
Eclipse Alpha

"In the shadowy corners of Samar, a planet inhabited by werewolves, the enigmatic Nocturna Manor becomes the stage for a mystical event that upheaves the course of destiny. As Prince Lycaon is born during an unusual solar eclipse, his legacy transcends the bounds of the supernatural. Royal parents Tasha and Volk grapple with ancestral mysteries and heart-wrenching choices, while their son unveils extraordinary powers. Amid buried secrets and stunning revelations, Lycaon must navigate a world of darkness and light to become the ultimate alpha, thus shaping the future of werewolves and their planet. A captivating tale of birth, challenges, and transformation, where the exceptional fate of a child becomes the catalyst for a revolution. Please note that English is not my primary language, and the translation was done using ChatGPT. I hope you enjoy it!"

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[Lykos Manor]


Lycaon, sitting in the bathtub, plunged into his memories of the past nine years. His massive body rested in the water, creating an imposing image worthy of a Viking warrior.

At first, he had viewed his training as a clichéd experience, similar to those seen in old martial arts movies. However, Maya had designed a comprehensive training program that encompassed both mental and physical development, as well as the improvement of his skills. She had let her imagination run wild, pushing him to the limits of his life. At times, she had even delved into the depths of his body to extend his regenerative capacity to his internal organs. Just thinking about it brought a bitter smile to Lycaon's face.

But it was all worth it when he looked at the status panel before him.

[Name: Lycaon Fenrir

Affiliation: Werewolf Faction (Samar)

Alias: Second Prince of the Wolves

Race: Werewolf

Title: True Alpha, Blessed by the Beast of Ragnarök, Second Ancestor, Blessed by @^$*#@, Marked by ^*@$#, Disciple of the Strongest Alpha, Monster

Age: 19 years

Innate Power: - Electrokinesis

Acquired Power: - Adaptability

Authority: Werewolf Ancestor (Locked until the Second Awakening)

- N/A


- Innate Courage (Passive)

- Charisma (Passive)

- Accelerated Growth (Passive)

- Royal Knowledge (Passive)

- Sword Mastery (Expert)

- Lightning Control (Expert)

- High Pain Resistance (Passive)

Racial Abilities: Connection with Nature (Passive)

- Sharpened Precognition (Passive)

- Innate Lycanthropy (Semi-locked)

- Night Vision (Passive)


Enhanced Sense of Smell

Martial Arts:


- Hwa Rang Do Versatility

- Devastating Fist

- Pencak Silat

- Savate Art

- Keysi Fighting Method

- Systema]

[Sword Skill:

- Midnight Cleaver

- Graceful Flight

- Steel Fang Whirlwind

- Eclipse Parry

- Fechten

- Dance of Silver Claws]


- Strength: SS-

- Speed: S

- Agility: S

- Dexterity: S

- Endurance: SS

- Prana (Nature's Energy): SS

- Overall Combat Ability: SSS (Peak Mortal)]

Lycaon raised an eyebrow at his title. Despite having slaughtered beasts in the Colosseum Forest and killed bandits during his training, he hadn't earned such a title. It irked him that it was the last words of a weakling that were bestowed upon him as a title.

But he wouldn't let that sour his mood. He focused on the descriptions of his skills.

[Lightning Control (Expert): Due to his exceptional affinity with lightning, the user has perfected their skills in electrical manipulation. They can now generate and direct powerful lightning bolts with precision, creating devastating electrical attacks. Their mastery also allows them to channel electrical energy to enhance their physical and mental abilities.]

[High Pain Resistance (Passive): Trained beyond the limits of human tolerance, the user has developed exceptional resistance to physical and emotional pain. Minor injuries have virtually no effect on them, and even severe wounds fail to slow them down. This extended resistance to mental pain enables them to maintain exceptional focus even in high-stress situations. The effects of pain are significantly reduced, allowing them to continue to function at full capacity even in extreme conditions.]

[Sharpened Precognition (Passive): This skill reflects your incredibly sharp senses and developed intuition. Effects:

Enhanced Senses: The user can detect subtle details and imperceptible movements through their highly developed hearing and vision, allowing them to spot hidden enemies, traps, and weaknesses in their opponents more easily than others.

Anticipation: The user has the ability to predict their opponents' actions with great precision, enabling them to react quickly to enemy attacks and dodge more effectively.

Improved Reflexes: Your reflexes have reached a superhuman level. The user can instantly react to dangers, trigger defensive skills, or evade enemy attacks with exceptional agility.

Immunity to Illusions: Your heightened perception allows you to distinguish subtle illusions from realities, making you resistant to illusion spells and optical traps.]

[Immortality: The user possesses an exceptional regeneration factor. Unless their brain and heart are completely annihilated simultaneously, death remains elusive. All wounds, whether physical or lethal, heal almost instantaneously, unless the injury results in immediate death.]

[Martial Arts:

- CQC:

Hwa Rang Do Versatility: Hwa Rang Do is a comprehensive martial art, and the user has made it their strength. They have become a versatile fighter, capable of handling all kinds of combat situations. This includes ground combat techniques, grappling, unarmed strikes, and even knowledge of traditional weapons.

Cons: Not as specialized as other skills, requires in-depth knowledge.

Devastating Fist: The user has mastered the art of Bajiquan, known as the "Eight Extremes Fist." This skill allows them to deliver devastating punch strikes. Their fists are like hammers, capable of breaking solid obstacles and sending opponents flying.

Cons: Limited range, requires great physical strength.

Pencak Silat: Thanks to Pencak Silat, the user has become a master of evasion. They can quickly and efficiently dodge enemy attacks, moving like a shadow to avoid blows. This skill also includes precise counterattacks to exploit openings left by opponents.

Cons: Requires great agility, less offensive power.

Savate Art: The user has perfected the art of Savate. This means they can deliver powerful and precise circular kicks to their opponents. Their legs are formidable weapons, capable of disarming or immobilizing enemies with great skill.

Cons: Less versatile than unarmed skills, may leave openings.

Keysi Fighting Method: This skill is ideal for close combat. The user can take advantage of confined spaces, such as narrow alleys or building interiors, to quickly neutralize opponents. This skill includes disarming and opponent control techniques.

Cons: Less effective in open terrain, requires knowledge of the environment.

Systema: Systema teaches the user principles of fluid movement. This means they can move with increased flexibility and responsiveness in combat. They can easily dodge attacks and respond quickly to their opponents' movements.

Cons: Less focused on offense, mobility-dependent for defense.

- Sword Skill:

Midnight Cleaver: Inspired by Japanese Iaido, this skill focuses on rapid attacks from a resting position. The user can draw their sword with lightning speed to launch surprise attacks. Midnight Cleaver is ideal for situations where speed is essential.

Cons: Less power per strike, requires great responsiveness.

Graceful Flight: Inspired by Olympic Fencing, this skill emphasizes speed and precision. The user can perform lightning-fast attacks with exceptional agility. Graceful Flight allows them to maintain constant pressure on opponents.

Cons: Less power per strike, requires great agility.

Steel Fang Whirlwind: The user has perfected this two-handed sword technique. Steel Fang Whirlwind consists of circular sweeping motions, creating an active defense while threatening enemies within range. They can engage multiple opponents at once with this technique.

Cons: Less effective in confined spaces, requires space to maneuver.

Eclipse Parry: This skill draws inspiration from Italian fencing. It allows the user to master the art of par

rying. They can skillfully block and deflect enemy attacks, creating openings for precise counterattacks. Eclipse Parry also offers great mobility.

Cons: Less offensive power, requires great agility.

Fechten: This skill focuses on powerful strikes. The user can channel their strength into devastating sword strikes, capable of breaking through the opponent's guard and causing serious injuries.

Cons: Less agility, slower than other skills.

Dance of Silver Claws: This skill draws inspiration from Japanese Kendo. The user masters the art of blade dancing. They can execute rapid and deadly attack sequences while maintaining a strong defensive posture. Dance of Silver Claws also allows them to disarm opponents skillfully.

Cons: Requires great agility, less brute power.]

A smile spread across Lycaon's face. It wasn't a smile of disbelief or shock; no, this smile was one of satisfaction and confidence.

Confidence because with his current skills, he could face any opponent unless it was a god. But even if a low-level god were to confront him, he might hold his ground for a few minutes.

Moreover, he could now actively participate in shaping the future of this world. Previously, after fully assimilating Adam's memories, he had been lost, purposeless. Even the idea of strengthening his power didn't interest him much.

However, during his training, he had truly understood that power ruled supreme in this world. The prisoners, bandits he had eliminated, or even the beasts he had hunted for sustenance, all could have avoided their grim fates if they had possessed the necessary strength.

The harsh reality of this world had finally penetrated his consciousness, showing him that to influence the course of events, he first had to acquire power.

"Power so formidable that it commands respect and submission. Only such power can make the difference between right and wrong, between who is right and who is wrong," he declared aloud, even though there was no one else to hear him but himself.

Anyway, he had made his decision. He would make the Werewolf Faction one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, of them all. The first step to realizing this plan would be to amass immense wealth.

But before all that, a thought crossed his mind. "I should visit Mother before she comes to get me." Despite becoming stronger, he still harbored a bit of fear for his mother's wrath.

He slowly got out of the bathtub, water trickling down his body. The hot and humid air in the bathroom was a pleasant contrast to the cold bathwater. He grabbed a thick, dry towel and began to pat himself dry.

After drying his silver hair, Lycaon headed toward the large mirror embedded in the wall. His reflection gave him the image of an imposing young man with piercing eyes. He was no longer the boy who had been brought here nine years ago but a confident man.

"Yeah, I like this. I like it," he muttered, looking at his reflection.

After finishing getting dressed, putting on dark trousers and a matching shirt from the current era, he paused in front of the bathroom door. At that moment, a silhouette appeared in the doorframe, wearing a deep black fur coat.

Lycaon smiled slightly, unsurprised. He had noticed the familiar scent since he entered the room. It was a scent he could never forget, even after all these years.

The silhouette stepped forward, revealing a young woman with black hair and gentle eyes. It was Sarah, his personal servant whom he hadn't seen in nine years. She wore the fur coat she had given him for his tenth birthday, and the unique thing about this coat was that it perfectly adjusted to the size of the wearer.

"Sarah," he murmured, his voice revealing a hint of restrained emotion.

She handed him the fur coat with a sweet smile. "Prince Lycaon, I'm delighted to see you again."

He took the fur coat in his hands, feeling the softness of the fur under his fingers. Sarah's gesture was filled with warmth.

"Thank you, Sarah," he said sincerely.

He slipped the coat over his shoulders and adjusted the collar. He felt enveloped in the familiar warmth of the fur, a sense of comfort he hadn't felt in so long.

Then he lowered his gaze, seeming slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for all these years of absence. I wish you had been by my side during my training."

Sarah shook her head gently.

"It's not your fault. You did what you could in your circumstances."

She looked up at him, her dark eyes reflecting deep affection. "You've truly changed. You've become stronger, more mature. Nothing like the silent boy from before."

Lycaon gave her a grateful smile.

"I was about to visit Mother. Will you come with me?"

"Always, Prince Lycaon. Always."

Lycaon turned to the window beside him, gazing in a particular direction.

"And you, inform Mother that I'm coming home already."

He received no response, but he didn't really expect one. He knew that among the shadows surrounding him were hidden some of his mother's secret agents. He had started noticing their presence a few years ago, a fleeting shadow here, a discreet silhouette there. They were the silent guardians of his mother's security, as well as her most loyal servants from the time when she was still a deity.

"Alright, here we go."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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