
DxDxD: Digital Draconic Deus (Highschool DxD Digimon Fusion AU)

In a world already filled with supernatural forces from the lowliest magic beast to the mightiest god, a sudden change can cause the whole world to go into disarray. There are many people and things that can cause ripples in the world. A mutation granting one power beyond their kin, being lucky enough to be born with a Sacred Gear of great power, the schemes and machinations of the many factions, and many more things. But no one and nothing could have anticipated the change that the first computer being turned on could bring. For decades a world hidden even from the sight of the greatest seers and mightiest gods grew and developed. But a place such as that couldn't be hidden forever. Many took notice of the new world that had sprung up from ones and zeros… and many from the fledgling world took notice of their new neighbors as well. From those residing in the lowest pits of the Underworld to the highest Heaven's. And from the denizens of the deepest darkness of the Dark Area to the residents of the gentle light of the Kernel. Battles were fought and bonds were formed. Fates were averted or in some cases twisted. Deals were struck, alliances formed, and schemes devised. The world shifted as the Digital World began to make itself known. One way or another. From clandestine meetings between mythological figures and their digital counterparts to the more mundane creation of media depicting the Digital Monsters. Animations, novels, toys, and games. All were either dreamed up by man or were true stories from the Digital World. But such things weren't relevant to one boy. Not entirely. He too, like the rest of the world, was swept up in the tide of popularity that arose from the wonders that were Digital Monsters. Even if he would one day go on to change both the Real and Digital Worlds. For now, he was content to enjoy his summer vacation. The summer of 1999 was a time that Hyoudou Issei would never forget.

HADEZ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch.1 Welcome to the Digital World!

Hyoudou Issei huffed as he and his friend Shidou ran through one of Kuoh's many parks. As he came to an abrupt stop at a nice field near the forest, his new bright red goggles slid from their place on his head to around his neck.

"Here should be good, Shidou-kun!" he shouted as he put his goggles back on his head.

The other boy giggled as he came to a stop, "Hehe, they fell again didn't they?"

Issei flushed lightly as he tightened the strap, "Maybe!"

"Trying to be like a certain goggle boy?"

Issei sniffed dismissively even if Shidou guessed right, "No! I just thought they would come in handy! There have been a lot of dust storms lately after all!"

Shidou's violet eyes sparkled with mirth, "If you say so. Hey, want to see something cool my dad gave me?"


Shidou then stuck his tongue out as he dug around his pockets. After a minute he pulled out what looked like a fancy white and gold pager. When the screen lit up to reveal a pixel digital monster he immediately knew what it was, a Digivice!

…Well technically it was a Virtual Pet but calling it a Digivice sounded so much cooler!

"Woah! Is that a new one? I've never seen that one before!" shouted Issei. Who then pulled out his own Digivice in response. The red brick themed Digivice was more than a bit scuffed up from how long Issei has played with it, but it still worked great! He took good care of his Tyranomon!

Shidou then grinned, "My Papa gave it to me today!" He then frowned, "Although I haven't figured out how it works yet."

"Can I see?"


Shidou handed the oddly ornate white and gold Digivice to him. Issei then investigated it thoroughly. In other words, he pressed all the buttons to see if they would do anything. Which only served to make the tiny pixel Digimon's form flicker in an oddly…agitated manner? He didn't know why it felt agitated but that's the feeling he got.

"I got nothing. Hey, what Digimon is this supposed to be anyway? Sort of looks like Angemon… but smaller."

Shidou shrugged, "I don't know. I have to ask Papa if he still has the instructions."

Issei then smirked, "Hehe, maybe he got you a knockoff!"

(Issei or Shidou didn't notice how the Digivice flickered in an even more agitated manner at that.)

That accusation caused the brunette to bristle, "Hey! My Papa wouldn't fall for that!... Maybe."

Issei rubbed his nose as he looked away, "If you say so!"

Shidou then snatched his Digivice from Issei's grasp and stuffed it in his pocket with a huff. The boy then turned and began to ignore him.

Issei then felt a bit bad and after a minute asked, "Ah, hey do you still want to play catch?"

Shidou then turned around in a flash, "Only if I get to go first!"

Issei smiled and then handed over the bright red ball to his friend, "Alright you got first!"

Shidou had a wide grin as he yelled, "Hehe! You better be ready I've been practicing!"

He tossed the ball up and yelled, "Gaia Force!" Then he caught and threw the ball as hard as he could.

Issei then ran with all his might to catch the blurring red ball.

Issei wiped his brow of sweat for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour and a half. The heat was growing almost unbearable! If it wasn't for that odd chilly breeze a few minutes ago they would have headed home already.

He had even resorted to using his goggles to keep the sweat out of his eyes!

But even with the heat, they were having a blast playing catch as they chatted about the latest episode of Digimon.

"It's super hot today Hyoudou-kun!" Groaned his sweat-drenched friend from across the field.

"Just a few more rounds and we can go home!" He shouted. He'd at the very least tie with Shidou if it was the last thing he would do today!

A mischievous grin found its way onto Shidou's face, "Oho, is it because you're losing Hyoudou-kun~"

"Geh," he recoiled at the correct accusation. He slumped and groaned, "Just throw the ball already."

Shidou did just that and Issei's eyes glinted as he immediately leapt up to catch the red orb.

Shidou was caught off guard at the sudden movement and Issei snickered as he was one step closer to victory!

Shidou grumbled, "Lucky catch Hyoudou-kun."

Issei grinned as he adjusted his grip just like his gramps showed him. He then pitched the ball and caught Shidou by surprise as it curved.

"Hehe!" he laughed as now they were tied!

Shidou pouted at him, "Where did you learn that?!"

Issei put his hands on his hips, "My Gramps showed me!"

His gramps also told him that it might impress girls!

Shidou stomped, "Just wait Hyoudou-kun! I'll have my Papa teach me cool stuff too!"

Issei held a smug look, "I'll be waiting!" He then pointed to the forest, "But uh, you get the ball? I'd like to leave today a winner!"

Shidou ran into the forest in a huff… but a moment later a girlish scream echoed before vanishing entirely.

Issei walked into the forest and muttered with concern, "Hey Shidou-kun, are you ok?"

He looked around and saw no sign of his friend.

He then blinked and saw the ground flicker in and out of existence. Sort of like a busted TV, he noted before he began to fall.

He then released a girlish screech as he plummeted through the earth.


Issei slept peacefully until he was shaken.

"Hyoudou-kun wake up." Spoke a familiar voice.

Issei grumbled and rolled to his side as he ignored the voice.

"Hyoudou wake up!" Yelled the voice.

Through years of practice, he tuned out the voice as he continued to sleep.

"Issei wake up or else!" Yelled the voice even louder than before.

Issei grumbled as he shooed away the voice, "Five more minutes Mom!"

"I'm not your mom. Now Wake Up!!" Roared the voice and the volume was too much for even a deep sleeper such as him.

Issei sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What do you want!" He whined as he was woken from a rather pleasant dream of bountiful bouncing breasts. During his last visit to his Grampa's place, he watched an old exercise video that continued to give him wonderful dreams. So he was rather cross that he was roused from that marshmallow heaven.

His vision snapped into focus to see who woke him up. Only for him to realize it was Shidou. Did they have a sleepover?

Issei scrunched his nose and narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall what they were doing. Only for his attention to be drawn to the strange scenery around them.

It looked normal enough at first glance… but some things were a bit off. First of all the trees were huge! They were way bigger than around Kuoh. Some in the distance were almost the size of skyscrapers! Then there was the random junk he could see in the general area. Street lamps, random signs, and even a few vending machines! Everything looked overgrown with plants covering them.

He then focused back on his friend and asked, "Where are…" Issei then took notice of the… boy(?) next to Shidou. A short blonde in a white onesie, purple gloves, and a helmet that looked very familiar.

At the sight of the helmet he could only blurt, "What's with the chibi Angemon?"

"It's actually Luxmon." Replied the now-named blonde with a chipper tone.

Issei nodded sagely, "I see."

He took a moment to digest that. What kind of name was Luxmon? That's the name of a… Digimon.

In an instant, Issei was staring intently at Luxmon. He just noticed that they had wings. Wings that twitched and flapped too naturally to be some kind of prop.

The pair of wings shifted out of view as Luxmon stuttered, "C-can I help you?"

Issei decided to go right for it, "Are you a Digimon?!"

The blonde nodded and Issei began to vibrate in excitement.

He then yelled, "Digimon are real!"

His declaration echoed into the forest.

A moment later he heard a great roar echo out along with the snapping of wood.

Shidou looked a bit worried and Luxmon grew tense but the sooned calmed as the sounds of destruction faded.

Shidou let out a sigh of relief, "Geez, Hyoudou you have to be a bit quieter. There's no telling what kind of Digimon are lurking around! Remember what happened in the first episode where they got chased around by a Kuwagamon!"

Issei rubbed his head embarrassed, "Sorry, I was just excited."

Shidou looked away a bit embarrassed and mumbled, "Don't worry I did the same thing when I woke up. We just have to be a bit quiet is all."

"I can be a bit more quiet. No problem!"

Then they went silent as they looked around at the fantastical landscape. Soon the two of them began to vibrate with barely contained excitement.

Issei grinned wide and so did his friend. Their eyes glinted with childish wonder and Issei grabbed his friend's hand, "Let's go on an adventure Shidou-kun!"

"Yeah!" replied his friend not missing a beat.

"Ah! Wait for me you two!" Shouted Luxmon as the Digimon trailed after them.

Issei couldn't help but gawk at every sight and his friend was no better. Shidou's violet eyes sparkled at every sight and Issei could barely keep his mouth closed as he marveled at everything.

There was no helping it! They had never seen anything like this ever! He thought the forests around Kuoh were fantastical… but the Digital World was something else.

And he could barely believe that! He was in the Digital World! An entirely separate world! One filled with all manner of fantastical life!

Issei froze as he spotted a few waddling pink Digimon a fair bit away. Ones he recognized. He whispered to Shidou, "Shidou-kun, look! Pyocomon!"

Shidou mumbled softly, "They are so cute!"

"They seemed a bit distressed," Luxmon said with quite a bit of concern.

Issei looked a bit closer and saw the tiny pink bulbs were running. Well as much as they could run with their little legs.

Their source of distress was revealed a moment later. From out of a bush another larger Digimon skulked out.

It had lavender fur, long rabbit-like ears, and stood on two legs. It was another Digimon he recognized.

"Gazimon." Spoke Shidou, who then gasped as he watched the Rookie Digimon leap forward and grab one of the Pyocomon. Its fanged maw held a sharp grin as it leveled one of its sharp claws at the little plant Digimon.

The pink bulb cried as the claws neared and retreated. The Rookie snickered as the cries grew and diminished with every cycle.

Issei shouted as he couldn't take the sight of such a cute Digimon being bullied, "Hey leave them alone!"

His voice startled the Rookie who then dropped the Baby Digimon. The Pyocomon then ran away with its friends.

Gazimon then growled and began to charge at them.

Issei then yelped as Luxmon dashed past him.

"Oh no, you don't!" Shouted the tiny angel Digimon as it met the agitated Gazimon.

Gazimon lashed out with one of its wicked sharp claws but Luxmon seemed to dodge the strike with ease. Luxmon immediately took a boxer's stance and flashed out a one-two punch combo on the mammal Digimon's snout.

With a high-pitched yelp, the Gazimon then ran away.

Luxmon put their gloved hands on their hips and released a huff, "Just a spineless bully as expected."

Shidou ran up to the Digimon with an excited face, "That was really cool Luxmon! Can you show me how to do that!"

Luxmon blushed at the sudden question, "Ah, I think I can manage that!"

Issei looked at the sight with a smile… but one hand drifted to his pocket that held his now-destroyed Digivice. He shook it off and then rushed to join them.

As they set out once more Luxmon warned them, "Now stay close to me! I'll protect you two!"

They continued to wander a bit as they took in the sights of the Digital World. Shidou decided to ask Luxmon what they knew. And while the little angel Digimon actually knew a fair bit of general knowledge… they had no idea of their current location.

Luxmon frowned as they spoke, "I'm sorry but I've only explored a bit around the Italian region of the Digital World before I arrived in Japan's region. And me and the others haven't had a chance to scout the area yet."

"Others?" Asked Issei.

Luxmon frowned and looked at Shidou before looking back at him, "Well I suppose it's alright for you to learn about it given the circumstances. Along with me, several other Digimon were assigned to the local members of the Church, those in the know at least, to assist with any issues that crop up from the Digital World."

"Then why did my Papa give you to me?" Shidou questioned.

"I think he wanted me to be around to help if a Digimon… or anything else attacked you."

"Other things?" Asked Issei with a frown. Were there things other than Digimon?

Luxmon immediately spoke over him, "But I must say it was a good thing he did at least! The Lord does work in mysterious ways!"

Issei's frown deepened at the deflection. But before he could voice his question once more, Shidou replied, "That he does."

He then brought his hands together in prayer. Luxmon did the same and Issei felt a bit out of place. He nor his family weren't really religious. Well, his Gramps did practice some Buddhist teachings but that was it.

They finished their prayer… and that's when Issei's stomach made itself know.

His face was a bit red and Luxmon chuckled, "Let's find somewhere to rest. There should be something to eat around here."

Issei nodded embarrassed, his question completely forgotten.

A few minutes later they were huddled in a thicket of bushes. Several strange but apparently edible fruits in hand. While they chowed down, Luxmon grabbed a stick and began to draw on the dirt.

They drew two circles and a line separating them.

"So my guess is that you two accidentally found a spot where the boundaries between the Real and Digital Worlds are thin… and well fell into the Digital World."

Luxmon poked a small part of the line till it was smudged. Some dirt spilled from one circle into the other and vice versa. "When that happens things can shift in and out from both worlds. So Digimon can be displaced into the Real World and humans can be displaced into the Digital World."

Shidou then asked, "So how do we get home then? I don't want to worry Papa and Mama too much."

Luxmon then drew a small box in one circle and then drew a thin line from it to the other circle, "Our best bet to get you home is to open a Digi-Gate back to the Real World. Natural ones are formed at random or they can be made."

"And how do we do that?" asked Shidou as he spat out a few seeds of the watermelon-like fruit.

Luxmon pointed to Shidou's pocket with the stick, "Well, I can open one up if I have time but with the D-Cibor we can find a natural one."

Shidou pulled out the aforementioned D-Cibor from his pocket and asked, "Cibor, like the Ciborium they use during service?"

Issei assumed it was a religious thing. He sort of tuned out Shidou's dad when he started talking about stuff like that.

Luxmon nodded and chirped happily, "Yes! A Ciborium is meant to hold the Sacred Hosts and well Angels are part of the Heavenly Host! Someone thought it was appropriate to name the D-Cibor after them! Hehe."

Shidou giggled at that and Issei just appreciated the explanation.

Issei bit into his apple adjacent fruit and asked, "So it's a Digivice then?"

Luxmon nodded as they snacked on a handful of nuts, "It is. But it has more and differing functions than the ones from the… show. Still a strange coincidence."

Issei took another bite of his apple, "I mean I wouldn't be surprised if some Digimon was behind it."

Luxmon shrugged, "I'd have to ask some of my seniors about that. But it's a safe bet. Some Digimon can be rather eccentric."

Shidou wiped his face clean after he finished his meal and held the D-Cibor up to Luxmon, "So can you show me how to actually use this thing?"

Luxmon downed the rest of their nuts and nodded, "Sure. You won't be able to use everything just yet but most of its functions are usable."

Shidou's eyes glinted, "Can you Digivovle with it!"

Luxmon flushed and poked their fingers together, "Ah! Maybe. It depends on our bond is all."

Shidou just had a big grin, "Hehe~ I don't think that will be a problem! I think you're really cool Luxmon!"

Luxmon mirrored Shidou's grin, "I think you are pretty cool too!"

The two then chatted as Luxmon showed Shidou how to use their actual Digivice.

Issei had to admit he was more than a bit jealous.

The sun grew heavy in the sky and their conversation looped back to the Digi-Gates. Their parents had to be worried sick and as much as they wanted to continue their adventure in the Digital World… they didn't want to make their parents freak out at their disappearance. They still hadn't settled on what to tell them. Although from what Luxmon has told them Shidou's dad did know about Digimon. So he should be able to explain it to Issei's parents.

He hoped they would let them come back afterward. The Digital World was so cool!

And maybe he would find a partner before they left! Then his mom and dad couldn't stop him from interacting with Digimon!

"So where do-do-achoo!" He sneezed loudly as a stray branch tickled his nose. His sneeze echoed out into the forest.

He rubbed his nose, "Sorry."

Shidou waved him off, "It's fine. Let's just move before a Digimon comes to check on the noise."

Luxmon lifted up their purple glove and clenched a fist, "And if they try to mess with you guys I'll show them a thing or two!"

They then crawled out from the bushes and kept moving. Shidou made use of the D-Cibor's map function to find a Digi-Gate they could use.

Issei smiled as Shidou and Luxmon talked happily. His smile then turned into a small frown as he pulled out his busted Digivice. He apparently landed on it when they arrived in the Digital World. He will miss Tyranomon. Maybe he could meet him here?

He put a smile back on his face and continued to follow the animated pair.

After walking for a bit Shidou groaned in frustration, "Gah! They keep moving! Every time we get close to a spot it fades and another five appear a mile away!"

Luxmon held their chin with their gloved hands, "Hmm, something's not right. I know potential Digital Gates don't form and fade this fast."

Issei panted as he felt parched, "Can we take a water break or something?"

Shidou could only nod in agreement, "Yeah a break sounds nice right now. Hey Luxmon, you can fly right?"

Luxmon fluttered their wings, "I can. You want me to look for a river or lake then?"

Shidou smiled, "If you don't mind."

Luxmon frowned, "I don't want to leave you two defenseless so I'll be quick."

The petit angel Digimon then shot up into the sky and left the two eight-year-olds to talk.

Issei plopped down on the ground, "So Digimon are real."

Shidou took a seat next to him, "Yeah seems like it."

They sat and chatted about Digimon for a bit till they heard rustling next to them. Their eyes darted to the sound and a moment later a blue dinosaur head ran passed them.

Legitimately it was just a head. Well, a head with legs and a tail.

Shidou's D-Cibor beeped as a dozen more of the dinosaur heads ran past.

Shidou pointed it at them and hummed as it apparently provided information on the dinosaur heads, "Huh, they were Gaossmon. I've never heard of them."

Issei rubbed his chin, "I mean that makes sense right? This is a whole World. So there are probably hundreds if not thousands of Digimon we've never heard of."

He admittedly found that a bit exciting! A whole new world filled with cool things to explore and Digimon to find!

…If only he had a partner to share those experiences with.

"They are running awfully fast aren't they?" Muttered Shidou as he observed the Gaossmon run further and further away.

Then they felt the ground shake and a red dinosaur head exited the tree line.

Issei knew that Digimon anywhere! It was a Tyranomon.

…Maybe it was his Tyranomon!

Issei spang to his feet and held up his destroyed Digivice and waved at the dinosaur Digimon. Clouded blue eyes narrowed in on him even as Shidou gasped in fear.

Issei chuckled, "Heh, don't worry Shidou! This is my Tyranomon!"

Tyranomon stomped towards him… and in the next moment, Issei felt himself being tackled.

"Hyoudou you idiot! Why are you antagnoizing a Tyranomon!" Yelled the irate Luxmon.

"Bu-but it's my Tyranomon!" he said as he held up his still-broken Digivice.

Luxmon quickly helped him up and began to drag him along into a run, "If and only if that was your Tyranomon, it wouldn't look like that! It would be all small and pixely!"

Issei went silent at that. Shidou quickly joined them and they all ran away from Tyranomon.

But the dinosaur Digimon gave chase and all Issei could see when he looked back was hunger.

Issei gulped as fear filled his veins. They ran and ran until they entered a river valley. Even as they ran for their lives Issei took in the breathtaking view. Crystal-clear waters and verdant plant life. A vibrant green that traveled from the banks of the river and up the steep valley walls.

If they weren't under the threat of being eaten by a red dinosaur, he wouldn't mind taking a nap under the shade of a large tree.

But that wasn't happening anytime soon.

Luxmon quickly led them into a small cave that Tyranomon shouldn't be able to fit in.

They took a moment to rest… but it didn't last long as Tyranomon shoved its snout into the small cave entrance and began snapping its jaws at them.

Thankfully it seemed that he couldn't fit in far enough to endanger them.

But that was until the temperature sharply rose. Crimson flames ignited in the throat of the dinosaur Digimon and Issei felt his heart stop.

"Blaze Blast!" Roared the Tyranomon

Luxmon jumped in front of them and yelled, "Cloud Barrier!"

A shield of light enveloped them and the hot flames washed over the barrier for several seconds. Issei could see the tiny angel Digimon struggle under the onslaught.

The barrier of light cracked.

Issei laid a hand on Luxmon's shoulders and he steeled himself.

"Luxmon take Shidou and Run!" Even though he was scared out of his mind, all Issei wanted to do was protect his friend.

And well if it meant becoming barbeque for an oversized lizard, then so be it!

At that moment two things happened. First Issei's left hand began to glow a brilliant emerald.

The second was the ground cracked underneath his feet as something deep within the earth of the Digital World shot upward.

Luxmon's shield cracked even more and Issei could feel the flames.

He could only scream, "LEAVE US ALONE!!"

A glowing white light blasted out of the ground and slammed into his glowing green hand and then there was light.

Modification to Sacred Gear designated as [Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet] requested…

Admin credentials required…​

Admin override: Y̷̧̛͉͇̲̪̦̹̅̒͛͑̏̏̽H̵̫̻͖̓̑̎̏̕͝W̷̧̧̅̈H̷̨̢̧̜̗͈̫͍̱̠̜̘͎̺̮̀̋̿̽̾̿̈́̈́̔̿͘͜͝͝

Credentials accepted…​

Beginning modifications…

Modifications completed…

Beginning partner generation…

Match found…

Suggestion [Sealed Entity]…​

Suggestion acceptable…

Generating Digicore…

Fusing consciousness to Digicore…​

Generating Digital body…

Awaken O' Red Dragon

Issei's eyes opened slowly and was surprised to find he wasn't charcoal. His gaze then went to Tyranomon.

And there he saw it, a tiny dragon with scarlet scales and eyes like emeralds. The dragon had Tyranomon's mouth clamped shut with its clawed feet.

With a deep voice the dragon spoke, "Oi Brat, are you the one who woke me from my nap?"