
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 27

Blue lights flash in our driveway as 6 police cars arrived in a matter of minutes. I'm in shock and shaking quite badly. Namjoon is holding me and Jin has stepped in to be baby sitter. He is in the rocking chair with Jangmi and is giving her the bottle I prepared. Jimin is on the phone with Yoongi checking on Lori and thankfully all is quiet at theirs.

Detective Choi arrives and comes straight up to me. He sits at the bottom of our bed and asks how i'm doing. "Erm, not good. Really shaken. They were in our garden! They were so close. How did they get passed the security? Have you found them?" I take a deep breath and blow out slowly, my anxiety is off the charts. Jimin finishes his call and comes and rubs my feet. I smile at him and concentrate on his touch.

"We have Ahnjong in custody, she handed herself in when she brought the children in. I'm sorry I thought someone had told you. Nari is out there on her own now. It appears she is more volatile than we thought and has her eyes fixed on hurting you Aimee. We are trying to trace the phone that sent the messages to you and we are going to station officers all around the property until further notice. We are putting pressure on Ahnjong to tell us her Sisters whereabouts and intensions but so far she isn't talking".

So, on reflection to what he just said, Nari is already a little cuckoo, has now had her plan thwarted by her Sister so feels even more abandoned and unloved and is still pissed of with me for being married to her bias. Great. The normality I wanted clearly is not coming! As much as I am trying to relax I really can't. There is imminent danger being threatened towards me, I was almost unsafe in my own home.

"Are you planning on making a statement to the press to say that the children are home safe and that one of the Sisters is in custody?" I ask Detective Choi. "I was going to go and do that now" he replies standing and gesturing towards the door. Namjoon thanks him for the update and he takes his leave. "Aimee, the little one is asleep, should I put her in the cot?" Jin asks in a soft quiet voice. Having a baby in his arms suits him and he has a huge smile on his face whenever he looks at her. It's really very cute.

"Yes please Jin, thank you for feeding her". He lays her down and covers her with a blanket and strokes her little face and then walks over to us all on the bed. He sits next to Jimin who is still eagerly trying to soothe me by giving the best foot rub ever. Considering he has little hands they are really strong. Namjoon still has his arms round me and thankfully I have stopped shaking but I still feel anxious. I am exceptionally tired too, it's been a long day.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep Aimee, I will stay here with you, I'm not going anywhere but I can listen out for Jangmi and keep you safe" says my handsome husband squeezing me tighter. I nod and Jimin and Jin stand and say goodnight. "Thank you for the foot rub Jimin, it really helped, and again thank you Jin for taking care of the baby" I call to them as they leave the room. Jin turns and bows at me, he is so polite and Jimin blows me a kiss back and says "love you gwihan, sleep well" and finishes with a typical flirty wink.