
EdgeRunners Uchiha

OC with looks of Madara Uchiha Nanobots System for creating and hacking and many more to come patreon 3$ a month link will always be somewhere in either the story or the comments i hope you enjoy and vote for this story and see where this story goes

Cerberus_Daley · Anime & Comics
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The End and The Beginning

hello everyone this is my very first story that im going to be doing if you like it then you like it and if you dont then you dont i dont really care im just doing this for fun and if you want to support my story i have a patreon and that link will be somewhere in the story or comments and if you want to donate then go right ahead anyway onto the story



How long have i been here for in this void of nothingness the memories come and go of past lifes and how they lived surprisingly one of the memories was of me going against Madara Uchiha so i kept wondering to myself why i had seen that and it clicked in im dead in the void of nothingness waiting for my eventual true death to restart again and repeat this cycle all over again but something catches my eye a small bright light that seems to be coming closer and closer to me.


Fuck where did i put that soul too ahh there he is.

welcome welcome sorry for the delay on your reincarnation young soul i was extremely busy with the influx of millions of souls that had been killed by a mad man and for that delay i will grant you 4 wishes. 1 wish is for anything you can imagen and the other 3 are for the world that you will be going to which is ..... huh that's surprising.

???: huh what are you surprised about.

GOD: you'll be going to the CyberPunk universe specifically the edge runners universe

???: huh that is surprising

GOD: well now onto your wishes

???: my first wish is for a system that can help me hack, craft and customize my cybernetics and allow me to combine/fuse and upgrade existing cyberware.

???: my second wish is for me to have the same looks as Madara Uchiha and using his name.

???: my third wish is to have nanites that can help me not get cyberpsychosis and help make all my ammo and armour.

???: and my forth wish is to be able to make sharingan cybernetic eyes that can evolve after a certain point and will not degrade but will have cooldowns depending on the abilities.

GOD: granted and i wish you the best of luck MADARA UCHIHA live up to your name sake in this life now go forth and shake this world to its VERY CORE.

as soon as the GOD was done talking i started loosing conscious and a white light took over me

???: keep pushing dear keep pushing

???: im trying UGGHHH

???: i can see the head your almost there madam

5 minutes later

???: congratulations its a baby boy

???: give him here i want to hold my baby

Madara POV

huh where am i what does it feel cold and metallic here i try and open my eyes and i see and man and a woman and im being held by my mother im assuming and the man should be my father

mom: hes so adorable inst he dear

dad: that he is honey

and for the next 10 years this was what my life was until the tragic day that it all came to an end and ARASAKA had come knocking on our door and my parents had told me to run run as far as i could and that's what i did i ran until i couldn't anymore and i had gotten away from them i didn't know how long i was running for or how long that i had run for but i knew that i would run into them in the future and i would have my revenge.

it wouldn't be until 15 years later that his plan for revenge to come into fruition.


and that is where this story starts in the next chapter where Madara is 25 years old and is coming fo revenge as the ghost of the Uchiha now i want you all to vote for the person/persons that madara will fall in love with and what his Mangekyō abilities will be for example warping/teleporting, phasing, and so on so fourth and the top 3 suggestions with the most comments will become his abilities voting stops next Saturday and its 1 for the right eye 1 for the left eye and 1 for both like in naruto, itachi has amaterasu in 1 eye, tsukuyomi in the other and sussanoo for both and remember only top 3 and his nickname/wanted poster has him named "The Ghost of the Uchiha"

for obvious reasons his signature is either the sharingan, the uchiha symbol or something else if someone could make something that would be great you can send it to this email


and i thank you all for having a look at this story and updates will be between Friday to Sunday and depending on how much i get done throughout the week Monday-Thursday you could see 2-4 chapters or how every many it just depends on how much i get done and the research i can get done on all the weapons and everything else or do you all want me to use regular weapons along side the cyberpunk weapons let me know in the comments thank you and have a great day