

Disclaimer: Besides OC's, nothing else belongs to me..... This is a "prequel" of sorts..... Prototype for my current fanfic. Honestly, I think I wrote it better in this one.... Warning: Kind MC? Sorta? Fix-It Fanfic. Also Sadist MC. Sypnosis: Kazuto Kage. A normal, slightly deranged middle-aged Japanese weeb/man has been reincarnated in Kimetsu No Yaiba. And he also happened to receive overpowered cheats of sorts..... Watch as he explores Japan in the 1900s, along with the multiverse, trying to find the meaning of life! Yay....... I also post on Scribble Hub, but otherwise, its plagiarised.

HatefulAutumnBreez · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Two Weeks Later…..

"This Black Flash….. Is a martial art technique passed down through your family over the years?" Urokodaki tilted his head, sitting, legs crossed inside of a small bamboo hut.

"Yes!" Kage nodded vigorously but was secretly dying inside. The Black Flash, for one, was not a secret technique passed down through his family, and two, it sounded extremely cliche. With his current... CIrcumstances, Kage would have to lie a little more often.

Of course, only when in regards to his abilities and origin. Otherwise, he could blab off. It would get too complicated if he were to reveal them after all.

It had been a while since Urokodaki had accepted both Kage and Tanjiro as his disciples, and the vigorous training had started.

Least to say, it was extremely tiring. Running, squatting, and much, much more. Urokodaki had also forced them to go around the mountain, which possessed many traps, some of which, were lethal….. Scary. And of course, their master himself was a terror.

Still, it was a boatload of fun most of the time, with Kage experiencing things that he would have never experienced before.

Especially the buildings and such. The bamboo hut Urokodaki resided in was cool, though simple, it was amazing to see something like this as an actual adobe, and not part of some amusement park or attraction.

Rustic living at its finest. The oxygen was also so much better. Though right now was technically the industrial revolution in Japan, as of now, the air was extremely clear.

He had learned to climb trees, swing swords, improve his stamina, and much, much, more. They were also learning the breathing techniques at the moment. Even though Kage could just use his [Reference] ability, at times, when he was off a little, it could be clunky and robotic.

When sparring with Tanjiro, Kage always won. Tanjiro was also rapidly improving, due to his resolve and his keen battle instincts.

Nezuko was asleep at this time, in a hibernation of sorts…. It had given Tanjiro quite the panic, but when a nearby doctor had assessed her situation, it seemed like she was completely fine. Albeit the fact she was asleep that is.

The breathing techniques were hard. Learning them himself and using [Reference] did help quite a bit. Part of the reason as to how he improved so quickly was that even if it was sort of clunky between moves, the move itself was masterful and skillful in a sense. He used a skill with [Reference] and tried to replicate it himself. He knew the feeling.

[Reference] went pretty well with God-Speed Impulse, due to its limitless potential of sorts. With the help of [Bypass], Kage could dish out multiple strong breathing style arts consecutively, and Impulse helped him change his attack patterns dramatically, allowing Kage to be unpredictable and very versatile.

The training also helped him use [Reference] more smoothly, allowing him to pull off combos and feints with practical ease.

Getting up, Kage bowed to Urokodaki, who nodded in acknowledgment as he walked away.

"This child….. Is a genius. To be able to master most of what I have taught within days. He will no doubt in the future, be a Hashira. If he passes the Final Selection that is….." Urokodaki mused, sitting there peacefully, the sound of birds chirping quite noticeable in the background.


Walking down a worn dirt path, Kage soon heard the sound of someone gasping and swinging in a small clearing. Mt. Sagiri was mostly made up of deep abundant forestry, with a few clearings here and there. This was one of them.

Pushing past a tree stump, Kage stepped onto a patch of stone, watching as Tanjiro swung away with a wooden training sword, determination, and youth on his face.

"Hey, Tanjiro!" Brought some Onigiri!" Kage waved, grinning as he plopped a basket on a rough boulder. It was small, and made of woven bamboo, with steam coming out the top. Kage was quite the masterful chef in his previous life, having worked at many restaurants in his early life.

"Kage!" Tanjiro stopped for a second, waving his hand, sweat flying off his arm. Walking over, Kage patted Tanjiro on the back, before taking off his long cloak and folding it. In under a minute, he had finished and neatly placed it next to the basket of Onigiri.

Taking another wooden sword that was lying around, Kage also began swinging, chatting lightly with Tanjiro about the weather. When you are isolated on a mountain to train for a while, the number of things to talk about aren't many, and around now, it was quite uneventful.

"The number of birds seemed to have increased a bit…."

"Really? Can't tell."

"I think the nearby villages have been burning more coal than normal. I smell it…."

"Wonder how it is to have a nose like a bloodhound….."

"A blood what?"

"Bloodhound. It's a type of dog….. Sorta like a Shiba Inu."


"Basically, you have a good sense of smell….."

"Thanks, I have had quite sensitive nostrils since birth!"


"So…. Before we eat, do you wanna spar?" Kage asked politely, as he swung his sword in a downwards motion. The wind blew in the air, rattling leaves and blowing their hair about.

"Sure! I believe I have improved." Tanjiro turned to him, fire in his eyes as he walked back a bit, getting into a fighting stance, looking forwards.

Kage stepped back too, brandishing his katana, completely concentrated at the young teen before him.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, hands tightening on the hilt of their blades before in a flash, the two had arrived before each other, swords clashing with a loud crash.

Their wooden katanas connected, grinding into each other with great strength and power.


Pushing his sword to the right, Kage slammed Tanjiro's blade to the side, kicking him in the chest.

Reeling back, Tanjiro readied himself once again, attempting to breathe but not before Kage had arrived right before him, his katana flashing forwards once more as Tanjiro hurriedly attempted to block the strike.

"Urgh!!!" Tanjiro gritted his teeth as he barely managed to deflect the barrage of sword strikes coming down at him.

His hands trembled slightly as Kage's katana rained down upon him, prompting Tanjiro to inch back towards the end of the clearing.

*Stck! Shck! Thok! Thok! Chk!* From the left, right, above, below, Kage showed no mercy as he slowly got through Tanjiro's faltering defenses.

Aiming at his weak points, Kage knew, through the many spars they had exchanged in, that Tanjiro's mentality made him less aggressive, and when forced into a defensive stance, could be more easily defeated.

Part of the reason Tanjiro was still holding on was due to his nose. It was really strong, allowing him to recognize and adjust accordingly. Of course, that was still limited.

Kage finally landed a blow, smacking the wooden katana against Tanjiro's left shoulder, causing him to lose a bit of momentum.

Just as Tanjiro seemed to be about to fall down completely, the kind teen turned, rotating himself in a way that let him temporarily regain balance as he swung his katana towards Kage's current open spot, his chest.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash!"

It wasn't that great of a swing, but it carried some essence of the Breathing Art, sending a concentrated slash towards Kage's chest.

As it came towards him, in seemingly slow-motion, one would see the illusion of a coming drizzle of water behind the strike, droplets seemingly falling to the ground.

Kage stepped back slightly, before he too, twisted his body to the right, jumping into the air, spiraling.

"Sixth Form.... Whirlpool."

Kage spun with the wooden sword, spinning around as he slashed out viciously, slamming Tanjiro to the floor with a loud bang, water seemingly coming in a rapid tide around and behind his blade, frothing and wild

"Gah!" Tanjiro coughed, his wooden katana dropping to the ground, with him collapsing, dirt staining his haori.

Kage smashed back into the floor too on both feet, dust dispersing around.

"I win!" Smiling like a little child, Kage hoisted Tanjiro back up, chuckling a bit. "You good?" Kage slapped Tanjiro on the back, who scratched his head, feeling his back aching and bruised.

"Yes…" Cleaning off his earrings, Tanjiro stretched a bit, knowing that Kage hadn't used all of his strength in this battle.

"You're still too hesitant…" Kage spoke earnestly, knowing that Tanjiro was hesitant to hit another human being. Kindness….. Both beautiful and harsh.