
Earth's Strongest Shield

A Gang Boss meets an unlucky end, but the universe has more in store for him. Watch as the Mightiest organization rises above the Earth to be the one true S.H.I.E.L.D for all of Humanity.

AgentMonke · Movies
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18 Chs

New Suit for Carol

A few minutes later

Howard was looking at the Kree Uniform with sparkling eyes, "Incredible…" Nick looked at Howard with crossed arms, "Can you modify it?" Howard looked at him and rubbed his chin, "I might. Depends on what you want. It'll take some time though."

Nick asked, "How long?" Howard replied, "A week or so." Carol was dumbfounded, "Just a week?!" Howard smirked at her, "You're looking at the biggest brain on the planet, lady." Carol snorted and Nick turned to her, saying "I have a new uniform design for you if you want."

Carol asked strangely, "What's wrong with this one?" Nick looked at her and pursed his lips, "You're still wearing the Kree logo. Unless you're trying to frame them across the galaxy, I'd suggest a different pattern."

Carol's face fell and she replied hesitantly, "Not the S.H.I.E.L.D logo?" Nick's lips twitched, "No! What do you think I am?" he handed her a piece of paper and Carol looked at it, blushing red instantly, "What the hell is this?!"

Nick looked at it, it was the Ms. Marvel Suit.

A black skin tight one piece cover from her neck to her crotch with a gold 'S', that looked like a lightning bolt, across the whole thing. There were skin tight black gloves halfway up her biceps, skin tight black boots halfway up her thighs, a red sash around her waist and a black mask on her face.

Nick looked back at her, saying "Looks good to me." Carol complained, "This is too skimpy! Am I a Hero or a prostitute?!" Nick pointed at the paper, saying "Listen, this is a good look for you. What are you wearing a suit like that for? It only restricts your movements anyway. Not to mention, you'll be flying around space. Plus, I like it."

Carol was speechless, did I ask you what you liked?!

Nick turned to Howard and handed him the picture. Howard looked at it and his eyes lit up, "Excellent!" before turning to Carol and asking "Do you have any features I should be aware of? Anything that might be useful to incorporate in the design?" Carol looked at him and sighed, explaining her powers to him.

Since it wasn't going to be changed, so be it…

Howard and Carol communicated on her new suit as she changed into normal clothes, handing him her Kree Battle Suit.

Nick came to Rumlow and Klaue, handing them both Obedience Potions as he said coldly, "Drink." Rumlow and Klaue both drank the potions before freezing as they suddenly stood still.

Nick nodded and said "Rumlow, punch Klaue in the face." Rumlow immediately punched Klaue in the face as Klaue fell to the ground before standing up, not even changing his expression.

Nick said "Rumlow, smash your head against the wall." Rumlow turned around and smashed his face into the wall as Nick said "Again." after several tests, he confirmed the potion worked.

It basically made whoever drank it, 100% loyal to the person who gave it to them. It was actually a potion from Asgard that was given to Thor by a villain. It only wore off when the guy was sent into the Negative Zone.

This is what the System told him.

Nick said to Klaue, "Continue your business as usual, send back Vibranium through our channels, understood." Klaue nodded, replying "Understood." Nick waved him off and Klaue left as Nick turned to Rumlow.

He pursed his lips and said "Contact your Hydra buddies. A squad of 10 will do. I want you to attack the Skrull refugee camp and slaughter all the Skrulls except for Talos and his family. Make it look like an accident that they survived. When you arrive, send Bucky a signal. Act like you broke free from the brainwashing. Is that understood?"

Rumlow nodded with a firm face, "Understood, Boss." Nick sent him out, saying "Start in a week, attack the camp in 15 days." Rumlow nodded and left the Lab directly.

Nick watched him leave and pulled out his notebook, writing down something as he walked out of the lab, thinking about his next steps.

He ran into Carol, who was walking around. She bumped into him and looked up, snorting "Small world." Nick rolled his eye and said "What is it now, stargirl." Carol replied angrily, "I have a name!" Nick raised his brows, saying "Oh!" before walking away.

Carol stomped her foot and followed him, "I need to leave!" Nick nodded, "Oh." Carol grinded her teeth and walked next to him, "No goodbye?" Nick sighed and looked at her. She looked at him silently. He turned back and said "You're staying here for a week until your suit is ready. Until then, do I need to say goodbye? For what? Goodbye, see you tomorrow?"

Carol clenched her fists and calmed down, turning away, "I'm ignoring you." Nick walked away, "Finally." Carol pouted and shouted "Can you at least act upset?!" Nick replied, "Nope." as he returned to the lab, sitting in an office and writing down in a bigger notebook.

Carol sat in a chair in front of his desk, leaning back as she looked around, "Nice office." Nick didn't even look up, saying "I thought you were ignoring me." Carol waved her hand, smiling happily, "Change my mind." Nick closed his one good eye, sighing to himself.

Carol looked at his other eye, asking "Are you sure you're alright…? Talos told me what you did." Nick opened his eye, continuing to write as he said "I'm fine. I still have one eye, right?" Carol frowned slightly, saying "Why did you do that? They could've killed you."

Nick didn't answer and continued writing.

Carol fell silent and Nick didn't say anything.

The office fell into a comfortable silence.

After a minute, Carol said, "I can alter the communication system on Yon-Rogg's suit… it's better than that old phone you got at any rate." Nick looked up at her and she smiled slightly. He snorted and said "Thanks."

Carol smiled wider, "A 'Thanks'? From you? I'm surprised! I didn't think you knew the word." Nick rolled his eye and asked, "Should I take it back?" Carol waved her finger and giggled, "Nope. You can't. I already heard it." as she got up, walking out of the office, "Too late, 'Agent' Fury."

She closed the door as Nick's lips curled into a grin, he pulled on the desk drawer and took out a cigar, letting out a breath as he lit it, muttering to himself, "I love it when a plan comes together~" as he leaned back in his chair, chuckling to himself.

He opened up the System screen and looked at his side tasks.

[Solve the Skrull's Problems- Perfect Mystique X-Gene]

[Kill the Kree Invaders- Kree's Inhuman Experiment Research Notes (Completed)]

He collected the reward from the Kree task before swiping up and looking at the other Side Tasks.

[Solve Arnim Zola- Safe Red Queen AI]

[Take Over the Red Room- M.I.B Neuralyzer]

[Become Director of S.H.I.E.L.D- All 3 Types of Haki & Modified Training Manuals]

[Collect the Space Gem- Resurrection Elixir 1 Batch (Completed)]

Nick sat up and looked at the Resurrection Elixir.

[Resurrection Elixir- An Elixir made by the Hand using Dragon Bones to keep their members Immortal. Can revive the dead and restore youth as well as give Superhuman Capabilities]

Nick slapped his palm and grinned, isn't this exactly what he needed?!


Now all he had to do was wait.

The fish would come to him, it was only a matter of time.

At that time, he would reel in the line and catch a big one!

Nick leaned back and chuckled happily, leaving the Task as collectible at the moment because he was sure it was a huge vat and he didn't have an area for it… But it should happen sooner or later.

As he continued planning, the days passed by.