of raging water, smashing back down onto the former Hashira, who stepped back, his sword flashing out at Kage.

Dodging them purely by instinct, Kage touched the ground, his katana in one hand and his other hand on the ground, stabilizing him. "Sensei….. Try to avoid being hit by my next slash…."

As he felt the impact of his feet on the hard rocky floor, Kage stared into Urokodaki's eyes. Looking at his Master, Kage grinned a little, adjusting his sword grip. Kage, since he was young, always had a knack for telling a person's emotional state and personality.

Before, as the days had gone by, Kage had noticed that Urokodaki was worried. Worried for his two new disciples. In the lore, Urokodaki had lost many to the Hand Demon in the Final Selection, he hid it well, but the former Hashira was haunted by their deaths and wished….. They hadn't... He could not bear for more of his "children" to die to that fiend's cruel hands.

With his next strike, Kage wanted to tell Urokodaki something…..

Raising his blade, Kage once again, jumped into the air, swinging his blade over his left shoulder as Urokodaki looked on in perplexity.

Whispering, Kage felt the wind blow through his hair as he swung, the whole forest area seemingly going silent.

"Getsuga Tensho: Moon Fang, Heaven Piercer!"

At this instant, as the blade came down before Urokodaki, the hashira…. Trembled. It was as if death was approaching. A blistering slash akin to a crescent moon bore down towards him, as he dodged to the side barely, his katana clattering out of his hand. The move forced him back as an explosion shook the area, cleaving countless trees in half and splitting the ground for feet upon feet to come.

This was the message he wanted to convey to his teacher.

Don't worry. I got this.