
Eclipse Alpha

"In the shadowy corners of Samar, a planet inhabited by werewolves, the enigmatic Nocturna Manor becomes the stage for a mystical event that upheaves the course of destiny. As Prince Lycaon is born during an unusual solar eclipse, his legacy transcends the bounds of the supernatural. Royal parents Tasha and Volk grapple with ancestral mysteries and heart-wrenching choices, while their son unveils extraordinary powers. Amid buried secrets and stunning revelations, Lycaon must navigate a world of darkness and light to become the ultimate alpha, thus shaping the future of werewolves and their planet. A captivating tale of birth, challenges, and transformation, where the exceptional fate of a child becomes the catalyst for a revolution. Please note that English is not my primary language, and the translation was done using ChatGPT. I hope you enjoy it!"

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10 Chs

Training (1)

"Then, when do we start?" Lycaon asked, his eyes fixed on Maya.

Maya, still smiling eerily, seemed to vanish from her shadowy corner. In an instant, she reappeared right in front of Lycaon, her figure distorted by the supernatural speed at which she had moved. Her slender hand gently touched Lycaon's neck, but this touch was like ice, penetrating deep into his skin.

"Well, dear prince, now is when it all begins," she said in a honeyed voice, but with an undertone of menace.

Before Lycaon could react, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, as if razor-sharp talons had clamped around it. Everything around him became a whirlwind of darkness, and he lost consciousness...

Lycaon slowly opened his eyes to discover a room he didn't recognize. The walls were adorned with faded tapestries, and the dim light filtered in through a small stained glass window. The room had a strange atmosphere, as if frozen in time.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar female voice.

"Hey, you've finally woken up."

Lycaon sat up abruptly and turned his head to see Maria, the young woman he had fought in the training room. Recognition eased some of his anxiety, but he was still bewildered by the situation.

"Maria? Where am I?" he asked, trying to piece together his memories of how he had ended up in this strange place.

Maria offered him an amused smile.

"Welcome to Lykos Manor."

Lycaon gently rubbed his forehead, recalling the pain that had overwhelmed him just before losing consciousness.

"How on earth did I get here?" he muttered to himself, the events leading up to his current situation still hazy in his mind.

Maria hesitated for a moment before responding.

"It's Mother. She brought you here about half an hour ago."

Lycaon furrowed his brow, remembering his conversation with Maya just before losing consciousness. He knew he had accepted her offer to become her disciple, but he hadn't expected to be transported to this place so soon.

"Maya, huh?" he mumbled to himself.

No longer confused about the situation, he gently rubbed his forehead as he tried to gather his memories. Everything was now clear in his mind, especially the pain in his neck from Maya's strange attack.

As he tried to get back on his feet, the room's door slowly opened. Maya entered, accompanied by a white-haired man, one of the guests at the banquet he had briefly noticed. His face was impassive, but his eyes showed a certain interest in Lycaon.

This intrusion didn't improve Lycaon's mood. Instead of being on guard, he was increasingly irritated by this strange situation and Maya's perplexing behavior.

Maya, still wearing her unsettling smile, approached Lycaon, obvious amusement in her gaze. She spoke with a teasing tone, "It seems you were so eager to see me again, Lycaon."

Lycaon, now less confused but still irritated, stared at Maya with a piercing gaze. He couldn't help but wonder why she had kidnapped him in this manner.

Without waiting, he asked the question that had been haunting him.

"Why did you kidnap me?" he asked sharply, seeking answers to this strange situation.

Maya, still smiling, didn't respond immediately. Instead, she turned to the white-haired man who accompanied her.

"Lycaon, allow me to introduce you to Adam Lykos, one of my children and one of your father's generals."

Lycaon observed Adam Lykos closely. The man had an enigmatic aura, and his white hair matched his pale skin. Despite his apparent calmness, there was something intense in Adam's gaze, something that made him difficult to read.

After a brief exchange of glances, Adam spoke in a calm yet resolute voice.

"Pleasure to see you again."

Lycaon responded with a slight nod. "Likewise."

Maya interrupted this moment of courtesy.

"Well, let's get back to the essentials."

"Lycaon, your initial training will be relatively simple. You will first learn to harness your own power."

She alluded to Lycaon's duel with Maria.

"Do you remember your duel with Maria?"

Lycaon nodded. "Yes, of course."

"Perfect. Show me what you can do. Try to manifest your power."

Lycaon closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the energy surging within him. He extended the palm of his hand, and suddenly, small sparks began to crackle between his fingers. Electric light danced in his hand.

Maya smiled, somewhat impressed. "Excellent. You have preliminary control over the element of lightning. That's a good start."

She approached Lycaon to explain in detail how power worked among the werewolves.

"Among us werewolves, we are deeply connected to nature. Each of us develops an affinity with an element, and the stronger that affinity, the easier it is to use that power. However, in your case, it seems that lightning is truly a part of you, almost like a bloodline among vampires that gives them specific powers."

She paused, her blue eyes lighting up with excitement.

"This opens up entirely new possibilities for us."

Then, she took a moment to calm her excitement before continuing.

"You will first train in the basics with Adam. He may not have the same ferocious aura as Maria, but he is very skilled."

Lycaon nodded, accepting the proposed training plan. Maya seemed satisfied with his response.

Then, Adam spoke in a calm but resolute voice.

"All right, Lycaon. When you feel ready, join me at the training grounds. Maria will show you the way."

They then left the room, leaving Lycaon alone with his thoughts. The prospect of his upcoming training was both exciting and intimidating, but he was determined.

Maria gave him a friendly smile before leaving.

"I'll wait for you outside the door, Lycaon."

Isolated in the quiet room of Lykos Manor, Lycaon let out a deep sigh. Events had unfolded far too quickly for his liking, transitioning from his birthday banquet to his current situation. However, he preferred to convince himself that it was all for the best. He turned his attention to the blue screen in front of him and read the words displayed:

"[Please check your status]."

"I suppose my status has improved or something like that," he murmured with a hint of optimism.

Lycaon simply typed "Status."

Immediately, a series of notifications flooded the screen:

- [You have experienced an awakening]

- [Your control over lightning has improved significantly]

- [Your affinity with lightning has greatly increased]

- [The skill "Lightning Control" has advanced to intermediate level]

- [You have acquired the skill "Partial Enchantment"]

- [Your constitution has adapted]

- [Your speed has improved]

- [You have acquired the skill "Close Quarters Combat (CQC)"]

These new pieces of information brought a smile to Lycaon's face. Smiling with anticipation, he immediately delved into the descriptions of these newly acquired skills:

[Partial Enchantment]: This skill allows the user to charge certain parts of their body with electrical energy. By enveloping their limbs or torso, they can enhance their close combat attacks or create temporary electrical barriers for defense. The degree of enchantment and its effectiveness depends on the user's affinity with lightning.

[Lightning Control (Intermediate)]: Thanks to a deeper affinity with lightning, the user can generate medium-sized lightning bolts with precision. This skill offers better manipulation of lightning, both in terms of power and accuracy, significantly increasing its combat potential.

[Close Quarters Combat (CQC) (Intermediate)]: The intermediate level in CQC gives the user improved mastery of close-quarters combat techniques. Their movements are smoother, their speed increased, and they can now execute combos and counterattacks with great finesse.

Lycaon, after checking the notifications for his skills, felt a surge of excitement. His mood improved as he realized the new possibilities that lay before him.

"It seems my current situation couldn't have come at a better time," he murmured with a determined smile.

But just as he was about to head out for training, his stomach rumbled loudly, interrupting his motivation. A slight embarrassment colored his cheeks, but he couldn't deny the undeniable reality of hunger.

He walked to the room's door and found Maria waiting outside. She raised an eyebrow upon noticing his embarrassed expression.

"You're still a 10-year-old at heart, aren't you?" she teased, laughing.

After the monstrous talent he had displayed, she had forgotten this fact.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat."

A few minutes later, on the training grounds of Lykos Manor, Lycaon stood facing Adam. The atmosphere was serious, but there was a spark of excitement in Lycaon, who had been completely rejuvenated.

Adam, on the other hand, had an imposing presence despite his apparent calm. His white hair gleamed faintly in the sunlight. He approached Lycaon confidently.

Maria stood a bit in the background, observing the scene with interest. She didn't want to miss a moment of this little monster's development, and with any luck, she might serve as his training partner.

Adam broke the silence with a calm yet firm voice.

"Let's start with the basics. Mother and I have been informed about some of your abilities by the queen. It seems you can use certain awakened werewolf skills, correct?"

Lycaon nodded, demonstrating his trust in the queen and her decisions. No fear or discomfort showed on his face. If the queen had indeed shared this information, it was a sign of trust in those she had informed.

"Perfect," said Adam, smiling. "We werewolves rely a lot on instinct and our senses in combat. That's what we'll focus on."

He tossed a cloth to Lycaon.

"Blindfold yourself with this. It's been modified by one of our contractual witches; it completely blocks your vision. You'll be without that sense throughout your stay here."

Lycaon took the cloth and placed it over his eyes, instantly blinded.

"All right," said Adam, "here's what we'll do to sharpen your senses. I'll throw stones in your direction, and you'll have to dodge them relying solely on your hearing and instinct."

Lycaon nodded, ready to face the challenge despite the darkness surrounding him. Adam began throwing stones at irregular intervals, changing direction each time. Lycaon listened intently and moved gracefully, avoiding the projectiles thrown by his instructor.

It was the beginning of a series of exercises aimed at honing Lycaon's senses and strengthening his skills as a werewolf.

Adam had thrown the first challenge. Blindfolded, Lycaon listened carefully, his senses on high alert. He heard the distinctive sound of a stone leaving Adam's hand, followed by the distinct whizzing of the object moving through the air.

Without sight to guide him, Lycaon had to rely on his other senses. He attempted to trust his hearing and instinct to anticipate the path of the stone. He squinted slightly behind the blindfold, but all he could see was complete darkness.

The stone approached rapidly, and Lycaon made a split-second decision. He moved abruptly to the side, feeling the stone's breath pass dangerously close to his face. His heart raced; adrenaline pulsed through his veins.

Adam hadn't held back his strength, and the stone had left a small scratch on Lycaon's cheek. He could feel the warmth of blood trickling slightly down his skin. But instead of complaining, he focused on the next stone.

The second throw was more challenging to predict. Lycaon perceived the movement of the air as Adam hurled the stone with sure-handed precision. He tried to sidestep again, but this time, the stone grazed him closely, leaving a burning sensation on his arm.

The pain was there, but Lycaon didn't flinch. He was determined to master this exercise. Each subsequent throw brought its own set of challenges.

After a series of exhausting attempts, Lycaon was out of breath but felt more in tune with his sharpened senses. Adam approached him, closely observing his progress.

"Well done," he acknowledged. "You're learning quickly, but there's still much to do. Prepare for the next step."

Maria, on the other hand, watched the training session with interest and a touch of nostalgia as some memories of her own training resurfaced in her mind.

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