
DxD:Who Can Hear My Thoughts?

A fan of high school DxD is reincarnated into DxD with a system that allows heroines to hear his thoughts related to them

Gloomy_Guy · Anime & Comics
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A New Beginning

Gloomy: This is inspired by DogLickerGods story I just found the thought of a System that allowed a reincarnated person's thoughts to be heard but to be quite honest I am an enjoyer of the DxD light novels I currently have 9 volumes but I have only gotten near the middle of volume 5 so please no spoilers

but I enjoy perverse characters I'm not for sexual assault but I've always found characters such as Jiraiya and Sanji I've always just found there perversion so ridiculous at times it can be too much, especially with Issei but letting that ruin an entertaining story for yourself is a waste in my opinion


"So you're telling me I died," I say towards the eye in front of me

"Yes, little one." The absolute giant woman in front of me says in a motherly tone tinged with shame and guilt

I remember my whole life except for the names of people including myself I had been reading the 5th volume of High School Dxd just at the pry where Rias and Issei go off to Find Koneko who had run off during the young high class devils meeting just to find that koneko's older sister kuroka had appeared then *POOF*

It goes dark and suddenly I'm on the back of this absurdly huge woman's hand I cannot even make out her facial features she is so ginormous the wrinkles on her knuckles are like that of mountains to me

"And how exactly did I die?" I ask disbelief mixed with anger tinging in my tone

" did you not hear me the first time?" The woman says sounding ashamed of what happened

"I did, But you want me to believe that just from your sneeze you accidentally tore a hole through dimension and the tear tore me in half!" I say my fist clenching in anger and my voice Rising slightly

"That's exactly what happened, What's so confusing about that?" She says her eyelid coming down in what I can only guess is confusion

" That's fucking ridiculous if I'm dead how am I standing here right now!?" I respond no longer restraining my anger fist now trembling

"I killed you even if by accident how could I not bring you back here to apologize and compensate you?" She says her eye suddenly tilting towards the side I can only assume she tilted her head

"So I've brought you personally to me so I can compensate you, now tell me what do you desire?" she says eye returning to its original position

"Just send me back home with a lot of money," I say immediately

"I cannot do that any longer" she responds immediately

"What? Why?" I say back in confusion and frustration

" Every world has its laws your world's laws regarding the dead are pretty strict the first one is the dead may no longer remember the names of any living thing now usually you could recover your name and the name of others in your original world's afterlife however since you technically died outside of the borders of not only your world you have lost all connection to that world and because of some other unrelated laws in that world your very soul simply cannot reside in that world any longer" She says in a tone like that of a teacher lecturing a ignorant student

"Why can't my soul reside there?" I mumbled out through tear-filled eye

"When the tear in dimensions killed you your soul shot towards my realm from the force of the tear repairing itself your soul passed by countless different dimensions while going through all those your soul was saturated with mana and your previous world had heavy restrictions on the magic of any kind" she responds with a box of tissues floating towards me

After I wipe away my tears with the tissues I go into thought about what I could ever want from her

"Can you send me to high school DxD with a system? I don't care how useful it is I just want to be able to purchase items from it the other features are irrelevant" I finally state my wishes after a while of thought

"Perfect!!" This insane giantess said with joy as she flung me into the air and began to joyfully clap

Before I could hit the ground definitely not screaming I found myself leaning up against a tree very disoriented