
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 33 - The truth?

Issei watch as the scumbag face distorted in a multitude of emotion from annoyances to pure utter rage. He internally laughs cause even if his little sister had become his Fiancée in the previous timeline Raiser was still an annoying prick.

He felt infuriated how Raiser sully the name of Phenex abusing it's power and looking down at other devils. Issei could guess the reason of this agitation was the True Maou bloodline he absorb that gradually became one with him.

Rather than being the four Maou who wage war with other faction but the progenitors of Devil itself. He doesn't know the true history how the four great maou came to be but it was not something he need to think about.

He focus on the task at hand who recompose himself while giving intense glare which only receive scoff.

"My dear Rias had you not taught your dog proper manners?"

"Says the guy who arrogantly speaks in third person."


Raiser anger had reached its limits and tried to used his power to attack Issei but was stopped by Grayfia who went in front of him annoyed. She was mad that Raiser tried to attack when Rias was beside Issei. She cannot tolerate the immature action that could cause the life of Gremory Heiress.

"Raiser-sama please calm yourself. It is inappropriate to act rather rashly."

"Tsk very well if the strongest queen tell Raiser then even Raiser will listen but that low born dared insult me."

"Understood. Issei please do not offend the heir of the Phenex as they might not take kindly of your action for he is the Fiancée of mistress."

Issei only nods not before taking Rias by the shoulder smirking much to Raiser's displeasure. Those who saw his action made their heart tighten in jealous cause they all saw Rias gaze full of love to Issei.

Grayfia was bewildered that Rias appeared like maiden fell deep in loved. She wonders what the red dragon did to make her young mistress act in such a way but remembered the rings in her hand.

She was happy for her to find someone to be in love with but the situation that she currently in is dire. Pillar household who had arrange marriage would cause turmoil when they heard of her action.

"Get your filthy hands of my Fiancée!"

"You are not my Fiancée and I will never be yours! I would rather be Issei than you!!"

"Rias dear don't act rather impulsive when it already arrange by our family that we need to get married for the future of devil kind."

"Well, that's the bullshit reason. Are you saying to make a woman into breeder stock?"

"You wouldn't understand it is crucial for us. Rias dear understand that this is important for the future of all devils."

"For the last time I won't ever marry you!"

She exclaimed making sure to show it by kissing Issei's lips that made Raiser swear to kill him. Everyone were surprised by the bold action especially Akeno who gave seductive smile licking her own lips.

"You're making raiser want to kill you!"

"Please cease this childishness. Raiser-sama, Mistress, I am here to watch over things by order of Sirzechs-sama. I will not allow you to do something reckless. My masters foresaw you two quarrelling and, should the situation become dire, I am to initiate a resolution."

Grayfia was observing Issei but now decided to act upon her orders by Sirzech. She gave the suggestions of playing a rating game which felt unafair for her considering Rias lack of experience. Though her pride did not back down from the proposition despite knowing absolute defeat would be the result.

She still doesn't know that Issei planned to make them at least High-class devils. Raiser only laugh it off confident of his win which piss off Issei.

"If your that confident then how about we make a bet?"

"Oh, really Raiser is interested at what you would offer that has value to Raiser?"

"If we win not only would you remove your engagement to Rias but also would do something I ask, on the other hand, if we lose not only do you get Rias but I'll become your slave?"

Issei boldly said while his friends looked at him worried since all of them aren't confident enough to win. None the less they were compelled to win due to how Issei is willing to bet everything.

"Very well Raiser accept your offer!"

He evilly grinned confidently already began to think of ways in torturing and humiliating Issei. Unbeknownst to him it would him that would suffer utter defeat.

"I'm looking forward in crushing you in front of rias and taking her from you."

Raiser stood up before leaving the rest of the ORC infuriated and determined in winning the Rating game. Issei didn't even realize his pupil had change into red cross that quickly change back upon blinking.

"The date for the Rating Game will be ten days from today. I plan to inform Raiser-sama afterward. Considering your strengths from what I am familiar with, it will be near impossible."

"Don't worry about the current but rather the potential of the future. I'm confident we will and if I'm perfectly honest it's like I'm bullying him."

"You rather arrogant? Is it because of your boosted gear??"

"If I told you then it would spoil the fun."

Issei smirked that made grayfia curious since she felt his killing intent that something unlike anything she felt before. Grayfia then turn to Rias who still beside Issei.

"Rias-sama if you keep acting this way then it would bring shame to your family name."

"Hmph I know what I'm doing and Issei is better man than that bastard."

Grayfia only nodded felt Issei was trust worthy person for Rias who despite having the opportunity to take advantage of her did not took it. Though the ring is another story.

"I'm only warning you, Rias-sama. Then I'll take my leave as I still have work to do."

Grayfia bowed before leaving the ORC who quickly ask why Rias is acting close to Issei which she only responded because that she like him and showed her the engagement ring.

"Ara~ Ise-kun you looked handsome at how you handle the situation."

"Pervert is hiding something."

"Issei how are you confident that we won't lose? We are at a disadvantage in terms of experience and power."

"Kiba tomorrow when we go begin training then I'll the truth of my power. I can't tell you everything as it would cause trouble."

Issei desperately wanted to tell them the truth but not until they reach Ultimate class devil in terms of power then he can't. They saw his eyes full of misery and regret causing them to wince pain.

'What does Issei-senpai look so sad….why do I feel crying?'

'That eyes is the same as mine…..what did he lose?'

'Ise-kun seem always happy and carefree…this is the first time I saw him like this?'


That night laying on his bed, Issei sat on his roof quietly enjoying the silent. He was accompanied by warm body of Rias who came with her to know the truth from him.

"Tell me Issei….why do I feel that your important to me that I can't lived without you?"

Issei could only sigh knowing it would be impossible to hide the truth now. He would try to vague in order to left out her death in the future.

"The truth is I've been dreaming about things that I can't explain but now I'm confident what they are."

"And that is?"

"They are glimpses of the possible future where it was tragic and full of hardship. In my dream, you were….important to me. That's why I'll always protect you no matter what."

Issei said determined to avoid the unforeseen future. Despite returning to the past, he did not have the ability in knowing the future of the current timeline. Regardless he would fight for the future of his friends.

Rias saw his face contort in many ways made her sad and caress his cheek while looking at him full of love. She felt the same as him always having a vague memory that did not belong to her.

"Hearing you say that makes me want to ask something of you."

"And that is?"

Rias moved closer with slight blushed pushing herself to ask the thing that she always wanted to lose. Issei was shocked to hear her whisper.

"Take my virginity but this time for real."