

Rajan son of the mighty warrior Alaric is led by destiny, on his journey to beat the gods and become the strongest Lord ever, however our young hero and his friends will face many challenges that will shake them to their core.

HeavenWaves · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The new king

2 years as passed and Rajan is now 12 years old, and is the newly crowned king, indeed he was the youngest king in this kingdom's history. As the boy grew older, the grace of the gods were upon him, his wisdom and mental clarity helped solved lots of mysteries. But a growing malice was taking over the capital city of Diamon and was no longer peaceful, as foreign groups would come to the capital, and try to instigate a riot, in attempt to overthrow the government of the country. Their ideology spread like an infectious disease, and the crime rate has also rosen in the last two months. It's highly suspected that it's an attack from a foreign kingdom which we don't know about. It's been this way ever since Lord Alaric left and never came back from his expedition, and was declared dead. So the protocol in which allows the legitimate successor of the throne to have full control over the kingdom was applied. If the council disagree, the ruling of the new king would be quite difficult, which would divide the political party in two. These extreme measures were used only if the heir to the throne was a child, untill he or she reached full maturity.



"You thought you would be able to leave without paying for what you've stolen?"

"Well well you caught me red handed, I guess I'll have to pay for what I've stolen."


But the hooded woman threw a powder in the air and vanished.

She did what was necessary for her survival said the old merchant. Then he sighed while looking up at the sky.

"I infact know this little girl, actually her father and I, were best friends."

"Sayer next time you see her near my store, I want you to knock her out."

"SIR YES SIR!!!!!"

"But sir why don't we allow her take what she wants....This kingdom is already trash as it is."

She won't be able to differanciat between good and evil, if we praise her everytime she does something wrong, said the old man.

Meanwhile at the castle.

hundreds of thousands of soldiers were gearing up for a military campaign to invade a small kingdom in the east. But Rajan had no controll over his army since the council firmly disagreed to allow the young king to have full control over his empire, but Ayame made it clear that this nation would be divided if the king did not received his anointment, as it is a traditional ritual before a king sits on his throne, although the constitution of the country does authorize these procedures in extreme cases. She contested with the decision made by the council.

I don't want to be king said Rajan, i want to go on adventures like father did....Although i know everyone needs me and i will lead my people.