
dynamic duo

bigdaddys_clan · Action
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2 Chs


THE SAME BLUE LIGHT AGAIN FALL IN MY EYE AND... I realized that is was just lightning. It's behind the imagination doctor said to me

Me: what

Doctor: your body is recovering too fast I can't even think how is it happing

Carl: doctor you are our last hope to find what they injuct in us

Doctor: no I'm not your last hope I'll give a address where your see so many monk just ask any one we want to meet master and said chris send us

Jhon: but how did you know about that place

Doctor: when I was kidnapped at the age 8 master save me from thus guys. They want to sell my body part because there is no one who can pay them for me because one of his friends kill my whole family master teach me every thing and they should know what happen to you

Jhon: ok

Doctor: you can leave right now I'll text you the address

Carl: ok

Me and Carl take the straight path to the mountains where they live

Jhon: Carl what we are going to say our parents about this they should be home this evening

Carl: I call my parents and tell them we are on free trip which you and I win in contast

Jhon: ok I'll do the same

When we finally arrived to Temple we ask a monk can take is to master

Who give the address monk said

Jhon: our doctor chirs

Monk: noway you mean chirs moon

Jhon: yeh did you know him

Monk: yes were well he train with me long time ago

Carl: how old is he

Monk: not much thats because his aura is freash and well maintained

Jhon: aura??

Monk: yes aura is a energy which every body have

Jhon: whats about well maintained

Monk: I'll explain in the way you can meet master

In way...

Monk: so in today world many person start losing aura because of this unhealthy food and not do meditation...ahh master these are chirs moon friend they want to talk to you

Master: so how was chirs

Carl: he is fine

Master: whats take you here young body

Me and Carl explain everything to master

Master: so that's the matter

Give me that scroll master said to a monk

Master: long time ago our elder told us that one day 3 person came and destroy.no one can stop him.

Master: I need to train you for the future

Carl: but we have very little time

Master: how much

Carl: maximum 2weak

Master: so I must teach you basic and rest you can learn from chirs

Jhon: ok master

Carl: can you explain us what is aura

Master: ok aura is a energy every object have it has 9 different color

Jhon: whats our aura colour

Master: you have white aura its rare colour

Carl: what's about mine

Master: purple

Jhon: master how could you see our aura colour

Master:after training you can also able to see

Me think I have to train like saitama or like Goku

But whole time we sit and concentrate on our eye and other body part

When the has been come for us to leave

Master: go to chirs and told him master send us and said to train us

Jhon: ok master

After vent to doc chirs we told him what master said to us

Chirs: ok we have began it from every evening 6:8pm

Carl: ok

Evening we vent to mr.doc

Chirs: so what did you learn all this time

Carl: we learn to focus our aura on different body part

Jhon: Mr chis you also have white aura

Chirs: impressive so you able to see

Carl: yes me too

Chirs: focus your aura on your fist

Jhon: how much

Chris: just big as a basketball

Jhon: ok

Chirs: now release it immediately!!!

Jhon: ahh my fist get hurt but how

Chris: when you focus your aura on your hand it increases your power and when you release it immediately your fist get to normal from that much power

Jhon: that much power???

Chris: focus your aura on fist and punch this tree

Jhon: ok I punch hard as I can and the tree rip off I was shocked

Chris: it's a 3 day assignment you have to focus you aura in your whole body that increase you aura lvl

Jhon: aura lvl?

Chris: yes much deeper and thick increase lvl

Jhon: so whats the last lvl

Chris: only master and 3 other are able to do that when that focus aura of the last lvl flame of their aura colour vaporize from their body. At last lvl you get a special power.

Carl: special power can we select it

Chris: no you born with it

Jhon: what's master power

Chris: they never show me his power but I see this last lvl

Chris: wait did master help you to wake your aura

Jhon: no--

Chris: then may be that alien abduction help you to wake your and that help you to repair your body.maybe so I have to go you have three day increase your aura as much you can

Next day me and carl vent straight to that forest where we dropped

Jhon: wow

Carl: what happen

Jhon: focus your aura on your eye

Carl: wow

We see that place has so much aura but it feel bad

A sound from bushes came and a big man stand from that bushes we can't see his face because it between the trees

Is it that person which abduct us


we found who abduct us and tell his plan.

Did he plan to kill us or just rip our hand

See you in next chapter

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