
dynamic duo

bigdaddys_clan · Action
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2 Chs

the beginning

Me and my friend Carl are just chilling in his house because mine and his parents is outside for 3day on a business holiday. "WHY DID THEY DIDN'T TAKE US WITH THEM".well me and Carl have a recent bike accident.it was night around 9:11pm and I just look out from the window because some light is dropping in my eyes "WAIT LIGHT AT THIS TIME".I can't remember what happen next and my eyes start getting heavier and then suddenly close

NEXT thing I remember is I'm sitting on a stool and my head is down I can't even move a single muscle I only thing I saw is my legs and I hear a voice of scream like "AHHHHHHHHHH~~". I'm confused.

The next thing I remember is some people injucting some inside my next I can't remember their.when I woke up me and Carl is in a jungle and then we realized "WE DON'T WEAR ANY CLOTHES!!!!". me and Carl cover our body with leaf like tarzen.

And we start a straight path toward our home (how do we know where is our home just chill I watch all the episodes of man vs wild I know how to find your way).JUST JOKING we have our mobile phone with us.

After we reach to our home me and Carl start discussing what happen last night

Did you remember anything I said to carl

Carl: no I can't move a single muscle

Me: same as me

Carl: do you have mark on your leg

Me: no I have it on my neck

Carl: so they inject something in us this prove that it wasn't a dream.

Me: hey look at the date it's 6th Feb I remember when we last time talking it 4th of feb.

Carl: yeh so we are lost somewhere for a whole day

Me: should we tell our parents or police about it

Carl: no nobody going to believe us

Me: so we have to find it on our own

Carl: is it an alien abduction

Me: think so. We need to see a doctor and do our medical test

Carl: ok we should do it now

Me: ok but it's raining outside

Carl: don't worry just go

Me: ok

Carl and me go to our family doctor and them what happen

Are you serious that was a alien abduction our doctor said to us.

Me: you can see these injection marks on us

Doctor: I have to do your medical test

Me: doctor please don't tell this to our parents they think we just do somekind drug

Doctor: don't worry Johnson I didn't tell this to your family

Me: you can call me jhon

Doctor: ok

After a while our reports come and we see a mysterious look on doctor face

What Happen doctor I asked

Doctor: do you have a previous report of leg injury Carl

Carl: yes

Doctor: I need them

Doctor: jhon I also need your report of neck injury

Me and Carl: WHAT HAPPEN!

doctor: they suddenly got vanished

Me and Carl realize that we have injury after that bike accident.but why didn't we notice

Me: it must be because it was recent and we get relief too fast that's why we didn't notice

because we didn't even remember about it



What do you think did they came back mean aliens or what ever that thing are we see it in Next chapter will came soon because author is bIGDADDY

Insta I'd : roronoa_zoro_the_pirate_hunter