

Rajan son of the mighty warrior Alaric is led by destiny, on his journey to beat the gods and become the strongest Lord ever, however our young hero and his friends will face many challenges that will shake them to their core.

HeavenWaves · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Ice kingdom is a land of freezing cold temperatures that can reach minus 500 degrees Celsius. A vast open white desert, that makes you go crazy just by looking at it, few people have came back from the Ice kingdom. But many have failed and nerver came back from their expedition. The legends says that an Ice Queen used to live in this country and left a treasure behind. No one was able to find this treasure, up to this day and was rolled out as a myth. This region is banned to all travelers.

"But this my friend is a perfect opportunity for me and you to become super rich."

"Uhhh Sir....I thought you said it was just a myth."

Sayer my friend, don't you think they're trying to lie to us, so that they can keep all the gold and money for themselves?

"Think about it, if me and you manage to find this treasure we'll be seen as heroes."

"Oh yea no more need to work anymore and i'll be able to eat as much as i want-SIR YES SIR."

The old merchant looked up to the sky, with a face dampened by the fin rain.

There's one thing i forgot to mention,..in order to reach the Ice kingdom we need to cross through the valley's of mana, it is said that demons and dragons live there, and beasts bigger than mountains walk through these lands, vampire scavenger birds-Sorry i got carried away.

"But..sir how do you know all this, is this how you lost your right eye?"

"Haha I'm feeling young again, .....OUCH-OUCH hope my back doesn't break in two...hmph"

"In ten days we're living, but first I want you to go present yourself to the king. I have a request and we'll need more then a 100 armed soldiers in order to successfully travel through these uncharted lands."

"Do you think the king will be willing to help us sir?"

OF COURSE HE WILL!!!.....Besides his just a kid, and very naïve, really he got nothing to lose anyway.

I need you to trust me on this one.

Meanwhile in the castle

"Withdraw the soldiers we do not need to go in war with a foreign country, ...you know what this means right?"

"Lord Alaric told us never to go war with another kingdom."


"And Rajan is a child, he can't make good decisions, and we need to grow our influence, I see no other options."

"Do you really think Lord Alaric is dead?"

"Haha-The mighty warrior right?"

"There's a war coming and no one is prepared."