
Efflorescence Harem System: Reborn to be a Lith

Hajime was never really a fan of flowers. They withered and faded too quickly for him to even notice. His gaze, however, couldn't help but be drawn towards the most beautiful flower in his vision as it danced in the breeze. "Daddy!" The blue flower closed itself into a bud and returned to a human form. A small, five-year-old girl ran over to Hajime and hugged him. "I told you to call me big brother." "But why?" "Because I am not your father." How did he go from dying to a flower, to the world's cutest oleander calling him "daddy?". He wasn't sure himself. The only thing he wanted was to pop his cherry. To die as a virgin would be an embarrassing way to end his life...well that nightmare already happened. God truly has forsaken Hajime. Waiting 33 Years before he becomes a man? Absolute Bullshit! And now he must live with these damn notifications, being reminded every day about the impossible standard of abstinence... He wants to go back home but unfortunately, Earth doesn't have monsters, magic, or talking flowers. Once he gains access to his system, Hajime will curse himself for ever wishing to go back home. Warning: R-18, Plants and Flowers, Insects, Smut, incest, NO NTR, No Yuri, so if you don’t like any of this do not read.

Synphomia · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Saved by the bell?

Sakura removed the blanket that covered his body. She licked her lips upon seeing his raging erection standing proudly.

"Sakura we really shouldn't..." Hajime wanted to protest but the rest of his sentence disappeared into moans as she put her lips on his cock.

Her tongue darted out and caressed the sensitive head. His legs buckled underneath him, forcing him to lean back against the pillows.

"Fuck," cursed Hajime as his back arched off the bed.

"You like it, Daddy?" she asked between licks.

"Ye-s." answered Hajime breathlessly.

Sakura licked the underside of his shaft before wrapping her lips around the tip. She sucked hard and released him with a pop.

"Don't cum yet." she warned him.

"I won't." responded Hajime while panting heavily.


Sakura lowered her head and kissed his balls. Her tongue traced circles around the base of his shaft, lapping up all the pre-cum that leaked out. Then, she took one of his balls into her mouth and sucked on it tenderly.

"Mmmmm." moaned Hajime.

"You're getting close."

"I am," admitted Hajime.

"Do you want to cum in my mouth, Daddy?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Hajime as he thrust his hips forward.


"What?" he gasped.

"Do not cum," she ordered sternly.


"Do. Not. Cum." she commanded, punctuating each word with a gentle stroke.

Hajime shuddered. His balls tightened in anticipation. He wanted to explode. But he obeyed her command and held back.

"Good boy." she praised as she stroked his head.

Her mouth enveloped his throbbing erection once again. Her tongue swirled around the base before sliding up to the tip. She lapped at the slit, savoring the sweetness of his pre-cum.

"Mmmm, yummy," she moaned.

Her lips pursed around the crown and she sucked harder, drawing more fluid from the head of his cock.

"Fuck," swore Hajime. His hands grasped the sheets beneath him, twisting the material in his fists.

"That's right, take it all."

Hajime growled low in his throat and thrusted his hips upward. She met his movements with ease, swallowing his full length into her throat. Her tongue worked ceaselessly. She teased him. 

"God, you're gonna drive me insane." groaned Hajime as his head leaned back against the pillow.

[Reminder: Don't ejaculate outside of a flower's womb.]

"Fuck!" screamed Hajime.

"What's wrong?"

"We're not supposed to do this."

"Why not?"

"Because you're my daughter."

"You're not my biological father. Besides you want to have sex with our mommy's too," she smirked.

"What? No, I don't!"

"Don't lie Daddy. It's written all over your face."

"Still let's not," he added.

"You don't want to please your daughter?" she asked sadly.

"I don't want to die," he added.

"Then why are you hard?" she asked, amused.

"Because I haven't masturbated in 268 days," he said through gritted teeth.

"Daddy, did you forget? My magic nullifies any poisons," she declared triumphantly.

But that didn't stop Hajime. His thoughts were still racing through his head. He didn't know what to do. It was driving him crazy. Thankfully, Sakura knew exactly how to distract him.

She continued teasing him. Stroking his length gently, licking his tip, and nibbling on his balls. It was too much for him to handle.

"Stop," he begged.

"No," she replied stubbornly.

"Please..." he whimpered pitifully.

"Fuck my face Daddy."

Hajime glared at her. He couldn't believe she was doing this. This wasn't normal. She was his daughter, well technically his adopted daughter, but that didn't matter. He couldn't do this. They shouldn't be having sex.

But he couldn't help himself.

"Take it," he commanded.

"Yes, daddy."

The moment his cock disappeared into her mouth, a knock came from the door.

"Are you two awake yet? We have a visitor" inquired Aurora with a cheerful tone.

Hajime immediately pulled his dick out of Sakura's mouth with a loud 'pop'.

"Yes mom!" yelled Hajime.

The knocking on the door stopped and Aurora walked away.

The moment she was gone, Sakura scowled at Hajime. "I wanted to taste your cum, daddy."

"You'll get it another time," he promised.

"You sure?"



"Cross my heart."


"Now get dressed." Hajime rushed his sentence as he hastily got ready. He wouldn't dare face his mother while he had an erection.

Hajime fumbled with his shirt buttons, attempting to hide his excitement. "Let's go,"

"Okay," agreed Sakura reluctantly.

The two quickly exited their bedroom and walked to the living room.

The living room was spacious, decorated with paintings hanging on the wall, and a large fireplace in one end of the room. There was a sofa set placed in front of the fireplace, a glass coffee table between the couches, and a rocking chair near the window overlooking the backyard.

A woman stood by the fireplace. She was tall, slender, and elegant. Her long red hair was tied up in a bun. Her piercing blue eyes locked onto him. A faint smile appeared on her lips.

"Hello Hajime."

"Hello?" he replied with uncertainty.

"Nope." she stated bluntly.


Before Hajime could use his Lith's eyes on this woman, a man walked into the room. His long blonde hair flowed freely down his back as his white clothes shimmered in the light of the flames dancing in the fireplace. His very presence was overwhelming. The air around him crackled with energy. His attitude was calm yet it grabbed everyone's attention.

His gaze swept across the room, stopping at Hajime for the briefest of moments before continuing on to its destination.

"Aurora, who is this boy?" he asked in a pleasant voice.

"My son."

The air froze. Silence filled the house.

Hajime thought the man was going to attack him. But he didn't move an inch.

After several agonizing seconds passed, the man relaxed.

"So that means he's Sophia's too huh."


"How interesting."

He stepped closer to Hajime until they were face to face. He stared directly into Hajime's eyes. Hajime's curiosity got the best of him.

[Kaelos Valkar,

Title: The First Avyris,

Soul age: 45,

Species: Human (Floral Attuned)

Flower Realm: ???,

Root Realm: Crimson Stem (Upper),

Lineage: ???

Threat Level: Guaranteed Death]

Hajime's heart sank at the information. He was screwed.

"Um... hello." he stuttered nervously.

"Hello." the man greeted back. "So, you're her son."