
Eclipse Alpha

"In the shadowy corners of Samar, a planet inhabited by werewolves, the enigmatic Nocturna Manor becomes the stage for a mystical event that upheaves the course of destiny. As Prince Lycaon is born during an unusual solar eclipse, his legacy transcends the bounds of the supernatural. Royal parents Tasha and Volk grapple with ancestral mysteries and heart-wrenching choices, while their son unveils extraordinary powers. Amid buried secrets and stunning revelations, Lycaon must navigate a world of darkness and light to become the ultimate alpha, thus shaping the future of werewolves and their planet. A captivating tale of birth, challenges, and transformation, where the exceptional fate of a child becomes the catalyst for a revolution. Please note that English is not my primary language, and the translation was done using ChatGPT. I hope you enjoy it!"

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10 Chs

Time skip, Status, and Preparation

[Time skip: 10 years]


Royal Residence,

In a room bathed in a softly glowing light, the candlelight danced gently on the walls, casting every corner into a semi-darkness that lent the room a mysterious, timeless atmosphere. In this era, electric lamps were yet to be invented. Instead, carefully arranged candles on weathered wooden shelves cast flickering shadows that seemed to narrate ancient legends to those who watched them.

A large mirror with ornate silver edges occupied a significant portion of the wall opposite the bed. Thick drapes, in deep shades of midnight blue and royal purple, framed this mirror like a gateway to another world. The room's furnishings were simple and functional, reminiscent of a time when elegance lay in the simplicity of lines and the warmth of wood.

It was in this environment, steeped in an aura of a bygone age, that young Lycaon stood. Yet, despite this captivating atmosphere, he was the room's focal point, a spark of youth amidst a backdrop of ancient legends.

Lycaon, at the tender age of ten, already possessed an intriguing presence. His eyes, a deep black, expressed precocious wisdom and insatiable curiosity. His pupils, sparkling like rubies, seemed to reflect unwavering determination.

His ink-black hair framed his youthful face with a disconcerting elegance for his age. Amidst this inky darkness, a silver streak extended like a lightning bolt, reminding of his exceptional status within the royal lineage of Samar's werewolves.

Lycaon had radiant pale skin that further accentuated the depth of his black eyes and the contrast between his dark and silvered hair. His features, well-defined yet still marked by the innocence of childhood, gave his face a captivating charm.

But unlike his face, which bore traces of childhood innocence, his eyes suggested a certain degree of maturity typically reserved for adults. This peculiar duality in his gaze captivated those fortunate enough to behold it.

The key to this enigma lay in the memories he had inherited from the soul of Adam Romanov, the mercenary whose destiny had inexplicably intertwined with his ten years ago. It was as if a fragment of that man's experience had merged with his, bestowing upon Lycaon an unusual depth for his young age.

Lycaon's intensely black eyes carried within them the recollections of a past life. They seemed to have witnessed the vicissitudes of life. Through those eyes, one could almost discern the burden of accumulated knowledge over the years.

Among the knowledge inherited from Adam Romanov's soul, some pertained to the world of the latter. It was a different world, strange and fascinating. Realities differed, technologies were advanced, and societies complex.

Adam's world was a future version of his current world, devoid of the supernatural. But more bewildering was the fact that in Adam Romanov's world, his world, or even more, his current universe, was merely a work of fiction. Initially, this discovery had shaken him as if his very existence were in question.

Yet with time, he had learned to harness this knowledge and uncertainties. It didn't matter that in Adam Romanov's world, his universe was just a novel or an alternate reality. What mattered was what he could derive from it for himself.


[The host is advised to check their status.]

Thanks to the knowledge inherited from Adam, who was a fanfiction and anime enthusiast, he had learned what a system was and had ceased to be wary of this entity.

Following the system's suggestion had become a habit for him over the years.


[Name: Lycaon Fenrir

Affiliation: Werewolf Faction (Samar)

Alias: Second Prince of Wolves

Race: Werewolf

Title: True Alpha, Blessed by the Beast of Ragnarök, Second Ancestor, Blessed by @^$*#@, Marked by ^*@$#.

Age: 10 years

Innate Power: - Lightning Manipulation

Acquired Power: - Adaptability

Authority: Werewolf Ancestor (Locked until the second awakening)

- N/A

Skills: Innate Courage (Passive)

- Charisma (Passive)

- Accelerated Growth (Passive)

- Royal Knowledge (Passive)

- Sword Mastery (Novice)

- Stealth (Novice)

- Lightning Control (Novice)

Racial Skills: Connection with Nature (Passive)

- Superior Intuition (Passive)

- Innate Lycanthropy (Semi-locked)

- Night Vision (Passive)

- Accelerated Regeneration

- Enhanced Sense of Smell]


Strength: C

Speed: C

Agility: C

Dexterity: C

Endurance: B

Prana (Nature's Energy): B

Overall Combat Ability: C+ (Peak Human)]

[Info Alert!]

[Ranking System based on your world: E<<<F<<<D<<<C<<<B<<<A<<S<<SS<SSS<< Low-Level God<<<Mid-Level God<<< High God<<<Conceptual God<<<Primordial God<<<Primordial Being]

A rather incredible set of statistics for someone his age, but for Lycaon, these stats and skills were insufficient. He knew the kind of world he was in. To the true powers of this world, he was still nothing more than cannon fodder.

However, he could only bide his time and wait until he reached the age of 20 when he would experience his second awakening, unlocking the rest of his racial skills. It was already remarkable that without his second awakening, he could use some racial skills. Normally, werewolves wouldn't be any different from regular humans until they experienced their second awakening.

'Well, I guess it's one of the perks of being an Ancestor, aside from being incredibly handsome,' Lycaon muttered, winking at his reflection in the mirror a few times.

'The best course of action would be to hone my skills while waiting,' he thought, returning to his stoic face.

Focusing on his status, he thought to display the details of his skills, and they appeared.


Charisma (Passive): The user has developed a natural charm that allows them to influence others and gain their trust more easily. His innate charisma is still at a novice stage, but it's promising.

Innate Courage (Passive): The user possesses a natural boldness and resilience in the face of fear. He is more inclined to face challenges without backing down from adversity.

Accelerated Growth (Passive): Thanks to his lineage, the user experiences accelerated physical and mental growth for a child his age. He develops skills and knowledge faster than his peers.

Royal Knowledge (Passive): The user has access to a set of royal knowledge, including history, politics, and the management of a people. This gives him an early understanding of royal responsibilities.

Sword Mastery (Novice): The user has started training in the art of the sword. His skills are at a novice stage, but he can handle a sword with some dexterity.

Stealth (Novice): The user has received initiation into stealth techniques. Although he is still a novice, he can move silently and avoid detection in appropriate situations.

Lightning Control (Novice): Due to his affinity with lightning, the user has begun exploring the basics of electrical manipulation. His skills are limited and unstable, but he can generate small electrical discharges.]

[Acquired Power:

Adaptability: The user has acquired the human

trait of adaptability through Adam Romanov's soul, allowing him to quickly adjust to new situations, environments, and find creative solutions to presented problems.]

[Racial Skills:

Connection with Nature (Passive): The user is naturally connected to fauna and flora. He can communicate with animals and sense changes in his natural environment.

Superior Intuition (Passive): The user possesses exceptional intuition that allows him to make informed decisions and detect hidden motivations in others.

Night Vision: The user can see clearly in darkness, giving him an advantage in terms of perception and movement at night.

Accelerated Regeneration: The user has a higher-than-normal regeneration capacity for his age. He can recover more quickly from minor injuries.

Innate Lycanthropy (Semi-locked): The user possesses basic attributes of werewolves such as superhuman strength, agility, speed, and keen senses. The effects of this skill enable the user's metamorphic transformation, but due to the unaccomplished second awakening, this effect is currently locked.

Enhanced Sense of Smell: Allows the user to detect scents with exceptional sensitivity. It enables him to discern the subtlest fragrances, follow scent trails, and perceive subtle changes in the scent of his environment. The user might even be able to determine an individual's race by their scent.]

As Lycaon remained lost in thought, mentally examining the skills he had already acquired and those he hoped to develop, a soft knock at his door broke the thread of his reflections.

He raised his head briskly to discover a middle-aged serving maid with a warm smile. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant servant's gown of navy blue, holding a silver tray adorned with treats.

"Prince Lycaon," she began in a soft voice, "I've come to remind you that today is a special day. You've reached your tenth birthday, and it's time to prepare for the festivities."

Lycaon nodded appreciatively. He had almost forgotten the significance of this particular day, absorbed in his thoughts about his abilities and his place in this world.

"Thank you, Sarah," he replied politely to the maid. "I'm grateful that you reminded me. I'll prepare right away."

Sarah delicately placed the tray on a table near the bed, revealing an assortment of sweet treats.

"Start with a snack, Your Highness. It will give you energy for the day ahead."

The young prince agreed and picked up a small pastry, savoring it slowly while continuing to ponder what the future held for him. His thoughts blended with the sweet flavors of the pastry, creating a strange symphony in his mind.

Sarah watched him with maternal benevolence, aware of the prince's anomaly and his dislike for celebrations, although he never complained. She was a woman in the prime of her life with striking beauty and a grace that seemed timeless. Her complexion was of pristine fairness, evoking the softness and delicacy of a blooming white rose. Her ebony hair, of a lustrous silkiness, framed her face elegantly, cascading in perfect curls down to her shoulders. She was more than a servant; she had become a close friend over the years.

Once he had finished his snack, Lycaon rose from the bed and headed toward the large oak wardrobe occupying a corner of his room. Sarah hastened to assist him in selecting an appropriate outfit for the day, opting for an elegant black and silver tunic, colors that matched his hair perfectly.

While the servant adjusted the young prince's attire, she spoke to him gently about the festivities that awaited him. A grand celebration was planned, gathering all members of the court and important citizens of the kingdom. It would be his first public appearance.

After Sarah had finished helping him dress, Lycaon turned to the large mirror adorning his room's wall. He examined his appearance with a childlike eccentricity, adjusting his clothes several times to ensure they were perfectly aligned. His black eyes seemed to reflect an abyss of uncharted mysteries.

Sarah, his personal servant assigned by his mother, watched her young master with tenderness. She understood that Lycaon carried an unusual burden on his shoulders, but she had seen in him the strength and determination required to face his extraordinary destiny. She smiled warmly at him.

"Your Highness, you look splendid. Samar will be honored to have such a remarkable prince."

Lycaon turned his head toward her, a grateful smile lighting up his face.

"Thank you, Sarah. I'm fortunate to have you by my side."

The servant bowed slightly.

"It's an honor for me, Your Highness. I'll be here to support you at every step of your journey."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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