
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

V 3 Ch 13

Echo POV

We wait for the Wise to arrive but after waiting for a while, the one who comes is the Elmore children. They are Marie, Shao, Kyle, and Frederika.

Kyle:" Yo, Ageha! Hahaha, grandma was right when she told us that all of you will be here."

Ageha:" Kyle! Is that you? Wow, look at you. All grown up!"

They were about to continue when suddenly Marie jump and start to hug him. Sakurako seeing this got annoyed and glared at them. Marie seeing this smile at her with a smug expression.

Matsuri:" Hahaha, Ageha seems to be popular! You should be careful, Sakurako! Or he will be taken by others. Except you are able to share him like them!" she pats at Sakurako and says with a smirk.

Sakurako:" Ma-Matsuri-san! What are you talking about!!!" she said with a blush and look away from her. Seeing Ageha looking at her she hides behind Matsuri.

On the other side, Kyle also nudges at Shao who was in love with Marie.

Echo:" Well, we can do the reunion later! You should have a base right! Bring us to your base then, I have enough seeing desert today."

Hearing me the Tenjuin all look at each other and nodded at us.

Kyle:" Yeah, let's leave before the Wise come here!" after that, they brought us to the Root. Which is what they named their base. Roots were built underground beneath the Elmore General Hospital that was built by Granny Elmore with the help of Government officials that has a life debt to her.


Third POV

When they arrived at the Elmore Roots it was filled with so many people, different from the canon. They found out that it was because Ageha's father brought his co-workers and help as many people as he can.

Ageha's sister was married to Ian, one of Matsuri acquaintances and pursuers in the past, also a well-known physic healer. He was heartbroken when he found out that Matsuri has gone missing after going out to find a survivor and it was Fubuki that brought him out of depression and they got a son now.

While Ageha got reunited with his family in the future, the other went and meet up with Granny Elmore.


We walk into a room and see Granny there sitting in a wheelchair with Van behind her pushing her wheelchair. Seeing this Marie goes and takes his place to help her.

Echo:" Yo Grann, How is the airplane incident?" I ask while walking in. She chuckles and starts to talk.

T. Elmore:" It's okay, thanks to you. I got a lot of support because of this to build this place later when I need it at that time."

Echo:" Good, now tell us about the wise and it's members. I'm sure many will change since we meddle in many things to change the future."

T. Elmore:" hmm, I'm sure you already know Miroku, Grana, Judas, and Mithra. Besides them, there is Caprico, Uranus, and mystic eyes as star commander and under them, there are many more subordinates that they recruit."

Matsuri:" After this jump who else which survived?" Matsuri cut our conversation and ask her.

T. Elmore:" All of you survive! But only Ageha, Sakurako, you, Kagetora, and Kabuto who cones back. Echo and his group decide to stay and help us from the future since Echo knows that this time there won't be any time corrections and this future will be like an alternate universe where it will stay broken no matter how you tried to change the future. Hiryu decides to stay to find his Junior while Oboro decides to Explore this world for a while since he won't get a chance again in the future."

Echo:" Well, for now, lets us celebrate for our reunion even though it's only been just yesterday for me. Hahaha"

Echo:" Here a snack from the past since I'm sure all of you haven't eaten any of them for a few years now!" I said while dumping out many snacks from the Gate of Babylon.

While we've been having a party for a while Ageha decides to come just now along with his family and Sakurako. I told Matsuri and decide not to tell Ageha about what we're talking about just now since he's too emotional of a teenager and will make a judgment based on his feeling which is not good and Granny Elmore's also support it.


The next morning, after the party last night where it continues for long since the inhabitants of the Root heard about the snack for the kid, while the adult immediately runs to us when they found out that there also a need and many other alcoholics beverages.

After partying for a while we're wasted and start to sleep. Since the Elmore kid knows where the exit point, Ageha group decide to immediately go back today and I also already gave them a mission to do in the past while we take care of the future.

After saying goodbye and sending them off. I take the girls to the Wise base to take care of this problem immediately with only me, Shiro, Kuro, Touka, Nana, Ageha's father and the Tenjouin kid beside Van since he has to take care of Granny.

Arriving at Wise base using my Teleportation. We were greeted by Wise Goons to which I let the Kid and Asuka-san take care of them while we go after the leader.

When we go to their place, the wise already grouping up and ready to take us on. Shiro seeing Grana immediately go after him and change the place for their fight. After that Touka goes after Junas who was still injured and was accompanied by Caprico. Then Kuro takes on Uranus. All that left is me and Nana.

Echo:" So, want to talk to your brother now Nana?"

Nana:" No, I will just take care of the one who led my brother astray. You take care of him! But, please don't kill him." she said and left to take care of Mithra who hasn't shown up.

A. Miroku:" So, you will leave just like that, Nee-san? After so long we haven't met each other. You're so cold"

Nana:" There's nothing to talk about now. I'll let Echo take care of you first until you see reason. While I take care of the woman who led you astray." she said and disappear from our view.

Echo:" Hehe, don't take it to heart. Inside all of that, she still cares for you. Not, let's us dance and fulfill your Nee-san wish to make you see reasons!"

A. Miroku:" Hmph, let's see if you can!"

With that as a signal, he starts his attack. From all around us many trees of light start to grow and attack me. I dodge all his attack still not using any of my ability only using my body that's been enchanted by the Spiderman Serum. Using spidey sense to dodge to the limit from all his numerous attacks.

After feeling around his ability for a while, I spread my spider net and disrupt his PSI ability subtly and when there is an opening I dash at him trying to get a hit. A hit is what I got, but he heal itn within second.

A. Miroku:" Well, that was quite a strong hit. If I didn't plant my seed around the tavoo and all that subordinate ill be a goner just now."

Echo:" Hmmm, You've come prepared it seems. But, how long will it last?" I ask, then suddenly teleport beside him and give him a kick. But he seems to be prepared for it and able to block it, he even got a time to counter-attack me.

Miroku was about to continue his attack when suddenly he can't feel his power, even if it was just a second it was fatal for a fighter of their caliber and I was not one who let go of Opportunity. Shooting of a spider web in a net form he got to bind Miroku, then I grabs him with my left hand neutralizing his power. After that, I hit him with enough force to make him fainted. Seeing him fainted I start to take his power, completely defeat him.

Not long after, the girls back along with their opponents that already been defeated and fainted. I do the same to them, taking their power and let them lives except for Mithra since she's dangerous to be left alive.