
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

V 3 Ch 12

Echo POV

We arrived in the future and our surrounding was a danger Zones with many Tavoo surveilling the places. Not only that, it seems that our group was separated from each other.

I spread my sense and start to teleport around and gather them in a cave.

Echo:" It seems that because we kill two of their commander, they start to look around the area close to where we disappear last time." I told them and they make a serious face.

Matsuri:" That seems to be the case, so what do we do now?"

Shiro:" What else? We kill them as fast as we can before the leader comes!" she said as she was eager to fight.

Ageha:" that seems to be our only choice." he agreed with her like it was the only choice. But, you can see that he was looking forward to the fight.

The other was agreeing with it then we go out and start a massacre of the Tavoo. After we finished killing them I feel two strong aura coming toward us.

When they arrived, I was shocked when I see one of them. The one that comes was Junas and the other one was someone I know. He was the Glasses man that I give the PSI manual to train, Machida Motohama.

Echo:" Well well, talk about coincidence. Long-time no see Motohama-san." I said with a smirk.

Motohama:" Kid! Yeah, it's been a long time. 11th year's I think! Thanks to your book I was able to get strong and survive in this world. You still look young even though you are not implanted with Illumina Core." he look at us confused.

Echo:" Hmmm, it seems that you forgot that we are a time travelers. While it was 11 years for you it was only three years for us." I told him with a smirk.

Motohama:" Ahh, So that was real. I never believe in it all this time. Also, after the last time we meet. I only go there again for two times since my ability helm me removed the curse of Nemesis Q."

Junas:" Mystic Eyes, you know about them?" he inquired about their relationship.

Motohama:" Yeah, the boy was the one that gives me the manual to train my PSI when I just awaken my power."

Junas:" I see, and from what I heard it seems that they have a power to time-travel. Looking at how they suddenly disappear and appear like that and how they dressed, that seems to be the case. Well, whatever since they look like the are an enemy. We will just eliminate them!"

Motohama:" Yeah, be careful that despite their looks they are all quite strong. I don't know how much stronger they were now after all this time."

Echo:" So, who want to fight that sword wielder? I will take care of Motohama-san since it was my responsibility. It was me who gives him the book for him to train after all!"

Matsuri:" Let's take him together since we don't know how strong he is!" she said as she look at the other.

Touka:" I won't participate since I already fight last time. The rest of you need the experience fighting physic."

Kuro:" Then I won't fight too. Even though he was my target. But, I will let all of you have fun."

Shiro:" He is not my target. So, I won't fight!" she said then sit on a rock.

Nana:" Then me too!" she just follow Shiro to sit on the rock.

Matsuri:" Sigh, then I and Tora will only observe and help when you need it. Ageha, Sakurako, Oboro, Asaga, and Kabuto! You five will fight with him as practice."

Junas:" You all really underestimate me huh. I will make you regret it!" he said and draws his blade and suddenly many energy blades appear behind him.

Seeing them already choose who will fight, I focus my attention back towards Motohama.

Echo:" Well, shall we dance?" I said with a smirk.

Motohama:" Don't think that it will be easy for you!!!" he said seriously then suddenly a beam shoot out from his eyes.

Echo:" Laser eyes! Really? How did you get yourself out off Nemesis Q curse with that power?" I asked him curiously.

Motohama:" That's only one of my eye power!" he said, then my instincts warn me of danger and I teleport from my place. When I look at my last place, I see the area around it petrified.

Echo:" Eyes of Petrification! Now, that is a good ability." I comment on his power.

Seeing that I evade his power he attacks me again, this time he appeared beside me like he was teleporting. On his hand was a sword that appears out of nowhere.

No, that's not a sword but an iron dust! The heck, how many abilities do he have? Not like I can complain since I also have many abilities. I look at his eyes when suddenly I found myself back in Hellsing fighting with Alucard. This must be an illusion then I break out of it.

As I was out of the illusion, I found my feet have been petrified. I use the time power to rewind the time around it and dispelled the petrification.

When I just finished dispelling it, Motohama's iron dust sword already close to striking me. It looks like a whip now.

I stopped time and walk out of the striking range. Feeling curious, I read Motohama's mind to find out what his power is. His power is called Gekokujou, He was able to overthrow the ability of his opponent and if he succeeded he will gain a copy of their power although not as powerful. The conditions are he has to look at the ability being used with the time he has to look is according to how strong his opponent is.

Echo:" Now, this is a troublesome ability. Can't fight him for too long! Let's end this."

I then teleport next to him and caught him with my left hand then start to steal his power and vitality. He died not knowing how it is.

I look at Ageha's group fight and see that they just end the fight with Junas run from them with one of his hand severed by Ageha Melchee Door.

When I look at the other to see why they didn't catch him, I see that they now look like having picnics! Eating sweets and drinking tea, Kagetora did not participate but he didn't go after him also. I walk to them and ask.

Echo:" Sigh, what are you doing? Why didn't all of you catch him?"

Shiro:" Hehe, I thought that maybe he will bring his comrades here if we let him go! I also want a fight."

Echo:" Hmmm, so all of you want to wait here?" I asked them and they just nodded at me.

Seeing them being like this, I just sit down and take a cookie then eat it.


Matsuri POV

I look as the kids go fight that man when I heard a chatter behind me from the girls. I look back and see that they are having a picnic here.

Matsuri:" Ugh, what are you girls doing?" I ask just to make sure.

Nana:" Making ourselves comfortable?" she said or more asking to herself.

Shiro:" Come on sit here, Matsuri-san! I think they can handle this. We just have to watch them." she calls out to me. After thinking for a while, I decided to join them.

We watch as the fight going on, Echo's opponents look like he was winning. When suddenly he died with Echo standing where he was last time.

As for Ageha's groups, Sakurako connects them with her power and lets all of them able to see through Kabuto's eyes. He seems to be able to see dangers with his Vision. While Ageha, Asaga, and Oboro were the attackers.

Oboro has a good rise and uses himself as a distraction while Asaga using his power to block enemies attack and trying to hold him down and Ageha as damage dealers since his power is especially for attacking with no support ability. They were able to defeat him by severing one of his hands. He looks like he was about to run, I was about to stop him when I feel someone stop me.

I look at who is it and see Shiro was holding my hand.

Shiro:" Let him be! This way, maybe he will be back with his comrades. Then we wi take care of them and be done with this charade." she said seriously. In the end, I sit back and watch as he runs from here.

Will be hiatus for a while!!!

I got no inspiration and motivation to write..

AliefLucascreators' thoughts