
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 28

I don't know how but I manage to get a full 8 hours sleep. When I open my eyes I see Namjoon in the rocking chair in the corner giving Jangmi a bottle. He looks so contented and smiles sweetly at her. It's so strange how you can love someone for so many reasons. For example, usually the first thing you ever notice about someone is their looks and body. He is gorgeous and has a body to die for. When you then get to know them you fall for their intelligence, humour, philosophy, morals, romantic side, things you have in common and how they make you feel when they kiss or touch you. Moving on another stage you get the butterflies when you see them, making love to them sends you into overdrive and they knock your socks off and now this stage. Loving him so much more for loving this tiny little human. Seeing him be sweet and vulnerable, if it's possible I love him so much more since he became a Dad. I am the luckiest woman in the world.

I sit up and wave at him because my mouth is too dry to talk. I get up to go to the loo and push my fingers through his hair as I walk past. "Morning, you look well rested and happier this morning" he says. I call back to him "I had a really good sleep and feel much more positive today. I am not going to be scared. I am brave. It helps to wake up and see a sexy man in the corner being sweet and taking care of our Daughter". I flush the toilet and wash my hands and decide to brush my teeth. When I look in the mirror Namjoon is standing in the door way with Jangmi in his arms. "She was so good last night, she practically slept through. I think it was about 6 and a halfish hours. She only cried a little this morning, but as soon as I changed her nappy she calmed down and she just took a whole bottle".

It seems we have a very well behaved baby who is in a good routine. I suppose we have Nari and Ahnjong to thank for that. They are both professionals when it comes to babies.  They might have taken her from us but they have had the intial few days of sleep deprivation whilst lengthening the times between feeds and making the nights easier. "I suppose we have Nari to thank for that" I say. He shakes his head, "no Aimee you did the hard work in those first couple of days before she was taken. You set her routine, they just continued it. Don't give either of those women any credit".

I rinse my toothbrush and wipe my mouth. I hold my arms out and he passes her to me. She is still awake and looking contented. He has changed her into a different little outfit. It's a little blue dress with blue knickers that cover her nappy. It's one of the outfits that Lori picked for her. It's really sweet. "Have you heard from Detective Choi this morning?" I ask hoping to be told that they have caught her and it's all over but he shakes his head. "I did notice though that he made a statement last night about the children being home and confirmed they had Ahnjong in custody. Army has gone crazy, posting on all the platforms how happy they are for us all and wishing us well. Some of the press have left although there are a few still hanging about. I think they want a photo of us all together. How would you feel about going up to the gates just us 3 and letting them take some pictures?" I take a minute to think about it, but like I said, I am going to be brave, I won't be scared anymore. "Yeah sure. It will be nice for your fans to see your little family".

Namjoon turns on the shower and takes all of his clothes off. I am in awe of his height and broadness, his well defined arms and chest and those abs! This man has the best thighs on the planet and a cute peachy little bum. He catches me eyeing him up and smirks. "Like what you see?" he asks in a sinful tone. I bite my bottom lip and in a needy and wanting manner say "yeah". He comes closer to me and kisses my forehead. He leans down to my ear and says "put her down for a nap and join me in the shower. You still owe me some pleasure from yesterday".

I turn on my heels and put Jangmi in her cot, turn on the baby monitor and come back into the bathroom with the handset. He has stepped under the water and his hair has fallen over his eyes and his body is shining. He looks like he should be on mount Olympus with the other gods. He stands and waits for me to get in. I close the shower door behind me and he orders me onto my knees.