
Efflorescence Harem System: Reborn to be a Lith

Hajime was never really a fan of flowers. They withered and faded too quickly for him to even notice. His gaze, however, couldn't help but be drawn towards the most beautiful flower in his vision as it danced in the breeze. "Daddy!" The blue flower closed itself into a bud and returned to a human form. A small, five-year-old girl ran over to Hajime and hugged him. "I told you to call me big brother." "But why?" "Because I am not your father." How did he go from dying to a flower, to the world's cutest oleander calling him "daddy?". He wasn't sure himself. The only thing he wanted was to pop his cherry. To die as a virgin would be an embarrassing way to end his life...well that nightmare already happened. God truly has forsaken Hajime. Waiting 33 Years before he becomes a man? Absolute Bullshit! And now he must live with these damn notifications, being reminded every day about the impossible standard of abstinence... He wants to go back home but unfortunately, Earth doesn't have monsters, magic, or talking flowers. Once he gains access to his system, Hajime will curse himself for ever wishing to go back home. Warning: R-18, Plants and Flowers, Insects, Smut, incest, NO NTR, No Yuri, so if you don’t like any of this do not read.

Synphomia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Hidden Truths

"Uh yeah."

"Nyssa, did you know Sophia had a son?" asked Kaelos.

"Yup." answered the woman whose name was Nyssa.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you'd abandon the mission to find out who her son was, and it didn't seem important," she replied flatly.

"And who's the little floralith that's been staring at you this entire time?" he asked as he glanced at Sakura.

"I'm Daddy's daughter," she said confidently as she pointed to Hajime.

"You don't mean like an actual biological daughter, correct."

"Hajime adopted her," explained Aurora.

Kaelos' eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Really? Interesting."

"Why?" Hajime asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought that after you witness true beauty. You'd never settle for less than perfection."

"Kaelos your thoughts are leaking out." warned Nyssa.

[Nyssa Belyne,

Title: The Third Aicte,

Soul Age: 185

Species: Floralith (Amaryllis),

Flower Realm: Pothos (Upper),

Root Realm: Crimson Stem (Middle)

Lineage: ???

Threat Level: Guaranteed Painful Death]

'Yeah, who are these cheats?'

[Host is weak and pathetic compared to them.]

'Shut up.'

[The system will remain quiet.]


"So why are you two here?" asked Aurora.

"We just finished clearing that nest of Halobates that came from Tisdar." answered Kaelos.

"Bleh I hate the ocean." complained Nyssa.

"Well, you're the only one who can fight underwater," commented Kaelos.

"Still sucks,"

"Anyway, since we finished early, we decided to drop by for a visit."

"Oh really?" said Aurora skeptically. "When will you ever give up on her Kaelos."

"Never, she will love me eventually."

"I don't think so," said a voice from behind him.

"Ah, you've returned." greeted Aurora as she turned to look at the newcomer.

Sophia walked into the living room and sat next to Nyssa on the sofa.

"Welcome back, Soph," greeted Nyssa happily.

"Hello everyone." greeted Sophia politely before glancing at the man standing in front of her son.



The two stared at each other for several minutes. Neither spoke nor moved. The air grew heavy.

Finally, Sophia broke the silence, "What are you doing here?"

"To see you."

"I see." sighed Sophia tiredly. "Well, you saw me. You've seen Hajime. Now leave."

"But-" began Kaelos.

"No buts."

"Just say the words and I'll gladly throw away my future and stay with you forever." pleaded Kaelos.

A vein popped on Sophia's forehead as she clenched her jaw tight, "Kaelos get out."

"I won't!" he yelled back defiantly.

"I swear if you don't leave, I'll kick you in the nuts again. I don't care if you're the strongest man alive." warned Sophia.

Kaelos flinched visibly before he composed himself. 

He looked over to Aurora, pleading with his eyes. "Can't you talk some sense into her?"

Aurora crossed her arms under her chest. "I'm staying out of this." she replied calmly.

"Traitor!" shouted Kaelos.

Aurora shrugged. "You brought it on yourself. You shouldn't have fallen in love with my best friend."

Kaelos groaned loudly. "Damnit. Fine! I'm leaving."

He spun around and headed towards the door. "See ya around Sophia. Hopefully, we'll get together soon."

"Keep dreaming!" yelled Sophia at the retreating male.

"I will. Thanks." he called back over his shoulder.

The front entrance opened and closed behind him.

"What kind of hormones do you have Sophia?" teased Nyssa.

"I mean that guy literally said he would give up mana for you. He put you above his dream. Isn't that enough of an incentive for you to fall for him?"

Sophia scoffed, "If he loved me he wouldn't ask me to give up on my dream. He'd help me reach my goal."

"You still haven't given up?" Nyssa sighed.

"Of course not," declared Sophia confidently.

"I see, you remind me of someone I knew," she remarked wistfully while gazing at the fireplace.

"Who?" Hajime asked.

Nyssa shook her head. "It doesn't matter anymore," she answered cryptically before she focused on Sophia.

"I heard you took a break from researching mana at Rosevale," she said abruptly. "Did you find another path?"

Sophia quickly glanced at Hajime.

"Something like that."

"Care to elaborate?"


"Fine," she huffed. "Whatever. Keep your secrets."

"So, you're going to stay in Petalfall?" inquired Aurora.

"No. Tella has another mission for us."

"Really? What is it this time?"

"I can't tell you. Classified stuff."

"Figures. I suppose I'll have to wait till the report hits the newspaper."

"Yep," she grinned. "Anyway... I'm gonna head out. I have a long day tomorrow."

She turned and gave Hajime a wink. "Nice meeting you."

Hajime nodded silently. He watched her leave without a word. He couldn't believe how beautiful and powerful those two were. And how dangerous they were.

'Wait, did she just wink at me?'

[Nectar Glans is still active]

'Oh, shit!'

'System turn off Nectar Glans' Hajime didn't want to antagonize that woman.

'I don't even know what nectar glans is.' thought Hajime frantically.

[The host's body produces a liquid that attracts flowers]

'I'm a walking honeypot!'

[It's less effective on stronger beings, at best you gave her a pleasant aroma]

'Say System, what would've happened if I plucked her?'

[You would have gone insane. Nothing's more dangerous than a woman who has gone 185 years without sex. Especially, a Floralith]

Hajime shivered.

'I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.'

'System, do you have anything that can help Sophia surpass her limits?'

[There is one method but the price is steep]

'What is it?'

[The host's future.]

'Uh, can you elaborate?'

[The system has a path for the host to follow, helping Sophia will require you to stray from that path. This will cause irreversible changes but the most noticeable is your freedom host]

'My freedom?'

[She will notice you and find you]

'Who's she?'


Hajime gulped audibly. Whoever this '?' scared him.

[This decision is crucial. The System recommends following the chosen path]

'Right...,' muttered Hajime.

"Sophia are you alright?" asked Aurora as she checked up on her.

"What?" blinked Sophia in surprise as she snapped out of her reverie.

"You were zoning out there. Is everything okay?"

"Of course I'm fine." reassured Sophia with a bright smile. "I was just lost in my thoughts," she confessed.

"About what?"

"My future." she responded vaguely.

Aurora sighed heavily and slumped into the couch. "The field of mana is making great leaps and bounds. It won't take long before we can turn a Nectarborn into a Floral Attuned. So all you have to do is be patient." she encouraged.

Sophia chuckled bitterly. "You and I both know it's impossible."

"Even so, I believe it'll happen within our lifetime. And when that happens, you'll be one step closer to your dream."

Sophia closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

"You're right. Thank you, Rori."

Aurora shrugged nonchalantly. "No need to thank me. I'm always looking out for you. Anyways I have to get going."

She stood up and stretched her arms out in front of her.

"I'm this close to curing this rare disease that kills the purple cells, and I need to get back to my research."

"Sounds like you have your hands full," remarked Sophia with a chuckle.

"Come on Sakura I'll have the carriage drop you off at Floralume institute," said Aurora.

"Okay," the girl agreed reluctantly as she got up and followed after Aurora.

"You'll come to dinner later right?" called out Sophia to Aurora who nodded.

"Of course, I'll be here at 5," assured Aurora.

"Great good luck with your research." replied Sophia

Hajime waited a few moments after everyone had left to speak.

"Mom, let's talk."

"Okay, about what?" asked Sophia.

Hajime gestured for her to sit down beside him.

"Take a seat,"

Hajime placed his hand on her back and guided her down onto the sofa.

"Turn your back to me and lay your head in my lap," he instructed.

"What?" she exclaimed.

Hajime didn't respond. He simply stared at her with his piercing blue eye and red eye.

She hesitated briefly before complying with his request.

"Hajime, what's going on?" she questioned curiously as she settled herself comfortably on his thighs

He looked at those red eyes of her, he felt an urge to protect her, to cherish her.

'Since when did I become so sappy and cheesy?'

He didn't have the answer. Perhaps it was because he would never see his previous family again. He had lost the chance to spend more time with them.

Maybe the loss of his original family made him appreciate what he has in this life more. He didn't know, but the fact remains that he treasures this current life.

He smiled slightly as he reached forward and brushed her long golden locks.

"Your hair is really beautiful, Mom," he complimented. "It reminds me of the sun shining in the morning sky."

"Hajime?" she questioned softly.

It pained him but he had to know.

"Mom, remember when you tried to kill yourself? And I promised to help you surpass your limit."

"Yes," she answered hesitantly.

"I lied."