
Easy Cultivation with System and Wives

Xiao Cang traverses the world of Doupo and binds to the system of "Easy Cultivation with System and Wives ". For every additional descendant he has, he receives a generous reward. So, he starts by marrying Yun Yun. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Burning Jue - Complete Edition'!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Special Flame - Beast Spirit Flame'!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 'Fifth Grade Alchemist Experience'!" The first reward is so generous that Xiao Cang firmly embarks on the path of harem with many wives. Years later, when he breaks through to become a Dou Di and looks back, he has indeed built the strongest family on the Dou Qi continent! Cultivation Levels: { Dou refers to "Battle" } 【Dou Zhi Qi】 - Dou Disciple 【Dou Zhe】- Dou Practitioner 【Dou Shi】- Dou Master 【Da Dou Shi】- Great Dou Master 【Grandmaster Realm】 【Dou Ling】- Dou Spirit Realm 【Dou Wang】- Dou King Realm 【King Realm】 【Dou Huang】- Dou Emperor Realm 【Dou Zong】- Dou Ancestor Realm 【Dou Zun】- Dou Venerable Realm 【Dou Ban Sheng】- Half Saint Realm 【Dou Sheng】- Dou Saint Realm 【Saint Realm】 【Dou Di】- Dou God Realm 【God Realm】 Release Rate: 2 Chapters/Day

Divine_Daoist01 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Chapter 6: Tears Turned into Laughter!

Chapter 6: Tears Turned into Laughter!

"Little Yanran."

Upon entering, Xiao Cang saw Nalan Yanran curled up on the bed, pitiful and with red eyes.

His heart tightened instantly.

Seeing Xiao Cang enter, Nalan Yanran curled up even tighter, burying her weary little face.

Xiao Cang took a bowl of porridge from a disciple who followed him and said, "You can leave for now."

Approaching the bedside with the porridge, he showed a look of concern.

"Little Yanran, have some porridge. How can you go without eating?"

Nalan Yanran remained silent in defiance.

Seeing her reaction, Xiao Cang deliberately frowned and said, "If Little Yanran doesn't drink, you'll become thin and not pretty. I won't play with you anymore."

Nalan Yanran shivered at this, immediately lifting her head.

Her eyes, previously dried from crying, became watery again.

"Xiao Cang, you're untrustworthy. You've forgotten all the promises you made to me... sniff..."

As Nalan Yanran spoke, her sadness deepened, and she burst into tears again.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Cang felt a pang of distress.

Having spent years together with Nalan Yanran, there were emotions between them.

"Little Yanran, when did I break my promise?" Xiao Cang put down the bowl, sat on the bed, and gently stroked Nalan Yanran's hair, speaking softly.

"You promised to marry me in the future, but you married... married..."

Nalan Yanran choked up, unable to say the word "teacher."

Witnessing the person she loved marry her respected teacher was a blow even more severe than the sky falling for her.

Xiao Cang looked sincerely into her teary eyes and said softly,

"But that doesn't affect the promise I made to you."

At these words, Nalan Yanran hesitated, her eyes, initially filled with despair, now showed a glimmer of hope.

"You... you mean... you'll still marry me in the future?"

"Of course, unless you don't want to marry."

Xiao Cang lightly flicked her upturned nose with his finger, expressing fondness.

"No, I want to marry, want to marry!"

As she spoke, Nalan Yanran became flustered and hastily added, "But... but will the teacher agree?"

Nalan Yanran was no longer the naive girl she used to be. She knew that Xiao Cang could marry again after marrying his teacher, and she didn't mind being a concubine. However, the question was whether Teacher Yun Yun would agree.

Teacher Yun Yun was proud, the revered Sect Master of Yunlan Sect. How would the disciples and people of the sect view her sharing a husband with others, and how would the people of the Gama Empire see it?

"Don't worry, I'll persuade her," Xiao Cang promised.


"Of course."

"Don't lie to me."

"Silly girl, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Then... pinky promise."

"Alright, pinky promise."

Xiao Cang affectionately extended his right pinky finger, hooking it with Nalan Yanran's, thumbs pressed together. "Pinky promise, one hundred years without change."

With Xiao Cang's promise, Nalan Yanran felt his indulgence, and her mood improved. She broke into a smile, wiping away her tears.

At that moment, she suddenly remembered that she had been crying and hungry for four days. She must look quite haggard.

"Ah! Xiao Cang, don't look at me."

She immediately covered her face, avoiding Xiao Cang's gaze.

However, Xiao Cang smiled and gently lifted Nalan Yanran's pretty face, wiping away the tear stains. "Silly girl, in Xiao Cang's eyes, you are the most beautiful."

Hearing Xiao Cang's sweet words, Nalan Yanran felt as if her heart had melted. She whispered, "Xiao Cang is really good."

"In the future, don't use such a hurtful way to vent your frustration. Otherwise, you'll get a spanking."

Xiao Cang feigned a stern expression, raising his hand as if to spank Nalan Yanran's bottom.

"Ah! Xiao Cang, don't hit me. I'll be flattened by you if you do."

Nalan Yanran quickly dodged, her movements so skillful that it was evident she had been spanked by Xiao Cang many times before.

How could she be flattened? Most likely, she would become more perky.

Xiao Cang glanced at Nalan Yanran's developing figure and smirked inwardly.


Suddenly, Nalan Yanran's stomach protested.

She blushed immediately.

In Xiao Cang's eyes, the morning sunlight spilled on her youthful and delicate face, adding a rosy tint, making her exceptionally beautiful.

"Xiao Cang, I'm hungry..."

Nalan Yanran bit her lip, embarrassed.

"Silly girl, let me feed you porridge."

Xiao Cang picked up the bowl of porridge, spoon-feeding Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran obediently knelt beside Xiao Cang, gazing at him with affection, while opening her mouth to accept the spoon-feeding.

In this moment, she felt extremely sweet.

The previous sadness had been cast far away.

After finishing the porridge, Nalan Yanran suddenly remembered something. She took out a red, heart-shaped magic core bracelet from her waist sash.

"Xiao Cang, this is the adult ceremony gift I prepared for you. I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you on the day of your adult ceremony."

Nalan Yanran placed the magic core bracelet in Xiao Cang's hands.

Seeing the bracelet, Xiao Cang could sense a faint aura of Dou Qi from the magic core.

For him now, a first-stage magic beast core had no use. It not only couldn't assist in cultivation but also lacked the luster and decoration compared to third and fourth-stage magic cores.

However, seeing Nalan Yanran's expectant eyes, he showed a pleasantly surprised expression.

"What a beautiful bracelet. Yanran has a good eye."

"If Xiao Cang likes it, let me put it on for you."

Nalan Yanran was delighted to see Xiao Cang's appreciation. She eagerly put the bracelet on Xiao Cang's wrist herself.

When she put on the bracelet, her body slightly leaned forward, allowing Xiao Cang an unavoidable view of a glimpse of her ample assets.


This girl Yanran...

But damn, she really has potential!


After Nalan Yanran put on the bracelet for him, Xiao Cang took her out for a stroll.

They walked together like they used to, with Xiao Cang leading the way and Nalan Yanran sticking to him like a shadow.

However, during today's stroll, disciples and attendants they encountered all congratulated Senior Uncle Xiao Cang and the Sect Master on their marriage.

"Congratulations to Senior Uncle Xiao Cang and the Sect Master on tying the knot."

"Senior Uncle Xiao Cang looks even more radiant after getting married. Congratulations, congratulations."


Hearing these words, Nalan Yanran felt unhappy, but when she thought of Xiao Cang's promise today, she smiled again.

For her, whether being wife or concubine, it didn't matter.

As long as she could stick with Xiao Cang for a lifetime, accompanying him, it was enough.


Night fell.

Xiao Cang originally planned to send Nalan Yanran back early, then return to spend the night with Yun Yun.

However, this girl was too clingy, insisting on watching the stars and moon together.

Unable to refuse after seeing the grievances Nalan Yanran endured these days, Xiao Cang accompanied her to watch the stars and moon while discussing poetry, songs, and life philosophy.

Nalan Yanran leaned on Xiao Cang's shoulder, drawing circles on his sturdy shoulders with her fingers, enjoying the moment of being alone.

Until the night was quiet and deep, Xiao Cang reluctantly sent Nalan Yanran back, then spread his wings, impatiently returning to his bridal chamber.

In the bridal chamber, Yun Yun had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Xiao Cang return, she smiled, "Husband, you're finally back."

Saying that, she took Xiao Cang's arm, leading him towards the bed.

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