
Echoes of Creation: The Universe Within

Get ready to dive into "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" where the everyday grind gets a cosmic makeover. Meet Hiroshi Hajiro, just your average guy living the solo life in his apartment. But when he's hit with the bombshell of unemployment, he turns to the one thing that gives him solace: novels. Little does he know, his world's about to get flipped upside down. Suddenly, Hiroshi's not just a regular dude anymore. Nope, he's been handpicked as a Creator. Talk about a promotion! Armed with the power to shape entire universes, he's off on a wild ride beyond the four walls of his place. Come along for the ride as Hiroshi takes on the cosmos, making destinies and breaking boundaries like it's nobody's business. With twists, turns, and more imagination than you can shake a star at, "Echoes Of Creation: The Universe Within" is the ultimate cosmic adventure for anyone looking to escape the ordinary.

VegetaIsBadass · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 32 (Last Special Chapter)

This story will be put on hiatus for the moment. I've been uploading nonstop, I think I deserve a break. Don't you agree? Anyways here is the last chapter of the special chapters. There is a reader, who has been showering me with power stones everyday. To them: Your turn for special chapters is near. Worry not.





As Glacial Cataclysm erupted in a torrent of subzero energy, the desert landscape transformed before their very eyes, the blistering heat of the sun giving way to an icy chill that seeped into every crevice and corner. The once-barren sands froze over in an instant, becoming a vast expanse of frozen tundra that stretched as far as the eye could see, its borders reaching ever closer to the epicenter of Eternal Winter.

Meanwhile, Haruko's Nova Arboreal Annihilation surged forth with primal fury, its Supreme Core Energy crackling with raw power as it hurtled towards the Gravitational Vortex. The concentrated sphere of flames and gravitational force blazed with an intensity that seemed to defy the very laws of nature, leaving trails of burning sand in its wake as it tore through the icy landscape.

But what truly set Haruko's technique apart was the addition of the living wood that surrounded the sphere, twisting and writhing like serpents in the air. These arboreal appendages, fueled by the ancient power of the Law of Wood, added an extra dimension of danger to the attack, their fiery embrace turning the frozen wasteland into a veritable inferno of destruction.

As the four titanic forces collided in a cataclysmic clash of elemental energy, the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble beneath the onslaught. Waves of heat and cold clashed and mingled in a chaotic dance, sending shockwaves rippling through the frozen landscape and shaking the very foundations of existence itself. And amidst the chaos and destruction, Haruko and TrueMonarch stood as beacons of defiance, their resolve unwavering as they unleashed the full extent of their power upon the world.

But then, in a moment that defied all logic and reason, something unexpected occurred. As the Nova Arboreal Annihilation and Glacial Cataclysm clashed with the Gravitational Vortex and Eternal Winter, the surrounding area seemed to lose all color, as if drained of life itself. Light twisted and bent in strange, unnatural patterns, casting eerie shadows across the shattered landscape.

And then, in an instant, the frozen tundra shattered like glass, revealing the barren desert sands beneath. But even this was not to last, as the intense heat of Haruko's attack caused the sand to burn with an otherworldly intensity, turning it to glass that shimmered and glowed with an inner fire.

The air crackled with an energy that seemed to defy comprehension, as if reality itself were unraveling at the seams. Haruko and TrueMonarch could only watch in awe and horror as the world around them twisted and distorted, its very essence torn asunder by the raw power of their clash.


In the boundless expanse of the Void, where time and space held no sway, a figure drifted in a state of unconsciousness, its form a mere speck amidst the vast emptiness that surrounded it. As the figure lay adrift in the infinite darkness, its features shrouded in shadow, a faint stirring could be detected—a subtle twitching of facial muscles, barely perceptible against the backdrop of nothingness.


In the bustling kingdom, where life pulsed through the streets like a vibrant heartbeat, nestled a quaint bar, its walls echoing with the laughter and chatter of patrons seeking refuge from the outside world. Amidst the lively atmosphere, a beautiful woman lay draped across the counter, her delicate features softened by the glow of the dim lights above.

Her form swayed gently with the rhythm of her breath, a subtle rise and fall that hinted at the deep slumber that held her captive. The air was thick with the scent of ale and spirits, mingling with the warmth of camaraderie that permeated the room.

But then, like a sudden gust of wind disrupting the calm, the woman stirred from her drunken stupor, her movements slow and deliberate as she raised her head from its resting place. Her eyes, glazed with the haze of intoxication, blinked blearily as they surveyed her surroundings, taking in the scene before her with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

The patrons of the bar, caught off guard by her sudden awakening, exchanged furtive glances and hushed whispers, their voices tinged with a hint of apprehension. "Why did she wake up?" one muttered, his words barely audible over the din of the crowd.

"Is she the one?" another whispered in response, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

But their cautious murmurs did not escape the woman's notice, and with a sly smirk, she turned her gaze towards the group, her lips parting to reveal a mischievous grin. "You do know I can hear you," she declared, her voice carrying across the room with a playful lilt.

The patrons, startled by her sudden assertion, recoiled slightly, their expressions a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. With sheepish grins, they quickly dispersed, eager to avoid any further confrontation with the enigmatic woman who had disrupted their evening.

The woman's gaze lingered on the ceiling of the bar, her expression shifting from one of casual amusement to a deep-seated concern. Her eyes narrowed as she muttered to herself, the words hanging heavy in the air.

"This is... seriously bad," she murmured, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "The energy, it's too much for her to handle."

With a flicker of determination in her eyes, she reached into her pocket and retrieved a handful of coins, tossing them casually onto the counter before her. The bartender, caught off guard by her sudden seriousness, watched in silence as she flashed him a mischievous grin and slipped into her jacket.

As she stepped out into the cool night air, she found herself enveloped in the serene beauty of the starlit sky. The stars twinkled above, casting a soft glow over the world below, their distant light a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within her.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled out a device resembling a cellphone and dialed a number with practiced precision. The line connected, and a rough voice crackled through the receiver.

"I'm sure you felt it too, Marco," she began without preamble, her tone firm and resolute.

"Of course. And how does it concern you, Harley?" Marco's voice came through, laced with a hint of skepticism.

Harley paused for a moment, her thoughts racing as she weighed her next words carefully. "After all... you quit the organization," Marco continued, his words hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge.

Harley's fingers clenched around the device, her knuckles turning white with tension as she absorbed Marco's derisive tone. "Yes, that's true," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, but firm with conviction. "But that doesn't mean I don't care."

There was a scoff on the other end of the line, a sound laced with skepticism. "You care? You really expect me to believe that?" Marco's voice dripped with disbelief, his words a sharp contrast to the sincerity in Harley's tone.

Harley's jaw tensed as she fought to keep her emotions in check. "I don't expect you to believe anything," she shot back, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "But you know as well as I do that this situation is far from ordinary."

There was a moment of tense silence, punctuated only by the crackle of static over the line. Then, Marco's voice came through again, his tone slightly softened. "Fine," he conceded grudgingly. "What do you propose we do about it?"

Harley raised her head, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon to the southeast. "This energy is coming from the Cooper Desert, on the edge of the Sin Continent," she murmured, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Marco's voice crackled in her ear, dripping with sarcasm. "We figured," he replied dryly, but Harley's sharp grunt silenced him as she pressed on. "I'll be going first. You follow with Squadron #Zero."

Without waiting for Marco's response, Harley abruptly ended the call and pocketed the device. With determined strides, she made her way towards one of the city gates, her mind already racing with plans and contingencies.

Meanwhile, in the desolate expanse of the Cooper Desert, TrueMonarch and Haruko lay sprawled on the sand, unconscious and battered from their fierce battle. The stillness of the desert was broken by the frantic shouts of a familiar voice.

"Haruko! Haruko!" Sanemi's voice echoed across the barren landscape, his tone laced with concern as he stumbled over the uneven terrain, his body bearing the signs of recent struggle.

Haruko's eyelids fluttered as he fought to regain consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. With a supreme effort, he managed to crack open his eyes, squinting against the harsh desert sun. He caught sight of Sanemi's figure approaching, and though his strength waned, he mustered enough energy to croak out a response.

"Sanemi! This side!" he called weakly, before succumbing once more to the darkness of unconsciousness, his body collapsing limply onto the unforgiving sand.






That's it for chapter 32. This was the last of the special chapters. Dedicated to TrueMonarch00. TrueMonarch00 I hope you can comment on how you felt, seeing your name in someone's else's novel.

Before going on hiatus. I'll create a ranking chapter. For all of you to see who is the strongest character in this novel for now.

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