
Earth's Strongest Shield

A Gang Boss meets an unlucky end, but the universe has more in store for him. Watch as the Mightiest organization rises above the Earth to be the one true S.H.I.E.L.D for all of Humanity.

AgentMonke · Movies
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18 Chs

Refusing to bring along deadweight

A few minutes later

Carol came and sat down next to him, saying "I don't like this." Nick had finished his phone call and lit a cigarette, saying "Oh yeah?" Carol looked at Nick and asked, "Are you even listening to me?"

Nick rolled his eyes and looked at her flatly, her lips twitched and she muttered, "I don't know why I came to you, honestly." Nick agreed, "I don't know either. Glad we figured it out." as he clapped his hands, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he got up, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find a place without a nag."

Carol watched him leave and clenched her fists, muttering "No one would know…" before her fists loosened and she pouted sullenly, "What a jerk." she got up and sneered, following him as she started talking "You know, Kree technology is extremely advanced."

Nick replied, "Don't care." Carol added, "I can help advance the technology here if you want." Nick replied, "Don't want." Carol's lips twitched, "Hello? Earth to Fury! I'm offering to help you!" Nick replied again, "Still don't care." Carol grinded her teeth in anger and she snarled, "A beautiful woman is talking to you and you don't care at all?!"

Nick looked at her, scanning her up and down.

She wasn't Brie Larson, so there was a plus. She was indeed very beautiful, golden eyes and hair, big breasts but not too big, nice ass…

He looked back up at her eyes and nodded, "It's unfortunate, your rubber suit is not to my taste. Not to mention…" he changed his tone to indifference, "I can get any woman I want. Also, I'm trying to build S.H.I.E.L.D into a real shield around the Earth, do you think I have time to play house with you? You want to be useful? Help me. You want me to pay attention? Help me."

He snorted and turned around, adding, "It's a big universe, I don't have time to sit around and start a family in a world where I'm the smallest fish in the sea." Carol was speechless and she blushed, "I didn't mean it like that!"

Nick ignored her and came to Talos, "Well? Is the ship ready?" Norex looked up and said "Soon!" Nick looked at him and said coldly, "I don't remember asking you." Norex shut up and Nick turned back to Talos, who replied, "Soon… Also, lighten up on him, he's doing his best."

Nick pursed his lips, "His best isn't good enough when we have a Kree kill squad coming for us in approximately 10 hours." Talos was helpless, spreading his hands, "I don't know what to tell you, if I could speed it up, I would."

Nick looked at Talos, who shrugged nervously.

Carol walked over and said, "I think we should be worrying about delaying the Kree, I have a beacon on me, unless we want to lead them directly to Mar-Vell's lab, we should leave it somewhere."

Talos pointed his thumb at Norex, who shook his head like a rattle. Nick's lips twitched and he said "I like that plan. Lizard B here will turn into Stargirl and take the beacon away from this place." Talos looked at Norex and nodded, Norex looked hopeless and Nick ignored his expression, saying "You are to not say a word if you get found out."

He pointed his thumb at Carol, saying "She'll fill you in on details of her life while you work." Talos added on the side, "Good idea." Nick glanced at him and he shut his mouth instantly. Carol looked at Nick and narrowed her eyes, "Are you trying to get rid of me?" Nick frowned at her and she snorted, muttering under her breath, "Asshole…"

Nick walked away and looked at Maria who was walking over. He stopped her and frowned, "Excuse me, where do you think you're going?" Maria blinked and looked up at him, "Tagging along?" Nick was dumbfounded, "For?" Maria was speechless, "To help?"

Nick laughed in disbelief, turning her around, "Alright Ms. Rambeau. How about I help you to your room, some sleep will do you good." Maria frowned and shrugged him off, "I'm coming." Nick looked down at her, frowning "Do you have any superpowers I'm unaware of? Any strengths? Knowledge of Kree spaceships? Can you tell Skrulls apart?"

Maria was literally speechless as Nick nodded, "That's what I thought. Instead of being deadweight and cannon fodder, stay home with your daughter. Alright? Thank you, Ma'am." as he escorted her back to the house, putting 'Get Men in Black Neuralyzers' on the to-do list…

After Norex was done, Talos, Carol, Nick, and Goose boarded the ship. Nick looked at Norex and said grimly, "Don't say a word after you're found out. No victory speech, no mocking comment, not even 'Can I piss before I die', do you understand?" Norex nodded frantically.

Nick continued, "Drive on the path we agreed upon." Norex nodded and Talos held up a fist, Norex nodded firmly as he turned around and transformed into Carol, leaving in a car.

Carol sat in the pilot's seat as Nick sat behind her, staring at Talos with Goose on his lap. The Ship took off and left Maria's house.

As they were flying into space, Talos said "You really shouldn't keep that thing on your lap, mate." Nick looked at him and asked, "I got a question. Where did you pick up that Australian accent?" Talos was confused, "What?"

Nick shook his head, "Nevermind." Carol said "Hold on, boys. Changing to fusion." as the ship suddenly soared into space.

Nick held the side of the ship, looking at Talos, who swallowed, "Can you stop staring at me? I'm getting nervous." Nick replied, "I like you nervous. Makes me feel good." Carol commented "That doesn't sound right." Nick ignored her as everything in the ship started floating up while exiting Earth's atmosphere.

Carol turned the gravity back on in the ship as she muttered, "It should be around here." Talos looked at the empty space in front of them and asked nervously, "Where is it?!" Carol pursed her lips and spread her hand, revealing a holographic projection, "Decloaking Activated."

Nick looked at the huge spaceship and frowned slightly before he relaxed. All he needed to do was have Carol cloak it again and fly it down to his area.

The ship flew into the huge laboratory with little air released propelling the ship forward. They docked into the lab and got out, walking in the halls.