
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 32 - Fried chicken?

"Issei!? Hey are you listening?"

His body jerks regaining his consciousness while he rubbed his eyes. He was in desk with dozen of paper stack together despite his body not tired by the list his mind could handle so much.

Issei observed his body wearing long white, black and red garb with shoulder armor similar clothes to his brother in law, Sirzech that only had slight alteration. He let a out sigh left unnoticed by the woman beside who came closer wrapped around her arms.

"Are you alright, Ise?"

He turned to looked at the beautiful mature woman with her crimson red hair drape down that complimented her elegant dress while her fingers glint that contain a golden ring.

She warmly smiled at her man who been working hard after the war with remnant of Qlippoth. It's been few years since Trihexa had been seal along with powerful gods and mythical creature in fighting him.

The people who fought it in the dimension had recently return after placing a powerful seal on Trihexa. They were able to rest easy knowing that creature would never return.

"It's nothing I'm just mentally exhausted like looked at this!? How can Sirzechs able to remain sane?!?"

He grumbled from the amount of worked. Issei would rather fight powerful entity than do paperwork, he even wonder which one of them the true devil king? It's the devil's work he'll tell ya.

Issei felt a warmth and bouncy breast touch his body making him calmed down. The embrace became tighter that help ease his stress from the work.

"Fufufu it's your choices for accepting. I'm still surprised nii-san convinced you to take the title of Maou."

"Yeah but I'm not regretting it. "

"Well now then how about you take a break then I'll give my service, My Crimson Satanael"

"Hehehe what on your mind?"

Everything was distance memory that had transpired in the past hundred thousand years where all had been lost. But now that he is in the past he'll never make any of them cry and only give them the future the deserve.

Issei came back to reality seeing the woman in front of him began to undress herself but he quickly acted and gave warm embrace surprising her. She felt his hand caressing his back that made calm herself letting him do as he pleased.

"What ever is going on please let me handle, Alright Rias?"

The way he said her name made her heart pound like running in marathon. She always wonder why her heart always move whenever his gaze met hers. The first time strike her heart, his glistening crimson red eyes that held utmost love and passion to her.

It did not contain the slightest lust but rather longing. His eyes which seem lonely always filled with distance gaze as strikes by thousand of regret.

Only a week had passed yet every moment they spent always played. In her dream. Something drew her to him despite knowing him only a week. What was special about him that made her this way? Is it because of the boosted gear? Or due to his strong power?

Rias always finds it was none of those but rather the burning compassion and determination. She felt jealous of other girls around him yet felt guilt for being selfish.

"Tell me…please tell me why do you always treat like you know me…."

Rias question him who pause for moment unsure if he gives her the truth when the risk still lingers. The outer gods that erode the mind of the weak. He couldn't tell her the truth.

"Look at me, Rias."

She looked at Issei who gave her a passionate kiss causing her eyes to open wide accepted the advancement. Issei laid her on the bed maintaining their make-out sensation. The glossy departed while their wet gaze did not leave each other silently staring at her. Issei smiled then laid his forehead to her.

"I can't tell you how much I want to confess the truth but please wait until then."

Issei explained while caressing her cheek that her heart tightens when she saw his cheek form a tear. Rias moved to wipe the tears knowing the truth he hid is big burden to bare.

"Don't make me wait to long alright, Ise?"

"I promised."

Issei touch her hand on his cheek as both of them sat on the bed and let Rias lay her on his shoulder. She didn't care why Issei act this way because it felt it was right.

"Oh right I almost forgot."

Issei took out from his pocket dimension surprising Rias but knew in time he explain it to her. She trusted him even if it was still foreign to her. Rias saw a box that cause her pause recalling what it was.

"I know it's weird but will be my Fiancée, Rias Gremory."

An overflowing of emotion ran through her mind that magnified by the foreign emotion. When She saw the golden ring with a Gremory sigil on it gave her a state of bliss along with hearing his word that felt nostalgic. Rias knew it was too fast but something within push her to respond.

"Yes I will be your fiancée and no one else! I am yours Issei hyoudou!"

Issei smiled while putting a ring into her delicate fingers when it wwas finished they both gave passionate kiss for fa ew second and stopped when the teleportation circle appears

From that appeared a gorgeous woman with white hair styled in a braid wearing made outfit. Her face which had glossy red lipstick contains a rather displeased look.

"Are you really this desperate Rias? Being with a low born. You realize Sirzech would be disappointed in you."


"That's rather rude for someone who enter my home uninvited?"

Before Rias could speak, Issei interrupted her while giving small glare to Grayfia who was flinch from his gaze. She had been in many battle but it was her first time to feel an absurd killing intent.

It was to be expect since Issei became numb in killing. He had killed many things in his pursuit in the destruction of Outer gods. Issei had been in many horrifying illusionary nightmare that he only survive with sheer will and purpose.

"Forgive me for the Intrusion. My name is Grayfia and I am servant of Gremory household. I've been task to take Rias from here."

"I am Issei Hyoudou, the current Red Dragon Emperor of domination it is pleasure to meet you."

"Oh you're Sona and Serafall Fiancée then calling you a low born is mistake. But let move on if you please hand over Rias to me then we be on our way."

"Very well."

Issei gave Rias one last kiss much to Grayfia surprised. She felt a bit envious but dismisses it and focus on the heiress who bare ring on hand.

"Rias where did you get that ring?"

"I gave her that which means she's my fiancée."

"Were you inform that Rias is already engaged?"

"I know but it would soon change I promised however give my regards to Maou. I have something to discuss with him privately."

She wanted to refute but felt it wasn't necessary and only nodded while Rias followed her leaving Issei who gain a massive smile.


The next day Issei went to straight to the ORC after class seeing everyone in gloomy state while Rias who saw him smiled. She kept touching the ring on her fingers that cause every girl inside jealous. Asia already receives a ring when they went on a date the other day.

Suddenly part of the room burst into flames that revealed ca ocky man with blonde hair and a maroon suit.

"Raiser had arrived in this filthy human world to see my beloved Rias."

"Woah did someone ordered Fried Chicken?"

Issei said that cause everyone to hold their laughter resulting in Raiser turn to him infuriated. He approaches Issei looking down on him while the latter looking deadpan.

"How dare you insult Raiser!? Your nothing but low class devil?"

"Be careful how you speak, Fried Chicken."

Issei gave a wisp of his killing intent that made him shudder in fear. He didn't realize the former had walk passed by him and sat down while Rias move to his side.

The ORC member are shocked to see that Issei temperament change into something akin to an emperor. He looked down on Raiser who recovered himself turn back to Issei who smirk.

"You seem rather cocky for Fried chicken?"