
DxD: The Uchiha Family

Defeated by Naruto in their final battle, Sasuke found himself trapped in a new world teeming with angels, fallen angels, devils, yokais, and gods. Within this unfamiliar realm, he was confronted by his haunting past, prompting him to embark on a quest to find a way back to the Shinobi World. However, as Sasuke delved into this new reality, he grappled with a profound dilemma. Did he truly desire to return to the Shinobi World, where he had been branded a rogue shinobi, and the village that had inflicted immense suffering upon him? These questions sparked a fierce determination within Sasuke to seek true happiness, no matter the cost. Yet, as he pursued his quest, a lingering doubt plagued Sasuke's mind. Did he believe he deserved happiness after all the choices he had made? Could he truly find the contentment he sought and, more importantly, bring his beloved family back to life? Only one person held the key to unlocking Sasuke's path to happiness, but whether he would ultimately achieve it remained uncertain. - - - - - - - - This novel takes place before canon. Therefore Cannon will be loosely followed as the Uchiha family is the protagonist of this world. Also Sasuke will not be only the only one with harem. Obviosuly the Uchiha needs to repopulate somehow. Though the harems will be less or max 4 people. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. If you like my stories you can show support through reviews, comments and powerstones. Also if you like my stories check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure." Note: I do not own the cover art or DxD and Naruto. This novel is purely fanfiction.

NovaCloud ¡ Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: Sasuke's Power

Upon hearing the woman's words, Sasuke's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly took action. Activating his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, his eyes spun with intensity, emanating a powerful pressure. Channeling his chakra, Sasuke unleashed a surge of chakra reminiscent of Hashirama and Tobirama's prowess the first time he met them. Even the remnants of the Six Paths' power within him surged forth.

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A/N: Naruto wiki's explaining six path powers is really confusing as I want Sasuke to grow the six path chakra reserves he received. Apparently they have six path chakra, senjustu, power and yin and yang power. I always thought everything stemmed from Sasuke's six path chakra.

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A radiant purple aura expanded around Sasuke, enveloping him in an imposing display. Fixing a stern gaze upon the unknown woman, he maintained a cool, emotionless demeanor. As he laughed, he acknowledged the troubles of this new world, realizing its parallels to his own. "And what do you intend to do with this information," he questioned, his voice devoid of emotion.

With each passing moment, the pressure exerted by Sasuke intensified. Yasaka's home trembled, quaking under the weight of the overwhelming power. The surrounding area shook, causing Yasaka to gasp for breath as she fell to the ground, unable to move under the immense pressure.

The unknown woman, astonished by the sheer potency of the young boy's power, struggled to release her own divinity in response. However, the might of Sasuke's presence far surpassed her own, leaving her almost on the brink of defeat.

"Will you not answer? I can extract information without uttering a word, but I am granting you the chance to speak. Are you here to harm my world?" Sasuke calmly stepped forward, locking eyes with the woman, his Sharingan spinning with fervor, ready to delve into her mind and trap her within a genjutsu.

"I do not harbor intentions to cause harm to your world," the lady confessed, her voice tinged with nervousness. Standing before Sasuke, she sensed the immense power he possessed, second only to a few beings of even greater strength.

Aware that a confrontation in her territory could bring about devastating consequences, she spoke cautiously, hoping to avoid any unnecessary conflict that could potentially obliterate Japan and its surroundings.

Drawing on her observations and the inexplicable connection she felt towards Sasuke, she continued, her confidence gradually rising. "I am aware that you are not native to this world. The moment you entered, I sensed your presence nearby. Your foreign aura and the connection I feel toward you are clear indicators of your extraterrestrial origins," she stated firmly.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy with tension as the two individuals stood face to face, each wary of the other's intentions. Uncertainty and unease hung in the air, while the potential for a clash of tremendous power loomed ominously.

Sasuke observed Yasaka struggling under the weight of his oppressive presence. He experienced a twinge of guilt, recognizing the discomfort he was causing her, but he knew that prioritizing his own survival was necessary. "Yasaka, were you aware that I am not from this world?" Sasuke inquired, gradually easing the intensity of his aura around her.

As the pressure began to dissipate, Yasaka took deep breaths in an effort to steady herself. She was taken aback by Sasuke's overwhelming power, and although she should have felt fear or animosity towards him, she found herself unable to harbor such emotions. With honesty in her voice, she replied, "No, Sasuke. This is the first time I am learning about your origins. I was only present when you first arrived here."

Sasuke decided to release the intense pressure he had been exerting. He settled into a chair, crossing his legs and resting his chin on his hand. The room was filled with tension, with Sasuke's powerful presence resembling that of a ruler. He contemplated the situation, particularly the connections he felt with the woman before him.

"What is your name?" Sasuke inquired. "I am Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun and the Chief Deity of the Shinto Pantheon," the woman confidently replied. Sasuke couldn't help but recall Kaguya, who sought to transform the world into mindless beings. "The previous goddess I met sought to control the people in my world into mindless puppets. Are you an enemy to humanity?" Sasuke asked, his interest piqued.

"No, not at all. Humans are our primary source of strength, and their beliefs empower us. We no longer interfere with human affairs. We have reached an agreement that humanity no longer requires our intervention," she quickly clarified.

Upon hearing the woman mention "we," Sasuke realized that this world was clearly different from his previous one. The golden hue emitting from her indicated that she was not an evil presence. Sasuke considered the possibility that she might be able to assist him in finding a way back home. With curiosity, he asked, "When you say 'we,' do others in your pantheon know about my arrival?"

"No, only I am aware of your presence here but they may be a few strong beings who noticed your arrival. Revealing your existence could lead to panic, particularly due to your formidable strength. However, I'm curious about the similarities between your slight divine power and that of our pantheon, especially your eyes," she responded. Sasuke was prepared for this question, as he had already noticed the resemblance between his Mangekyou Sharingan and the goddess Amaterasu, who shared the same name as his ocular ability.

"Perhaps it's time to clarify this aspect, as I possess various other abilities. It should not be a problem," Sasuke thought to himself, carefully considering how to build trust with this person. With determination, he proposed, "Follow me to the training ground." Sasuke swiftly employed his body flicker technique and vanished, reappearing at the training ground without hesitation.

In the training ground, Sasuke pondered his next move, realizing that building trust with these individuals could prove advantageous. He formulated a plan to offer his services to them in exchange for gaining deeper insights and information about this world, particularly its power system.

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A/N: I read on VSBattles Sasuke has strength equivalent of 5B tier. It also says that Ophis and Great Red are 6B possibly 5B which mean Sasuke has attack prowess at Planet level similar to them. Do you guy have any problem with Sasuke strength being like that and even stronger in the future.

Enjoying the story you can support me by giving reviews, comments and powerstones. Also check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure."