
Easy Cultivation with System and Wives

Xiao Cang traverses the world of Doupo and binds to the system of "Easy Cultivation with System and Wives ". For every additional descendant he has, he receives a generous reward. So, he starts by marrying Yun Yun. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Burning Jue - Complete Edition'!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Special Flame - Beast Spirit Flame'!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Fifth Grade Alchemist Experience'!" The first reward is so generous that Xiao Cang firmly embarks on the path of harem with many wives. Years later, when he breaks through to become a Dou Di and looks back, he has indeed built the strongest family on the Dou Qi continent! Cultivation Levels: { Dou refers to "Battle" } 【Dou Zhi Qi】 - Dou Disciple 【Dou Zhe】- Dou Practitioner 【Dou Shi】- Dou Master 【Da Dou Shi】- Great Dou Master 【Grandmaster Realm】 【Dou Ling】- Dou Spirit Realm 【Dou Wang】- Dou King Realm 【King Realm】 【Dou Huang】- Dou Emperor Realm 【Dou Zong】- Dou Ancestor Realm 【Dou Zun】- Dou Venerable Realm 【Dou Ban Sheng】- Half Saint Realm 【Dou Sheng】- Dou Saint Realm 【Saint Realm】 【Dou Di】- Dou God Realm 【God Realm】 Release Rate: 2 Chapters/Day

Divine_Daoist01 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Chapter 7: Night Battle with Ling Ying!

Chapter 7: Night Battle with Ling Ying!

As soon as Xiao Cang returned to his room, Yun Yue pulled him onto the soft couch.

A moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold.

After a round of rolling clouds and rain, the storm subsided.

Yun Yue, exhausted, lay in Xiao Cang's arms, her face flushed, her eyes charming.

After the two whispered sweet things to each other, Yun Yue hesitated for a moment and slowly said:

"I know all about Yan Ran."

Xiao Cang was taken aback, then realized that Yun Yue, as the sect master, and Yan Ran being her disciple, naturally couldn't hide this matter from her.

"What do you think?" Xiao Cang asked.

Yun Yue's blushing face was pressed against Xiao Cang's chest, and she sighed softly:

"Actually, I knew about Yan Ran's feelings for you early on. At first, I was indeed a bit upset and angry. But then I thought it was inevitable."

"After all, my husband, you are so charming, I know it best. Which female disciple in the whole sect doesn't admire you?"

"But they are not the same as Yan Ran, they can't have the opportunity and reason to stick to your side and spend day and night with you like Yan Ran."

"I knew we would face this matter sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

Yun Yue's beautiful eyes were filled with sorrow.

Although she was a Dou Emperor, she also found it difficult to break off matters of affection, let alone such a complicated matter.

"I once promised Yan Ran that I would marry her, do you know?" Xiao Cang's fingers ran through Yun Yue's hair.

Upon hearing this, Yun Yue's delicate body visibly trembled.

"I know. That girl even came to show off to me at first. Of course, at that time, she didn't know about my feelings for you." She thought of her beloved disciple's naive expression at the time, and she felt both doting and helpless.

"So what do you plan to do?" Xiao Cang looked into Yun Yue's beautiful eyes, wanting to hear Yun Yue's real thoughts.

However, Yun Yue did not answer his question, but stared intently into Xiao Cang's eyes and asked back: "No matter whether you marry again in the future, you will always love me, right?"

Xiao Cang was taken aback, he immediately understood that Yun Yue had no intention of obstructing this matter, perhaps because she knew she couldn't stop it, or perhaps because she had figured it out after knowing about Yan Ran's feelings…

"Of course." Xiao Cang smiled.

Hearing Xiao Cang's words, Yun Yue showed a relieved expression.

"In that case, I won't stop you and Yan Ran's matter."

"My Yun'er really understands people."

Xiao Cang laughed, he originally thought that persuading Yun Yue would take a lot of effort, but Yun Yue was more understanding than he had imagined.

"Don't be too happy too soon, I remember Yan Ran seems to have a marriage contract." Yun Yue suddenly reminded.

"Marriage contract…"

Upon hearing the words "marriage contract", Xiao Cang's eyes narrowed.

According to the timeline of the original work, Yan Ran should be going to the Xiao family to cancel the marriage with the elder in a short time.

But now the situation has changed, he has already made a vow with Yan Ran…

So he will take the initiative to solve this matter.

In the following days, Xiao Cang and Yun Yue lived a life of rising and falling.

At the same time, Yun Yue convened a sect meeting, proposing to make Xiao Cang a named elder of the sect.

Whether it was Yun Yue's prestige, or Xiao Cang's reputation, status, and generation in the sect, this proposal was unanimously approved.

On this day, Due to the needs of the sect, Yun Yue had to take several elders out to the Demon Beast Mountain Range to hunt a few fourth-order demon beasts.

Xiao Cang went to accompany Yan Ran for a day.

At night.

Xiao Cang was sitting cross-legged in meditation when he suddenly noticed a terrifying fluctuation outside the room that flashed and disappeared.

"Who's there?!"

Xiao Cang's heart tightened, and he immediately spread his wings and rushed out of the room.

Looking around, he could see no figures in the pitch-black night.

But Xiao Cang was very alert, the feeling just now was not wrong, there must be a strong person lurking nearby.

He immediately spread his powerful soul sensing power and detected something wrong.

Not far from him, in a patch of night, there was a shadow that was not easy to detect.

"Who is it, why are you hiding?" Xiao Cang spoke as he spread his palm, a brilliant fire lotus condensed and jumped in his hand, and a terrifying aura immediately spread out.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Xiao Cang clenched his fist, and the brilliant fire lotus in his palm instantly turned into a golden Dou Qi armor covering his whole body along with the Dou Qi.

"If you don't want to show up, then I have to ask you to show up!"

Xiao Cang's eyes narrowed slightly, his wings flapped and he rushed forward, leaving a string of golden afterimages in the pitch-black night.

"Mysterious Thunder Fist!"


Xiao Cang let out a low shout, swung a punch, and the fist wind howled.

This was a Xuan-level intermediate Dou Technique he learned in the Yun Lan Sect, which was extremely powerful! Especially at this moment, this punch was also wrapped in a different fire, the power was majestic, extremely terrifying!


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Cang had approached the shadow and punched it.

Just as his fist was about to hit the shadow, a surprised voice suddenly came from the shadow:

"Eh? Heavenly Flame? This kid has such an opportunity after not seeing him for a few years?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a cold light shone from the shadow, and then a silver spearhead rushed out like a snake.


The fist and spear collided, causing a great momentum.

The different fire on Xiao Cang's fist instantly turned into a fire wave sweeping out, almost illuminating the entire Yun Lan Mountain!

Xiao Cang's figure also retreated more than ten meters in the aftermath of this attack.

"Dou Emperor Realm?!"

Xiao Cang's eyes narrowed.

Although he was only a one-star Dou Wang, under the support of the super-heavenly technique and different fire, even a nine-star Dou Wang would have to retreat in the face of his punch.

The one who could take this punch so lightly could only be a Dou Emperor! And, it's a high-level Dou Emperor! But the shadow didn't get any good either, the silver spearhead that was like a snake trembled violently, and the recoil force was transmitted to the shadow, which must have made the person in the shadow uncomfortable.

"Hiss, this force…you're a Dou Wang?!"

"Interesting, really interesting! Come again!"

The figure in the shadow seemed even more interested, waving the snake spear and actively rushing towards Xiao Cang.

"Hmph, I want to see how much you can do!"

Xiao Cang was not afraid at all, the different fire wrapped around his body, his body shook, and a domineering aura immediately spread out! Just right, take this opportunity to see where my limit is! Without saying a word, Xiao Cang went all out and rushed towards the shadow and the snake spear.




The golden fire light and the silver spear cold light constantly clashed in the air, the terrifying aura wave after wave, the powerful aftermath shook the Yun Lan Mountain below to tremble slightly.

Xiao Cang became more and more courageous in the battle.

Under the support of the super-heavenly technique, his Dou Qi could be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible, and he didn't need to worry about Dou Qi exhaustion at all.

Various Xuan-level Dou Techniques were constantly released.

In contrast, the shadow, although its cultivation base was above Xiao Cang, was indeed very fierce when it first came out.

But as the battle went on, it kept making surprised voices.

"What's going on? This kid's Dou Qi is endless? Such a fierce attack can be used continuously?"

"Hmph, I want to see, how many times can this kid use Xuan-level Dou Techniques!"

"Why is it endless?"

"Could it be that he practiced a Earth-level technique?"

"Is this kid a Dou Wang or a Dou Emperor? Why is it so tricky?"


These surprised whispers naturally could not escape Xiao Cang's ears.

And Xiao Cang also noticed something unusual.

He and this shadow fought so fiercely, but it didn't alarm the sect elders? This is not right!

Xiao Cang frowned, and suddenly thought of something.

So he suddenly retreated a distance, dispelled the different fire and Dou Qi from his body, and said to the shadow: "Ling Ying, stop hiding, show up."