
DxDxD: Digital Draconic Deus (Highschool DxD Digimon Fusion AU)

In a world already filled with supernatural forces from the lowliest magic beast to the mightiest god, a sudden change can cause the whole world to go into disarray. There are many people and things that can cause ripples in the world. A mutation granting one power beyond their kin, being lucky enough to be born with a Sacred Gear of great power, the schemes and machinations of the many factions, and many more things. But no one and nothing could have anticipated the change that the first computer being turned on could bring. For decades a world hidden even from the sight of the greatest seers and mightiest gods grew and developed. But a place such as that couldn't be hidden forever. Many took notice of the new world that had sprung up from ones and zeros… and many from the fledgling world took notice of their new neighbors as well. From those residing in the lowest pits of the Underworld to the highest Heaven's. And from the denizens of the deepest darkness of the Dark Area to the residents of the gentle light of the Kernel. Battles were fought and bonds were formed. Fates were averted or in some cases twisted. Deals were struck, alliances formed, and schemes devised. The world shifted as the Digital World began to make itself known. One way or another. From clandestine meetings between mythological figures and their digital counterparts to the more mundane creation of media depicting the Digital Monsters. Animations, novels, toys, and games. All were either dreamed up by man or were true stories from the Digital World. But such things weren't relevant to one boy. Not entirely. He too, like the rest of the world, was swept up in the tide of popularity that arose from the wonders that were Digital Monsters. Even if he would one day go on to change both the Real and Digital Worlds. For now, he was content to enjoy his summer vacation. The summer of 1999 was a time that Hyoudou Issei would never forget.

HADEZ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch.2 The Red Dragon Reborn!?

"Oi Brat, are you the one who woke me from my nap?" These were the words that left Ddraig's mouth as he looked at the human child.

He was frankly unremarkable in appearance. Asian features, fair skin, brown hair, and eyes… but at least he had good taste in accessories. He liked the bright red goggles. Red was a good color.

Like his appearance, his magical presence was equally unremarkable, if a bit pathetic. He could barely feel any magical energy from the boy.

Unlike the other hatchling and little dove just a few feet away. The girl, if her scent was anything to go by, was a bit more impressive, in both appearance and power. She was young but he could tell she would develop into a beauty. Light brown hair and striking violet eyes. Yes, she would be quite a catch when she grew up a bit.

She also had a sizable pool of magical power that was tinged with Light. Not remotely enough to be a half-breed of an angel but more in line with a family of exorcists.

Which may explain the little dove. A guardian angel perhaps? Ddraig hadn't really seen angel children before but the tiny blonde with wings certainly felt like one… for the most part. There were a few things he hadn't felt before, not just in the little dove but in his surroundings and himself.

But he'd investigate later. For now, he narrowed his gaze to the one he felt an intimate connection to.

It was, of course, the unremarkable boy.

His host this time around was rather pathetic it seemed… but the brat had developed a subspecies right off the bat. An Independent Avatar type if it wasn't obvious. The euphoria that came with having a physical body once more was exhilarating. It was impossible to ignore.

Ddraig had a sharp grin as he looked at the aggravated Earth Dragon under his small heel.

He very well noticed his frankly pathetic size and strength… but he was currently enjoying the high that came with being outside that accursed Sacred Gear to care.

He never expected to ever be released from God's trinket and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

And what better way than to beat this whelp of a dragon black and blue?

Powerful draconic muscles tensed and with one might shove, the Earth Dragon's head was forced out the mouth of the cave.

He ignored his host's words as he stepped into the light of day. His eyes darted to a small being as it hopped into the nearby foliage… but he ignored it for now.

He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he spread his arms and wings wide. The heat of the sun on his scales and the beat of his heart in his chest almost brought a tear to his eyes.

Then he pulled upon the power within him. It was a drop in the bucket compared to his peak… but he frankly didn't mind at the moment.

He was free.

His emerald reptilian eyes snapped open as the Earth Dragon came to its feet. The dragons own blue eyes narrowed in rage and Ddraig's fanged maw held a sharp grin.

"Hehehaha! Bring it you whelp! Entertain me!" He roared as he flared his frankly meager strength. An aura of crimson covered him as he kicked off the ground, his tiny wings unable to carry him as he attempted to take to the skies. Not that it mattered as his warm-up was an Earth Dragon and couldn't fly anyway.

The Earth Dragon growled and roared, "Blaze Blast!" and spat crimson flames at him. A bit of fancy footwork had him dodge the amateurish flame breath with ease. He closed the distance and scored a nasty gash with his claws on the dragon's legs.

It bellowed in pain and swiped its tail at him. Ddraig grinned as he slammed a clawed hand into the appendage and with great effort brought it to a stop.

The Earth Dragon looked bewildered that such a small dragon could stop the power its bulk provided.

Ddraig could only grin. He was having fun! When was the last time he could play around like this? Had to be when he was a hatchling no bigger than he was now!

He gripped the tail with both claws and with all his strength, tossed the Earth Dragon into the tree line.

"Hahaha! This is fun! Entertain me more!" He laughed with genuine joy.

The Earth Dragon had not taken his words well and bellowed with rage, "Buster Dive!" It charged out of the trees at an alarming speed. With his diminished reaction speed, he could only release a pained grunt when he was slammed against the valley wall.

The Earth Dragon ground him into the rocky wall and while painful, it was more irritating, if anything. He should be able to beat a whelp like this with a lazy swipe of his claws!

He was the Red Dragon Emperor.

A Heavenly Dragon that was only rivaled by one other.

He refused to lose to a two-bit Earth Dragon!

If he had his power he would beat this hatchling in less than a minute!

Issei let out a yelp as the strange device on his arm lit up. He flipped it open and read the words that flashed on the top screen 'Boost Request'. There it showed a small portrait of his partner flashing.

His partner! Issei couldn't believe it! He was amazing! The little dragon Digimon was beating up Tyranomon with ease! He was so cool!

…But Tyranomon caught him by surprise. And he needed help. Issei didn't know what a 'Boost' did but if his new buddy needed it, then he would provide it!

He brought a finger down on the lower screen of the weird gauntlet computer on his wrist. With a tap of a button that said 'Gift' the gauntlet roared with his partner's voice, "Transfer!"

Ddraig's eyes dilated as he felt power fill his small frame. Now anyone's power, but his. His strength doubled and with a mighty shove, the Earth Dragon was forced to stumble back.

Ddraig felt the energy of the Boost begin to settle in and with a quick bit of manipulation influenced his body with it. It was a little trick a few of his hosts had developed over the years. They were passible with it but they would never beat him in its use.

He's the one who made the damn ability in the first place.

His small wings unable to support him glowed with crimson energy as they began to grow. And with one mighty flap, he took to the skies.

He looked down at the upstart Earth Dragon and scoffed, "You are a thousand years too early to challenge me whelp. Your luck ends now!"

He rocketed down and began to spin his body to build up momentum. With a roar of words that felt oddly right, he slammed his tail on the dragon's head.

"Tail Smash!"

The Earth Dragon's head slammed into the ground from the impact and cratered it.

Ddraig used his tail to push himself into the air. He landed with a flourish and dusted himself off. He then waited for the Earth Dragon to get up again. He could tell it was still conscious and that meant the fight was still on.

Ddraig could feel his blood boiling for the first time in centuries.

Its blue eyes snapped open and Ddraig grinned as it rose to its feet.

But rather than continue the fight once it got back… it ran away.

It was then Ddraig felt truly pissed and began to hurl sharp words at the fleeing coward, "Have you no Pride! You wretched pathetic excuse of a dragon!"

He spat as the wretch vanished from view.

He clicked his tongue and then let out a grunt as the Boost left his body. With the battle over the energy dissipated and his wings were once more tiny.

He then turned to his host, who had sparkling eyes.

Well, it was time to deal with the brat then.

…But first.

"Oi! I know you are there! Don't think you can hide from me!" He yelled at the voyeur hidden in the greenery.

A moment later an extremely short old man stepped out of the bushes. His shaggy white hair and beard obscured his face. His clothing was admittedly well cared for rags. But they were still rags. He held a staff topped with a feline paw.

And more than that he was the strongest thing in a several-mile radius. The old man must have been suppressing his power before but now he bared it to the world.

Ddraig clicked his tongue in irritation, he was in no state to deal with this old man who easily sat in the Ultimate Class.

But the old man seemed like the 'helpful' type, if his cheerful voice meant anything, "Oho! We were noticed! It is nice to meet you all!"

So he didn't have to worry about a fight. No, he'd have to worry about being bored to death if anything. Old men liked to talk and talk. It was annoying but they also tended to be quite strong, at least among the supernatural. So most didn't think of being rude or else they would be 'disciplined'. More than a handful of his hosts had their asses handed to them by the likes of Odin, after all.

Ddraig's gaze then slid to the old man's companion. Some yellow bipedal beast that wore pants and looked half asleep. Its power was negligible and he was pretty sure his host could beat it in a fight.

The old man stamped his staff on the ground as he greeted them, "Now let me introduce ourselves! I'm Jijimon and this is my assistant, Neemon!"

Neemon waved lazily and it yawned, "Hello!"

The girl introduced herself as, "Shidou Rin." from the hitch in her voice that wasn't her full name.

The little dove was next, "Luxmon, honored elder!"

'Mon' again. That had to mean something.

"I'm Hyoudou Issei!" yelled his host with youthful exuberance. He then turned to him, "And this is… Ah, Um. I never got your name."

One came to mind immediately and it wasn't his. He tasted the name, "Dracomon."

The brat's eyes lit up, "It's nice to meet you Dracomon!"

"Whatever, brat," He grumbled as he walked past the kid. He wanted to correct them and shout his true name for all to hear. To declare his presence… but in his current state and with that little dove nearby the last thing he wanted was to be scooped up by the Church or Heaven if he revealed himself. So he'd settle for 'Dracomon' for now till he was strong enough to tell them and anyone else to fuck off.

He'd have to start training to get back some of his power. And more importantly, make sure his host didn't die anytime soon. There was no telling when he would get another one that had a subspecies like this. If he had to train the kid and make him a dragon so he'd live for several centuries he'd do it.

That was how much he didn't want to return to that prison.